View Full Version : C-5 transport meets light pole...

03-04-23, 21:27
Supposedly on Guam (timeframe unknown). Probably expensive.


03-05-23, 06:46
nothing that a few bud cans and some pop rivets won't fix

03-06-23, 10:01
Wow. It looks like he rotated the wing right into the pole. No damage in the front or rear, just the center.

03-06-23, 10:04
That’ll buff out…

03-06-23, 10:43
Did that once in a far less expensive manner, ground guiding a truck through Margarita on Camp Pendleton. By ground guiding, I mean myself and another Lcpl were bullshitting in the cab when I should’ve been in foot. Sent the roof of a building through the box of our truck, and did a lot more damage as we put our collective 5 IQ together to fix it. The call to Gunny was unpleasant.

03-06-23, 11:53
Did that once in a far less expensive manner, ground guiding a truck through Margarita on Camp Pendleton. By ground guiding, I mean myself and another Lcpl were bullshitting in the cab when I should’ve been in foot. Sent the roof of a building through the box of our truck, and did a lot more damage as we put our collective 5 IQ together to fix it. The call to Gunny was unpleasant.

Well at least you didn’t run over your ground guide lol. I ran over my CPL while he was ground guiding me through a pause just south of Baghdad. He was walking up a short steep hill and I gunned it cause my Hummve and trailer had a lot of weight in it. He slipped and slid down as I went up. I stoped on his legs and he was med evac’d to Germany. It was about a week after I rear ended another Hummve in the middle of the night (he was sleeping on that one). Yea I was a popular little LCPL for working parties for a while and they took my driving privileges away for a bit. Stupid thing is both were shitty accidents but at least nothing went on my record. Fog of War they said.

03-06-23, 12:21
Design flaw. Wingspan exceeds attention span. :p