View Full Version : AUKUS Coming

03-10-23, 20:05
They are going to announce the plan aboard the Virginia Class USS Missouri submarine in San Diego. Rumor is to base US subs in Australia, then Australia will lease 3-5 Virginia's around 2030 after which a new sub will be UK/Aus built with some US technology to enter service around 2039.


Biden to unveil nuclear submarine partnership with Britain, Australia
In a bid to project advanced Western naval power in the Pacific, Australia will commit more than $100 billion to buying U.S. and British-designed subs and investing in shipbuilding capacity

The leaders of the United States, Australia and Britain will unveil on Monday a plan to outfit Australia with nuclear-powered submarines in an unprecedented three-way defense partnership that seeks to counter China’s attempts to achieve naval dominance in the Pacific.

The plan, known as AUKUS, was first announced in September 2021. The advanced submarines — the first of which will be American-made — are now expected to arrive as early as 2032, still a decade off but years ahead of the timeline many expected, said Western officials, who like others interviewed spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the matter’s sensitivity.

President Biden, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak will unveil the details of the new partnership aboard the USS Missouri submarine in San Diego. If realized, analysts said, it could be the most consequential trilateral defense technology partnership in modern history.

03-10-23, 20:23
The Aussies, Japan and Britain all need to be allowed to buy into the B-21 Raider program too!

3 AE
03-12-23, 09:54
The British, Japanese, and Australians can all go kiss my buttocks.

03-12-23, 11:44
Lend-lease. I'm pretty sure I heard that somewhere before.

In all seriousness, this is how you create a mutually beneficial alliance.

03-12-23, 13:12
Lend-lease. I'm pretty sure I heard that somewhere before.

In all seriousness, this is how you create a mutually beneficial alliance.

I'm curious if you could get support for this from the Philippines?