View Full Version : 3/8/2023 9 boxes of documents taken from Biden's office.

03-08-23, 16:10

Nine boxes of documents were taken from President Biden's attorney Patrick Moore's Boston office, but have yet to be reviewed, the National Archives disclosed in a response letter to GOP Sens. Ron Johnson and Chuck Grassley this week first obtained by Fox News Digital.

The Archives had not previously publicly disclosed the number of boxes taken from Boston. It had been reported that Moore had shipped boxes of documents from the Penn Biden Center to his Boston office before discovering the initial trove of classified documents at the D.C.-based think tank.

In response to questions by Johnson and Grassley in a Feb. 24 letter asking how and when the archives learned that records were transported to Boston, Acting Archivist of the United States Debra Steidel Wall responded the agency learned about it on Nov. 3, 2022.

At what point does he start paying the price for these actions?
How much of this is related to his Son and his Brother scamming folks in a trade for money for influence?

03-08-23, 18:01
At what point does he start paying the price for these actions?
How much of this is related to his Son and his Brother scamming folks in a trade for money for influence?

Biden is a useful puppet, a useful idiot, and a career master at graft. He is not the acting president, regardless of his title. (Note: I am NOT making any Q-anon style claim that Trump is somehow still in charge, he isn't.)

Biden's strings are being pulled by someone else, probably several of them, including people like Barack Obama, Susan Rice, and maybe some of the party-floating neocons. Whether those people have their own strings pulled by others is a pretty deep rabbithole, but at the very least, Biden is not really in charge of anything.

So Biden will "get his" when it's politically useful for others to cast him aside.

03-08-23, 18:09
Nvmd the whole justice department is just too ridiculously corrupt

03-09-23, 11:27
Another text book example of Biden cooperating with the DOJ? How many descoveries is this now?

03-09-23, 12:57
4th discovery.
I would like to know what is in those files.

03-09-23, 13:02
So, business as usual at Casa de Xiden, 2024 can not come fast enough.