View Full Version : U.S. air strikes in Syria 3/23/23

03-24-23, 01:04
U.S. conducts air strike against Iranian forces

“Earlier today, a U.S. contractor was killed and five U.S. service members and one additional U.S. contractor were wounded after a one-way unmanned aerial vehicle struck a maintenance facility on a Coalition base near Hasakah in northeast Syria at approximately 1:38 p.m. local time.“


03-24-23, 09:34
Why are there US troops in Syria?

When did Congress declare a war and authorize this?


AFAIK Syria is one of Obama's many pet little wars. Trump failed to stop it, and now that we have Obamaden's third time, it's still going strong.

03-24-23, 09:43
Why are there US troops in Syria?

When did Congress declare a war and authorize this?


AFAIK Syria is one of Obama's many pet little wars. Trump failed to stop it, and now that we have Obamaden's third time, it's still going strong.

Trump DID stop it. XiDen, the man of the people, started it back up again.

03-24-23, 10:00
Trump DID stop it. XiDen, the man of the people, started it back up again.

Any evidence for that? Both memories and what I can find now indicate that the US presence continued throughout Trump's term:



Russian and US troops have both had a military presence in Syria since at least 2015. According to NBC News, the US opened a deconfliction phone line with the Russians to ease tensions, and over calls with the US, Russian military personnel have said they don't recognize the US base or airspace.



03-24-23, 10:04
LINK (https://thehill.com/policy/defense/465952-five-unintended-consequences-of-trumps-syria-withdrawal/)

It was all part of the Kurds narrative and he was widely criticized for it by the Deep State and propagandists.

03-24-23, 10:40
Wouldn't want anyone I know and care about in Iraq or Syria, these days, no way. Hope no one from this board is there.

03-24-23, 10:42
Why are there US troops in Syria?

When did Congress declare a war and authorize this?

The United States Congress is largely irrelevant at this stage in U.S. history.

03-24-23, 10:59
When did Congress declare a war and authorize this?


I am in favor of ending it, or at least debating the overly open ended nature of it, but I grow tired of explaining it’s existence.

(b) War Powers Resolution Requirements.--
(1) Specific statutory authorization.--Consistent with section
8(a)(1) of the War Powers Resolution, the Congress declares that
this section is intended to constitute specific statutory
authorization within the meaning of section 5(b) of the War Powers

03-24-23, 21:43
Trump DID stop it. XiDen, the man of the people, started it back up again.

Trump tried to stop it, his joint chiefs ignored a direct order and lied about it, actually brought in more contractors because "they don't count toward the troop numbers" wink wink. Then traitor Mark "Woke" Milley increased the troop numbers when Trump left office.

03-24-23, 22:34
When did Congress declare a war and authorize this?


03-25-23, 08:15
I never understood why we where in Syria, much less why we are still in Syria.

03-25-23, 08:22
I never understood why we where in Syria, much less why we are still in Syria.

Routing of a natural gas line. Russia, and Europes reliance on its natural gas.

Anything other than the above reason, like fighting ISIS is bullshit. The USA only cares about fighting oppression if they stand to gain natural resources from the country.


03-25-23, 08:28
"Local media reported late Friday that US forces and Iran-backed militants were engaged in back-and-forth fire at multiple locations inside Syria."


03-25-23, 08:34
Routing of a natural gas line. Russia, and Europes reliance on its natural gas.

Anything other than the above reason, like fighting ISIS is bullshit. The USA only cares about fighting oppression if they stand to gain natural resources from the country.


Good read, thanx. Hard to keep track of the endless geo political chess moves and that region is such a mess, I often don't pay as close attention to it as I should.

03-25-23, 10:44
Routing of a natural gas line. Russia, and Europes reliance on its natural gas.

Anything other than the above reason, like fighting ISIS is bullshit. The USA only cares about fighting oppression if they stand to gain natural resources from the country.


YEp, who was that dude. KEVlishikov, ComradeKEV? Always said DELISH. KInd of an ass, but from I remember he had the idea that Arab gas line as reason Syria was a mess. Probably true, as we saw Russia try to use gas and oil as a weapon over Ukraine.

When do the B-52s arrive?

03-25-23, 12:39
The USA only cares about fighting oppression if they stand to gain natural resources from the country.

You are aware that ISIS used oil money to fund terror around the world when it controlled that area?

Being skeptical about ulterior motives is smart because everyone has them, but overly definitive statements like yours seem lazy. There was and is no energy sources or pipelines in Korea or Vietnam, or anything we took or control from Iraq.

Sometimes I think it’s just our vanity, thinking we can fix every problem in the world.

03-25-23, 15:07
I never understood why we where in Syria, much less why we are still in Syria.

Supporting the rebels who are fighting the government who is supported by Russia, Iran, and Hezbollah.

Sort of another proxy with Russia that the US knew they could never get support for in a big way like Ukraine.

03-25-23, 17:29
You are aware that ISIS used oil money to fund terror around the world when it controlled that area?

Being skeptical about ulterior motives is smart because everyone has them, but overly definitive statements like yours seem lazy. There was and is no energy sources or pipelines in Korea or Vietnam, or anything we took or control from Iraq.

Sometimes I think it’s just our vanity, thinking we can fix every problem in the world.

People get mad if we fight over resources, but do they want us to fight over worthless crap? And to be honest, the oppression doesn’t really happen in resource scarce areas- there is no reason to fight. No one fights over sand unless it has oil underneath.

03-25-23, 17:59
I never understood why we where in Syria, much less why we are still in Syria.

The original reason was the overthrow of Assad by taking advantage of the Arab Spring unrest. Obama funded and armed the rebel groups who were trying to fight Assad including what would become ISIS, the other groups like the FSA and Muslim Brotherhood just splintered into factions and fought among themselves while ISIS; instead of going north and taking Damascus pulled a hard 180 and went south and took over large parts of Iraq and started the custer f*** over there. Its nothing more of continuation of our $hitshow called our middle east foreign policy where everything we do blows up in our faces.

03-25-23, 19:54
The original reason was the overthrow of Assad by taking advantage of the Arab Spring unrest. Obama funded and armed the rebel groups who were trying to fight Assad including what would become ISIS, the other groups like the FSA and Muslim Brotherhood just splintered into factions and fought among themselves while ISIS; instead of going north and taking Damascus pulled a hard 180 and went south and took over large parts of Iraq and started the custer f*** over there. Its nothing more of continuation of our $hitshow called our middle east foreign policy where everything we do blows up in our faces.Might even make a person wonder if the Arab Spring was nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt to create a refugee crisis in Europe. And who knows, it may even make one wonder if all these events might be part of a larger agenda to weaken nationalism and further globalism. Not that any good, compliant, government and mainstream media trusting citizen would wonder such things of course. I'm sure they're just a series of only seemingly coordinated missteps that all just happen to lead in a very specific, but completely coincidental, direction. And naturally, the current situation in Ukraine is completely and totally unrelated in any conceivable way.

And of course, the brewing currency and debt crisis won't be at all used to further strip us of privacy, independence, and property rights. The formation and proliferation of CBDCs are completely innocuous, and will just help stabilize national and international economics, help bring an end to inequality and hunger, and bring about the utopia we all so deeply desire. Heck, before you know it, you'll own nothing and be happy.

How dare any of you malcontents question our betters? Don't you know that they know what's best for the you, me, America, and the world?

03-25-23, 20:26
Might even make a person wonder if the Arab Spring was nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt to create a refugee crisis in Europe. And who knows, it may even make one wonder if all these events might be part of a larger agenda to weaken nationalism and further globalism. Not that any good, compliant, government and mainstream media trusting citizen would wonder such things of course. I'm sure they're just a series of only seemingly coordinated missteps that all just happen to lead in a very specific, but completely coincidental, direction. And naturally, the current situation in Ukraine is completely and totally unrelated in any conceivable way.

And of course, the brewing currency and debt crisis won't be at all used to further strip us of privacy, independence, and property rights. The formation and proliferation of CBDCs are completely innocuous, and will just help stabilize national and international economics, help bring an end to inequality and hunger, and bring about the utopia we all so deeply desire. Heck, before you know it, you'll own nothing and be happy.

How dare any of you malcontents question our betters? Don't you know that they know what's best for the you, me, America, and the world?

That sounds like what the US is attempting in Russia through Ukraine.

03-25-23, 21:25
That sounds like what the US is attempting in Russia through Ukraine.

Nah. Our government would never do anything that wasn't completely on the up and up. If they say the Ukes are the good guys in all this and the Ruskies are the bad guys, then it must be true. The US gov never does anything without the purest and most open motives. Not ever.

The Dumb Gun Collector
03-25-23, 21:36
I actually love America, but I’m old fashioned.

03-25-23, 21:59
"Pardoning the bad, is injuring the good." - Ben Franklin. I'm even more old fashioned. :p

The Dumb Gun Collector
03-25-23, 23:15
"Pardoning the bad, is injuring the good." - Ben Franklin. I'm even more old fashioned. :p

יִמַּח שְׁמוֹ וְזִכְרוֹ

I'm going Old Testament!!

BTW, thank you for having a sense of humor. It's in short supply these days.

03-25-23, 23:43
Might even make a person wonder if the Arab Spring was nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt to create a refugee crisis in Europe. And who knows, it may even make one wonder if all these events might be part of a larger agenda to weaken nationalism and further globalism. Not that any good, compliant, government and mainstream media trusting citizen would wonder such things of course. I'm sure they're just a series of only seemingly coordinated missteps that all just happen to lead in a very specific, but completely coincidental, direction. And naturally, the current situation in Ukraine is completely and totally unrelated in any conceivable way.

And of course, the brewing currency and debt crisis won't be at all used to further strip us of privacy, independence, and property rights. The formation and proliferation of CBDCs are completely innocuous, and will just help stabilize national and international economics, help bring an end to inequality and hunger, and bring about the utopia we all so deeply desire. Heck, before you know it, you'll own nothing and be happy.

How dare any of you malcontents question our betters? Don't you know that they know what's best for the you, me, America, and the world?

Im not much of a believer in whole WEF/globalists actually causing these events, and I lean towards Hanlon’s razor more than anything. As much we'd like to think of them as evil genius Bond villains, I think the reality is much closer to them having the funds and resources on tap to take advantage of crises to expand rather than some evil master plan.

Syria is just another example of how little Trump was actually able to affect change in foreign policy, he wanted us out of Afghanistan, Syria, and Iraq with just enough people to wipe out ISIS. The MIC machine is just too big, its exactly what Eisenhower warned us about. And we'll see just how badly the Ukraine project will backfire, Europe already took much of the economic back blast but this s*itshow is far from over.

People get mad if we fight over resources, but do they want us to fight over worthless crap? And to be honest, the oppression doesn’t really happen in resource scarce areas- there is no reason to fight. No one fights over sand unless it has oil underneath.

You're damn right we should be fighting over resources like oil, whats wrong about the whole thing is lying about WMDs, connections to Al-Qaeda ect to justify it. Also WTF was the point of 20 years in the middle east when we have nothing to show for it. Why is our strategic oil reserves at a historic low? Why are gas prices at all time high since the 70's? If we went there for oil why arent we swimming in it? Don't even get me started about the 3 trillion of rare earth minerals in Afghanistan we never exploited. If we went there to fight over resources we did a pretty s*it job at extracting it.

03-26-23, 08:10
The original reason was the overthrow of Assad by taking advantage of the Arab Spring unrest. Obama funded and armed the rebel groups who were trying to fight Assad including what would become ISIS, the other groups like the FSA and Muslim Brotherhood just splintered into factions and fought among themselves while ISIS; instead of going north and taking Damascus pulled a hard 180 and went south and took over large parts of Iraq and started the custer f*** over there. Its nothing more of continuation of our $hitshow called our middle east foreign policy where everything we do blows up in our faces.

The Q was a bit rhetorical and that part goes without saying. Doing the proxy thing is one thing, boots on the ground are another. We really have not legit justifications for being on Syrian territory.

03-26-23, 08:28
The Q was a bit rhetorical and that part goes without saying. Doing the proxy thing is one thing, boots on the ground are another. We really have not legit justifications for being on Syrian territory.

Hegemony and ego is all the justification an administration needs. We are way past being limited by constitutional law.