View Full Version : New vid released from Jan 6th of "QAnon Shaman"

03-07-23, 09:20
My Q is, was that footage used in court or was it even kept from his attorney? If the latter, obviously there's grounds for a new trial. The man has some mental issues it seems (but clearly loves his country!) , but he's no violent insurrectionist, nor terrorist, and at most, could be charged with trespassing and perhaps destruction of federal property if any vid exists showing he had damaged anything on entering the building. Obviously he was the perfect person to make an example of during that event:


03-07-23, 10:11
I have heard but cannot confirm that none of the footage was released to any attorneys in its entirety. If this is true, the repercussions are enormous.

03-07-23, 10:37
I have heard but cannot confirm that none of the footage was released to any attorneys in its entirety. If this is true, the repercussions are enormous.

Under any other circumstances, unconstitutional and I assume, illegal, but will be "justified" under some legal wrangling under "on going federal investigation" or similar no doubt.

03-07-23, 10:49
I wonder how all the people that have had their heads up their asses about this will handle it ? LOL !!! As Paul Harvey always said, {and now you know the rest of the story}.

03-07-23, 11:57
I can't confirm accuracy, but that makes sense under my comments from above. On another forum, someone said:

"So the issue here is the US Capital is a separate branch of government.
The US DOJ is the executive branch so they didn’t have “possession” of the video.
That’s how they got around it and the judges all let it go"

03-07-23, 12:13
So, "I don't have to disclose that because it's in my back pocket not my front pocket. Besides, I told those Capitol guys not to provide me with anything that might be exculpatory that I might have to disclose. They had specific instructions to only give me the incriminating stuff."

Still, if you are gonna do something dumb at least try not to be bright and shiny whilst you do it. He was definitely the nail that stood out.

03-07-23, 13:17
I can't confirm accuracy, but that makes sense under my comments from above. On another forum, someone said:

"So the issue here is the US Capital is a separate branch of government.
The US DOJ is the executive branch so they didn’t have “possession” of the video.
That’s how they got around it and the judges all let it go"

That Kafkaesque….

From what I saw, the Capital Police should be considered un-indicted/co-conspirators. They look like the family Golden Doodle following around the house burglar…. Heck, my dog would growl more…

It will never get any MSM coverage so all the twits out there will never know what happened, and still believe that Sisnick was impaled on a flag pole and burned alive…

03-07-23, 17:57
The only thing that day was, was a missed opportunity.

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03-07-23, 18:29
Yes. And they really don’t want to see, a REAL Insurrection.

03-07-23, 18:42
That Antifa did 2 Billion in damages in one summer and no Democrat had a problem with it, is telling. The QAnon Shaman is doing four years in Prison for his part in the January 6 drama.
This should show you that the Democrats are willing to use their "Brown Shirt" Antifa, freely and without any ramifications.
However if after seeing these Antifa terrorists on the News for a couple of years and having the rules for an election change illegaly for the Democrats and therefore illegally take the POTUS in a phony election; well if you went to our Nations Capital to inquire as to WTF is going on in America, well you go to jail.

03-07-23, 18:48
Yes. And they really don’t want to see, a REAL Insurrection.^


03-08-23, 03:19
It's just the government building more trust like they have with elections, covid, the Afghanistan retreat, the southern border, and the train derailment.

Totally unqualified and inept but you can still trust them to do right in Ukraine.

03-08-23, 04:45
I would think if the videos were not given to the defense attorneys, we are going to see appeals and law suits and the victims of the police state should go free and become very well off.

I think the above is a good measure for how far gone the country is. For without the above happening, then the truth is we are serfs to the masters of the manor .

I am amazed that the most heavily armed people in the history of the world, for the sake of convenience, maybe cowardice and in light of government totally violating the Constitution with the so called Patriot act . If in the end people revolt it will pockets of it and not an organized effort across the whole country.

03-08-23, 06:41
Clearly I am wondering when people will wake up.

- We've allowed the uniparty to illegally install a brain dead idiot into office, who CLEARLY isn't capable of leading himself off the stage, much less a country. He's ruined the economy, he's funneling BILLIONS of our tax dollars into a country that is of Zero strategic consequence.
- We've allowed the uniparty to flood this country with illegal immigrants and gangs, who are flooding our streets with drugs that are killing more people than so called "gun violence."
- We've allowed the uniparty to redefine the term insurrection and illegally jail truly peaceful protestors, without due process.
- We've allowed the uniparty to hand pick a CONGRESSIONAL comittee to violate said due process.
- We've allowed the uniparty to fund and dispence a Chi-Com virus that has killed millions of people globally and in the US.
- We've allowed the uniparty to shut down the country, ruin air travel and force lethal injections into YOU and your kids.
- We've allowed the uniparty to illegally censor free speech through their corporate partners.
- We've allowed the uniparty to illegally enrich themselves and their families, at our expense with no consequences.
- We've allowed the uniparty to illegally tap and tape a sitting president and endure TWO false impeachments.

.........You get the point, I could go on and on and on.........

It should surprise no-one that the Uniparty is out if force, fully aligned, to support YET ANOTHER false narrative on the redifined term "insurrection." If that were an insurrection, there would be heads on pikes in the capital. Which is EXACTLY what needs to happen.

ETA: Oh, and this so called Shaman cat was a US Navy Veteran. I'm sure they valued his service just as much as they do yours and mine. When was the last time you heard ole' Uniparty Mitch come out and rally against the littany of lies told on any of the other networks?

03-08-23, 08:18
Good commentary by Ben S:


03-08-23, 08:54
HKGuns gets it.

03-08-23, 09:36
HKGuns… History is replete with societies, ancient and modern, that never wake up. IMO the US has reached a critical mass of stupid and won’t ever wake up.

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03-08-23, 09:59
Perhaps the Jan 6th "Insurrectioneers" should all claim to be "legal observers". They would probably get their charges dropped like someone else will....

03-08-23, 10:07
Perhaps the Jan 6th "Insurrectioneers" should all claim to be "legal observers". They would probably get their charges dropped like someone else will....


I just called Mitch's DC office and convieneintly there is no one answering and the voice mail box is full. Can't tell you how many times I've run into that one.

Writing him a scathing email right now and calling Bobert, Gaetz and Roy telling them they should call for McConnel to step down as Senate Majority leader or resign his office.

03-08-23, 12:54
Yes. And they really don’t want to see, a REAL Insurrection.

No they don't, they piss themselves hard over the prospect.

03-08-23, 12:56
Joe R commenting:


Coal Dragger
03-08-23, 13:52
I was pretty pessimistic about McCarthy as speaker, but this move has given me hope that he’s willing to sling some shit, get dirty, and fight.

03-08-23, 13:54
I was pretty pessimistic about McCarthy as speaker, but this move has given me hope that he’s willing to sling some shit, get dirty, and fight.

Has he mentioned this ?

03-08-23, 14:55
I was pretty pessimistic about McCarthy as speaker, but this move has given me hope that he’s willing to sling some shit, get dirty, and fight.

I'll believe that when I see him exercise his powers over them as Speaker to make the Kapitolgestapo publicly grovel for the cameras to keep their jobs.

What he SHOULD give them is go all Shogun and compel some Ritual Seppuku from the "dishonored samurai" of the Hill's prior regime, but that's not an option here.

03-08-23, 15:11
Waking up is only part of the equation. People still don’t want to be responsible for taking corrective actions.

Politicians avoid responsibility like the plague.

03-08-23, 15:39
Waking up is only part of the equation. People still don’t want to be responsible for taking corrective actions.

Politicians avoid responsibility like the plague.

Govt's like plagues, it gives them control... ;)

03-08-23, 15:50
Well, the narrative of the Left is falling apart. Watch closely as they blame it all on Biden and front another Comm/Dem for POTUS.

Covid, The Border, January 6th well, someone peeked behind the curtain and found out it's all BS.
But as I said, Biden is conveniantly there to suck up those punches.
Someone on the Right needs to quickly point out that it's just as much the entrenched types, deep within our agencies like Fauci, Garland and Wray who are really calling the shots on of all these failed events.
Trump is a guy who failed to deal with these guys immeadiatly and look what happend to him.

03-08-23, 17:44
Govt's like plagues, it gives them control... ;)

The point is politicians don't want to do anything they could blamed for so they don't do anything. If you don't do anything nothing gets done.

The Afghan's, the Chinese, and the Russians have a saying "America has the watch but we have the time". It's proven to work for them in the long run as the US self destructs.

They just patiently wait it out.

The Dumb Gun Collector
03-08-23, 18:29
Let’s not make these clowns into heroes. Clearly, 41 months is outrageous for buffalo head guy, but these people were idiots.

03-08-23, 18:33
Let’s not make these clowns into heroes. Clearly, 41 months is outrageous for buffalo head guy, but these people were idiots.

Between this and "free stamps for brace registration," am I the only one noticing a pattern that these guys sure do LOOVE them some Buffalo Jump as a tactic?

03-08-23, 20:28
Has he mentioned this ?

Where do you think Tucker got the videos from?

03-08-23, 21:41
Where do you think Tucker got the videos from?

Yep. Picked up on that one today. He also didn't call Tucker a Liar either like the Traitor McConnel. McCarthy is looking good so far.

I learned in the Covid hearings today that those two prominent doctors, who wrote Fauci stating the virus was engineered, did a 180 in 48 hours after talking with Fauci. Then they get a grant for $9M..........Shocking I tell you.

Jordan was excellent for his 5 minutes. All the Democrats could do was cry racism and blame Trump. After seeing this evidence, I am more convinced than before this was intentional.

It was also confirmed the Wuhan Lab got a complete renovation of their ventilation system in Sept. 2019. I had heard that one before, but it wasn't in a Congressional hearing and may have been in the Steve Bannon War Room Pandemic that was a thing for a while.

Of course, we're all just conspircacy nuts. Just like the above.

This is MUST watch material right here.


03-08-23, 23:26
So the Jan 6th committee, the Democrat Party and the *** fake *** news media were lying to us all along about everything. LOL !!!!!

03-08-23, 23:49

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03-09-23, 02:10

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My question is why was the whole world duped to begin with?

03-09-23, 07:01
To marginalize, hide, and suppress all of the glaring election irregularities that were being questioned. They would not even honor a request for an audit, examination, or recount without immediately labeling people domestic terrorists or crazy conspiracy kooks. They were offended to even be questioned by us, they do not work for us.

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03-09-23, 07:36
Where do you think Tucker got the videos from?

No idea. Is that confirmed?

03-09-23, 07:50
No idea. Is that confirmed?

I haven’t independently confirmed it as I’m just a peon.

It is all over CNN, ABC, CBS, Fox News, etc. If I remember correctly, Kevin McCarthy was identified as the source well before Tucker played them on his show.

03-09-23, 07:50
No idea. Is that confirmed?

Yes, that's confirmed. They were released to Tucker by the Speaker of the House.
This is a "Slap Back" for having excluded Republicans from the January 6th Committee.
I'm pretty sure this just overturned a lot of Court Cases, this film should have been released to Defense Counsels.
As this type of Tyranny is usually left for Third World Despots, this needs to be broadcast far and wide as the true face of the Washington Uniparty.

03-09-23, 08:15
I haven’t independently confirmed it as I’m just a peon.

It is all over CNN, ABC, CBS, Fox News, etc. If I remember correctly, Kevin McCarthy was identified as the source well before Tucker played them on his show.

Good to know. Not paid much attention to McCarthy as of yet.

03-09-23, 08:17
Yes, that's confirmed. They were released to Tucker by the Speaker of the House.
This is a "Slap Back" for having excluded Republicans from the January 6th Committee.
I'm pretty sure this just overturned a lot of Court Cases, this film should have been released to Defense Counsels.
As this type of Tyranny is usually left for Third World Despots, this needs to be broadcast far and wide as the true face of the Washington Uniparty.

I sure as hell hope so but will not hold my breath on that one.

03-09-23, 09:15
Withholding Exculpatory needs to be made a Capital Offense with no immunity for Congress or anyone else. I don't care if it's merely a Jaywalking case, such conduct is a direct assault upon justice itself and needs to be dealt with harshly pour encourager les autres.

Other forms of obstruction like Perjury should be stomped on too, but as this particular one is peculiar to the Organs Of The Regime...

03-09-23, 09:16
WOW !!! The BIASED AND HATEFILLED Jan 6th committee and the *** fake *** news media were lying to us all along about everything. LOL !!!! Of course they were, just like the Trump Russian Collusion witch hunt and ** all** the other bogus BS. IMHO, this was a ***planned*** frame job and smear campaign against Donald Trump from the beginning, along with disguised undercover federal agents coercing and riling up the protesters to go inside of the capital building on Jan 6th. These facts are absolutely undeniable and undebatable. And the *** real *** truth of what happened blew up in their F-ing faces. LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ISTR lots of us were saying J6 was gonna be a Buffalo Jump op from the day the first schmuck said "hey let's rally"...

03-09-23, 10:47
I sure as hell hope so but will not hold my breath on that one.

So how are all the Members of the January 6th Commitee not complicant with what went down?
They saw the footage of QAnon Shaman, they knew he was harmless, the saw it on viddeo. They knew none of that video would be given to his Attorneys and they knew he wasn't getting a fair trial.

03-09-23, 10:47
Yes, that's confirmed. They were released to Tucker by the Speaker of the House.
This is a "Slap Back" for having excluded Republicans from the January 6th Committee.
I'm pretty sure this just overturned a lot of Court Cases, this film should have been released to Defense Counsels.
As this type of Tyranny is usually left for Third World Despots, this needs to be broadcast far and wide as the true face of the Washington Uniparty.

I can't imagine that every defense counsel for the indicted J6 persons, failed to inform the court that exculpatory evidence was NOT disclosed by DoJ? That should indicate that federal judges allowed fatally flawed prosecutions to proceed anyway. If this is the case, then those judges need to be defrocked! :mad:

03-09-23, 11:08
So how are all the Members of the January 6th Commitee not complicant with what went down?
They saw the footage of QAnon Shaman, they knew he was harmless, the saw it on viddeo. They knew none of that video would be given to his Attorneys and they knew he wasn't getting a fair trial.

When does being complicant lead to anything in politics? Not relevant at all in terms of real world outcomes here. Dude will likely sit in prison for a while until, if at all, he gets a new trial much less conviction over turned.

03-09-23, 11:10
Release our Shamon!

03-09-23, 11:10
I can't imagine that every defense counsel for the indicted J6 persons, failed to inform the court that exculpatory evidence was NOT disclosed by DoJ? That should indicate that federal judges allowed fatally flawed prosecutions to proceed anyway. If this is the case, then those judges need to be defrocked! :mad:

They made the decison to go all in on this criminal activity and that's what it was criminal activity. They stole that guy's fair trial and sent him to prison.
I'm pretty angry because in a Nation where a Cop kneels on a suspects neck, everyone goes to jail. Essentially all these folks kneeled on the neck of the Criminal Justice System and that's okay?

03-09-23, 11:19
They made the decison to go all in on this criminal activity and that's what it was criminal activity. They stole that guy's fair trial and sent him to prison.
I'm pretty angry because in a Nation where a Cop kneels on a suspects neck, everyone goes to jail. Essentially all these folks kneeled on the neck of the Criminal Law System and that's okay?

FIFY. There's no "Justice" in our legal system. :(

03-09-23, 11:56
So how are all the Members of the January 6th Commitee not complicant with what went down?
They saw the footage of QAnon Shaman, they knew he was harmless, the saw it on viddeo. They knew none of that video would be given to his Attorneys and they knew he wasn't getting a fair trial.

I have read, but do not know the veracity, that one of the dems on the committee said that none of the committee members saw footage; the staffers saw the footage, which was packaged by a man who was an ABC producer, and the staffers presented the info to the committee members.

All of it, ALL of it, effing stinks.

03-09-23, 12:55
Well what were they doing if they didn't review the film?
I thought that this was an investigation, how do you investigate anything without looking at the security tapes?

This appears to be a smear and the verdict was decided before the committee took their seats.

03-09-23, 12:57
So how are all the Members of the January 6th Commitee not complicant with what went down?
They saw the footage of QAnon Shaman, they knew he was harmless, the saw it on viddeo. They knew none of that video would be given to his Attorneys and they knew he wasn't getting a fair trial.

They are, they'll also assert immunity from any consequence under the Speech & Debate Clause and the Westfall Act.

03-09-23, 13:01
Release our Shamon!


How long before his lawyer gets him out for withholding exculpatory evidence? Let the house of cards fall.

03-09-23, 13:08

How long before his lawyer gets him out for withholding exculpatory evidence? Let the house of cards fall.

Wouldn't be surprised if Shipley (aka "Shipwreckedcrew" on Substack and formerly at Redstate) is already working on that.

03-09-23, 13:28
I have read, but do not know the veracity, that one of the dems on the committee said that none of the committee members saw footage; the staffers saw the footage, which was packaged by a man who was an ABC producer, and the staffers presented the info to the committee members.

All of it, ALL of it, effing stinks.

It's plausible deniability per usual. If/when it goes titz up, there's a fall guy. It's built into the system and one thing they all agree on. 1% of the time, it does not save them, and that's only due to their ego, doing something really stupid, or they decide to make an example of the person and cut them lose to tie up it spreading to them. The other 99% suffer no real consequences.

Some times they know their the fall guy and take on the chin (e.g. O North) and most of the time they don't even realize they got the fall guy slot, such as that producer I'm assuming.

03-09-23, 14:33
Judge… the defense requests a continuance to review the 40,000 hours of video evidence.

03-09-23, 14:51
I'm just gonna say that if honor were suddenly made a thing on Capitol Hill, DC would need a MASSIVE expansion of the city morgue to accommodate the resulting Mass Seppuku Outbreak.

03-09-23, 15:34
Judge… the defense requests a continuance to review the 40,000 hours of video evidence.

Tucker did say that most of that 40000 hours was videos of empty rooms but the advanced software available was able to skip it.

03-09-23, 16:19
So how are all the Members of the January 6th Commitee not complicant with what went down?
They saw the footage of QAnon Shaman, they knew he was harmless, the saw it on viddeo. They knew none of that video would be given to his Attorneys and they knew he wasn't getting a fair trial.

I think you mean complicit. I looked up complicant thinking it was a word I was just not familiar with but it doesn't seem to fit. Not nitpicking, just trying to help. I sometimes pick up an incorrect word or pronunciation and go around using it myself.

03-09-23, 17:11
Tucker did say that most of that 40000 hours was videos of empty rooms but the advanced software available was able to skip it.

In the news yesterday a defense lawyer was complaining that he only received 16,000 hours of video, but since Tucker’s report he wanted the other 25,000 hours. Maybe he’ll get 25,000 hours of empty rooms.

In any event, I wonder if defense teams even bothered to look at what they were given. 16,000 hours… that would require eight full time employees viewing video for a year. My legal resume doesn’t extend much past My Cousin Vinny, but discovery doesn’t include a map to help the defense find a needle in a haystack of evidence, does it?

03-09-23, 17:51
WOW !!! The BIASED AND HATEFILLED Jan 6th committee and the *** fake *** news media were lying to us all along about everything. LOL !!!! Of course they were, just like the Trump Russian Collusion witch hunt and ** all** the other bogus BS. IMHO, this was a ***planned*** frame job and smear campaign against Donald Trump from the beginning, along with disguised undercover federal agents coercing and riling up the protesters to go inside of the capital building on Jan 6th. These facts are absolutely undeniable and undebatable. And the *** real *** truth of what happened blew up in their F-ing faces. LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-09-23, 18:10
Withholding Exculpatory needs to be made a Capital Offense with no immunity for Congress or anyone else. I don't care if it's merely a Jaywalking case, such conduct is a direct assault upon justice itself and needs to be dealt with harshly pour encourager les autres.

Other forms of obstruction like Perjury should be stomped on too, but as this particular one is peculiar to the Organs Of The Regime...

Ditto on the death penalty and add a perjury clause felony to every oath of office.

03-09-23, 18:13
Ditto on the death penalty and add a perjury clause felony to every oath of office.

And none of this "hide behind the curtains deep behind prison walls"--for the death penalty to be a deterrent it needs to be visible, hangings or firing squads in the town square upon exhaustion of appeals.

03-09-23, 18:20
And none of this "hide behind the curtains deep behind prison walls"--for the death penalty to be a deterrent it needs to be visible, hangings or firing squads in the town square upon exhaustion of appeals.


03-09-23, 18:53
Looking at an old thread and noticed a post I had forgot about.


03-09-23, 19:51
In the news yesterday a defense lawyer was complaining that he only received 16,000 hours of video, but since Tucker’s report he wanted the other 25,000 hours. Maybe he’ll get 25,000 hours of empty rooms.

In any event, I wonder if defense teams even bothered to look at what they were given. 16,000 hours… that would require eight full time employees viewing video for a year. My legal resume doesn’t extend much past My Cousin Vinny, but discovery doesn’t include a map to help the defense find a needle in a haystack of evidence, does it?

In my limited experience that is how discovery works. My employer is in court with the Feds over a contract dispute. Feds turn over 14,000 pages and a couple gigs of data at close of business, day of the deadline. No rhyme, no reason, lawyers gotta dig through and figure it all out themselves.

03-10-23, 06:20
His Lawyer and Mother speak.

This was hidden evidence that sent a mentally challenged guy to prison for four years.
I hope they burn in hell.

03-10-23, 06:43
I am guessing you won't see any of this on the rest of the MSM. The rest of America believes that his carrying a flag equates to being armed with a weapon of mass destruction.

I expected the behavior of the demorats, what I find especially disgusting is the behavior of the feckless cunt RINOs who fought for the opportunity to be the first to beat the "OMG its an insurrection" drum and support unlimited pre-trial confinement for anyone involved.


03-10-23, 07:14
Everyone invovled, on both sides, need to be removed from office and prosecuted TODAY. But we all know that won't happen as there is no justice system left in this Banana Republic.

03-10-23, 07:16
I was called because of J6.

Wasn't there, wasn't involved, but the FBI did want to talk to me.

Nothing but a scam. All of it designed to scare people.

Pure and simple.

Sent from my SM-G988U1 using Tapatalk

03-10-23, 08:22
I was called because of J6.

Wasn't there, wasn't involved, but the FBI did want to talk to me.

Nothing but a scam. All of it designed to scare people.

Pure and simple.

Sent from my SM-G988U1 using Tapatalk

Absolutely agree. Fearmongering to keep the demorats on the sinking ship and an overt signal to the conservative minority that resistance is futile.


03-10-23, 16:16
I was called because of J6.

Wasn't there, wasn't involved, but the FBI did want to talk to me.

Nothing but a scam. All of it designed to scare people.

Pure and simple.

Sent from my SM-G988U1 using Tapatalk

I am convinced that the main DOJ thought that when they sent out all their SWATing packages to arrest people over J6, that the teams were going to get Lexington&Concorded and that was going to be a casus belli to come after and anyone righter, whiter, straighter than CNN’s Don Lemon.

I’m surprised that it didn’t happen…. Up in them hollers in KY and eastern TN? Out in WY, 1500 miles from the nearest anything?

03-10-23, 16:21
I am convinced that the main DOJ thought that when they sent out all their SWATing packages to arrest people over J6, that the teams were going to get Lexington&Concorded and that was going to be a casus belli to come after and anyone righter, whiter, straighter than CNN’s Don Lemon.

I’m surprised that it didn’t happen…. Up in them hollers in KY and eastern TN? Out in WY, 1500 miles from the nearest anything?

You know that's the kind of stuff that makes a guy wake up from a sound sleep and have to operate an excavator for five or six hours before daybreak.

03-10-23, 17:55
I was called because of J6.

Wasn't there, wasn't involved, but the FBI did want to talk to me.

Nothing but a scam. All of it designed to scare people.

Pure and simple.

Sent from my SM-G988U1 using Tapatalk

They didn't get the Reichstag Fire they wanted, so they'll just try, try again until one of their agents provocateur like Ray Epps, may piss be eternally upon him and all like him including Stormtrooper Byrd (aka Lon Horiuchi:TNG) and all who support them, gets lucky and Delivers The Goods.

03-12-23, 18:00
More shoes falling. The only death caused that day was an unarmed woman who was a veteran shot in the neck as she broke through door. There were some bad actors there that day to be sure, that should be charged for destruction of federal property, rioting, assault on a police officer, etc. Insurrection? Ya, not not so much.


03-12-23, 18:21
You know that's the kind of stuff that makes a guy wake up from a sound sleep and have to operate an excavator for five or six hours before daybreak.

Hog farmers have 99 problems but that ain't one of 'em.

03-12-23, 19:00
More shoes falling. The only death caused that day was an unarmed woman who was a veteran shot in the neck as she broke through door. There were some bad actors there that day to be sure, that should be charged for destruction of federal property, rioting, assault on a police officer, etc. Insurrection? Ya, not not so much.


Yeah, and most of the Bad Actors there had Federal badges and masturbatory fantasies of being Nazi Sturmtruppen. The DC MCF enforcers are no better than the guards at Dachau.

03-12-23, 19:20
Yeah, and most of the Bad Actors there had Federal badges and masturbatory fantasies of being Nazi Sturmtruppen. The DC MCF enforcers are no better than the guards at Dachau.

Remember there were PLENTY of people on this very forum backing the shooting of Ashley Babbit, "Duh, well she shouldn't have been threatening a VIP. Muh Back the Blue!" So they murdered an innocent women to sell their staged Reichstag fire moment and nothing will come of it.

03-12-23, 19:45
Remember there were PLENTY of people on this very forum backing the shooting of Ashley Babbit, "Duh, well she shouldn't have been threatening a VIP. Muh Back the Blue!" So they murdered an innocent women to sell their staged Reichstag fire moment and nothing will come of it.

Yeah, and those people were what we like to call WRONG. Hell, there are people here who still leghump Shrub and all his Waste of Viable Organs pals for the "Patriot"*spit* Act, piss be eternally upon it and all who support it...

03-12-23, 20:23
Let's not hold too much acrimony over people being wrong. We're mostly all on the same side and you can't be right on everything, I surely am not. Freedom of speech is the right to be wrong. We get things wrong, learn our lessons and improve. That is how things are supposed to work.

However, with the media and government, they are outright lying to all of us.

I actually voted for Romney.......Once.

03-12-23, 21:11
Let's not hold too much acrimony over people being wrong. We're mostly all on the same side and you can't be right on everything, I surely am not. Freedom of speech is the right to be wrong. We get things wrong, learn our lessons and improve. That is how things are supposed to work.
God knows I've made my share of mistakes, the difference is I admit 'em.

I actually voted for Romney.......Once.
yeah, me too, much to my eternal shame, ditto "Keating Five" McCain (though that was less for him than the hot "naughty librarian" running with him ;) ).

03-30-23, 12:13
Dude is freed. I wonder if he has a case for false imprisonment and others?

03-30-23, 12:48
Dude is freed. I wonder if he has a case for false imprisonment and others?

Good, can't wait for the interview and hopefully there will be some fallout.

03-30-23, 13:40
Dude is freed. I wonder if he has a case for false imprisonment and others?

He DOES have a case, they all do, we'll just see if it goes anywhere in clown world.

03-30-23, 14:12
The entire prodecution team need to be put on a Giglio list at a minimum

03-30-23, 18:13
He isn't free free. He is moved to a halfway house.


03-30-23, 19:56
That guy is a shit magnet, seems to be 100% whackadoo and not the image we want representing us...but that said, that video is F'ed up.

Pretty well torpedoes the "insurrection" narrative but I don't see anyone getting out of jail. I hope they do, but not gonna hold my breath.

03-30-23, 19:57
Dude is freed. I wonder if he has a case for false imprisonment and others?

Really didn't expect that.

03-31-23, 02:21
He DOES have a case, they all do, we'll just see if it goes anywhere in clown world.

While we are on clowns, always wanted to ask about your Avatar? Is that clown make-up and camo gear??? And a Cigar?

He isn't free free. He is moved to a halfway house.


I’m just picture him in the living room with Loki and Thor for all their Avenger’s mischief….

03-31-23, 17:22
The Babylon Bee hits another home run!
Buffalo Guy Tagged And Released Back Into Wild

04-02-23, 20:26
I'm just gonna drop one thought here for all the Alphabet Soupers:

"Fight Domestic Terrorism - Arrest YOURSELVES!"