View Full Version : SEAL Team 6 Member Spares A Man's Life

03-09-23, 07:54
This is the SEAL who was trans and has now gone back to the sex he was born as, and now trying to help others realize that's not the answer to their internal struggles for many. It's a long but very good interview. This segment on how/why he didn't kill a guy in Afg is a good bit. Seems like a really decent person who's had his struggles and perhaps coming through it.


03-10-23, 14:16
This dude was quite the unit, and obviously off the charts IQ. Invented/developed all sorts of things for SOCOM, etc. Also has a degree in electrical engineering:


03-10-23, 14:31
I have a lot of empathy for him and others, and any doc who operates on a child should lose license and go to prison. Adults can do as they please and if going trans is what they want, I support that too.

Now that he's back to being the sex he was born as, he's telling kids that are being groomed not make the same mistakes he made etc:

"His experiences have led him to speak out on behalf of youths in the current political climate, where he said gender clinics across the US push medicalized treatment as a solution to gender dysphoria."

“Twelve-year-olds can’t get tattoos, can’t drink booze or do anything,” Beck said of teens like California’s Chloe Cole, who began identifying as a boy at age 12, started puberty blockers and testosterone treatment at 13, and underwent a double mastectomy at 15 before detransitioning back to female. “They have not fully developed as humans and anyone who has ever had a child knows this. We can’t allow these doctors to butcher children.”


With Tucker:
