View Full Version : "Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: DEI Training’s Unintended Consequences" - J. Stossel

03-23-23, 14:18


03-23-23, 15:44
It's die and it started as die and it means death to the white man to own the white man.

03-23-23, 18:08
What they are referring to as "unintended consequences" are anything but unintended. It is by design. Lowering or eliminating standards doesn't raise anyone; it does quite the opposite. Look who is pushing this BS and how much they benefit in the long run by keeping certain groups less educated and capable of critical thought.

I remember when that crap Coca Cola was doing hit the news a year or so ago. I know that I'm not doing much to affect their profits but I actually did a little research and made the decision to never purchase any Coca Cola product ever again. They sell much more than soft drinks.

03-23-23, 18:13
What they are referring to as "unintended consequences" are anything but unintended.

Correct. The end goal of the Marxists running this country is communism so I believe the consequences are fully intended. At this point anyone who believes anything else is lying to themselves or a useful idiot.

03-23-23, 19:00
Excuse me, this should be DEIBJ now.

03-23-23, 19:07
DEI has been incorporated throughout corporate america, the entire school systems, and every facet of government.

Another reason why America is loosing.

The Dumb Gun Collector
03-23-23, 22:45
I have loved Stossel my entire adult life. I used to watch him on 20/20 in the 90s. He was one of the few people in the MSM that had any sense.

03-24-23, 05:54
Just like all of the post-Hart/Celler immigration (legal and illegal), the goal of DEI is to first, marginalize whites, and then next, eliminate whites - especially straight, white men. Not sure why so many live in abject denial about these truths, since they're as obvious as the noonday sun.


03-24-23, 07:19
So DEI is there to make us more inclusive and less racisit?
To accomplish this you want me to alter my responces to certain behaivors?
May I say, I don't care?
I'm here to work, that is all.

03-24-23, 08:53
Do other countries lower their standards to benefit minorities?

03-24-23, 10:27
Do other countries lower their standards to benefit minorities?

For sure, perhaps differently than the US approach, and they are paying a price for it too. Any time you lower the standards to fit anyone, the results will end badly. That's not rocket science yet those morons more interested inclusion / diversity (which I'm certainly not against as a concept) than the national security, the economy, quality education, work environment, Free Speech, etc etc. Per the vid, it's also now a massive industry onto itself. Lose lose for everyone involved besides those who benefit from it as elites and or making the $.

03-24-23, 10:37
Do other countries lower their standards to benefit minorities?

Not in this part of the world, no.

03-24-23, 10:41
Not in this part of the world, no.

To be fair, they're usually too busy stealing and taking bribes to bother with anything else.

03-24-23, 10:43
Whatever that means.

03-24-23, 10:57
The whole Diversity-Equity drama is just that. It's just like saying Women recieve 37% less salary than Men. Very true, however there are significantly more Men in STEM fields than Women.
People come out the womb unequal. My Grandfather was the youngest of 13 Sons and a sharecropper, had nothing but a work ethic and an eye to do better, did real well in the end.
He (I'm sure didn't get any breaks for being White) you got the land and got to keep that land as long as you could make the owner money. I highly doubt he preffered White Men over Black Men to labor for him, it was about end results.
Actually at the time you could more than likely pay a black man less for equal labor. So, think about that for a minute.

So it's not like we come out of the womb with a debit card in one hand and a College Degree in the other. A lot of White folks worked very hard to get where they are.

Edit to Add this Gem coming through the Military...
