View Full Version : Top Gun Maverick (Quick Review) 🇺🇸

03-27-23, 16:23
Utterly predictable and I enjoyed just about every dang minute of it! Good old 'Murican fun action movie that captures much of the style and spirit of the 80's movie. Sure, suspension of disbelief needs to turned on to max to enjoy, but as a follow up to the first one, hits all the right notes to work, and work it does. A movie not to ask too many questions of, just enjoy the visuals, good characters, cheesy dialogue, scenery, Type A personalities lookin' to blow some chit up, special effects, music, and nostalgia for an iconic 80's movie that was Top Gun. Knowing Val Kilmer's health situation, his inclusion and the way it was done, hit me right in the feelz. A-


03-27-23, 17:14
I liked the last part with the dog fight scenes otherwise it was blah kind of like the first movie. I am a fan of TC movies.

03-27-23, 17:48
They filmed one scene in my little Iowa town and I still thought it was mostly crap.

This one was completely forgettable.

03-28-23, 10:55
They filmed one scene in my little Iowa town and I still thought it was mostly crap.

This one was completely forgettable.

You may have missed the intent, but as a follow up the original, it was spot on. I think it did so well because it hit all the nostalgia buttons, and was old school 80s style action fun. No damn politics, no woke BS, etc, etc, just escapism. Truth is, many favorite 80s classics where not great movies and don't age well if you watch them now. Top Gun was not a great movie, but it was peak 80s fun. I think this movie recreated it perfectly. As a stand alone film? No, not great.

03-28-23, 11:37
I liked that part where they flew through the impossibly small canyon defended by laser cannons then fired the torpedo at just the right moment to blow up the Death Star...Super cool and innovative story development!

Mav and Ice reminiscing about bulls-eying womp-rats back home was also a nice touch. I got a little verklempt...

03-28-23, 12:06
I enjoyed watching Top Gun Maverick twice. I paid to stream it months ago, and just recently watched it free on Amazon Prime Video.

03-28-23, 12:19
I enjoyed watching Top Gun Maverick twice. I paid to stream it months ago, and just recently watched it free on Amazon Prime Video.

That's where I saw it too. Was not gonna pay extra to view that one, but was pleasantly surprised.

03-28-23, 12:21
I liked that part where they flew through the impossibly small canyon defended by laser cannons then fired the torpedo at just the right moment to blow up the Death Star...Super cool and innovative story development!

Agreed. Now add they also plagiarized the Chuck Yeager F-104 Starfighter scene out of the right stuff. It WAS a good 'Murica, F-Yeah movie though.

God, I still get goose bumps watching this one. One of the movies that made me become a pilot.


03-28-23, 12:41
Agreed. Now add they also plagiarized the Chuck Yeager F-104 Starfighter scene out of the right stuff. It WAS a good 'Murica, F-Yeah movie though.

God, I still get goose bumps watching this one. One of the movies that made me become a pilot.

In my world view, Yeager makes Chuck Norris look like a pu$$y. :cool:


03-28-23, 13:03
^^^ If that's the case, then you need to read both Chuck Yeager's, and Bob Hoover's autobiographies. Great reads. They feed off of each other. Both were fighter pilots in World War II and pioneered the transition to the Jets. They were best friends. Hoover comes across as a timid guy, but he has a 400 pound set of brass balls. The guy stole a German plane and escaped from a prison camp... Amazing stuff. More proof I was born 50 years too late.


03-28-23, 13:33
It was a great retro flick. Loved it. Best movie of the year? Eh, I dunno. Worth my money? Every penny.

Nice to see a testosterone-laden in-your-face movie like this.

03-28-23, 13:46
FYI... Useless movie trivia.

The original Top Gun movie set the flying hooks into Tom Cruise so hard, he obtained his commercial pilots license and is rated to fly his own business jet. He also owns and flys the P-51 used in the movie. Like him or not, that's a pretty cool deal.

He was "prohibited" from touching the controls of those F-18s in the scenes for Maverick, but I think it's safe to say that he got a little stick time. No one will ever tell... Well, maybe not until some people retire from the Navy.

john armond
03-28-23, 13:51
That's where I saw it too. Was not gonna pay extra to view that one, but was pleasantly surprised.

Saw the original in the theater. Had to see this one there too. Just rewatched it for free on Amazon.

03-28-23, 13:52
FYI... Useless movie trivia.

The original Top Gun movie set the flying hooks into Tom Cruise so hard, he obtained his commercial pilots license and is rated to fly his own business jet. He also owns and flys the P-51 used in the movie. Like him or not, that's a pretty cool deal.

He was "prohibited" from touching the controls of those F-18s in the scenes for Maverick, but I think it's safe to say that he got a little stick time. No one will ever tell... Well, maybe not until some people retire from the Navy.

I have a friend whose dad was a F-14 RIO and Topgun (one word) instructor, did some of the work with the actors for the original. He said all the actors were great to work with but Cruise would ask for extra time, extra books and reference material, etc. He said Cruise would call at 2 am to ask questions, he'd say "Mr. Cruise, can this wait until we meet at 8?", and Cruise would reply "no, I really need to know now" lol.

03-28-23, 15:50
I was really ambivalent about the whole thing, but my good friend in DC said it was a good movie and he's not often wrong. I enjoyed it on my flight home from there back in October 22. I'm a cheap ass, and hate movie theatres, so I haven't been to a theatre in 15 years. This was one that I should have seen in the theatre.

03-28-23, 16:33
Should have been called Iron Eagle 4.

03-28-23, 18:27
You may have missed the intent, but as a follow up the original, it was spot on. I think it did so well because it hit all the nostalgia buttons, and was old school 80s style action fun. No damn politics, no woke BS, etc, etc, just escapism. Truth is, many favorite 80s classics where not great movies and don't age well if you watch them now. Top Gun was not a great movie, but it was peak 80s fun. I think this movie recreated it perfectly. As a stand alone film? No, not great.

So I can still watch Top Gun as a stand alone film, which is why I didn't need this remake. I'm glad they didn't "Disney" it to death, but they really didn't do anything beyond almost make the exact same film. I was hoping for more.

03-28-23, 18:32
[QUOTE=WillBrink;3097459]In my world view, Yeager makes Chuck Norris look like a pu$$y. :cool:

Kittinger did it without a plane.


03-28-23, 21:56
I liked it. I can see the Death Star comparisons, yeah. But I think what it did well was develop the Pete Mitchell character and his relationships, past and present. The flying footage was pretty good, too.

03-29-23, 11:33
This movie brought me back to the 80s and all the feels with it. If you saw the original when it came out and remember how that felt; they were able to bottle up those feelings and open them all up again nearly forty years later. That is an amazing feat and everyone involved in the project should be commended for that. It was something we all needed in 2022.

As to the critics of the movie, you have to separate the tongue-in-cheek plot elements (obvious nod to Star Wars and Iron Eagle films from the eighties) from the fantastic job they did filming practical effects, real jets, amazing camera work showing aerial maneuvers, showcasing F-35 in the intro, maneuverability of fifth gen fighters, etc. They didn't get the sound of the cannons right, but nobody's perfect! In an age of CGI, they had all the actors up in real F-18s filming their scenes. There will never be another movie with this level of access to actual military jets.

Some other small things that I appreciated: the Hind helicopter really brought me back to my childhood watching Rambo. The dialogue between Rooster and Maverick had lines from the first movie between Goose and Maverick when they were up against Viper and Jester. It gave me chills and brought new meaning to the line, "Talk to me Goose."

As someone has mentioned, the real plot of the movie is about Pete Mitchell; growth from someone who left his wingman into someone who stayed faithful to his friend and realized the importance of family and sacrifice for others.

This Youtube channel has a series of great breakdowns by F-18 pilots that weren't involved with the movie. Obviously, there are spoilers!
