View Full Version : Will Trump Be Charged For "Hush $" Payment?

03-19-23, 18:15
Politicians, etc have been paying people off to keep their mouths shut forever, but is that illegal? I'm unclear what the charges are there. Not the best source but:


One More Time
03-19-23, 18:45
I remember an old comic strip.
Girl holds a football and snatches it away just before the big headed kid can kick it.
Over and over, one day it'll work.

The Dumb Gun Collector
03-19-23, 20:47
I remember they prosecuted John Edwards for a similar, but slightly worse "crime." He was paying his side-chick with campaign funds. It was a silly prosecution and so is this. Trump paid off a chick who was blackmailing him. Whoop de damn do.

03-19-23, 20:59
I remember they prosecuted John Edwards for a similar, but slightly worse "crime." He was paying his side-chick with campaign funds. It was a silly prosecution and so is this.

Campaign funds are treated very, very seriously. You can only bribe candidates openly and in compliance with certain procedures. Even though it's still a bribe, and the candidate gets to keep all the money as personal funds when they retire or lose. In all seriousness, I think the rigidness is used to protect the bribe nature of the funds against creeping use of them for other things.

Re: Trump, I hope he has better lawyers and used funds that aren't campaign funds. If it somehow became illegal to make settlements of bogus claims to get rid of annoying claimants then there are tens of millions of people who've committed crimes.

03-19-23, 21:20
Not sure how a state AG can prosecute for a possible federal crime but the law means little in this case.

03-19-23, 21:21
Campaign funds are treated very, very seriously. You can only bribe candidates openly and in compliance with certain procedures. Even though it's still a bribe, and the candidate gets to keep all the money as personal funds when they retire or lose. In all seriousness, I think the rigidness is used to protect the bribe nature of the funds against creeping use of them for other things.

Re: Trump, I hope he has better lawyers and used funds that aren't campaign funds. If it somehow became illegal to make settlements of bogus claims to get rid of annoying claimants then there are tens of millions of people who've committed crimes.

Trump self funded in 2016.

03-19-23, 21:30
The problem is that any judge or jury in NY city will convict him of any charge with any evidence. That is the problem.

He might get off on appeals, but that will take years.

Coal Dragger
03-19-23, 21:37
Of course Trump will pick up charges.

Next question.

03-19-23, 23:03
What the charges are or whether they can be proven are irrelevant. The goal is getting him arrested and putting him in a courtroom they control, where they know their jury would convict him of anything they said.

The Dumb Gun Collector
03-19-23, 23:40
But as far as I can tell, maybe he banged some nasty whore 12 or so years before the election. She shops around the story with no takers forever. Basically, after he gets caught bragging about grabbing pussies on a hot mike the story is suddenly interesting. He basically stalls out paying until they threaten to go to another buyer, so Trump's lawyer goes ahead and pays her. Then trump pays him back right after the election. It's basically Bill Clinton Level dipshittery, This is a pretty lame case (and I have never been a big fan of Trump. I was a Rubio guy and I like DeSantis now.)

That being said, unless he can get it dismissed on a motion he will probably lose at trial just because it will be a NY jury. Maybe he can get someone to hang the jury.

03-20-23, 08:15
The problem is that any judge or jury in NY city will convict him of any charge with any evidence. That is the problem.

He might get off on appeals, but that will take years.

What the charges are or whether they can be proven are irrelevant. The goal is getting him arrested and putting him in a courtroom they control, where they know their jury would convict him of anything they said.

This. And when this is even possible, you are in a banana republic.

The full faith and credit clause needs to be erased, or re-interpreted. Some states do not deserve any faith or credit.

03-20-23, 08:18
Campaign funds are treated very, very seriously. You can only bribe candidates openly and in compliance with certain procedures. Even though it's still a bribe, and the candidate gets to keep all the money as personal funds when they retire or lose. In all seriousness, I think the rigidness is used to protect the bribe nature of the funds against creeping use of them for other things.

Re: Trump, I hope he has better lawyers and used funds that aren't campaign funds. If it somehow became illegal to make settlements of bogus claims to get rid of annoying claimants then there are tens of millions of people who've committed crimes.

Is that what the charges are based on, use of campaign funds to pay off ho? I'm still unclear what the charges are there.

03-20-23, 08:29
Years ago the Feds looked at this and decided there was no violation of federal campaign law to prosecute. Private funds used to settle a nuisance claim... yawn. Manhattan DA lacks both jurisdiction and a crime to prosecute. That said, I agree with others that even the most baseless and convoluted prosecution is likely to result in a conviction in NY if the defendant's name is Trump.

03-20-23, 08:44

03-20-23, 08:49
Is that what the charges are based on, use of campaign funds to pay off ho? I'm still unclear what the charges are there.

I don't think whatever the Manhattan DA is plotting relates to campaign finance laws, but I'm not sure. My comment was referring to John Edwards' scandal and alleged campaign finance law violations:


03-20-23, 09:18
Campaign funds are treated very, very seriously. You can only bribe candidates openly and in compliance with certain procedures. Even though it's still a bribe, and the candidate gets to keep all the money as personal funds when they retire or lose. In all seriousness, I think the rigidness is used to protect the bribe nature of the funds against creeping use of them for other things.

Re: Trump, I hope he has better lawyers and used funds that aren't campaign funds. If it somehow became illegal to make settlements of bogus claims to get rid of annoying claimants then there are tens of millions of people who've committed crimes.

Candidates cannot keep campaign funds as personal funds. They can refund it or stockpile it for future campaigns. They can't pocket it.

03-20-23, 09:18
Trump self funded in 2016.

No he didn't.

03-20-23, 09:28
Is that what the charges are based on, use of campaign funds to pay off ho? I'm still unclear what the charges are there.

The only speculation on charges that I have read revolve around the payment. A violation of federal campaign law (already discussed). The other is how the repayment to Cohen was made on Trump's company books as a legal expense. A New York DA would seem to have no jurisdiction over federal campaigns. On the other hand, how a New York business operates it's books would seem more within the DA's jurisdiction now matter how convoluted or thin the charges. I guess we'll soon find out.

03-20-23, 09:31
Candidates cannot keep campaign funds as personal funds. They can refund it or stockpile it for future campaigns. They can't pocket it.

Looks like that is technically correct and my info was outdated.

However, between that and this, it looks like abuses that don't get prosecuted are fairly common:

Past history (2010 article and discussion of rules much older than that):

So yeah, it looks like it's "illegal" to use campaign funds for other purposes, but it also looks like there are some loopholes and some abuses that don't get prosecuted.

03-20-23, 09:32
Cohen (attorney) paid Daniels. Trump's company paid back Cohen. No campaign funds were used.

03-20-23, 09:43
The only speculation on charges that I have read revolve around the payment. A violation of federal campaign law (already discussed). The other is how the repayment to Cohen was made on his company's books as a legal expense. A New York DA would seem to have no jurisdiction over federal campaigns. On the other hand, how a New York business operates it's books would seem more within the DA's jurisdiction now matter how convoluted or thin the charges. I guess we'll soon find out.

Do you think the possible charge is over listing paying off said ho as a legal expense ? If not using campaign funds to do it (could he be that dumb?), then it would seem in bold more applicable. Again, unclear of the illegality of paying someone to keep quiet about something as a stand alone charge.

03-20-23, 09:49
Cohen (attorney) paid Daniels. Trump's company paid back Cohen. No campaign funds were used.

Then perhaps the charge is relating to it being listed as a legal expense, which I suppose it technically was but also likley not legal, assuming they can prove Trump was personally aware that aspect. Still, if that's all they have, it's some weak a$$ BS a large % of politicians and other elite A holes have done since politicians and and A holes with $ have existed. Obviously the goal is to get some charge to finally stick making him ineligible to run again.

If it does not, well, they may have just handed him a re election. Morons.

03-20-23, 09:58
I'm just gonna say one thing abut his calls for "peaceful patriotic protest" on this one: Trump's apparent inability to learn from mistakes and walking people RIGHT into another January 6 situation is a DQ.

I implore all of you, as I am everyone I know even those I consider my worst enemies, DON'T GO--anything that does attempt to organize no matter how peaceful the original intent is going to be hijacked by F-B-Lie Einsatzgruppen or other provocateurs and turned into another Buffalo Jump just like they did with January 6, and continue to look for opportunities to repeat at every hint of even the slightest pretext. DC Jail is America's Bastille, and these people jack themselves off to fantasies of rounding us all up and shoving us all into a new Black Hole of Calcutta. Well, those they don't go Ruby Ridge or Waco on first anyway...


03-20-23, 10:04
Then perhaps the charge is relating to it being listed as a legal expense, which I suppose it technically was but also likley not legal, assuming they can prove Trump was personally aware that aspect. Still, if that's all they have, it's some weak a$$ BS a large % of politicians and other elite A holes have done since politicians and and A holes with $ have existed. Obviously the goal is to get some charge to finally stick making him ineligible to run again.

If it does not, well, they may have just handed him a re election. Morons.

Right. The funny part is the argument made against Trump is that campaign funds should have been used and reported as such. Of course the media would then be delighted to report how Trump was using campaign funds donated by hard working Americans to pay hookers. The conga line of lefties dreaming up nonsense to attack Trump never ends. sigh...

03-20-23, 16:34
Stormy Daniels is tweeting up a storm with zinger after zinger about Donald Trump ahead of a possible indictment in New York


He probably watches my movies on repeat which may be why he has so many typos. (Slippery fingers from lube and KFC)," read one tweet from Daniels on Sunday.

Damn... :lol:

03-20-23, 16:37
Stormy Daniels is tweeting up a storm with zinger after zinger about Donald Trump ahead of a possible indictment in New York


Damn... :lol:

Classy lady, lady is classy. Oy vey.

03-20-23, 16:37
Stormy Daniels is tweeting up a storm with zinger after zinger about Donald Trump ahead of a possible indictment in New York


Damn... :lol:

She is the ultimate skank. All the porn stars in the world and Trump chose her. That's one of the most egregious decisions he ever made. :bad:

03-20-23, 16:55
She is the ultimate skank. All the porn stars in the world and Trump chose her. That's one of the most egregious decisions he ever made. :bad:

Never heard of her until Trump, like the other 99.9% of people, and looked her up to see what the fuss was about. :bad:

03-20-23, 17:00
This is not the hill the left wants to attack on. THere is very little "there" there and by all accounts it would be a novel case that is open to all kinds of challenges. Ben Shapiro did a good bit today on the legal issues. Some the the biggest are that the FEDS and FEC passed on it- the entities directly with authority, and the issue around some charges being beyond statute of limitations. I guess they could split the baby and put together a case on something around 'fraud' and then say that statute of limitations has run out--- He's guilty, but we can't take him to court. The left gets what they want with out having its ass handed to it in court.

Complete banana republic crap.

03-20-23, 17:08
And all the while no one noticed how the Hunter Biden case, or the Joe Biden document scandle was going...

03-20-23, 17:09
Trump’s Legal Woes Go from Bad to Worse as CNN Reports Potential RICO Charges for Pressuring Georgia Election Officials


RICO and conspiracy charges will definitely cause some headaches.

03-20-23, 17:13
She is the ultimate skank. All the porn stars in the world and Trump chose her. That's one of the most egregious decisions he ever made. :bad:

Never heard of her until Trump, like the other 99.9% of people, and looked her up to see what the fuss was about. :bad:


What's up with all these rich guys and celebs (Trump, Tiger Woods, .. ) getting tripped up with skeasy sloots. I mean I ain't like it would make them better human beings if the women involved were top shelf porn stars but it would at least make a little more sense.

It's kinda like eating out of the dumpster instead of going home for steak. At least if it was a really nice cheeseburger or a different steak I'd kinda get it. I'm a "dumpster diver" myself ;) and I still don't get it.

03-20-23, 18:06
Cohen (attorney) paid Daniels. Trump's company paid back Cohen. No campaign funds were used.

It was back-charged to the campaign.

Obama, Edwards and Hillary also charged things to the campaign that were not allowed. They had their campaigns fined or nothing happened.

03-20-23, 20:26
My understanding about the Stormy thing is that the statute of limitations has long passed. Another possibility is Trump is playing 4D chess again and nothing is going to happen.

03-20-23, 20:39
Trump’s Legal Woes Go from Bad to Worse as CNN Reports Potential RICO Charges for Pressuring Georgia Election Officials


RICO and conspiracy charges will definitely cause some headaches.

You do know that never happened right? Trump never asked Georgia officials to cheat.
Actual quote.
"All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. Because we won the state."

Linking fake stories from CNN is sad.

03-20-23, 21:35
You do know that never happened right? Trump never asked Georgia officials to cheat.
Actual quote.
"All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. Because we won the state."

Linking fake stories from CNN is sad.

LOL.... that's not the entire story of that phone call and you know it...

Pressuring an official of his own party to get him to rescind a state's lawfully certified vote count and fabricate another in its place is a bit of a sticky legal area that maybe a Ga. jury will get to decide upon.

Who knows...

03-20-23, 22:44
I'm not for or against Trump however this is one more indication of the direction things are headed in our country.
I have no doubt something will be fabricated, what the court does for a sentence, and what his supporters do in return, will be interesting.

03-21-23, 12:00
It was back-charged to the campaign.

And that is why the FEDs and FEC filed charges against him, ohhh, wait…

So he gets charged with city charges in NY state. Who goes to Florida to arrest him? New York City cops? Is that legal? Or do they put an arrest warrant out for him and then…. Local or state cops CAN arrest him, but will they?

Or do they put out an arrest warrant out for him and then wait till he goes to a jurisdiction that will arrest him?

03-21-23, 14:46
It was back-charged to the campaign.

Obama, Edwards and Hillary also charged things to the campaign that were not allowed. They had their campaigns fined or nothing happened.

Have not read that anywhere.

Excerpts from someone who has been following the case for years:

In the final weeks of the 2016 presidential campaign, Trump's then-lawyer Michael Cohen sent $130,000 to Daniels to prevent her from disclosing her alleged 2006 affair with Trump, who has denied the affair. Trump subsequently reimbursed Cohen.

"A settlement payment of a nuisance claim is not a federal campaign expense," said von Spakovsky, a senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation. "The state DA has no authority to prosecute a federal campaign finance violation in any event."

"Critics of the president claim this not only was a campaign expense that should have been reported but a potentially illegal loan by Cohen. But the settlement was ultimately paid out of Trump's personal funds and had nothing to do with the campaign since their alleged one-night stand occurred 10 years before the campaign," wrote von Spakovsky. "No reasonable member of a jury would consider this to be a campaign-related expense that needed to be reported, or to which any other campaign finance rules in the Federal Election Campaign Act apply."


It's those accusing Trump of wrongdoing who are saying that it should have been a campaign expense (it wasn't), paid from campaign funds (it wasn't) and reported as such.

More here: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-stormy-daniels-settlement-heart-of-potential-ny-da-indictment-didnt-violate-campaign-law-fec-expert

03-21-23, 15:35
And that is why the FEDs and FEC filed charges against him, ohhh, wait…

So he gets charged with city charges in NY state. Who goes to Florida to arrest him? New York City cops? Is that legal? Or do they put an arrest warrant out for him and then…. Local or state cops CAN arrest him, but will they?

Or do they put out an arrest warrant out for him and then wait till he goes to a jurisdiction that will arrest him?

NY sends someone to an FL court to request extradition. If granted the locals pick him up and put him on a plane. Same as any other interstate extradition.

03-21-23, 16:01
NY sends someone to an FL court to request extradition. If granted the locals pick him up and put him on a plane. Same as any other interstate extradition.

The Secret Service will almost certainly have a huge problem with that...

03-21-23, 16:32
NY sends someone to an FL court to request extradition. If granted the locals pick him up and put him on a plane. Same as any other interstate extradition.

So local, county, state? And if the prioritize other actions above this? Not saying that they won't do it, but we're busy, come back later. When would federal level people get involved? Or does Dog the Bounty Hunter get the job then?

03-21-23, 16:50
Do you think the possible charge is over listing paying off said ho as a legal expense ? If not using campaign funds to do it (could he be that dumb?), then it would seem in bold more applicable. Again, unclear of the illegality of paying someone to keep quiet about something as a stand alone charge.

Does it even matter what the charges are? Its clearly another attempt of the three letter agencies to try and ferment a civil war when their whole Jan 6th insurrection, alt-right, white supremacist narrative fell apart the last few weeks. This is the end state of every bureaucracy, when they get big enough they stop serving their original function and just do things to justify their own existence.

03-21-23, 16:57
It was back-charged to the campaign.

Obama, Edwards and Hillary also charged things to the campaign that were not allowed. They had their campaigns fined or nothing happened.

Do we have proof of that? I haven't seen it. :confused:

Even if so, that would be a minor campaign finance violation worthy of a fine, not a politically motivated local prosecution based on TDS rage.

NY sends someone to an FL court to request extradition. If granted the locals pick him up and put him on a plane. Same as any other interstate extradition.

And said extradition request should rightly be denied if made. NY agents can fly back to NY alone and empty handed, as they deserve. ;)

john armond
03-21-23, 19:11
Didn’t previous NY DAs look into this and decide not to prosecute? Didn’t this very same NY DA look into this and decide previously not to prosecute and only changed his mind after Trump announced his intention to run for reelection, or is my info incorrect?

03-21-23, 19:20
Didn’t previous NY DAs look into this and decide not to prosecute? Didn’t this very same NY DA look into this and decide previously not to prosecute and only changed his mind after Trump announced his intention to run for reelection, or is my info incorrect?

You are correct. On top of that though, this DA campaigned on the fact that he had prosecuted Trump before (civil court) and believed he should be prosecuted. So now we have guys deciding to prosecute before he was even involved in the case.

john armond
03-21-23, 19:28
You are correct. On top of that though, this DA campaigned on the fact that he had prosecuted Trump before (civil court) and believed he should be prosecuted. So now we have guys deciding to prosecute before he was even involved in the case.

Looks like the DA is being requested to testify before three congressional committees by Thursday. There are questions about his possible use federal funding for his Trump case and as to him having assistance from Justice Dept staff. Not really seeing this request going anywhere though as it will probably just get ignored.


03-21-23, 19:44
They want Trump completely out of the political arena one way or another. He better steer clear of any grassy knolls if none of their current tactics are effective.

03-22-23, 01:30
Looks like the DA is being requested to testify before three congressional committees by Thursday. There are questions about his possible use federal funding for his Trump case and as to him having assistance from Justice Dept staff. Not really seeing this request going anywhere though as it will probably just get ignored.


To me, it is all about getting the DA on the record with statements that they can then use to pressure the DOJ to file charges for lying to Congress. The real questions will be who did he talk to about filing charges outside his office, and who in his office talked to people. It's a great perjury trap, and if he declines to answer that says something. The height of hilarity would be if he claims that he can't remember or worse, pleads the 5th. If he tries to say that he can't talk about the case, then the retort is that this should apply to anyone, so he should be able to state that he didn't talk to any dem pols about the case.

03-22-23, 07:57
NYC put their 36000 officers on alert, the Capital police erected barriers, etc. A few (hundred?) Pro-Trump protesters showed up, vastly outnumbered by (probably compensated, surely not working class adults with real jobs) counter protesters.

I am sure Brandon's mouthpiece will spout something something MAGA Threat to Democracy something.


03-22-23, 09:19
"Show me the man, I'll show you the crime": Beria

A NDA in exchange for money is legal. The question is, was the money used to protect Trump family (legal), or the campaign (illegal)?

Cohen originally said the exchange was to protect Melania, not the campaign; thus, not a campaign finance violation. Cohen is a prolific liar, remember he had recanted so much previous testimony and committed perjury. Cohen is the DA's star witness, who is now saying, yes, it was to protect the campaign.

BUT: Cohen's former attorney, Costello, no longer bound by atty-client privilege, testified to the grand jury that Cohen repeatedly said the money was to protect Melania, not the campaign, and that Cohen acted on his own and not at the behest of Trump. Furthermore, Costello said that Bragg his from the grand jury docs that corroborated Cohen's original testimony.

So: Cohen was lying then, or he is lying now; or he could have been lying all alone. BUT, if Bragg is suppressing evidence that corroborates Cohen's original testimony that a) he paid Daniels without Trump knowing, and b) did it to protect melania and not the campaign, there is no 'there' in this case.

What I think: the DA wants Trump to plead out believing that he could win a trial. If the grand jury indicts, I believe Trump and his attorneys want to go to trial, especially if they can call Cohen and Costello to testify, and verify there is documentation that support's Cohen's original testimony.

I know a handful of lawyers, not many, but none of them see a case here based on what we know from the media.

03-22-23, 09:44
If Trump paid out other similar NDAs when not running for office, kind of a slam dunk.

I still don’t get why Stormy isn’t guilty of blackmail?

03-22-23, 10:12
If Trump paid out other similar NDAs when not running for office, kind of a slam dunk.

I still don’t get why Stormy isn’t guilty of blackmail?

Well... her attorney, Michael Avenatti (left-wing kooks we're swooning over him and the notion of being the next POTUS) has time to ponder your question. I think he ended up with over a decade of federal prison time in addition to the below.


03-22-23, 11:36
Grand Jury cancelled...clown show


03-22-23, 11:40
Grand Jury cancelled...clown show


Too bad the BAR is a paper tiger or this cat would lose his license to practice law.

03-22-23, 11:58
Trump needs to sue the whore for not hushing and get his money back.

03-22-23, 11:59
Grand Jury cancelled...clown show


Now disbar the POS.

03-22-23, 12:04
Who knows... but not surprising when the case largely revolves around Cohen's testimony who pleaded guilty, among other things, lying to Congress.

03-22-23, 12:32
According to workers in the DA office, "significant disarray and disagreement" reigns in the office...

03-22-23, 12:36
Can't make this shit up...National Donald Day (https://nationaltoday.com/national-donald-day/)

03-22-23, 12:43
Grand Jury cancelled...clown show


I didn’t think that the DA had the obligation to present both sides or all the evidence to a grand jury? The full trial, yes; but not for the grand jury?

Now, if it is pretty clear Cohen is lying, that is another issue.

Trump needs to sue the whore for not hushing and get his money back.

I thought he did and won?


I can dream that Cohen is lying, it is clear and the AG has to pull the case because it falls apart, and then has to go after Cohen for lying to the Grand Jury…. Now that would be DELISH…

03-22-23, 12:52
I didn’t think that the DA had the obligation to present both sides or all the evidence to a grand jury? The full trial, yes; but not for the grand jury?

Now, if it is pretty clear Cohen is lying, that is another issue.

Not sure...IMO the withheld docs are likely to blow the whole case apart & they now need time to regroup. There is some chatter that it may not even move forward now, but not seeing anything concrete??

03-22-23, 14:36
Grand Jury cancelled...clown show

https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/03/trump-new-york-grand-jury-wednesday-session-canceled-after-bombshell-report-da-bragg-withheld-evidence/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=trump-new-york-grand-jury-wednesday-session-canceled-after-bombshell-report-da-bragg-withheld-evidenceNot canceled entirely, just saying it will not meet this week.

Still very telling as they were expected to meet today.

Apparently Cohen testimony getting beat up on stand by defense testimony from his prior lawyer has created a credibility issue in the grand jury minds

03-22-23, 17:29
This is blowing up twatter...trump has already commented on it as well.

2018 Letter from Michael Cohen’s lawyer to the FEC declares Cohen used his own personal funds to pay Stormy Daniels.


03-22-23, 17:36
Are we really surprised that this might all just “POOOF”. We are what, 8 years into Trump about to be arrested and hung for treason, and this was already on shaky ground.

What’s the first rule of killing a king? You’d better kill the king. It sure looks like the DA is going to do a strategic withdrawal and probably blame Cohen for the problem.

We’ll see. Who runs strategy for the Dems? Will E Coyote???

03-22-23, 17:36
I thought he did and won?

Maybe he did, I don't know. That is great if he did.

03-22-23, 18:41
Good explanation by Ted Cruz.


03-22-23, 22:22
I don't know how anyone could deal with so many Communists out to get them? God bless Trump. The man is like Jason Born to the entire Democrat party.

Underneath it all Russia must be shaking in their boots. I mean just look at the competence of the Democrat Party running this country.

03-23-23, 09:05
This is blowing up twatter...trump has already commented on it as well.

2018 Letter from Michael Cohen’s lawyer to the FEC declares Cohen used his own personal funds to pay Stormy Daniels.


Obviously, there had to be a cut out for the transaction to prevent it from being linked directly to Trump. The attorney route is the most common route to do that for obvious reasons. I have no doubt the "deal" was Cohen paid the ho, Trump repaid Cohen, perhaps also using less direct/obvious funds to do so for plausible deniability. So far, as that's a common thing among politicians, rich A holes, etc, unclear how/where laws were broken. If campaign funds where involved, then that's where legal issues would arise, even if Trump paid it back? I'm still unclear what the actual charges are here as paying off ho's to stay quiet with an NDA is a time honored tradition among the wealthy connected elites.

If anyone believes Cohen paid her and Trump was totally unaware of it, and there was no arrangements made for him to be repaid, then they're naive to the extreme. But knowing a thing and proving a thing in a court of law, are two very different things. If Cohen and or Trump listed it as a biz expense, that was stupid but a total yawn as to importance non news.

Personally, I think Trumps best route should have been to say "yes, I had a short lived thing with her a long time ago, what of it?" and killed the energy there and then, just as Bill C should have said "Yes, I did that, it was a mistake and between me and my wife" and saved himself much troubles comparatively. They never seem to learn that in these times, most people really don't care who you bang if you do your damn job. Your haters however will use it to destroy you.

03-23-23, 09:09
Good explanation by Ted Cruz.


Sums it up perfectly.

03-23-23, 14:26
Anyone else dissapointed with Desantis weak sause defense of Trump? Instead of saying "im staying out" as leader of his state he should of said "you will not come in my state and arrest DT".
Damn you Desantis you swamp rat, you could have been a leader, you should have been, instead you show your true colors.

03-23-23, 15:03
Anyone else dissapointed with Desantis weak sause defense of Trump? Instead of saying "im staying out" as leader of his state he should of said "you will not come in my state and arrest DT".
Damn you Desantis you swamp rat, you could have been a leader, you should have been, instead you show your true colors.

I don't know if Desantis even has the authority for such a thing, but no cares given: will vote for Desantis all day every day over Trump. Best ticket I could imagine with the current choices would be Desantis/Paul. Paul is perfect for the VP slot, too mild mannered and interested in facts vs sound bites to win the big debates and be a POTUS nomination. Desantis will rip them a new A hole in debate and they all know it. People will vote for Desantis who are on the fence, independents, Dems tired of the woke BS, etc, none of those will vote for Trump I suspect.

03-23-23, 17:45
I don't know if Desantis even has the authority for such a thing, but no cares given: will vote for Desantis all day every day over Trump. Best ticket I could imagine with the current choices would be Desantis/Paul. Paul is perfect for the VP slot, too mild mannered and interested in facts vs sound bites to win the big debates and be a POTUS nomination. Desantis will rip them a new A hole in debate and they all know it. People will vote for Desantis who are on the fence, independents, Dems tired of the woke BS, etc, none of those will vote for Trump I suspect.

If Desantis runs and gets the nomination, as of now i would vote for him as well. My point is D had a opportunity to be a tough as nails leader and he punted. Dissapointing.
If you look at the polls Trump is way ahead of Desantis i dont believe he can catch Trump.

03-23-23, 18:08
If Desantis runs and gets the nomination, as of now i would vote for him as well. My point is D had a opportunity to be a tough as nails leader and he punted. Dissapointing.
If you look at the polls Trump is way ahead of Desantis i dont believe he can catch Trump.

This (latest) fiasco may garner votes for DJT in a primary election but will do absolutely nothing for him in a general election.

03-23-23, 18:11
Not sure that Trump needs DeSantis fighting his battles.

If choosing to run for president, perhaps DeSantis would do well to focus on why he was unable to convince a super majority of republican legislators to pass open carry, then ponder how he would do better in a bitterly divided congress in Washington.

Trump has been the best president during my 60+ years. I would enthusiastically vote for him again. That said, I look forward to a solid group of republican presidential hopefuls in the 2024 primaries.

Coal Dragger
03-23-23, 19:07
Anyone else dissapointed with Desantis weak sause defense of Trump? Instead of saying "im staying out" as leader of his state he should of said "you will not come in my state and arrest DT".
Damn you Desantis you swamp rat, you could have been a leader, you should have been, instead you show your true colors.

Damn dude, you’re not very well versed on this he law. States generally respect each other’s requests for extradition when there is a valid arrest warrant.

Do you want that to end? Go back to the days where you could have people committing crimes and just escape over state lines. That sounds good to you just to protect an undisciplined loud mouth who has largely exposed himself to stupidity because he’s stupid?

03-23-23, 20:01
Damn dude, you’re not very well versed on this he law. States generally respect each other’s requests for extradition when there is a valid arrest warrant.

Do you want that to end? Go back to the days where you could have people committing crimes and just escape over state lines. That sounds good to you just to protect an undisciplined loud mouth who has largely exposed himself to stupidity because he’s stupid?

On that note, until DJT we didn't exactly pursue former Presidents for petty misdemeanors.

03-23-23, 21:50
Damn dude, you’re not very well versed on this he law. States generally respect each other’s requests for extradition when there is a valid arrest warrant.

Do you want that to end? Go back to the days where you could have people committing crimes and just escape over state lines. That sounds good to you just to protect an undisciplined loud mouth who has largely exposed himself to stupidity because he’s stupid?

Yeah this isn’t exactly the case that would break the system. Everyone KNOWS it’s a political stunt by a Soros DA, so there’s nothing to see here. :rolleyes:

03-23-23, 22:24
Desantis actually mentioned the whole jackhole DA / Soros connection at a press briefing of which he deserves credit for.

03-24-23, 04:10
The devil pays well...

Coal Dragger
03-24-23, 10:53
Yeah this isn’t exactly the case that would break the system. Everyone KNOWS it’s a political stunt by a Soros DA, so there’s nothing to see here. :rolleyes:

Sure, but until such time as badly needed reforms are made to prosecutorial immunity the situation will be that a valid arrest warrant will be issued. Assuming the idiots in New York hand down an indictment, and it’s not tossed out preemptively by a judge.

I give it a solid 95% chance the Cheeto gets charged band convicted, because the vast majority of voters in New York are mentally retarded. It will take a few years for the conviction to be overturned on appeal.

03-24-23, 10:54
If Desantis runs and gets the nomination, as of now i would vote for him as well. My point is D had a opportunity to be a tough as nails leader and he punted. Dissapointing.
If you look at the polls Trump is way ahead of Desantis i dont believe he can catch Trump.

I think we learned not long ago, polls don't mean chit anymore. One was POTUS and highly visible, the other a first term gov of a state, so at this juncture, no surprise Trump leading Desantis. Desantis is very popular outside of FL in terms of being a Gov, he's not nearly as well known yet as Trump. A debate between Desantis and Trump would be interesting to be sure. I think Trump getting the nomination may very possibly lead to a GOP loss, and I'd assume that's not what we want.

Personally, I think there's a lot independents (the fastest growing political "party"), Dems tired of the woke BS and Brandon, those on the fence, various POC, maybe even some women voters, who would vote for someone not viewed (accurately or not...) as being so divisive as Trump is from the GOP. I can think of no one better then Desantis in that respect. He's got the creds, very popular in FL, can debate anyone, keep the more conservative voters who'd vote for Trump anyway voting.

The Dems/left know Desantis is their major worry and have already begun trying to paint him an everything-phobe who hates puppies, etc. The Gov of CA has already taken out anti Desantis commercials in FL! I was like "WTF?" when I saw Newsome on my TV in FL:


03-24-23, 11:21
Sure, but until such time as badly needed reforms are made to prosecutorial immunity the situation will be that a valid arrest warrant will be issued. Assuming the idiots in New York hand down an indictment, and it’s not tossed out preemptively by a judge.

I give it a solid 95% chance the Cheeto gets charged band convicted, because the vast majority of voters in New York are mentally retarded. It will take a few years for the conviction to be overturned on appeal.

Yeah, I don't think we should allow that to happen. Enough is enough with the lawfare. It was bad enough with the frivolous civil suits, but upcharging what is maybe a misdemeanor beyond the statute of limitations at worst to a felony, just to prevent someone from running for political office? That's over the line. Bragg needs to be instructed to EABOD, officially.

03-24-23, 11:35
Yeah, I don't think we should allow that to happen. Enough is enough with the lawfare. It was bad enough with the frivolous civil suits, but upcharging what is maybe a misdemeanor beyond the statute of limitations at worst to a felony, just to prevent someone from running for political office? That's over the line. Bragg needs to be instructed to EABOD, officially.

EABOD is too good for him, you forgot the part about choking out on the turd chaser.

03-24-23, 11:53
Damn dude, you’re not very well versed on this he law. States generally respect each other’s requests for extradition when there is a valid arrest warrant.

Do you want that to end? Go back to the days where you could have people committing crimes and just escape over state lines. That sounds good to you just to protect an undisciplined loud mouth who has largely exposed himself to stupidity because he’s stupid?

F them.

Do you really think that a blue state will hand over someone that breaks a red state anti-abortion law by providing pills or another violation?

Fools keep F*****G around, and they will end up on the other side of their “No justice, no peace.” mantra. Let it work it ways through the courts to be fixed? Yeaaaa, no.

Perfect time to turn the tables on them and say that you aren’t turning him over for a political and illegal prosecution based on the fact that a state had a moral obligation not to hand over escaped slaves, even if there was legal reason to.

They have made a mockery out of the legal and justice system. Now I’m not going to start a ruckus, but sure won’t go out of my way to help stop it. Wake me up after the 51st city burns during a mostly peaceful pro-Trump riot.

03-24-23, 14:18
I think we learned not long ago, polls don't mean chit anymore. One was POTUS and highly visible, the other a first term gov of a state, so at this juncture, no surprise Trump leading Desantis. Desantis is very popular outside of FL in terms of being a Gov, he's not nearly as well known yet as Trump. A debate between Desantis and Trump would be interesting to be sure. I think Trump getting the nomination may very possibly lead to a GOP loss, and I'd assume that's not what we want.

Could be, but I believe it more likely that Trump losing the primary would cement a GOP loss. I think there's too many on the right who would sit out the general election if Trump wasn't on the ballot.

I agree about putting too much faith in polling, and it's so early to be anything but meaningless at this point. That said, I doubt this is the type headline that DeSantis wants to read at any time.

DeSantis hits Republican poll low as Trump tightens grip on primary

The Morning Consult survey shows the former president has 54% support among likely primary voters and DeSantis has 26%, tying his lowest score since the poll began in December.

03-24-23, 14:28
Trump warns of ‘potential death and destruction’ if he’s indicted


He's moved into the "terroristic threats" part of the grieving process...

03-24-23, 17:11
Could be, but I believe it more likely that Trump losing the primary would cement a GOP loss. I think there's too many on the right who would sit out the general election if Trump wasn't on the ballot.

I agree about putting too much faith in polling, and it's so early to be anything but meaningless at this point. That said, I doubt this is the type headline that DeSantis wants to read at any time.

DeSantis hits Republican poll low as Trump tightens grip on primary

The Morning Consult survey shows the former president has 54% support among likely primary voters and DeSantis has 26%, tying his lowest score since the poll began in December.

If they prefer to have Mumbles again vs Desantis, then F them and diseased horse they rode in on. They're no better then loons on the left at that point. Desantis is no RINO, and even if he was, 100X better then Mumbles. "We are taking our toys and go home cuz the orange gut didn't get picked" is lower than whale poo at that juncture.

03-25-23, 08:01
If they prefer to have Mumbles again vs Desantis, then F them and diseased horse they rode in on. They're no better then loons on the left at that point. Desantis is no RINO, and even if he was, 100X better then Mumbles. "We are taking our toys and go home cuz the orange gut didn't get picked" is lower than whale poo at that juncture.

I don't think it's about preferring a democrat in the Oval office, but rather believing their vote doesn't matter because of unabated illegality, cheating and stealing of elections. If (endless ifs here) Trump were to run and lose in the primary, I think it would serve to further that belief and impact turnout. And just because Trump didn't win the GOP nomination doesn't mean DeSantis would. We'll see... a lot can happen between now and then.

03-25-23, 08:06
I don't think it's about preferring a democrat in the Oval office, but rather believing their vote doesn't matter because of unabated illegality, cheating and stealing of elections. If (endless ifs here) Trump were to run and lose in the primary, I think it would serve to further that belief and impact turnout. And just because Trump didn't win the GOP nomination doesn't mean DeSantis would. We'll see... a lot can happen between now and then.

Then it would be % that does not vote because their guy didn't make it, vs the % of people who will vote because because it's not Trump.

03-25-23, 08:34
Then it would be % that does not vote because their guy didn't make it, vs the % of people who will vote because because it's not Trump.

Trump got more votes than any sitting president in US history by a whopping 7 million. The idea of Trump not being on the ballot as a motivator I think isn't the larger factor. This time around, I think the bigger factor will be folks believing their vote matters and not a hopeless exercise due to the aforementioned unabated illegalities, cheating and stealing of elections. Trump bears no small blame in the ginning up of this attitude among the republican electorate.

03-25-23, 08:58
I don't think it's about preferring a democrat in the Oval office, but rather believing their vote doesn't matter because of unabated illegality, cheating and stealing of elections.

I just don't understand the stay-at-home mindset. That just guarantees the bad guys win.

I give folks on the right more credit.

Though I'll admit I've been stupid in the past. Voted for Perot as Republicans were just stupid for nominating Bob Dole.

03-25-23, 09:05
I just don't understand the stay-at-home mindset. That just guarantees the bad guys win.

I give folks on the right more credit.

Though I'll admit I've been stupid in the past. Voted for Perot as Republicans were just stupid for nominating Bob Dole.

As I always say, voting your conscience is not a wasted vote, not voting is always a wasted vote.

03-25-23, 10:22
As I always say, voting your conscience is not a wasted vote, not voting is always a wasted vote.

If they prefer to have Mumbles again vs Desantis, then F them and diseased horse they rode in on. They're no better then loons on the left at that point. Desantis is no RINO, and even if he was, 100X better then Mumbles. "We are taking our toys and go home cuz the orange gut didn't get picked" is lower than whale poo at that juncture.

If you are only going to vote for a specific person, that is cult…

03-25-23, 11:07
I just don't understand the stay-at-home mindset. That just guarantees the bad guys win.

I give folks on the right more credit.

Though I'll admit I've been stupid in the past. Voted for Perot as Republicans were just stupid for nominating Bob Dole.

The past November election, when conventional wisdom was that congressional republicans were going celebrate a landslide, I had read that only 41% of republicans believed their vote would be counted accurately compared to 84% the prior year. Democrats had remained consistent at 89%. So... while the expert political pundit class chattered ad nauseam about so-called 'candidate quality' and other nonsense to explain their faulty 2022 predictions, it seemed to me much more simple-- a HUGE increase of republicans simply didn't believe their vote would be counted, and enough of them chose to not bother voting. A lot of elections are within a point or two. It doesn't take many 'it's all rigged' 'my vote doesn't count' republicans staying home to give a win to the other side.