View Full Version : Fort Bragg to be Fort Liberty

03-17-23, 13:38
I didn't realize Bragg was named after a Confederate General. While I "get" why the name change will be viewed as part of the woke nonsense, I fully understand how/why any black American and others would take issues with statues of such generals in state gov property, naming mil bases after them, etc. I also get why some see it as an assault on their history, I get why many think it's inappropriate and I would too as a POC who had see such things on public property. Growing up in NE as a yankee, we only had the winners of said war for statues and such so that one was not a target of controversy.

I'm all for moving them to a private park etc for those who appreciate the history of them, and of course will not support replacing them with garbage humans the far left loons want see replace them. Fort Bragg to Liberty, I'm ok with, Fort Bragg to Fort Brandon, not so much...


03-17-23, 13:40
I can just see the new PFC showing up to post " Welcome to Fort Liberty, Libo is cancelled due to a DUI incident last night"

03-17-23, 13:44
****ING FAGS!!!!

03-17-23, 14:24
I didn't realize Bragg was named after a Confederate General. While I "get" why the name change will be viewed as part of the woke nonsense, I fully understand how/why any black American and others would take issues with statues of such generals in state gov property, naming mil bases after them, etc. I also get why some see it as an assault on their history, I get why many think it's inappropriate and I would too as a POC who had see such things on public property. Growing up in NE as a yankee, we only had the winners of said war for statues and such so that one was not a target of controversy.

I'm all for moving them to a private park etc for those who appreciate the history of them, and of course will not support replacing them with garbage humans the far left loons want see replace them. Fort Bragg to Liberty, I'm ok with, Fort Bragg to Fort Brandon, not so much...


Not just a Confederate general, a bad general. He was just awful as a tactician.

Honestly, I was so mad about the renamings, now I am ambivalent. But this is just such a gay name. And with the airborne and SOF heroes that went through that base, please tell me you couldn't come up with a solid list 20 names deep in about 90 seconds.

They have already started taking the name down on a bunch of signs.

03-17-23, 14:46
I've lived here in Fayetteville/Ft Bragg since 69 except for my time in the Army and away at college. I can guarantee most everyone here that has been here for some time will always call it Ft. Bragg. Especially after picking a new name of Ft Liberty. I'm sure they could have come up with a Medal of Honor awardee from the 82nd of SF unit here and renamed Bragg after that person. Would have been a much much better choice!!

03-17-23, 14:58

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03-17-23, 15:12
Not just a Confederate general, a bad general. He was just awful as a tactician.

Honestly, I was so mad about the renamings, now I am ambivalent. But this is just such a gay name. And with the airborne and SOF heroes that went through that base, please tell me you couldn't come up with a solid list 20 names deep in about 90 seconds.

They have already started taking the name down on a bunch of signs.

I don't mind the name at all, but as you point out, there's a bunch of names associated with the Rangers etc who could have been a more relevant to the base used.

03-17-23, 15:25
F that.

Everyone has their history. You go back far enough, everyone in this country was a slave owner, including some "black folks."

That you had slaves during the revolutionary war but not the civil war absolves you of nothing. Take them ALL down or leave them ALL up.

If you aren't gonna take Jefferson off all our currency then it IS woke nonsense.

03-17-23, 15:28
I don't mind the name at all, but as you point out, there's a bunch of names associated with the Rangers etc who could have been a more relevant to the base used.

THEY named it Bragg and only THEY should change it and only because THEY decide they want to.

03-17-23, 15:40
THEY named it Bragg and only THEY should change it and only because THEY decide they want to.

Since when do they get a choice in such matters? Everything they do from socks worn to food eaten etc is not up for votes from them. Someone gets a hair to change the name to Fort Brandon Rainbow Cupcake that's gonna be the name on the door. I do think naming it after one of many legendary Rangers would have been a better move, but I never get tired of the word Liberty myself. Maybe it's corny to some. I dig it.

03-17-23, 15:58
just one more little step in the marxist revolution. Keep erasing our past and condition the people to be little puppets.

I for one think the name change stinks. But it could have been something really bad, fort LGBTQWXYZ, where we no longer cut your hair off we chop your balls off.

03-17-23, 16:43
I didn't realize Bragg was named after a Confederate General.

Like 10 people on this planet knew that before it became a big deal.

I’m ambivalent about ditching Bragg’s name, although the new one is so mushy that most dudes are going to keep calling it Bragg. I think they chose such a name because pretty much any human name you pull out of a hat has some wrongdoing associated with it somehow. Like, if you called it Ft Ghandi, someone would claim that Ghandi himself was named after a prominent racist from a time when everyone was a racist.

I’m generally against renaming posts. Costs money and man-hours but doesn’t add capability. Certainly not unique in that.

03-17-23, 17:13
Like 10 people on this planet knew that before it became a big deal.

I’m ambivalent about ditching Bragg’s name, although the new one is so mushy that most dudes are going to keep calling it Bragg. I think they chose such a name because pretty much any human name you pull out of a hat has some wrongdoing associated with it somehow. Like, if you called it Ft Ghandi, someone would claim that Ghandi was named after a prominent racist from a time when everyone was a racist.

I’m generally against renaming posts. Costs money and man-hours but doesn’t add capability. Certainly not unique in that.

I think you overestimate the fame of General Braxton Bragg. :)

But yeah, even if they renamed it in honor of Henry Johnson, Lawrence Joel, or Melvin Morris somebody would still bitch about it.

03-17-23, 17:31
It's because of the current PC "woke" (God I HATE that term, it's not even proper English and of course has that ghetto ring to it) bullshit, no other reason. I'm against renaming these bases. Ft. Liberty.....how fvcking gay.

This is a direct consequence of illegitimate, fraudulent elections. Scum who shouldn't even be in the position to make that call are indeed in that position. Keep that in mind as we go forward in time.

03-17-23, 17:38
I think you overestimate the fame of General Braxton Bragg. :)

But yeah, even if they renamed it in honor of Henry Johnson, Lawrence Joel, or Melvin Morris somebody would still bitch about it.

Yes, only because they would be thrown in for racial reasons.

It will always be Ft. Bragg to me and most people I know who are ex-military (although I never stepped foot on Ft. Bragg during my Army time). I did, however, cut my Army teeth at Ft. Benning.....now it's gonna be Ft. Hal Moore. Nothing against Hal Moore, but it's still bullshit and I'll always refer to it as "Benning", and again so will everyone else with Army military time.

03-17-23, 17:39
I didn't realize Bragg was named after a Confederate General.

Fort Bragg, Fort Hood, Fort Stewart, Fort Gordon, Fort Benning, Fort Jackson, etc… just about every Army base in the South is named after a Confederate general.

03-17-23, 17:51
Fort Bragg, Fort Hood, Fort Stewart, Fort Gordon, Fort Benning, Fort Jackson, etc… just about every Army base in the South is named after a Confederate general.

Yes, and it was on purpose when the bases were stood up given the number of prominent and influential southerners on the Senate and House armed services committee. It was part of the trade-off.

If I use a tissue, I'm going to call it Kleenex. Cotton tipped applicator will be a q-tip. The renamings are the same. My current job takes me to the JFKSWCS fairly frequently, and it will always be "Bragg". I'm sure this is true for about a million veterans, for all the bases being renamed.

But: If they want to rename it, for the love of God, why not rename it to someone from the 82nd or Special Forces/SOF community (Howard, Zabitosky, Gavin, Shugart, etc)?

03-17-23, 18:31
Surprised the names aren't going to be Fort Weydemeyer/Willich/Schurz/Sigel/Schimmelfennig/et al.

03-17-23, 19:12
I’m pretty sick of this re-naming nonsense. It is soooo f@cking retarded.

I grew up in Madison, WI and seeing the U.S. military fall inline with the commies there is nauseating. I went to Thomas Jefferson Middle School. Of course that’s a racist name for a school, so now it’s Ezekiel Gillespie Middle School. My high school, James Madison Memorial, also racist. Now it’s Vel Phillips Memorial High School. Ft Bragg being renamed next. WTFO?

03-17-23, 19:20
I’m pretty sick of this re-naming nonsense. It is soooo f@cking retarded.

I grew up in Madison, WI and seeing the U.S. military fall inline with the commies there is nauseating. I went to Thomas Jefferson Middle School. Of course that’s a racist name for a school, so now it’s Ezekiel Gillespie Middle School. My high school, James Madison Memorial, also racist. Now it’s Vel Phillips Memorial High School. Ft Bragg being renamed next. WTFO?

It is our responsibility as "old fvckers" to continue calling things by their original names. If corrected by some young "woke" POS be sure to then correct he/she/it/whatever with the proper name of that base. After a few decades we'll all be toast anyway and it won't matter anymore!

03-17-23, 19:25
Fort Bragg, Fort Hood, Fort Stewart, Fort Gordon, Fort Benning, Fort Jackson, etc… just about every Army base in the South is named after a Confederate general.

And they are ALL getting new names.

Fort Bragg is one of ten United States Army installations named for officers who fought for the Confederacy in the American Civil War. The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021, passed over an attempted veto by President Trump, includes a provision that all 10 Army bases named after prominent Confederate military leaders be renamed.

The Naming Commission has proposed renaming the installation Fort Liberty. On 5 January 2023 William A. LaPlante, US under-secretary of defense for acquisition and sustainment (USD (A&S)) directed the full implementation of the recommendations of the Naming Commission, DoD-wide; the renaming occurs the first week in June 2023.

Welcome to Fort Rainbow, because we have decided it isn't gay enough.

03-17-23, 19:36
And they are ALL getting new names.

Fort Bragg is one of ten United States Army installations named for officers who fought for the Confederacy in the American Civil War. The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021, passed over an attempted veto by President Trump, includes a provision that all 10 Army bases named after prominent Confederate military leaders be renamed.

The Naming Commission has proposed renaming the installation Fort Liberty. On 5 January 2023 William A. LaPlante, US under-secretary of defense for acquisition and sustainment (USD (A&S)) directed the full implementation of the recommendations of the Naming Commission, DoD-wide; the renaming occurs the first week in June 2023.

Welcome to Fort Rainbow, because we have decided it isn't gay enough.

The Left really is an enemy of our Republic. And sad to say, roughly half of this country agrees with their platform (or most of it anyway) enough to vote "D".

The nation I grew up in isn't the same. Not even close.

03-18-23, 00:58
I don't mind the name at all, but as you point out, there's a bunch of names associated with the Rangers etc who could have been a more relevant to the base used.

MSG Roy Benavidez...

03-18-23, 01:13
MSG Roy Benavidez...

Sorry, he's Mexican so he probably has some Spanish Conquistador blood in him and they did things much worse than slavery when they came to the new world. We'd eventually have to cancel him, welcome to Ft. Rainbow.

03-18-23, 01:27
Sorry, he's Mexican so he probably has some Spanish Conquistador blood in him and they did things much worse than slavery when they came to the new world. We'd eventually have to cancel him, welcome to Ft. Rainbow.


03-18-23, 02:45
They should just name it Fort Cup Cake... I mean really, it's just as ridiculous as calling it Fort Liberty.

Though really I don't have any f#^#s to give on this issue as for the rest of my life, I will always be referring to it as Ft Bragg, no matter who takes issue with calling it that.


03-18-23, 03:43
This is just another way for the Libtards to try and erase history rather than learn from it. A perfect example now is the VA getting rid of the plaque with a quote from Abe Lincoln because he fails to mention women.

" to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow, and his orphan. "

Coal Dragger
03-18-23, 04:22
I’m going to write a letter to the naming commission to propose re-naming Ft. Bragg to Ft. Brokeback Mountain. I’m sure they would jump at the opportunity to rename the installation after the heroic movie about a couple of cock sucking cowboys. This effort will improve recruitment of homosexuals into the Army, and they can all elect to be stationed at Ft. Brokeback Mountain.

03-18-23, 05:36
This is just another way for the Libtards to try and erase history rather than learn from it. A perfect example now is the VA getting rid of the plaque with a quote from Abe Lincoln because he fails to mention women.

" to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow, and his orphan. "

Maybe instead of getting rid of the plaque they should just modernize the quote:

" to care for ze/zim who shall have borne the battle and for ze/zim’s widow, and ze/zim’s orphan. "

03-18-23, 08:10
Maybe instead of getting rid of the plaque they should just modernize the quote:

" to care for ze/zim who shall have borne the battle and for ze/zim’s widow, and ze/zim’s orphan. "

Nope, gotta get rid of the "widow" and "orphan" part as that implies hetero and a breeder.

03-18-23, 08:12
****ING FAGS!!!!


03-18-23, 08:13
MSG Roy Benavidez...

I believe they are renaming Ft. Hood after him as he was Texan. A real stud.

03-18-23, 08:26
I believe they are renaming Ft. Hood after him as he was Texan. A real stud.

I've not heard that one and I live in the Fort Hood Area.
It would certainly be an easy and welcome fix, if you have to rename it, rename it after Roy.

03-18-23, 08:30
Why not Fort Fag?

03-18-23, 09:20
I've not heard that one and I live in the Fort Hood Area.
It would certainly be an easy and welcome fix, if you have to rename it, rename it after Roy.

My bad. He was on the short list. They are renaming it to Fort Cavazos:


03-18-23, 09:41
MSG Roy Benavidez...
I’d actually stop calling it Bragg if they did that.

03-18-23, 09:41
Not just a Confederate general, a bad general. He was just awful as a tactician.

Honestly, I was so mad about the renamings, now I am ambivalent. But this is just such a gay name. And with the airborne and SOF heroes that went through that base, please tell me you couldn't come up with a solid list 20 names deep in about 90 seconds.

They have already started taking the name down on a bunch of signs.

Best summary on my feelings on the subject. Bragg sucked, and I have no problem with the Fort being renamed. Liberty is just a lame name though. Gavin, Ridgeway, etc all would have been much, much better names.

03-18-23, 10:25
Best summary on my feelings on the subject. Bragg sucked, and I have no problem with the Fort being renamed. Liberty is just a lame name though. Gavin, Ridgeway, etc all would have been much, much better names.

I'm surprised it isn't being renamed Fort Gavin. But, true to tradition, the brass on Bragg would **** up a wet dream, so Liberty it is.

The Dumb Gun Collector
03-18-23, 11:36
I sort of get the idea of naming it Fort Liberty because it is so freaking generic it should put off controversy for at least 10 years until the Wokies decide that liberty is a white supremicist concept and rename it Fort Tranny incest pedo .

03-18-23, 17:32
They should just name it Fort Cup Cake... I mean really, it's just as ridiculous as calling it Fort Liberty.

Though really I don't have any f#^#s to give on this issue as for the rest of my life, I will always be referring to it as Ft Bragg, no matter who takes issue with calling it that.


Ya know, maybe we are missing an excellent psyops opportunity.

Ft. We Don't Do That Stuff Anymore.

Ft. Cool Buzz

Ft. Hey Sarge, How Does This Work Again

03-18-23, 18:21
There are some cool names these bases can be re-named to (Ridgeway, Gavin, Benavidez, etc.). The point is WHY??? Just because it is to appease the faggot-assed "woke" crowd that I despise I am against it on principle. I am trying my best to be as unaccommodating to those libtards as I possibly can and reject ANYTHING they put forward just because it's what they want. They are the antithesis of what I believe in and I would like to see them destroyed.....shy of being granted that wish I will have to settle for being as contrarian as I can at every turn to those bastards.

03-18-23, 18:45
There are some cool names these bases can be re-named to (Ridgeway, Gavin, Benavidez, etc.). The point is WHY??? Just because it is to appease the faggot-assed "woke" crowd that I despise I am against it on principle. I am trying my best to be as unaccommodating to those libtards as I possibly can and reject ANYTHING they put forward just because it's what they want. They are the antithesis of what I believe in and I would like to see them destroyed.....shy of being granted that wish I will have to settle for being as contrarian as I can at every turn to those bastards.

I guess taking a lady off a syrup bottle and toppling some statues didn’t solve rrrrrraaaaacism so renaming Army bases is the next step. And when that doesn’t work we’ll see what’s next. Yes, the communists will not stop until you love big brother.

03-18-23, 21:15
Of all the hundreds of thousands of soldiers that have passed through Fort Bragg over the decades, how many have wondered about the post's name? I would imagine very, very few (if any). They probably had more pressing things on their minds.

**** all those Woke assholes.

03-18-23, 21:19
I'm surprised it isn't being renamed Fort Gavin. But, true to tradition, the brass on Bragg would **** up a wet dream, so Liberty it is.

Maybe they could have called it Ft Operationcleansweep or Ft Paydayactivities.

03-18-23, 21:32
Maybe they could have called it Ft Operationcleansweep or Ft Paydayactivities.

Once upon a time, I had to supervise the removal and subsequent replacement of pine cones during a clean sweep. We had to put "some" back because it looked unnatural without them.

Ft. DropAPacketOrETS

03-18-23, 21:58
I believe they are renaming Ft. Hood after him as he was Texan. A real stud.

While I am not in favor of this crap, I have a deep respect for our SF warriors. If they’re gonna rename Ft. Hood after MSG Benavidez, then rename Bragg after SFC Randy Shughart and MSG Gary Gordon.

03-19-23, 03:46
I guess taking a lady off a syrup bottle and toppling some statues didn’t solve rrrrrraaaaacism so renaming Army bases is the next step. And when that doesn’t work we’ll see what’s next. Yes, the communists will not stop until you love big brother.

I think it's time to start demanding statues of CSA leaders in San Francisco in the name of "diversity" and "unity." I want to see Richard Nixon community centers in Los Angeles in a demonstration of "acceptance."

03-19-23, 03:47
Of all the hundreds of thousands of soldiers that have passed through Fort Bragg over the decades, how many have wondered about the post's name? I would imagine very, very few (if any). They probably had more pressing things on their minds.

**** all those Woke assholes.

For me, Bragg was where they called in a "full bird colonel" from because of John Rambo.

03-19-23, 03:50
While I am not in favor of this crap, I have a deep respect for our SF warriors. If they’re gonna rename Ft. Hood after MSG Benavidez, then rename Bragg after SFC Randy Shughart and MSG Gary Gordon.

F me. Yeah, I'd support that.

Coal Dragger
03-19-23, 14:11
Rename Ft. Hood after Lafayette G. Pool since it’s an armor installation.


03-19-23, 14:41
Sometime, eventually, maybe far into the future abortion will be acknowledged for the evil that is. Maybe because the declining birth rate will make having too many children seem alien. Or some technology will make conception control even easier, transparent, and effective so that killing a fetus will seem barbaric. Or as simple as this third wave of feminism comes crashing down on itself. But abortion will be seen as child sacrifice and make slavery pale in comparision.

And then we erase every 20th and 21st century Democrat politician from the historical record.

And maybe then they come after everyone that ate meat, who knows.

The Dumb Gun Collector
03-19-23, 15:38
Sometime, eventually, maybe far into the future abortion will be acknowledged for the evil that is. Maybe because the declining birth rate will make having too many children seem alien. Or some technology will make conception control even easier, transparent, and effective so that killing a fetus will seem barbaric. Or as simple as this third wave of feminism comes crashing down on itself. But abortion will be seen as child sacrifice and make slavery pale in comparision.

And then we erase every 20th and 21st century Democrat politician from the historical record.

And maybe then they come after everyone that ate meat, who knows.

I have thought this exact thing. Clearly, abortion is murder. And as you say, in the future the procedure will be completely unnecessary. Politics will have long since moved on with the republicans and democrats swapping sides 25x like they do. These people will be thought of much like slavers.

03-19-23, 17:21
Rename Ft. Hood after Lafayette G. Pool since it’s an armor installation.


Nope, Ft. Balloons.

Coal Dragger
03-19-23, 17:50

Rainbow Balloons!

03-19-23, 19:05
I completely HATE any of this renaming of anything, whether it's buildings, bases, posts, whatever. It's so completely disheartening to watch the left destroy absolutely everything. Add to that the tearing down statues; all of it is nonsense and we're a pathetic society for letting it happen. I think we should be the same with all of this nonsense as we should be with firearms; the answer is "NO" we're not doing it, period.

03-20-23, 01:40
I'm surprised it isn't being renamed Fort Gavin. But, true to tradition, the brass on Bragg would **** up a wet dream, so Liberty it is.

Yup. Jumping Jim Gavin would be good too, since he jumped with 82nd Abn. on D-Day (and had the balls to lead from the front). I’d follow him anywhere (& I was a “leg”).

03-20-23, 10:13
Yup. Jumping Jim Gavin would be good too, since he jumped with 82nd Abn. on D-Day (and had the balls to lead from the front). I’d follow him anywhere (& I was a “leg”).

Jim Gavin was a hell of a leader. He literally wrote the book on Airborne Infantry tactics and lived by leading from the front. He was the first man out on all 4 of his combat jumps, directly engaged in combat during every major offensive his units conducted, and was always the last to eat and sleep.

just a scout
03-20-23, 12:27
****ING FAGS!!!!

No. Bolsheviks.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-20-23, 12:38
I completely HATE any of this renaming of anything, whether it's buildings, bases, posts, whatever. It's so completely disheartening to watch the left destroy absolutely everything. Add to that the tearing down statues; all of it is nonsense and we're a pathetic society for letting it happen. I think we should be the same with all of this nonsense as we should be with firearms; the answer is "NO" we're not doing it, period.

If you wish to repeat history, you just first make sure it’s hidden from view.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-20-23, 13:01
Speaking of Bragg, I mean Liberty, WTF is going on over there?

7 soldiers last seen with decapitated Fort Bragg paratrooper in 2020 face court Martial

FORT BRAGG, N.C. — Seven Fort Bragg soldiers who last saw a colleague alive before his severed head was found along a North Carolina shoreline in 2020 are facing court martials this summer on charges of conspiracy and other alleged crimes.


03-20-23, 13:17
I'll just say that after reading the story it smells like the direct result of lowering the standards of entrance requirements.

03-20-23, 20:06
Sad really ******* sad !

03-20-23, 20:17
I don't even care anymore. This country is ****ed. We should just rename everything after drag queens (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_drag_queens) and get it the hell over with already.

I just want to drop the kids off at Pussy Tourette Elementary then drive over to the Silky Nutmeg Ganache Federal Building to check on my SSI disability checks.

You know...**** it...Enjoy the decline.

03-20-23, 20:26
Jim Gavin was a hell of a leader. He literally wrote the book on Airborne Infantry tactics and lived by leading from the front. He was the first man out on all 4 of his combat jumps, directly engaged in combat during every major offensive his units conducted, and was always the last to eat and sleep.

Gavin also carried an M1 Garand in those combat operations. As a general officer he could've carried anything he wanted, like a 1911, Carbine, maybe even a Grease gun or Thompson with a little more physical exertion. Nope, he wanted an M1 because it would knock a mofo down (not his words of course) and that's what the troops carry.

I would have no problem at all with a Ft. Gavin. The reason for apparently *having* to do so are what I take issue with. The old "If it ain't broke don't fix it" saying comes to mind. But no, those POS have to change everything they can and ram it down our throats whether we like it or not. I naturally push back against such asinine thinking. :dance3:

03-21-23, 20:36
The military does not have General officers like Gavin because they don't have to be,
every thing is political and you have to be a political animal, no leadership from the front !
No penalty when you fail to achieve military victory.

03-21-23, 22:51
The military does not have General officers like Gavin because they don't have to be,
every thing is political and you have to be a political animal, no leadership from the front !
No penalty when you fail to achieve military victory.

No penalty when you preside over a disaster.

ODA 3212 comes to mind. An entire SF team sacrificed, events falsified, families lied to and the worst thing that happens to the two clowns in charge is they had their promotions blocked.

03-22-23, 02:05
Has anyone told DA Alvin Bragg that his last name is offensive and needs to be changed.