View Full Version : Another example of weaponizing the .gov against any opposition.

03-28-23, 13:59
They go after Taibbi the day he was set to testify.

I have no doubt this was because he was testifying against the Biden Crime syndicate.

03-28-23, 14:06
I saw this. I wish more people realized how fascist this is if true

03-28-23, 14:09
You know how you solve this crap? If enough of us refuse to file income taxes this year let's see what they do about it. Clearly since paychecks are garnished we don't have the option to not pay.

03-28-23, 14:30
Unannounced Home Visit?

They have got 80 Billion dollar budget this year to go after you and they decided to go after Taibi the day he was set to testify.
I don't think this is any coincidence.

03-28-23, 14:47
Well crap. I'm in DC to testify (totally unrelated cases).

Ya think if I call home I can get the agents to water the wife's plants?

03-28-23, 17:01
Don't forget parents were labeled domestic terrorists for speaking out against CRT in school board meetings.

The greatest threat to Americans is the government. Who wont even secure our border.

The US Gov is literally bringing about the fall of America.

The people running things are the stupidest and most unqualified ever and it's not just an isolated idiot here and there. It's the whole lot of them.

And the worse things get the more they double down on stupid. Like Lloyd Austin for example.

03-28-23, 19:04
Don't forget parents were labeled domestic terrorists for speaking out against CRT in school board meetings.

The greatest threat to Americans is the government. Who wont even secure our border.

The US Gov is literally bringing about the fall of America.

The people running things are the stupidest and most unqualified ever and it's not just an isolated idiot here and there. It's the whole lot of them.

And the worse things get the more they double down on stupid. Like Lloyd Austin for example.

And as long as voter fraud continues "they" will continue to control the enforcement organs of the State, the ones who both investigate and prosecute.

03-29-23, 17:56
But there making tons of money looting the nation, selling us out !

03-29-23, 19:50
An update;

Is it any coincidence that until they will need funded again they will continue to act like this?
I think we need to cut their budgets immeadiatly.

03-29-23, 20:34
This stuff is why so few people are willing to speak the truth. Even when people were dying from stupid covid protocols.

Its also why the Germans just went along...

This time it's our government.

03-29-23, 21:14
Left a note they'll be back. I wonder if they will now that the cat is out of the bag and the House is on their ass.