View Full Version : Law enforcement agencies are prepping for a possible Trump indictment next week

03-17-23, 12:45

Local, state, and federal law enforcement and security agencies are preparing for the possibility that former president Donald Trump could be indicted as early as next week, according to five senior officials familiar with the preparations.

Its happening!

Is this it, will there be blood in the streets? Civil War 2.0? Will the Beatles get back together??? FBI and ATF are surely fapping like mad!


03-17-23, 13:38
Que the "I've seen this one before" Back to the Future meme

03-17-23, 14:26
Are they preparing for the possibility he will NOT be indicted?

03-17-23, 16:53
I tend to doubt that they will.

But I do know that this is another Hail Mary to try and grab total power. They need something bigger than January 6. They need Trump supporters to fire the literal first shots so that they can justify a Night of the Long Knives and probably martial law.

03-17-23, 18:07
He better not be indicted!!!!

03-17-23, 18:11
The police are getting their riot gear together since I am sure the MAGA Republicans will be burning cities and looting stores if DJT is indicted.

03-17-23, 18:38
I tend to doubt that they will.

But I do know that this is another Hail Mary to try and grab total power. They need something bigger than January 6. They need Trump supporters to fire the literal first shots so that they can justify a Night of the Long Knives and probably martial law.

While I don't see that happening (despite tinfoil application) that would be a tremendously stupid idea. They don't control enough things yet, despite what they might think. Then you start treating people like criminals and they just might start acting as such. No, that would be an overreach from which the Left would never recover.....or their families, or homes, etc.

03-17-23, 18:45
Yeah we’ve heard the walls were closing in for six years.

All a bunch of Bullshit.

03-17-23, 19:44
While I don't see that happening (despite tinfoil application) that would be a tremendously stupid idea. They don't control enough things yet, despite what they might think. Then you start treating people like criminals and they just might start acting as such. No, that would be an overreach from which the Left would never recover.....or their families, or homes, etc.

I tend to agree, just look how fast the police lost control of Florence And Normandie Avenues in LA... and the speed of the dominoe effect afterwards

03-17-23, 20:57

03-17-23, 21:03
While I don't see that happening (despite tinfoil application) that would be a tremendously stupid idea. They don't control enough things yet, despite what they might think. Then you start treating people like criminals and they just might start acting as such. No, that would be an overreach from which the Left would never recover.....or their families, or homes, etc.

I don't see it happening either, but I'm thinking that they think of that as their best case scenario. Their main focus is just to put just one more talking point against him for reelection.

03-17-23, 21:15
I don't see it happening either, but I'm thinking that they think of that as their best case scenario. Their main focus is just to put just one more talking point against him for reelection.

Bingo......keep it on the MSM. Meanwhile XiDen keeps shuffling classified material to the Chicoms for Millions.

03-18-23, 00:10
On the NY thing? The hush payments? It is legally a weak case that won't go anywhere, so Trump fights it and wins and the legend continues....

Need to start the narrative that it is FED agents that are starting the violence.

03-18-23, 00:51
You don't need to actually do anything, you just need to suggest it on the MSM and everyone on Twitter will accept that he's guilty but somehow scammed his way out of being convicted.

If you don't have a case, you simply announce you are building a case and millions of idiots everywhere will go "I KNEW IT...I TOLD YOU SO."

File this one with Trump is gonna put Hillary in jail. Don't have to be true, only necessary for incredibly stupid people to believe it's true and vote accordingly.

03-18-23, 06:30
I haven’t heard a peep from my chain of command. Then again I’m in Florida so I don’t think there will be anything.


03-18-23, 07:12
Need to start the narrative that it is FED agents that are starting the violence.

Well if they really want an insurrection, that's going to have to happen.

03-18-23, 09:56
So I guess Trump has said himself that he'll be arrested on Tuesday:


He really needs to let someone else write his tweets, err, "Truth Socials" for him.

Definitely a manipulated situation where there doesn't seem to be a good option. Do-nothing lets the cabal get away with it, but do-almost anything would be treated as another J6 and backfire. If we had the social cohesion of France, say, a peaceful national strike could be a good response; but we don't.

Let me clarify that I'm not interested in lifting a finger for Trump as an individual, but I think the persecution of him is political and sets a horrible banana-republic precedent. My interest is in trying to preserve (ha, ha) an actual law-abiding constitutional republic, not in anything for Trump personally. And I'm well aware that we're a few decades past the realistic date for preserving such a fairy tale.

The Dumb Gun Collector
03-18-23, 10:22
Sure seems like its going to happen. They are doing banana republic stuff and they are hoping for a banana republic response. I suspect, even over the lame hush money charges, he will probably get convicted. A, because he is probably guilty. And B, because he will probably be in front of a NYC jury. This is a dangerous and stupid idea.

Alex V
03-18-23, 10:55
Trump posted about it in Truth Social saying it’s supposed to happen on Tuesday.

The republic is lost.

03-18-23, 11:22
If anything pops off it’ll be because trump himself causes it... his followers are easily convinced to do stupid shit, so...

Trump calls for protests of what he claims is his imminent arrest


03-18-23, 11:22
If anything pops off it’ll be because trump himself causes it... his followers are easily convinced to do stupid shit, so...

Trump calls for protests of what he claims is his imminent arrest


03-18-23, 11:23
Trump posted about it in Truth Social saying it’s supposed to happen on Tuesday.

The republic is lost.

"My Tin Foil hat say's"
They want an armed reaction, it would allow Biden's Action on gun control to dovetail nicely against some "Weapons of War" inclusion that would ban alot of guns.

The Dumb Gun Collector
03-18-23, 11:31
Trump needs to STFU (Not that he can). He might end up with a gag order or worse no bail at all. I guarantee if he was a regular guy and he was posting "rise up" stuff about his arrest he would be held without bail for awhile to teach him a lesson. That being said, it would be nuts for a judge to do this, because it would just lead to violence.

03-18-23, 12:04
It's an Immortal Clown World.

03-18-23, 12:36
If this is True and it goes down; this is the Biggest "F. U." the Biden Administration could give Trump and all the MAGA Folks out there.
This might just be what Trump needs right now and end up making Biden look like a Punk.
I certainlyhope this doesn't lead to violence, because that's the only way Biden can possibly win this gambit.

03-18-23, 13:17
I certainlyhope this doesn't lead to violence, because that's the only way Biden can possibly win this gambit.

The left / deep state will ALWAYS manufacture violence when it suits them, regardless of any actual issue. So I would basically bet on some kind of false flag "terrorism" to happen 1-3 days after Trump's arrest, to be blamed on him and used to justify repression.

03-18-23, 13:22
The left / deep state will ALWAYS manufacture violence when it suits them, regardless of any actual issue. So I would basically bet on some kind of false flag "terrorism" to happen 1-3 days after Trump's arrest, to be blamed on him and used to justify repression.

Epps again?

03-18-23, 13:28
The left / deep state will ALWAYS manufacture violence when it suits them, regardless of any actual issue. So I would basically bet on some kind of false flag "terrorism" to happen 1-3 days after Trump's arrest, to be blamed on him and used to justify repression.

Epps again?

I'm telling you, it's a gun grab. Watch and see.
Biden didn't throw out that Executive Action for what little it got him, he will piggy back some over reach on that with what happens next.

Coal Dragger
03-18-23, 14:05
If Trump broke the law in New York, and a DA brings charges then Trump can get arrested.

Do laws apply to politicians or not?

03-18-23, 14:18
If Trump broke the law in New York, and a DA brings charges then Trump can get arrested.

Do laws apply to politicians or not?

It's a big club and Trump ain't in it.

Still waiting for the arrests of Pelosi, Hillary, Obama, Bill Clinton, George W, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and most older senators from either party (with a few exceptions).

I'm sure Trump broke a lot of laws during his career. The problem is that I'm 100% sure the current prosecution is entirely political. If we're going to have prosecutions of politicians, and we should, then ALL of the guilty ones should be prosecuted without regard to political favor. I guarantee that Pelosi and Hillary have done far worse things than Trump, and there's little doubt that Bill Clinton, among many others, was ****ing teens (or maybe younger) on Epstein's private island, and elsewhere. Trump's list of sins is about as long as a Manhattan phone book, but it's not as corrupt as what seems to be normal for DC insiders.

03-18-23, 15:05
It only takes 1% to actively, well, go active. The other 50% will turn their heads and shrug their shoulders. Not everyone in prohibition was a gangster and not everyone in France WWII was a partisan. But a lot of people decided that they at the very least were not going to be helpful.

This is where someone spouts off, the FBI sends a SWAT Team to arrest them in the back hollers of Kentucky, and they are never heard from again.

How many NDAs does Clinton have?

03-18-23, 16:25
Regardless of what happens, the Twittersphere is salivating over the prospect that this provokes enough of a response among Trump supporters that the Dems can finally issue Order 66. This is probably a big nothing sandwich, but keep your guard up.

03-18-23, 17:14
It only takes 1% to actively, well, go active. The other 50% will turn their heads and shrug their shoulders. Not everyone in prohibition was a gangster and not everyone in France WWII was a partisan. But a lot of people decided that they at the very least were not going to be helpful.

This is where someone spouts off, the FBI sends a SWAT Team to arrest them in the back hollers of Kentucky, and they are never heard from again.

How many NDAs does Clinton have?

Assuming you are referring to the FBI SWAT team, we can only hope......:rolleyes:

03-18-23, 17:19
Regardless of what happens, the Twittersphere is salivating over the prospect that this provokes enough of a response among Trump supporters that the Dems can finally issue Order 66. This is probably a big nothing sandwich, but keep your guard up.

It kills me that the Left is salivating over this. Do they really think they have enough control over this big, wide, vast country to enforce their wishes by force? They'd be better off counting on voter fraud and controlling things via illegitimate politics. To go "whole hog" and take off the gloves is stupid. OMG, if it was open season on the Left and libtards it would be what the military likes to describe as a "target rich environment".

Biden can look for an excuse to pass whatever bullshit EO's or legislation that he wants, but while half this country has their heads firmly planted up their asses, the other half doesn't. ;) While certainly the entire other half couldn't be counted on to participate, it would only take a small percentage to make the Left regret their decision.

03-18-23, 17:54
Crap. What this really means is that the banking crisis is far worse than we thought. down a couple of Russian jets for full rally-round-Biden..

03-18-23, 18:16
It kills me that the Left is salivating over this. Do they really think they have enough control over this big, wide, vast country to enforce their wishes by force? They'd be better off counting on voter fraud and controlling things via illegitimate politics. To go "whole hog" and take off the gloves is stupid. OMG, if it was open season on the Left and libtards it would be what the military likes to describe as a "target rich environment".

Biden can look for an excuse to pass whatever bullshit EO's or legislation that he wants, but while half this country has their heads firmly planted up their asses, the other half doesn't. ;) While certainly the entire other half couldn't be counted on to participate, it would only take a small percentage to make the Left regret their decision.

I'm more worried about the hardcore Trumpers than I am anyone on the left at the moment.

03-18-23, 18:24
I'm more worried about the hardcore Trumpers than I am anyone on the left at the moment.

Meh, wake me up after 50 cities burn and billions and billions are done in damages... after that 'mostly peaceful' step, maybe I'll care. That is the standard we were told.

03-18-23, 18:26
I'm more worried about the hardcore Trumpers than I am anyone on the left at the moment.

Seriously? Surely you jest.

I am more worried about government agents being provocateurs and instigating things, then the frame-job begins. Trump's cult-like followers acting up are not what I consider most likely to happen (if anything).

03-18-23, 18:28
Meh, wake me up after 50 cities burn and billions and billions are done in damages... after that 'mostly peaceful' step, maybe I'll care. That is the standard we were told.

Why yes, yes it is the standard......but it is a double standard, only applicable to the Left. The Left has no standards but double standards. The most hypocritical bunch of assholes I've ever known about.

03-18-23, 18:28
Seriously? Surely you jest.

I am more worried about government agents being provocateurs and instigating things, then the frame-job begins. Trump's cult-like followers acting up are not what I consider most likely to happen (if anything).

and the feds aren't going to make the mistake of thinking the Trumpers will bring their own guns. I assume they'll make sure there are guns this time, plus some pyrotechnics for some 'good' optics.

03-18-23, 19:00
Seriously? Surely you jest.

I am more worried about government agents being provocateurs and instigating things, then the frame-job begins. Trump's cult-like followers acting up are not what I consider most likely to happen (if anything).

Yeah, second and third order of effects and all.

Nobody else is this country with so much sway would demand protests and potentially have those demands met from an arrest.

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03-19-23, 03:30
I'm more worried about the hardcore Trumpers than I am anyone on the left at the moment.

You mean the unarmed activist who stormed the Capitol building armed with signs and chants?

If they were half as motivated as BLM and Antifa they'd have been negotiating the release of Nancy Pelosi.

03-19-23, 06:32
You mean the unarmed activist who stormed the Capitol building armed with signs and chants?

If they were half as motivated as BLM and Antifa they'd have been negotiating the release of Nancy Pelosi.

Yeah, good example. Look at the shit storm that caused. We all know the truth doesn’t matter so almost anything a Trump supporter does will be spun.

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03-19-23, 08:29
Yeah, good example. Look at the shit storm that caused. We all know the truth doesn’t matter so almost anything a Trump supporter does will be spun.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk ProJanuary 6th was deliberately allowed to happen in order to completely shut down any discussion of elections fraud. And a lot of weak spined people on the right allowed that to happen.

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03-19-23, 08:46
January 6th was deliberately allowed to happen in order to completely shut down any discussion of elections fraud. And a lot of weak spined people on the right allowed that to happen.

Sent from my SM-A326U using Tapatalk

What’s your point?

Nothing tied to Trump will end up being good. He could literally cure cancer and his opponents would convince a huge number of the population that he created it in the first place. Every single American needs to move on from Trump at this point.

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03-19-23, 09:08
Trump wants folks to go out into the streets in his name again? Yeah, no thanks. I remember last time when he threw his people under the bus.


He pardoned convicted murders,.drug dealers, and corrupt Democrat politicians instead and left his people to rot in jail.