View Full Version : I don't know how anyone can stand commercial flights

03-04-23, 09:05
I really got tired of flying when I had to travel for work and will normally drive. This year I had no choice. Two trips - two headaches.

My Mom was hospitalized in January and my wife and I flew up. Return flight - bad weather, flight delayed overnight. Not the airline's fault, out of pocket for a hotel. Delayed at first of two connections, airline had to hold plane, luckily a bunch of us would have missed it and they would have lost money flying a nearly empty aircraft. Total PITA and massive stress.

Mom passed away last Saturday and I had to fly up for the funeral. Return flight - no pilot available so flight was delayed and no connecting flight available to my hometown until the next day. Had them change to a different city 83 miles away and my wife picked me up. They agent assured me that my bag would go to my hometown as it was originally checked to go.

Guess who gets to drive 166 miles to get his bag today? By the way, don't think its possible to talk to a person at American Airlines.

I'm done. I will fly for work if I cannot avoid it, or overseas. Otherwise, I will drive 2000 miles before my ass sits in another airplane seat.

Just ranting. It beats glaring at my dog...


03-04-23, 10:19
Traveling is getting worse and worse. Definitely, the customer service is going down and they are trying for shooting use more automated stuff and their app I travel a fair amount, and I never, ever, check a bag unless I’m carrying a firearm. I can do three weeks with legit, legal carry-on. Obviously doing some laundry along the way. I fly enough that when things go sideways, United takes pretty good care of me. I also stopped trying to understand it, and getting mad at it, about 10 years ago. Once you realize nothing makes sense and that space and time and distance are all Variable, when it comes to airline travel, then it becomes less painful. that and knowing when to buck the system, and when just to ride along. Zig and zag at the wrong times in their systems and it can screw you over. A broken hazard light on a return business trip the day before a family vacation almost totally screwed it up. I literally went through plans A through D, which was buying another ticket on Southwest. That was back in the middle of Covid before I had my status back with United. It worked out, but that was a stressful evening. and once I had to do my own version of planes, trains and automobiles across Germany.

03-04-23, 10:59
Yes, flying is a PITA, especially if you're old enough to remember walking right onto a plane without feeling like you're getting booked into jail. As FMCDH said, the single best thing I did was to stop checking a bag unless absolutely necessary. I have a roller with wide handle and a 511 shoulder bag that slides right on it through a web strap, super easy to use. I can easily carry a week plus of stuff w/o having to do laundry. After United lost my bags 3 trips in a row some years ago, I said no more of this garbage. These days I don't have to fly much, thank God.

03-04-23, 11:38
Yeah I remember flying regularly with a pocket knife, and NOT standing in lines for hours.

Forget flying in clown world. It's a joke.

03-04-23, 11:51
I really got tired of flying when I had to travel for work and will normally drive. This year I had no choice. Two trips - two headaches.

My Mom was hospitalized in January and my wife and I flew up. Return flight - bad weather, flight delayed overnight. Not the airline's fault, out of pocket for a hotel. Delayed at first of two connections, airline had to hold plane, luckily a bunch of us would have missed it and they would have lost money flying a nearly empty aircraft. Total PITA and massive stress.

Mom passed away last Saturday and I had to fly up for the funeral. Return flight - no pilot available so flight was delayed and no connecting flight available to my hometown until the next day. Had them change to a different city 83 miles away and my wife picked me up. They agent assured me that my bag would go to my hometown as it was originally checked to go.

Guess who gets to drive 166 miles to get his bag today? By the way, don't think its possible to talk to a person at American Airlines.

I'm done. I will fly for work if I cannot avoid it, or overseas. Otherwise, I will drive 2000 miles before my ass sits in another airplane seat.

Just ranting. It beats glaring at my dog...


sucks to hear
I dont know, something happened in 2019 and I cant put my finger on it.

03-04-23, 11:52
Yeah I remember flying regularly with a pocket knife, and NOT standing in lines for hours.

Forget flying in clown world. It's a joke.

And I remember smoking on flights

03-04-23, 11:55
Yeah, agreed...Every aspect of it is terrible. From the busted-down garbage heaps that count as "airports" these days, to the shitty airlines and their shitty employees, and especially the overly entitled sociopathic narcist hot-garbage-waste-of-oxygen average other travelers and their free-range shit children. I hate it. All of it. If I never have to get inside another commercial airliner it'll be too soon.

03-04-23, 11:56
One of the best parts of retiring was I don't have to fly anymore.
It was bad enough after 9/11, Covid just made it downright stupid.

There are parts of Europe I'd like to see but not enough to get on a plane.

I have enough frequent flyer miles for a few free tickets but it's not worth it.

03-04-23, 12:52
One of the best parts of retiring was I don't have to fly anymore.
It was bad enough after 9/11, Covid just made it downright stupid.

There are parts of Europe I'd like to see but not enough to get on a plane.

I have enough frequent flyer miles for a few free tickets but it's not worth it.

Flying DURING covid was great. No lines, planes were freaking empty. It was like flying private charter only with really shitty service. I got a pic of security at DEN from back then. Just 6-7 TSA folks waiting for anyone to show up. I can't believe the airlines didn't just close up shop, but it worked for me. I was flying every week at the time.

But overall, it's become Air Greyhound these days. It's kind of a shitshow. I drive for biz more than I fly these days if it's possible. Put 100k on the company truck in the past year.

03-04-23, 13:25
I won't do it. **** those cunts, they have lost my business forever. Not to mention it will only by a matter of time before their current woke equity hiring practices will have planes falling out of the sky.

03-04-23, 14:45
This is the biggest curse of living in Alaska for me. We have to fly. If I lived in the states I'd be driving a lot.

I just got back from Phoenix visiting my parents. Before my mom was diagnosed with cancer, I'd just wait for them to come back for summer. Time is getting short for both of them so I go visit a couple times while they're down there. I suck it up, but damn I hate how I'm treated as a customer from the airport parking, to TSA, to the airline. They really DGAF about you anymore. Within a decade I will not a living relative I care about in the lower 48. I can't wait to never have to fly for more than a couple hours again (instate). I'll be able to afford first class if I decide to do so.

Currently I sit on a state regulatory board that requires travel 4 times a year. I have found that I can still be effective on Zoom, so I sit in the comfort of my home and do my civic duty. Two of these meetings annually I can drive to and I'd rather drive a few hundred miles in winter than sit on a plane.

Alex V
03-04-23, 14:54
I took 32 flights for work in 2022. 2 of them where on time.

In the last 2 weeks I was on 6 flights. Wife and I went to Paris which required a connection in Dulles. The night we got home my grandmother passed, the next afternoon we were back at the airport flying to NJ. Less than 18 hours at home. I was supposed to go to NJ for work anyway.

It’s a mess and yeah, you’re right, you get treated like a criminal in security.

Air travel used to be cool and fun, now I dread every minute of it.

03-04-23, 15:33
Flying DURING covid was great. No lines, planes were freaking empty. It was like flying private charter only with really shitty service. I got a pic of security at DEN from back then. Just 6-7 TSA folks waiting for anyone to show up. I can't believe the airlines didn't just close up shop, but it worked for me. I was flying every week at the time.

But overall, it's become Air Greyhound these days. It's kind of a shitshow. I drive for biz more than I fly these days if it's possible. Put 100k on the company truck in the past year.

I had overlooked that part, thanks. That was pretty cool.
The masks and test procedure/reporting was a pain.

I was flying to AK for work, the first time I had to quarantine until I had a test, the next time I got tested before I flew but I didn't submit the forms to their website before I arrived.
That was a new one, and I had no easy way to do it while standing in the airport.
That got me a bit worked up. A co-worker helped me out from home after I called asking for help.

That was the last time I flew, Sept. '20, I had enough time to retire after that.

3 AE
03-04-23, 15:37
Yeah, agreed...Every aspect of it is terrible. From the busted-down garbage heaps that count as "airports" these days, to the shitty airlines and their shitty employees, and especially the overly entitled sociopathic narcist hot-garbage-waste-of-oxygen average other travelers and their free-range shit children. I hate it. All of it. If I never have to get inside another commercial airliner it'll be too soon.

...free-range shit children." LOL, I've got to remember that one!

03-04-23, 16:21
And I remember smoking on flights

That was just going out when I started flying regularly for work. It would send people over the edge, and I’d say that it is an improvement.

I won't do it. **** those cunts, they have lost my business forever. Not to mention it will only by a matter of time before their current woke equity hiring practices will have planes falling out of the sky.

I’ve got about 10 years before I retire and I hope that those won’t have much effect by then, but United is going FULL STUPID on it. You basically can’t get into their program for training with out checking boxes….

03-04-23, 16:31
Yeah, terrible service, cramped cabins, idiotic personnel. I recently got prices to fly from WY to Portland, OR. They want over $1000 per person. Nope, gonna drive.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

03-04-23, 18:33
Because it's the only viable option

03-04-23, 18:35
Flying DURING covid was great. No lines, planes were freaking empty. It was like flying private charter only with really shitty service. I got a pic of security at DEN from back then. Just 6-7 TSA folks waiting for anyone to show up. I can't believe the airlines didn't just close up shop, but it worked for me. I was flying every week at the time.

But overall, it's become Air Greyhound these days. It's kind of a shitshow. I drive for biz more than I fly these days if it's possible. Put 100k on the company truck in the past year.

I flew early June of 2020.

It was nice except everything was closed even in the busiest airport in the world, Atlanta, you couldn't buy anything if not from a vending machine. I get hungry and I want to buy food. Nothing. Ghost town

03-04-23, 18:56
I'll fly to a few places I can't drive to. Hawaii for instance. But I'd much rather drive to CO or FL than fly there despite the time it takes.

03-04-23, 19:03
9-11 gave the airlines cover for fvck-ups; dare raise your voice if they screwed something up and they could (and would) have your ass hauled off in cuffs. That got them feeling their oats. Unfortunately that power has never been taken back. They badly need to feel humble again.

As far as airlines with assigned seats (like anyone but Southwest) why the hell do they board from the front on back? Doesn't it make sense to board from the rear and move upward? I mean everyone has assigned seats so what's the big deal? Oh I know someone with a seat closer to the front might whine that they didn't get to board first, but who friggin' cares? Boarding in their ass-backwards way takes longer and creates what inevitably ends up being a cluster-fvck. So have a flight attendant make sure no one sticks their usually oversized carry-on bags (because they're too damn cheap to check it) in seats forward of where the assigned seat is. Very simple.

03-04-23, 19:07
It's not just the airlines that have become less efficient.

Yeah, America traded dangerous freedom for the illusion of security.

03-04-23, 19:15
Another thing is, it often takes 30 minutes or more to get off the plane, by the time everyone finally puts their laptop, earphones, etc away and struggles to get everything together at the last possible second. I often think, Christ, I hope we could get off this flying deathtrap quicker than this in an emergency.

03-04-23, 19:31
I hate flying. My wife flies often and wants me to come with her on some special trips overseas. I'm really struggling to care. She flies for work and due to being on some international councils. Had a chance to go to Zurich with her last year and passed, she has two chances to go to Australia and another trip to Bonn Germany and I doubt any of it will move the needle enough for me to join her. Sad but air travel is just too much of a hassle and I'm more crowd adverse than ever since Covid. I too like to drive and find having at least some control over my schedule and comfort brings me much peace.

03-04-23, 19:34
I flew early June of 2020.

It was nice except everything was closed even in the busiest airport in the world, Atlanta, you couldn't buy anything if not from a vending machine. I get hungry and I want to buy food. Nothing. Ghost town

I usually found that all non-food merchants were closed. Everywhere I went there were a small number of fast food vendors available at least during the more busy hours. Usually the "nicer" restaurants were closed, and the bars. The convenience store/news stand places were usually open. But yeah it was pretty dead. Kind of to be expected though really. When a terminal has anywhere between 5 to 100 passengers instead of several hundred there ain't enough customers to stay open. It could definitely suck when you had to make a connecting flight especially at "off peak" hours.

Of course, whenever possible I would eat before I got to the airport just like I prefer in normal travel times. I also got pretty good about what would make it through TSA for carry on food. A lot of the security folks were more lenient about that kind of thing during Covid as well. I carried on a couple of pizzas once, shared with the flight crew and the few other passengers. Never tried to push it and try to carry drinks. Seemed like a bridge too far.

03-04-23, 19:43
I hate flying. My wife flies often and wants me to come with her on some special trips overseas. I'm really struggling to care. She flies for work and due to being on some international councils. Had a chance to go to Zurich with her last year and passed, she has two chances to go to Australia and another trip to Bonn Germany and I doubt any of it will move the needle enough for me to join her. Sad but air travel is just too much of a hassle and I'm more crowd adverse than ever since Covid. I too like to drive and find having at least some control over my schedule and comfort brings me much peace.

I ain't much for Europe, not my thing. I recommend Australia, if you can make a decent trip out of it. The flight time is too much otherwise.

03-04-23, 21:15
I flew to the Philippines during COVID and Japan Airlines would not honor the ticket they sold me because my lay over in Japan was 20 hours.
So now, my VISA has expired, there are no working ATM machines, I dont have a flight out of Manila, My American phone quit working.
I was prettyu hot.

03-04-23, 21:38
I hate flying. My wife flies often and wants me to come with her on some special trips overseas. I'm really struggling to care. She flies for work and due to being on some international councils. Had a chance to go to Zurich with her last year and passed, she has two chances to go to Australia and another trip to Bonn Germany and I doubt any of it will move the needle enough for me to join her. Sad but air travel is just too much of a hassle and I'm more crowd adverse than ever since Covid. I too like to drive and find having at least some control over my schedule and comfort brings me much peace.

Get off your ass and go see the world. JFC. Live. You're acting like the ****ing apocalypse is imminent or you're terminally ill.

Pick one carrier, mine's United. Plan out your year, if you're going to break ~$7K, get a pre paid travel plan (United's is PlussPass) it'll get you a discount, and max out your status (Platinum, not Global Services) for the year. Throw air tags in your baggage, relax, have a drink and it'll all work it self out. If you're working, make sure your airline of choice is something that you can get reimbursed for.

That being said, Delta can go impale itself on a fence post.

03-04-23, 21:40
Back when I was active duty USAF, I flew from Los Angeles to Germany nonstop. Guy sitting next to me was nice but kept wanting to practice his English on me. Hell, I didn't know that an airplane could fly that far without a refueling stop somewhere.

03-04-23, 21:54
Yes, flying is a PITA, especially if you're old enough to remember walking right onto a plane without feeling like you're getting booked into jail.

Mid 1970s I remember my dad telling me I had to wear a tie on the plane even though I was only 10 years old. Grandparents always met us at the gate.

I've flown twice since 9-11, both for family funerals. I might never fly again.

03-04-23, 22:43
That being said, Delta can go impale itself on a fence post.

She flies Delta lol but yeah I'm struggling and that's why I posted
I'm a history buff and interested in culture so it's hard to resist
I'm not travel adverse just airline adverse

03-05-23, 07:29
why the hell do they board from the front on back? Doesn't it make sense to board from the rear and move upward?

Mythbusters tested this back in the day. Back to front was actually the slowest boarding method.


03-05-23, 10:36
9-11 gave the airlines cover for fvck-ups; dare raise your voice if they screwed something up and they could (and would) have your ass hauled off in cuffs. That got them feeling their oats. Unfortunately that power has never been taken back. They badly need to feel humble again.

As far as airlines with assigned seats (like anyone but Southwest) why the hell do they board from the front on back? Doesn't it make sense to board from the rear and move upward? I mean everyone has assigned seats so what's the big deal? Oh I know someone with a seat closer to the front might whine that they didn't get to board first, but who friggin' cares? Boarding in their ass-backwards way takes longer and creates what inevitably ends up being a cluster-fvck. So have a flight attendant make sure no one sticks their usually oversized carry-on bags (because they're too damn cheap to check it) in seats forward of where the assigned seat is. Very simple.

It's more work the flight attendants don't want to do (argue with masses of idiots about too large carry ons or too many carry ons) and the people who often pay to sit up front or board earlier often get drink service early or otherwise enjoy the feeling of first.

But I fly Southwest whenever possible, which is multiple flights annually

03-05-23, 10:37
Another thing is, it often takes 30 minutes or more to get off the plane, by the time everyone finally puts their laptop, earphones, etc away and struggles to get everything together at the last possible second. I often think, Christ, I hope we could get off this flying deathtrap quicker than this in an emergency.

People are morons. I was in the last row a couple weeks ago. The people in the row ahead of us started to put their personal shit into their personal under seat item...when it was their turn to stand up and block the aisle.

03-05-23, 10:41
I quit flying when the Blueshirts instituted "virtual stripsearches or compulsory sexual assaults for everyone."

**** TSA, **** Big Airline and **** all who support either. GA or Part 135 charter All The Way as soon as I figure out how to afford my own plane and license, and all the Airport Scopengropers and Part 121's can go buttbang themselves into bowel rupture.

03-05-23, 10:56
I quit flying when the Blueshirts instituted "virtual stripsearches or compulsory sexual assaults for everyone."

**** TSA, **** Big Airline and **** all who support either. GA or Part 135 charter All The Way as soon as I figure out how to afford my own plane and license, and all the Airport Scopengropers and Part 121's can go buttbang themselves into bowel rupture.

I'd be happy to accept cash donations to fly private charter instead for a family of 4 a few times a year.

03-05-23, 11:09
I'd be happy to accept cash donations to fly private charter instead for a family of 4 a few times a year.

Yeah, me too--when I say "support" I mean their leghumpers and cheerleaders, not those who grudgingly open wallets out of necessity.

03-05-23, 11:09
Mid 1970s I remember my dad telling me I had to wear a tie on the plane even though I was only 10 years old.

Made me think of this.


03-05-23, 12:05
Made me think of this.


There was a time when people believed in "being presentable" when out in public for important occasions. Travel was, like church, an important occasion to try to look respectable for, as opposed to say just running out to the corner store.

One wonders what Sinatra thought comparing the audiences at his last show (T-shirs/shorts/slobwear) vs the glory-days of The Pack when a Vegas show was a "your best suit" occasion...

03-05-23, 15:19
There was a time when people believed in "being presentable" when out in public for important occasions. Travel was, like church, an important occasion to try to look respectable for, as opposed to say just running out to the corner store.

One wonders what Sinatra thought comparing the audiences at his last show (T-shirs/shorts/slobwear) vs the glory-days of The Pack when a Vegas show was a "your best suit" occasion...

IDK and IDC I've gone to Vegas shows and I'm not ****ing bringing my best suit to wear in Nevada to go to a show and be entertained

03-05-23, 15:25
IDK and IDC I've gone to Vegas shows and I'm not ****ing bringing my best suit to wear in Nevada to go to a show and be entertained

Then again, in Sinatra's day the shows down there were "class" and when I was in town and missed the opportunity for his last double-act with Rickles the "class" acts had mostly given way to trash which only got trashier over the years I was spending the holidays down there and has only grown exponentially worse since.

"Class, not Ass"--Todd Chrisley (who I can't stand but will give credit for the occasional ability to turn a phrase)

03-05-23, 16:17
I fly a lot for work and personal travel, and honestly it’s not that bad if you plan smartly. Pre-check and Clear are more than worth it to me. I have had tight turns where I’m from the parking lot to butt in seat in less than an hour. I generally always go for an aisle seat in the front half of the plane.

I’m not a huge fan of talking to the airline, but American generally takes decent care of me. Last week I had flight out of Charlotte get canceled for weather and I was able to rebook and only show up 2 hours late, with my checked baggage.

I loathe flying with guns, though, and I generally avoid it. No two airports seam to have the same procedures.

03-05-23, 17:37
It's more work the flight attendants don't want to do (argue with masses of idiots about too large carry ons or too many carry ons) and the people who often pay to sit up front or board earlier often get drink service early or otherwise enjoy the feeling of first.

But I fly Southwest whenever possible, which is multiple flights annually

Which is something I do not give one flying fvck about. You will get your "first class" service once the plane is boarded and underway. However, someone above mentioned Mythbusters showing that boarding from the rear forward was slower. I have my doubts but whatever. Just ensure the rearward ticket holders don't use overhead space forward of their assigned seats. Of course if cheap-ass people quit trying to bring obviously overstuffed carry-ons and an overstuffed "personal item" things might not need monitored as heavily.

I will intentionally stand there and watch someone struggle with one of those should-be-checked bags from the overhead compartment....it's almost always a woman. Struggle bitch.

03-05-23, 17:46
Which is something I do not give one flying fvck about. You will get your "first class" service once the plane is boarded and underway. However, someone above mentioned Mythbusters showing that boarding from the rear forward was slower. I have my doubts but whatever. Just ensure the rearward ticket holders don't use overhead space forward of their assigned seats. Of course if cheap-ass people quit trying to bring obviously overstuffed carry-ons and an overstuffed "personal item" things might not need monitored as heavily.

I will intentionally stand there and watch someone struggle with one of those should-be-checked bags from the overhead compartment....it's almost always a woman. Struggle bitch.

If airlines would stop charging for F'n checked bags, and stop losing bags, the carry on struggle would end. How the hell Alaska airlines loses my bag going non-stop from Anchorage to Vegas is beyond me, but it's happened three times to me over five years. They find it and deliver it within 24hrs, but Jesus how hard it it to do it right the first time? I finally just jammed my shit into a carry-on. Oddly enough, my checked bag seems to make it every time on my direct trips to Phoenix.

03-05-23, 17:57
If airlines would stop charging for F'n checked bags, and stop losing bags, the carry on struggle would end. How the hell Alaska airlines loses my bag going non-stop from Anchorage to Vegas is beyond me, but it's happened three times to me over five years. They find it and deliver it within 24hrs, but Jesus how hard it it to do it right the first time? I finally just jammed my shit into a carry-on. Oddly enough, my checked bag seems to make it every time on my direct trips to Phoenix.

No, it wouldn't. I almost exclusively fly Southwest, where you can check two bags free and everybody still carries on more than they should and larger than they should. Maybe you can argue that if every airline let you check two bags free for the next 10 years, by then the entire market and people's bags would change and carry ons would be smaller. But even that I wouldn't believe. People don't want to check if they can get away with carry on because it's faster as there are obviously less logistics to carrying your own bag with you vs having it checked and go through the whole process.

Nobody is stealing your bag off the belt when you carry it on either.

03-05-23, 17:58
I fly a lot for work and personal travel, and honestly it’s not that bad if you plan smartly. Pre-check and Clear are more than worth it to me. I have had tight turns where I’m from the parking lot to butt in seat in less than an hour. I generally always go for an aisle seat in the front half of the plane.

I’m not a huge fan of talking to the airline, but American generally takes decent care of me. Last week I had flight out of Charlotte get canceled for weather and I was able to rebook and only show up 2 hours late, with my checked baggage.

I loathe flying with guns, though, and I generally avoid it. No two airports seam to have the same procedures.


We have Pre and for what it took to get it has been 1,000% worth it.

03-05-23, 18:01
I loathe flying with guns, though, and I generally avoid it. No two airports seam to have the same procedures.

Most of them do it the same, declare at airline counter, sign the orange thing, put orange thing in your bag somewhere (where/how does vary a lot), wheel it yourself to oversize.

But then there are the times the airline employee is completely confident they just put it on the belt with the rest, you can't stop them before they threw it on the belt and it went into the abyss, and you have to wait to get paged by TSA to report backwards right before boarding and miss your flight

Then there is the airport where the bag DOES go on the belt and TSA is all back there and they give you the okay and then you go and you're like...are you sure? but they are sure and it does work like that.

Also the airports where the airline employee wheels your bag to TSA for you and won't let you handle your own checked bag in the non-secure area after you have declared.

Or the employee who gives you the form certain special LEO get to fill out to carry on the plane and you're like...no I don't get that


03-06-23, 07:13
I guess my experience could have been worse:



03-06-23, 09:41
Just came back from a trip last night, and per usual, it sucked. Security took my money clip which as flown dozens times, plane was late, no movie or food for 3h flight, and so on, all for an over priced ticket. I'm flying minimum possible these days.

03-06-23, 11:17
Just came back from a trip last night, and per usual, it sucked. Security took my money clip which as flown dozens times, plane was late, no movie or food for 3h flight, and so on, all for an over priced ticket. I'm flying minimum possible these days.

A movie! Now that is funny…. Remember when they would actually project a movie on a screen- and everyone watched the same thing…. Oh sweet Jimmy Carter presidency throw back.

I found that travel is a lot less aggravating when I stopped having any expectations. I assume I will be hot, tired, late, and been the victim of borderline war crime treatment.

I’m just there to people watch and be amazed at how bad they have utterly and completely F’d up the Denver airport. Even for govt it is staggering stupidity…

My son is looking at doing professional flight as a career. I figured out the other day that I have about 1,500 hours in 737s- from seat 11C…

03-06-23, 11:40
A movie! Now that is funny…. Remember when they would actually project a movie on a screen- and everyone watched the same thing…. Oh sweet Jimmy Carter presidency throw back.

I found that travel is a lot less aggravating when I stopped having any expectations. I assume I will be hot, tired, late, and been the victim of borderline war crime treatment.

I’m just there to people watch and be amazed at how bad they have utterly and completely F’d up the Denver airport. Even for govt it is staggering stupidity…

My son is looking at doing professional flight as a career. I figured out the other day that I have about 1,500 hours in 737s- from seat 11C…

I will say the best $ I have spent was on good quality noise cancellation headphones. The tech there today is truly impressive. Had a flight with like 6-8 little kids on some family trip, and they screamed their heads off. All I heard was my music. The tech is so good now, you can set it to ambient + music if you want hear what's going around you, speak to talk, etc, etc. I reviewed the Sony WH-1000XM5 Headphone here:


03-06-23, 11:42
The mongos who insist on having a beverage and using the restroom on a short (less than 2 hour) flight. Fukking please!!! Sit the fukk down and enjoy the short flight.

03-06-23, 11:55
The mongos who insist on having a beverage and using the restroom on a short (less than 2 hour) flight. Fukking please!!! Sit the fukk down and enjoy the short flight.

Not sure how/why that one inconveniences you. I want my free diet coke and nuts for all that $ flights cost now and likely will pee on a short flight. I don't think kids under 2 should be allowed on planes.

03-06-23, 12:09
I will say the best $ I have spent was on good quality noise cancellation headphones. The tech there today is truly impressive. Had a flight with like 6-8 little kids on some family trip, and they screamed their heads off. All I heard was my music. The tech is so good now, you can set it to ambient + music if you want hear what's going around you, speak to talk, etc, etc. I reviewed the Sony WH-1000XM5 Headphone here:


About 10 years ago the in-ear Bose wired electronic NC ear buds were The Hotness. 90% of first class would be wearing them. I just picked up those Sony headphones. Have them in my trip. They work great. They have a function where if you start talking, they turn off the music and NC to talk to people- not great when you start to sing along with the song….

The mongos who insist on having a beverage and using the restroom on a short (less than 2 hour) flight. Fukking please!!! Sit the fukk down and enjoy the short flight.

I’m with Markm on this. I don’t care, as long as they aren’t making me get up and down, when I have all my stuff put and settled, and then have to wait for them to get back. I don’t do it because I have to jock or ass everyone as I pivot down the aisle…. I did Hong Kong to San Fran, 12+hrs, window seat, didn’t get up once.

03-06-23, 12:22
I don't need food service, I'm a big independent person, I am fully capable of going 4+ hours in between meals/packing a snack when I'm traveling because I know I'll be tempted to eat the same way most Americans can't go 2 hours without stuffing sugar and/or fat in their face

A movie! Now that is funny…. Remember when they would actually project a movie on a screen- and everyone watched the same thing…. Oh sweet Jimmy Carter presidency throw back.

Thank God we aren't still doing that.

I'll read my book, or read my kindle, or play my offline games, or buy WiFi and have the world in my hand.

03-06-23, 12:28
Not sure how/why that one inconveniences you. I want my free diet coke and nuts for all that $ flights cost now and likely will pee on a short flight. I don't think kids under 2 should be allowed on planes.

It's just annoying and silly on a 55 min jump to Vegas or something. It's like people don't think they get their $79 worth if they don't get a drink, snack, and piss on the plane.

03-06-23, 12:29
The one skill that I wish I was better at was knot tying. I always have to look them up and two-left hand them together. I thought about bringing something like paracord of slim rope and practicing on airplanes. Then I thought that might not go over as normal hobby to some people and get me attention that I don't want.

03-06-23, 12:39
I’m just there to people watch and be amazed at how bad they have utterly and completely F’d up the Denver airport. Even for govt it is staggering stupidity…

Ugh, I know. Honestly, at this point, I think it'd be faster, cheaper, and easier if they just bulldozed the entire thing and started over.

I'm so glad I don't have to deal with that dump anymore...

john armond
03-06-23, 13:00
No, it wouldn't. I almost exclusively fly Southwest, where you can check two bags free and everybody still carries on more than they should and larger than they should. Maybe you can argue that if every airline let you check two bags free for the next 10 years, by then the entire market and people's bags would change and carry ons would be smaller. But even that I wouldn't believe. People don't want to check if they can get away with carry on because it's faster as there are obviously less logistics to carrying your own bag with you vs having it checked and go through the whole process.

Nobody is stealing your bag off the belt when you carry it on either.

About that last part, well sometimes there is a high-ranking Biden appointee that may have been so inclined on more than one occasion:



But I am not sure if you might have anything in your luggage or luggage expensive enough to be of interest. I know I don't/mine isn't.

03-06-23, 13:29
If you don't care about the niceties and are military (active/reserve or veteran) check out Allegiant. You get 2 free checked bags at 100lbs., an overhead carry on and under seat carry on for free. So you don't get nickle and dimed. You just have to show your REAL ID, DD214, or similar at the check in desk. Just the low basic rate and a small seat charge depending on which one you pick. A lot of their flights fly to the smaller airports. Your in and out of there. I could care less about snacks and a movie on a 1-2 hour flight.


03-06-23, 13:37
I fly all the time and it’s exhausting. Pure and simply exhausting. Leaving Salt Lake in 4 hrs and I’m stressing about making my flight or leaving work early. It’s always a beat down.
But for $6/hr a man has to do what a man has to do.

My cut off is about a 4 hr drive. At 5 hrs I generally fly. San Diego I can go either way. Also, you have all your shit when you drive. Big plus.


03-06-23, 14:07
I fly all the time and it’s exhausting. Pure and simply exhausting. Leaving Salt Lake in 4 hrs and I’m stressing about making my flight or leaving work early. It’s always a beat down.
But for $6/hr a man has to do what a man has to do.

My cut off is about a 4 hr drive. At 5 hrs I generally fly. San Diego I can go either way. Also, you have all your shit when you drive. Big plus.


Alright. We need to start tracking everybody's travel itineraries. Had I known you were in the area PB I could have driven up to meet. At the least I could have treated you to a lousy cup of coffee. ;)

03-06-23, 14:37
About that last part, well sometimes there is a high-ranking Biden appointee that may have been so inclined on more than one occasion:



But I am not sure if you might have anything in your luggage or luggage expensive enough to be of interest. I know I don't/mine isn't.

Good luck walking off with my carry on that I wear on my back or put within 2 feet of me at all times other than the xray belt as I walk through the metal detector

But it has a Tile and an Airtag in it too just in case

But yeah, I am saying I basically always check a bag, because that's the only way to bring a gun.

But, there's a Tile and an Airtag in it, and it would be comical of a politico of the Democrat variety was caught stealing a firearm

03-06-23, 14:42
I fly all the time and it’s exhausting. Pure and simply exhausting. Leaving Salt Lake in 4 hrs and I’m stressing about making my flight or leaving work early. It’s always a beat down.
But for $6/hr a man has to do what a man has to do.

My cut off is about a 4 hr drive. At 5 hrs I generally fly. San Diego I can go either way. Also, you have all your shit when you drive. Big plus.


I mostly travel as a household so cost proposition pushes the financial decision farther, but, if we have time, we all agree an 8-9 drive is better than flying. We are all generally conditioned to work or school+activity days that are about that long, and the control of driving your own car, and having your own car at the destination, and the convenience of bringing as much of your own stuff as you want...that's our cutoff. Given how early you have to show up to check bags/gun, and then wait for luggage, and then make sure your ride is there or get to the rental, etc, small risk of lost luggage and then no gun, a 4 hour drive would probably take more time to fly than to drive.

03-06-23, 15:08
I hate flying. Well, not flying, but the before and after part of flying. I especially hate when the before and after time add up to less time than it would take to drive the same distance.

I drive whenever and wherever I can.

03-06-23, 15:49
Alright. We need to start tracking everybody's travel itineraries. Had I known you were in the area PB I could have driven up to meet. At the least I could have treated you to a lousy cup of coffee. ;)

I’ll hit you up
Next time. Come all the time.

03-06-23, 15:57
I and another manager drove a big a$$ cargo van (full of training system stuff) from North Alabama to Chicago for a Logistics Conference. We were checked into the hotel before another guy who flew. He was waiting at the departure gate when we left my buddy's driveway, so its a fair comparison.

We also arrived relaxed and well fed because I brought a cooler of snacks, we had plenty of time, and whoever wasn't driving had plenty of space for legroom and reclining the seat.


03-06-23, 20:28
It's just annoying and silly on a 55 min jump to Vegas or something. It's like people don't think they get their $79 worth if they don't get a drink, snack, and piss on the plane.

Yeah, f all that. I'm not holding my piss for anyone. Maybe I had a shitty connection and had to run for the plane just to make the flight. Maybe I needed a coke to take a couple Ibu's because flying is BS and annoying. And now somebody who is seated in the same class as me doesn't want me to be able to piss if I have to?

Who appointed you urine commisar?

If I had to move for you, that wouldn't bother me at all. I wouldn't even be able to invent a reason to be bothered. If I have to get up TWICE because you have to piss...well that's kind of the rules of the road. Some shit you simply have to deal with.

Now when I drive, I WANT four lanes of zero traffic so I can run my cool ass sports car down the road fast as I can for giggles, but there are other people on the road and that is just the way it is. So long as they aren't trying to kill me with their dumbass shit, I can deal with it. I don't get mad because people are driving in front of me and I don't like it.

I don't get upset when people on the plane have to go take a piss. How some of you survived this long without stroking out is kind of surprising.

I knew a guy named Rex Lee who ran a karate school in south Florida. Everything bothered him, nothing was good enough and he was never happy. He literally took a heart attack because they screwed up his order at some fast food burger joint. He was so unable to adapt to ordinary life that people not getting his "make it exactly this way" burger order was enough to kill him.

Reminded me of when I was a kid and if you made my older brother a PB&J and you put the peanut butter on top, he'd refuse to eat it and my parents had to make a new sandwich. I just got an extra PB&J that day. I knew it was f'ing retarded and I was 5 years old.

03-06-23, 21:41
Yeah, I don't care if I gotta get up so someone can hit the head. I'm an aisle seat guy by preference, comes with the territory. Now fellow passengers do plenty of other crap that gives me a wedgie, that just ain't one of my buttons.

Once had a couple travelling with a 5-6yo child. They had a window and middle a couple rows up and thought they were gonna park jr. in a middle seat between me and another guy. After a bit of discussion I was like, "OK, but I got a bunch of kink porn on my tablet I'll be watching during the flight."

Wifey ended up taking our middle seat. Guess she didn't want jr. or the hubby getting corrupted. Of course I didn't actually have said in-flight entertainment available. I hope she wasn't too disappointed. ;)

03-06-23, 21:43
And that is something to take into consideration when you pick your seat. Too late to pick your seat? To quote the kid's teachers "you get what you get and you don't pitch a fit"

Dont' want to stand up for others to move, take the window.

Me, I don't mind an excuse to stretch legs and sit back down, when the aisle is empty I can stretch my leg out into it so I always take an aisle. Yeah it's not always an option but it pretty generally is unless you booked late or you didn't check in before 23 hours 58 minutes pre flight

03-06-23, 21:52
And that is something to take into consideration when you pick your seat. Too late to pick your seat? To quote the kid's teachers "you get what you get and you don't pitch a fit"

Dont' want to stand up for others to move, take the window.

Me, I don't mind an excuse to stretch legs and sit back down, when the aisle is empty I can stretch my leg out into it so I always take an aisle. Yeah it's not always an option but it pretty generally is unless you booked late or you didn't check in before 23 hours 58 minutes pre flight

I will take an aisle every chance I get, I will get up as many times as necessary. On a flight if both people to my right go to the bathroom, that is 4 times, not exactly a huge deal.

Hate to see how many people would fail to fulfill the duties of an exit seat. I'd probably bitch the entire time I was doing it, but I'm pretty sure I'd do it. I'm one of those people who if I agree to be responsible for something, I usually try and actually do it.

03-06-23, 23:31
I sit on the aisle because I'm a piss every two hours kind of guy. I stay water hydrated all the time on top of piles of coffee. Today I took a 55min. flight and it was the first time I can recall not having to piss on a plane. Yes, I've had my man parts all checked by the doc and he says I just drink too much water.

Anyhow, I had the best flight ever today. Arrived at the airport only 1 hr. early, two people ahead of me in security, TSA dude said "bro, don't worry about taking off your shoes and belt AND I got to leave my computer in the backpack. Got to the coffee shop and was second guy in line. Took my seat on the plane next a 115lb college girl who was as polite as Hell (one of those Embraer ERJ 175 jets with two seats on each side). We each put on our noise cancelling headphones and went to sleep before we even took off. Woke up 55 minutes later when we touched down. Got off the plane, went outside and immediately found my ride. Crazy how well it went.. then I sat in a 10hr contentious meeting which ruined the day.

03-07-23, 09:09
I sit on the aisle because I'm a piss every two hours kind of guy. I stay water hydrated all the time on top of piles of coffee. Today I took a 55min. flight and it was the first time I can recall not having to piss on a plane. Yes, I've had my man parts all checked by the doc and he says I just drink too much water.

Anyhow, I had the best flight ever today. Arrived at the airport only 1 hr. early, two people ahead of me in security, TSA dude said "bro, don't worry about taking off your shoes and belt AND I got to leave my computer in the backpack. Got to the coffee shop and was second guy in line. Took my seat on the plane next a 115lb college girl who was as polite as Hell (one of those Embraer ERJ 175 jets with two seats on each side). We each put on our noise cancelling headphones and went to sleep before we even took off. Woke up 55 minutes later when we touched down. Got off the plane, went outside and immediately found my ride. Crazy how well it went.. then I sat in a 10hr contentious meeting which ruined the day.

Those kind of days are awesome right? You think to yourself, how long can this luck keep going? Every once in awhile I leave work and somehow get on the main road going home which has very high traffic, and roll though every red light at speed. At least 11 of them I can think of off hand while seeing some turn yellow while entering the intersections. Gotta love it.

03-10-23, 02:08
United really sucks to fly. Southwest and American are good.
We were in dfw and got stuck behind a bunch of foreigners having trouble. I had to check bags because of 1911, knives and straight razors. They couldn’t get the foreigners moving. When we finally made it to the counter we were 2 minutes late and couldn’t check bags. Had to catch a different flight. They handled it good. The wife was pissed though. They need a separate line/counter for the we’re retard crowd that can’t get their shit figured out and holding everyone else up.

But yes flying commercial ducks donkey dick. I have my pilots certs and I’ll fly us if at all possible. The airlines generally treat you like crack other than the two mentioned.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-10-23, 03:43
The hay day of air travel is behind us.

03-10-23, 04:33
The hay day of air travel is behind us.

It's now the Who-dey, who do they think they are to treat us like this....

03-10-23, 07:54
I've got to go to a conference next month, my wife and daughter are going to fly out and have a vacation while we are there (Disney). Delta double charged my wife when she booked through the app on top of crazy high ticket prices (spring break). Took over an hour to get someone and then she tried to say that the tickets were non refundable. 5 days later she when she finally gets an email saying they are going to approve the refund for the tickets since it was a known app issue (the lady on the phone even said that in the same sentence as non refundable tickets)... Guess what, they still haven't refunded my credit card, it's $3,500... At this point I'd like to cancel their flights and just not go at all. I hate flying and only agreed to this conference so they could come!

03-10-23, 11:58
Seems like you could get the credit card company to refuse the charges. They aren’t right, borderline fraudulent. If they are in the same name for two tickets, it is demonstratable that they are in error. You can’t transfer tickets to someone else, and you can’t fly the same flight twice.

03-10-23, 19:58
Seems like you could get the credit card company to refuse the charges. They aren’t right, borderline fraudulent. If they are in the same name for two tickets, it is demonstratable that they are in error. You can’t transfer tickets to someone else, and you can’t fly the same flight twice.

Sadly the credit card company said to contact Delta to resolve since it wasn't fraudulent, just an error on their part... Still waiting on that refund as well as another day has passed.

03-24-23, 15:58
Just flew to and back from Houston this week for work. Smooth sailing through TSA both ways. Got to IAH a few hours early to enjoy some Pappadeaux’s!

03-25-23, 16:24
I used flying as an excuse to drink. I'm usually fine as long as I don't have some pain in the ass with me. The flight attendants usually give me free drinks too. I just hate how everyone on the plane acts like an awkward ****.

03-25-23, 17:13
I gotta fly out to DC next week to testify at a court hearing. Not looking forward to it. I don't know which is gonna be worse, the flights or the lawyers.

03-25-23, 17:24
Just flew to and back from Houston this week for work. Smooth sailing through TSA both ways. Got to IAH a few hours early to enjoy some Pappadeaux’s!

We have Pappadeaux here in DEnver. I jones for their Pappasitos toritallas and fajitas…. Used to love DFW-LOV area with Pappasitos and all the strip joints and gun stores, ‘Mercia!

I used flying as an excuse to drink. I'm usually fine as long as I don't have some pain in the ass with me. The flight attendants usually give me free drinks too. I just hate how everyone on the plane acts like an awkward ****.

The last think I like to do is drink on airplanes. I’ve come to like Old Fashioneds so I broke tradition and had one and The old fashioned mix on united as HORRRIBLE.

There is a transport strike in Germany this weekend. THey are looking for a 10,9% pay increase to cover inflation. It is very German though. 24 hours, over the weekend, so as not to F with business….

03-25-23, 22:13
Flying in the USA is taking on the characteristics of the Middle Passage.