View Full Version : The Truth is dying and the Democrats have their hands around it's throat.

03-10-23, 17:50
We are finding out Covid, Russian Colusion, Hunter's Laptop, Climate Change, and Renewable energy, are all topics the Censorship Industrial Complex want to remove from your view.
In House Hearing's Congress persons were demanding that reporters name their sources.
I will not say that this is only at the hands of the Leftists, but that is where the overwhelming majority of all of this is leaning, heavily toward Democrats and heavily Marxist Democrats.
In the middle 1960's there was a Billboard for the John Birch Society in our town. I asked my Mom who they were and she said "Just a Crazy Old Bunch of Men." I asked her about that a while back and now she says she was wrong and that, that's time period is where we lost control.

Now the Left clearly have the Helm and they will do anything to stamp out your words and Idea's.
The thought Police are here.

03-10-23, 18:01
Watch this trash and She's and elected offical.

03-10-23, 18:16
Watch this trash and She's and elected offical.


03-10-23, 19:22
It's amazing to me that She doesn't have to name his sources because he is a Journalist.
This guy is a lifelong Democrat, a freethinker and it would appear a very honest guy.

They will break this guy because he is honest, his life will be a living hell for opposing them.

03-10-23, 20:57
I watched most of that hearing. Jordan asked the 2 journalist if they were concerned that the FTC was trying to get info from Twitter about them( the 2 journalist) they both said they were very concerned that a government agency was investigating them.

03-10-23, 22:07
We are finding out Covid, Russian Colusion, Hunter's Laptop, Climate Change, and Renewable energy, are all topics the Censorship Industrial Complex want to remove from your view.
In House Hearing's Congress persons were demanding that reporters name their sources.
I will not say that this is only at the hands of the Leftists, but that is where the overwhelming majority of all of this is leaning, heavily toward Democrats and heavily Marxist Democrats.
In the middle 1960's there was a Billboard for the John Birch Society in our town. I asked my Mom who they were and she said "Just a Crazy Old Bunch of Men." I asked her about that a while back and now she says she was wrong and that, that's time period is where we lost control.

Now the Left clearly have the Helm and they will do anything to stamp out your words and Idea's.
The thought Police are here.

Thought police have been here ever since we passed hate crime laws. It's just getting painfully obvious to everyone that the slippery slope was slippery.

03-11-23, 06:27
All of these lies can be exposed, and it will do nothing to change imbecile minds. Fukkers can't read a map or a clock and you expect them to be outraged about this shit?

03-11-23, 08:47
We need a new country and government and it would be best to do this wihtout another Civil War.

I propose we carve the Country in half and create the Free United States. The Free United States will maintain the existing US Constitution with the option of revoking an ammendment or two.

The hook for the other side will be they can create their own constitution, revoke their second ammendment, first ammendment, whatever others they desire. Continue to hire morons based on characteristics rather than competence.

We now have yet another banking crisis and they're coming for your money, this time to bail out the Assholes in Silicon Valley who can't stand you. Worst part of it is, we have absolute morons in place to deal with it..........So it will get worse.

03-11-23, 09:04
We need a new country and government and it would be best to do this wihtout another Civil War.

I propose we carve the Country in half and create the Free United States. The Free United States will maintain the existing US Constitution with the option of revoking an ammendment or two.

The hook for the other side will be they can create their own constitution, revoke their second ammendment, first ammendment, whatever others they desire. Continue to hire morons based on characteristics rather than competence.

We now have yet another banking crisis and they're coming for your money, this time to bail out the Assholes in Silicon Valley who can't stand you. Worst part of it is, we have absolute morons in place to deal with it..........So it will get worse.

Giving them half would be far more than generous. I don't think they deserve it.

This concerns Freedom of the Press, which is a fairly easy concept and yet, these two Elected Officals don't believe these Journalists deserves such protections because they are exposing Democrat Lies.
Should we have a graceful departure from our former Countrymen? No, not really, they didn't earn it. You gotta bleed and sweat for this stuff.

03-11-23, 13:20
This country is balancing on a straight razor, a fall either way will be catastrophic !

03-11-23, 16:41
It's sad to say, but nothing will change short of a civil war. Too many ways to tie things up "legally" to really change the way things work. That's the real problem. Sure, things here and there can be changed for the better, but the process itself has been corrupted. It has been straight up broken. Do I want to see a civil war? Hell no... but I also have come to the hard truth that it is the only thing that will actually fix the broken process.