View Full Version : Near Death Experiences

03-20-23, 07:53
This YT channel is different people talking about their own NDE's. Here's an example below. You or anyone you know had an NDE? I have always been fascinated by the topic, and have read books from Dr Sam Parnia who tries to objectively study the topic.


03-20-23, 15:01
I was passenger in a Willys Jeep that lost control and went down a steep bank right into a pond. Went completely underwater. The water was muddy, visibility was zero. I remember thinking this could be it. I remember thinking don't try to get out until the jeep stops.

The jeep came to rest about 6 feet deep on its side, driver side down. I immediately got the door open and dismounted. My buddy popped up right behind me.

Neither one of us even got a scratch.

03-20-23, 15:31
Got kicked off a horse that then trampled me. No recollection of the events that followed but I was told I got up and tried to get back on the horse before having a seizure. Ended up breaking almost all my ribs, blew out both my lungs, fractured my skull and eye sockets and had heavy internal bleeding and brain swelling. Was really close the the edge there… Spent a while in a coma and lots of rehab.

About 9 months later that horse and I reunited. SOB saw me walking the shed row and I’ll be damned if he didn’t start panicking. Smacked him once then forgave him. Horses do what horses do…

ETA: was about 25 years ago and I was in my early 20’s and in excellent shape. Don’t think I would have survived it today.

03-20-23, 16:09
I was passenger in a Willys Jeep that lost control and went down a steep bank right into a pond. Went completely underwater. The water was muddy, visibility was zero. I remember thinking this could be it. I remember thinking don't try to get out until the jeep stops.

The jeep came to rest about 6 feet deep on its side, driver side down. I immediately got the door open and dismounted. My buddy popped up right behind me.

Neither one of us even got a scratch.

Got kicked off a horse that then trampled me. No recollection of the events that followed but I was told I got up and tried to get back on the horse before having a seizure. Ended up breaking almost all my ribs, blew out both my lungs, fractured my skull and eye sockets and had heavy internal bleeding and brain swelling. Was really close the the edge there… Spent a while in a coma and lots of rehab.

About 9 months later that horse and I reunited. SOB saw me walking the shed row and I’ll be damned if he didn’t start panicking. Smacked him once then forgave him. Horses do what horses do…

ETA: was about 25 years ago and I was in my early 20’s and in excellent shape. Don’t think I would have survived it today.

So and NDE is when you were dead, and had an out of body experience. In many cases the person is pronounced dead, no heart beat, no brain activity, nadda and yet can tell the doctors what they were saying, meet various spiritual beings, etc, etc. That vid in OP is an example. There's been far more of them in recent times because they have gotten so much better at bringing people back from being clinically dead. Dr Parnia has been researching the topic for a while now:


03-21-23, 07:02
So using Will's example, nope... not a near death for me. No pearly gates.. No angel trumpets or devil trombones... After watching the video and some others I wonder how someone that has gone through that sees life as they know if going forward.

03-21-23, 07:37
So using Will's example, nope... not a near death for me. No pearly gates.. No angel trumpets or devil trombones... After watching the video and some others I wonder how someone that has gone through that sees life as they know if going forward.

Many give their view of life going forward. As expected, it totally changes them forever, always for the better. This one is worth a view:


03-21-23, 09:28
We went canoeing down the rivers in Daniel Boone National forest. Had gone many times on these wild white water trips. This week it rained non stop for 7 days. The guide said if it wasn’t you guys, I have turned around 5 groups already. Canoe’s sit mangled at the rental location under normal weather.

The rapids were way too dangerous for a canoe, but we were young and dumb. Very dumb. We were half way through the trip. The normal process is to get out of the canoe and plan the route through the white water, we did that. But when we got through about 100 yards of white water we turned a corner and another 100 yards awaited us. I was on front of canoe, we went over a huge ridge and the canoe went straight through and down deep.

I was fighting to keep my head above water and would go over another rapid and it would shoot me so deep I couldn’t see light. I thought “ if I get pinned against a rock-IM DEAD”
I thought I was dead, very sure this was it. But through the grace of God…….


03-21-23, 10:02
We went canoeing down the rivers in Daniel Boone National forest. Had gone many times on these wild white water trips. This week it rained non stop for 7 days. The guide said if it wasn’t you guys, I have turned around 5 groups already. Canoe’s sit mangled at the rental location under normal weather.

The rapids were way too dangerous for a canoe, but we were young and dumb. Very dumb. We were half way through the trip. The normal process is to get out of the canoe and plan the route through the white water, we did that. But when we got through about 100 yards of white water we turned a corner and another 100 yards awaited us. I was on front of canoe, we went over a huge ridge and the canoe went straight through and down deep.

I was fighting to keep my head above water and would go over another rapid and it would shoot me so deep I couldn’t see light. I thought “ if I get pinned against a rock-IM DEAD”
I thought I was dead, very sure this was it. But through the grace of God…….


See Post #4...

03-21-23, 16:16
One thing that leaves me unconvinced, everyone that reports having a near death experience seems to have a different experience. I guess the light is often common, but the details all seem to differ.

03-21-23, 16:53
One thing that leaves me unconvinced, everyone that reports having a near death experience seems to have a different experience. I guess the light is often common, but the details all seem to differ.

There's way more similarities than differences, which is one aspect that blows people's and doctors minds.

08-16-23, 10:26
So f-ing powerful:


08-16-23, 10:30
I’ve had quite a few, but no light or pearly gates or anything like that.

08-16-23, 10:33
I’ve had quite a few, but no light or pearly gates or anything like that.

You died and were brought back to life? It does not seem like most have the NDE some report. Why/how we don't know.

Alex V
08-16-23, 10:36
There's way more similarities than differences, which is one aspect that blows people's and doctors minds.

How much of that is just a pre-programed response do you think? We all hear the stories, right? White light, etc, so when it happens, how can you tell that this isn't your mind just regurgitating what you have always heard others describe it as?

08-16-23, 10:41
You died and were brought back to life? It does not seem like most have the NDE some report. Why/how we don't know.

When I was a child, *yes. I have no recollection of that, though.

I did wake up in an ICU once, as an adult. That was a hell of an experience. My idea of a NDE is a near miss, or surviving something that should kill you.

*we have to define “died”. There is a disparity of definitions here.

08-16-23, 10:42
How much of that is just a pre-programed response do you think? We all hear the stories, right? White light, etc, so when it happens, how can you tell that this isn't your mind just regurgitating what you have always heard others describe it as?

No one has the answer to that, and that's of course part of the debate of the one side that says it's all physical/biological, and the other that says there's more to it then that. I think the evidence strongly favors the latter. There are things that happen that simply can't be explained as purely biological at this point, at least not with current level of knowledge.

08-16-23, 10:47
When I was a child, *yes. I have no recollection of that, though.

I did wake up in an ICU once, as an adult. That was a hell of an experience. My idea of a NDE is a near miss, or surviving something that should kill you.

*we have to define “died”. There is a disparity of definitions here.

Doc in post #4 researches the topic and worth a view. Hos books are also quite good.

08-16-23, 12:16
To me the fascinating part of these types of reports are when the person has an out of body experience and reports what they saw from a perspective that they were not in a position to see or when they report hearing a conversation that occurred outside of the room they were in. I draw no conclusions of my own either way and certainly don’t understand it, but admit the phenomenon is very interesting. No personal story other than my first marriage being a prolonged near death experience.

08-16-23, 13:26
How much of that is just a pre-programed response do you think? We all hear the stories, right? White light, etc, so when it happens, how can you tell that this isn't your mind just regurgitating what you have always heard others describe it as?

I'd say it is what your body does when you are dying, kind of like a symptom of shock, to help ease some of your suffering. I don't want to get too deep into the subject because if people believe good things happen when they die, I wouldn't want to be the one to even try and take any of that away from them.

I'd hope there is something else, something nicer, but as has been pointed out, we have no way to know for sure.

Alex V
08-16-23, 13:37
No one has the answer to that, and that's of course part of the debate of the one side that says it's all physical/biological, and the other that says there's more to it then that. I think the evidence strongly favors the latter. There are things that happen that simply can't be explained as purely biological at this point, at least not with current level of knowledge.

That's kinds what I am thinking. We are so conditioned to expect a white light by all these stories that I feel like it may just be self induced confirmation bias.

I'd say it is what your body does when you are dying, kind of like a symptom of shock, to help ease some of your suffering. I don't want to get too deep into the subject because if people believe good things happen when they die, I wouldn't want to be the one to even try and take any of that away from them.

I'd hope there is something else, something nicer, but as has been pointed out, we have no way to know for sure.

Another good point, it may very well be just random firing of neurons as your body shuts down.

All I am saying is that there are more than one reason why the story is often the same.

08-16-23, 13:42
How much of that is just a pre-programed response do you think? We all hear the stories, right? White light, etc, so when it happens, how can you tell that this isn't your mind just regurgitating what you have always heard others describe it as?

I’ve been fascinated by NDE stories for years. After hearing many individual stories, I’ve heard of many atheists who now believe in a spiritual being/presence…many specifically meeting God and/or Jesus.

I’ve also heard stories from people who were religious and came back still believing but now thinking with a radically different perspective.

Many say they no longer fear death.

I’ve never heard of a single person who believed in God coming back a non-believer.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-16-23, 14:10
I'd say it is what your body does when you are dying, kind of like a symptom of shock, to help ease some of your suffering. I don't want to get too deep into the subject because if people believe good things happen when they die, I wouldn't want to be the one to even try and take any of that away from them.

I'd hope there is something else, something nicer, but as has been pointed out, we have no way to know for sure.

I don't disagree per se, but there's more to it, and some of it impossible to explain away, such as people knowing things they could not know on their return, total brain death established (which means no ability to have visions, hear things, etc) yet they have memories, and so forth. Dr Parnia, who is a critical care/ER doc, showed consciousness exists well passed established total brain shut down. How long does it last after that? We don't know. While the "dying brain" hypothesis of those experiences may may accurate, there's medically/scientific evidence there's more to it then that:


08-16-23, 14:16
Art Bell regularly spoke on these type subjects. I guess he now knows for sure.

08-16-23, 14:24
Plenty of "I should be dead" stories, but I did get to listen to my wife briefly flat line on the way to the hospital after a massive post op issue. In the front seat of the ambulance with the driver while his partner tended to her in the back. Listening to him work on her and then the regular beeps briefly turned into a long flat steady tone about 2 miles from the hospital. Rather unsettling. She doesn't recall any of it.

08-16-23, 15:23
I don't disagree per se, but there's more to it, and some of it impossible to explain away, such as people knowing things they could not know on their return, total brain death established (which means no ability to have visions, hear things, etc) yet they have memories, and so forth. Dr Parnia, who is a critical care/ER doc, showed consciousness exists well passed established total brain shut down. How long does it last after that? We don't know. While the "dying brain" hypothesis of those experiences may may accurate, there's medically/scientific evidence there's more to it then that:


I think we are firmly against the limits of our understanding and anything beyond that limit is purely conjecture. But that is just what I think so it has no more or less merit than what anyone else thinks. At least with quantum we can actually see results, we may not actually understand why those results are what they are but at least we can see outcomes. We know more about quantum than any of this stuff and we understand almost nothing about quantum.

08-16-23, 16:13
I think we are firmly against the limits of our understanding and anything beyond that limit is purely conjecture. But that is just what I think so it has no more or less merit than what anyone else thinks. At least with quantum we can actually see results, we may not actually understand why those results are what they are but at least we can see outcomes. We know more about quantum than any of this stuff and we understand almost nothing about quantum.

And like quantum, only more research and an open mind will yield a further understanding. Some think consciousness happens at the quantum level and the brain just the conduit for it. All that we know about the brain, we still don't know how a bunch of neurons makes a thought. My science brain leans toward NDE's being "simple" dying brain, but I find the evidence against it too compelling to ignore, along with the bias I want it to me more than simply a last happy experiences of a dying brain. That's more then anything that explains the "simple" answer however:


08-16-23, 18:40
As Steyr said above:

I'd hope there is something else, something nicer, but as has been pointed out, we have no way to know for sure.

My sentiments exactly. No one comes back to tell us.....in theory.

Any of you "old" bastages can recall the old TV sets that when you turned it off it went to black except for that tiny little dot in the middle.....then it went out too. I sincerely HOPE that isn't the case. I've heard people say of a person who died of cancer (or some other horrendous ending) that "They are in a better place now". Are they? Is ceasing to exist a "better place"? I really really hope that is not the case. I'm not in a hurry to find out though!

Through all that corny shit I spewed above, there is NOTHING you can do about it. It is inevitable. "No one gets out of here alive".

08-16-23, 22:41
And like quantum, only more research and an open mind will yield a further understanding.

The problem is we don't actually understand quantum at all. We should call it Quantum Prediction rather than Quantum Mechanics because we understand none of it. Between the observer effect giving us different results regarding the properties of light, not to mention what happens with entanglement as baffling distances we can open our minds until our brains fall out and we won't understand the mechanics of what we are seeing on anything even close to a meaningful level.

We can theorize and philosophize all we wish, that isn't really understanding. So believe as you wish, I hope your beliefs bring you comfort. We really are stuck at that starting point.

08-16-23, 22:52
As Steyr said above:

I'd hope there is something else, something nicer, but as has been pointed out, we have no way to know for sure.

My sentiments exactly. No one comes back to tell us.....in theory.

Any of you "old" bastages can recall the old TV sets that when you turned it off it went to black except for that tiny little dot in the middle.....then it went out too. I sincerely HOPE that isn't the case. I've heard people say of a person who died of cancer (or some other horrendous ending) that "They are in a better place now". Are they? Is ceasing to exist a "better place"? I really really hope that is not the case. I'm not in a hurry to find out though!

Through all that corny shit I spewed above, there is NOTHING you can do about it. It is inevitable. "No one gets out of here alive".

I would only add that when you reach "suffering" and there is nothing left for you but "more suffering", even "nothing" would be a better place. You only need to watch one person you love "suffer" and know there is no helping them to figure that one out. Losing those we love seems to be one of those things we just never get better at either, I think it actually is a little worse every time it happens. Of course a lot of that depends upon quality of life and such, when people lose their children (especially to something horrible like cancer) it's not like letting go of your elderly grandparents who lived a good life and did most of the things they wanted to do.

I'm not sure what I believe, except I believe we have no way of knowing for sure. But definitely "someplace nicer" would be nice. This life can be pretty rough some times and we have it pretty good compared to global existence of most people. Only thing I know for sure, the more you love somebody, the more it's gonna ****ing hurt one day.

08-17-23, 06:50
Art Bell regularly spoke on these type subjects. I guess he now knows for sure.

West of the pearly gates you’re on the air!

08-17-23, 07:45
The problem is we don't actually understand quantum at all. We should call it Quantum Prediction rather than Quantum Mechanics because we understand none of it. Between the observer effect giving us different results regarding the properties of light, not to mention what happens with entanglement as baffling distances we can open our minds until our brains fall out and we won't understand the mechanics of what we are seeing on anything even close to a meaningful level.

Nor do we understand consciousness, and others, such a time, gravity, etc, we know exist.

We can theorize and philosophize all we wish, that isn't really understanding. So believe as you wish, I hope your beliefs bring you comfort. We really are stuck at that starting point.

I'm not a belief/faith based type, I'm an evidence based type, but we all have our confirmation bias to deal with.

08-17-23, 16:42
Nor do we understand consciousness, and others, such a time, gravity, etc, we know exist.

We have evidence for those things, we don't have similar evidence for existence after death.

I'm not a belief/faith based type, I'm an evidence based type, but we all have our confirmation bias to deal with.

I get that, but my point it on this subject, we don't even have any meaningful evidence to look at. For centuries people talked of seeing Zues and Valhalla but coming back, does that qualify as evidence that those things exist?

We have nothing testable or observable, it's just the way things are on this subject. So you don't have to take anything on "faith", just accept what you think seems most likely / plausible and go with it.

08-17-23, 16:48
[QUOTE=WillBrink;3118776]Nor do we understand consciousness, and others, such a time, gravity, etc, we know exist.

We have evidence for those things, we don't have similar evidence for existence after death.

I get that, but my point it on this subject, we don't even have any meaningful evidence to look at. For centuries people talked of seeing Zues and Valhalla but coming back, does that qualify as evidence that those things exist?

We have nothing testable or observable, it's just the way things are on this subject. So you don't have to take anything on "faith", just accept what you think seems most likely / plausible and go with it.

There's a lot more evidence than you may be aware of, evidence that is very difficult to dismiss. Have you read Dr Parnia's books for example? There's various "hard" science types like Dr Parnia that are researching the topic seriously. I remain agnostic on the topic, but experiences like that from the surgeon and his team posted in #26 makes me lean toward believing consciousness may not end with biological death. There's too many of those to ignore/dismiss. Can we objectively research the topic? Again, Dr Parnia and others are trying and it involved the very questions of what is consciousness and other big Qs all involved:


Overlapping and interesting:


08-17-23, 18:13
There's a lot more evidence than you may be aware of, evidence that is very difficult to dismiss. Have you read Dr Parnia's books for example? There's various "hard" science types like Dr Parnia that are researching the topic seriously. I remain agnostic on the topic, but experiences like that from the surgeon and his team posted in #26 makes me lean toward believing consciousness may not end with biological death. There's too many of those to ignore/dismiss. Can we objectively research the topic? Again, Dr Parnia and others are trying and it involved the very questions of what is consciousness and other big Qs all involved:


Overlapping and interesting:


Is there anything at that link other than testimony? I understand about people who are clinically dead for a time, resuscitated and things like that. But in the end what they saw is just testimony. It's not really evidence.

What it comes down to is "is consciousness" the same / similar to a soul. Is it a product of our brain or simply hosted by our brain? Does it survive brain death and continue to exist or is it like turning off an over where the consciousness slowly cools off until it no longer exists?

And right now, we have no idea. We don't even have enough testable evidence to conclusively reject any of these ideas. Think about all the models of the universe (including the multiverse models that require the acceptance of some unlikely things) and that is about how many possible models there are for "consciousness / sentience / a soul."

It's an interesting subject to discuss, especially with anecdotal evidence giving us jumping off points, but we are exclusively in the theoretical at this point.

08-18-23, 11:40
Nor do we understand consciousness, and others, such a time, gravity, etc, we know exist.

Do we really know if time is real or not?

Is it a fundamental aspect of our reality?

Think about it for a second, physics does not include any objects such as cars, planes, boats or people, and yet we still accept that all those things still exist.

Physicists say things “emerge” from the underlying physics of particles, we have good idea of how an iPhone might be made out of fundamental particles.

But we have no idea how time would be made from something more fundamental.

So unless people way smarter than us can come up with a solid theory of how time emerges, can simply assume time exists?

Time might not exist at any level.


08-18-23, 11:56
Do we really know if time is real or not?

Is it a fundamental aspect of our reality?

Think about it for a second, physics does not include any objects such as cars, planes, boats or people, and yet we still accept that all those things still exist.

Physicists say things “emerge” from the underlying physics of particles, we have good idea of how an iPhone might be made out of fundamental particles.

But we have no idea how time would be made from something more fundamental.

So unless people way smarter than us can come up with a solid theory of how time emerges, can simply assume time exists?

Time might not exist at any level.


One theory that exists is that time is an emergent property of entropy. For some reason I find that one most appealing as it makes sense on the surface and seems to explain some things, like how they both technically can go in both directions, they only go in one direction, and so forth. So time may not actually exist at all. I'm fascinated by how much is known right down to quantum levels stuff, yet what we see and deal with around us, like time, gravity, and consciousness, remains poorly understood.

08-18-23, 12:28
One theory that exists is that time is an emergent property of entropy. For some reason I find that one most appealing as it makes sense on the surface and seems to explain some things, like how they both technically can go in both directions, they only go in one direction, and so forth. So time may not actually exist at all.

I’m currently reading Out Of Time by Samuel Baron and they get into time as an emergent property but it quickly ends up being a circular problem. Because for change in space to be able to occur in the first place there almost certainly needs to be a pre-existence of something like time as a prerequisite. But that’s impossible because of the Pauli exclusion principle. Which brings us back to prove that Time as an emergent property cannot be the whole story.

The idea of the origin of "time" is fascinating to me.

08-18-23, 18:43
Tangential, does the brain make mind? Two neuro-scientists from one of my favorite channels discuss:


08-18-23, 18:51
"If" there is something that continues on after we close our eyes for good I suspect that it is something we cannot comprehend given our human concepts of time/space. Like time doesn't matter anymore, whether you've been dead for 1 day or 100 years. I don't think any one particular religion has the market cornered if we somehow "live" on. A Hindu/Christian/Buddhist/Muslim will experience the same thing.....if there is something to experience (and I truly hope there is).

I consider myself more agnostic than atheistic. I'm certainly not the latter, and am hopefully the former.

08-18-23, 21:36
Time could probably be an entire thread of its own.

When I think of "time" I think of modern society and our need to measure time, hours and minutes mostly because that was what kept me in the seat in school, or at work. Enough time had not elapsed that I could be free.

Yet time can be elastic, twice while having bad days at work I was able to slow time down so I could think through the situation and make plans.
Other times, time goes by too fast.

Maybe it's as simple as paying attention. When you're paying attention, time goes by slowly (school, work, or needing to come up with a plan to address a bad situation).
When life distracts you and you're not paying attention, time goes by much faster.

Is that what was meant by time? Or was another means of measuring time, or unit of time, the intended topic?

08-19-23, 09:43
Edited post

08-19-23, 10:15
"If" there is something that continues on after we close our eyes for good I suspect that it is something we cannot comprehend given our human concepts of time/space. Like time doesn't matter anymore, whether you've been dead for 1 day or 100 years. I don't think any one particular religion has the market cornered if we somehow "live" on. A Hindu/Christian/Buddhist/Muslim will experience the same thing.....if there is something to experience (and I truly hope there is).
I consider myself more agnostic than atheistic. I'm certainly not the latter, and am hopefully the former.

My Dad was a country Doctor, but he had been a Corpsmen at Chosin so he had seen a lot of death in his time.
We were discussing someone's death at the time and it was like a quick decapitation and I said "Well at least he didn't feel any pain." and he said, "You don't know that." and went on about a half hour about being with how being with someone as they die really is and he said if your spirit accepts it then you die in peace.
I think there might be two ways out and I'm glad I will most likely die in peace.

08-22-23, 13:45
A medical doc who had an NDE. There's been a few neuro scientists who have experienced them too at this point who'd always thought consciousness begins and ends with the brain, did not after experienced their NDE. She's a surgeon:


08-22-23, 13:51
The importance of NDE's is not just whether consciousness exists after death per se, but is part of trying to answer the very Q about what consciousness is etc. We need more data, but like UFO's, NDE's are no longer a fringe topic and legit sci/med types are examining the topic, and that gives me confidence some answers will exist some day:


08-22-23, 14:21
I read once about a NDE where the person "floated" up above where they were being worked on in the hospital and was able to tell them later what was printed on the backside of one of those big, bright, directional lamps they have in ER's. Also one where they saw or heard things happening in an adjacent room.

Now if there was any stock to be put in life (consciousness?) after death it would have to be from one of those out-of-body experiences that would seem to demonstrate a separation of the consciousness from the body, as opposed to a "bright light and warm feeling" kind of NDE. It is not physically possible to see yourself being worked on, the backside of lamps, or goings-on in other rooms if we are bound to our bodies.

I always suggest that if we ever discover "alien life", like an advanced civilization, and we ask The Big Question that they will look at us and say "Actually we were hoping you could tell us".

Gonna go off in the weeds here, but.....so "if" we live on somehow, our consciousness, where on the animal graph does it end? Just humans? What about pre-historic humans? At what point did they develop "souls"? Austrolopithicus? Neanderthal? Cro-Magnon?

I think I'll sip on some Four Roses Select and ponder it.....:smile:

08-22-23, 14:27
I read once about a NDE where the person "floated" up above where they were being worked on in the hospital and was able to tell them later what was printed on the backside of one of those big, bright, directional lamps they have in ER's. Also one where they saw or heard things happening in an adjacent room.

Now if there was any stock to be put in life (consciousness?) after death it would have to be from one of those out-of-body experiences that would seem to demonstrate a separation of the consciousness from the body, as opposed to a "bright light and warm feeling" kind of NDE. It is not physically possible to see yourself being worked on, the backside of lamps, or goings-on in other rooms if we are bound to our bodies.

I always suggest that if we ever discover "alien life", like an advanced civilization, and we ask The Big Question that they will look at us and say "Actually we were hoping you could tell us".

Gonna go off in the weeds here, but.....so "if" we live on somehow, our consciousness, where on the animal graph does it end? Just humans? What about pre-historic humans? At what point did they develop "souls"? Austrolopithicus? Neanderthal? Cro-Magnon?

I think I'll sip on some Four Roses Select and ponder it.....:smile:

See vid linked in #26. That also happens, and people see things and hear things they could not possibly see or hear.

08-28-23, 21:03
Here's another doctor that studies NDE's, he's convinced that there is something beyond what we're aware of here.


09-03-23, 13:15
When I was 9, I had a terrible fever that ramped up whilst my single Mom was working her 2nd job to support us one evening. Amid the usual disjointed fever images, I felt that something unusual was happening. I was sicker than I ever remember being with that. It felt like I was rising up out of my body, and then I was in a cool, dark area and felt perfectly fine. There was a dark figure I couldn't make out standing over me, and I could sense others around as well. I kept getting the message (not verbally) that I was ok, and everything would be fine. It was not scary at all, it felt like I was truly safe there. I got the impression that I had to go back, it wasn't time to stay there yet. I wanted nothing more than to stay but found myself "moving" back. It felt like being immersed in hot, electric sand, very much like when you get a piece of foil on a filling. Next thing I knew, Mom was home and throwing me in a tub of cool water. She called the Dr. and he met us at his office, jabbing me with a buttful of penicillin. (This was in the late 60s and there was no ER anywhere close.) Later, I told her about it and she assured me it was just a fever hallucination. I am sure it was more than that, it was just as lucid as sitting here typing this. Make of it what you will.

09-04-23, 17:02
I’ll bite. When I was 15 I was in a head on car accident. I wasn’t driving, passenger in the back seat. I sustained massive internal injuries from the impact. I remember getting out of the car under my own power and than collapsing on the ground after taking a few steps. The first people on the scene looked me over but didn’t find any obvious injuries, so they moved past me to the next person needing attention.

I was basically left lying on the ground waiting for the paramedics to arrive. While lying there I basically came to grips with the fact I was on my way out. The massive amount of pain began fading and I remember having the feeling of blacking out. Next thing I remember was “floating” above the scene and being very confused as to how I was above everyone. I saw my Dad standing over me, talking to me, I assume trying to figure out what was wrong with me. I remember feeling sad for him and also guilty for being responsible for him having to see me dying.

Next thing I remember was someone who made me feel very calm was with me and they told me I wasn’t going to die that night, but that I was going to go through a lot more pain before things were over. After that I came to, looked up, and saw my friend’s Dad (a paramedic) standing over me. I later described my aerial view of the accident scene to both my Dad and my friend’s Dad. They both said what I described was dead on accurate.

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09-04-23, 17:30
Now if there was any stock to be put in life (consciousness?) after death it would have to be from one of those out-of-body experiences that would seem to demonstrate a separation of the consciousness from the body, as opposed to a "bright light and warm feeling" kind of NDE. It is not physically possible to see yourself being worked on, the backside of lamps, or goings-on in other rooms if we are bound to our bodies.

People who take DMT report trips where they’ve left here for another place, where this place is who knows but nearly all report they are greeted by beings. Now these encounters range from pleasant to a few where they being seemed upset they were there and urged them to go back immediately.

Many studies have been done and some of the findings are nothing but incredible.

09-07-23, 22:01
"If" there is something that continues on after we close our eyes for good I suspect that it is something we cannot comprehend given our human concepts of time/space. Like time doesn't matter anymore, whether you've been dead for 1 day or 100 years. I don't think any one particular religion has the market cornered if we somehow "live" on. A Hindu/Christian/Buddhist/Muslim will experience the same thing.....if there is something to experience (and I truly hope there is).

I consider myself more agnostic than atheistic. I'm certainly not the latter, and am hopefully the former.

Sometimes I wonder when we die, if we go to the eternity we've created for ourselves. Even if we do all experience the same thing when we die, each of us will perceive it differently, according to the filters of understanding we built up during our lifetimes. As we gain knowledge and experience with this new place and with other folks dwelling there, our initial perception will change.

09-07-23, 22:57
Been awfully close to getting my head canoed or turned into a pink mist on a few occasions but no NDE for me.

09-08-23, 16:58
I've heard a few people's NDE and they all had a new outlook on life. Reminds me of this video:


We are so focused on the now and not the rest of eternity.

05-22-24, 16:49
I did not read the book (which gets very high ratings) (https://www.amazon.com/Imagine-Heaven-Near-Death-Experiences-Exhilarating/dp/080101526X/) but did listen to this show on SR, which I enjoyed:


05-23-24, 06:45
Sometimes I wonder when we die, if we go to the eternity we've created for ourselves. Even if we do all experience the same thing when we die, each of us will perceive it differently, according to the filters of understanding we built up during our lifetimes. As we gain knowledge and experience with this new place and with other folks dwelling there, our initial perception will change.

I believe we go to the eternity we set ourselves up for…not sure if we are on the same track or not.

I’ve read and seen the testimony of too many atheists who “died” on operating tables, car crashes, etc. who meet Jesus and others before coming back to discount it as electrons flashing in a dead brain.

Their accounts did not bring me to faith, but they certainly reinforced it.

You make your peace by accepting the Lord. It’s not complicated. He doesn’t ask for much. Accept and believe, and you receive the three big “R’s”…Redemption, Reconciliation, and Restoration.

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05-23-24, 07:18
I believe we go to the eternity we set ourselves up for…not sure if we are on the same track or not.

I’ve read and seen the testimony of too many atheists who “died” on operating tables, car crashes, etc. who meet Jesus and others before coming back to discount it as electrons flashing in a dead brain.

Their accounts did not bring me to faith, but they certainly reinforced it.

You make your peace by accepting the Lord. It’s not complicated. He doesn’t ask for much. Accept and believe, and you receive the three big “R’s”…Redemption, Reconciliation, and Restoration.

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I think we will be enlightened with the Universal Truths.
Given one last chance to accept Salvation.
Then in front of our Supreme Being with the Universal Truths and with or without salvation we will forced to judge our own selves and you can't lie because the Lord and the Truth were both yours if you wanted.