View Full Version : James O'Keefe and HK on Election fraud

03-29-23, 12:49
This was interesting on a number of levels.

Twitter Video (https://twitter.com/BlackHannity/status/1640901806455750658)

Interested me enough to download some raw data on individual contributions, from the FEC, to see what I could find. I focused on AZ since it seems to be the most relevant example of some sort of fraud.

Didn't take me long to find some interesting items, this cat isn't the only one. So far the data seems to show it started in 2018.

Look at Roberta's activity.

I've told you not to trust people with Hyphenated Last names (https://www.campaignmoney.com/political/contributions/roberta-eisman-goldstein.asp?cycle=20)

Look at this "unemployed" person in Arizona for example. Been pretty busy contributing I would say..............There is some generic looking empty profile to a University in AZ.

This wreaks of campaign finance money laundering.

Manije Irani Campaign Contributions (https://www.fec.gov/data/receipts/individual-contributions/?contributor_name=IRANI%2C+MANIJE)

Different view of Manije Irani's activity. I wonder if he's even a citizen?

Very Busy Manije (https://www.campaignmoney.com/finance.asp?type=in&cycle=20&criteria=irani&fname=manije)

I found what I did after only 30 minutes of spreadsheet manipulation. Statistically speaking, that isn't a good omen.

03-29-23, 13:10
Not surprising. Just reaffirms we will NEVER Vote our way out of this ShitStorm.

I’ll refrain from suggesting what I see as a viable alternative.

03-29-23, 17:30
Looks like an installment plan.

03-29-23, 17:38
Holy Smokes !
They're laundering a lot of money.

john armond
03-29-23, 17:58
Just checked my zip and one person made every donation from pg 31-103 in 2020. Their donations started on pg 30 and ended on pg 104, but there was one other doner on each of those pages. This person was listed as “not employed.” A bunch of Act Blue charges.

Nothing to see here…move along.

03-29-23, 20:00
Didn’t take you long either did it? Tells you it is the Tip of the Iceberg.

john armond
03-29-23, 20:07
Didn’t take you long either did it? Tells you it is the Tip of the Iceberg.

Nope. Click the link above and type zip code. I actually came across the one “donor” by accident. I was looking for my name and was clicking about every 10 pages across. I was on page 40 something and accidentally jumped down to the complete next row on the next click instead of the over on the row I was on. When I noticed the name was the same, that’s when I started actually going page by page.

Maybe all those new IRS agents were hired to look into all these donations to see what hidden incomes these unemployed/retired people have that they can donate hundreds of thousands of dollars. I’m middle class and those neighborhoods O’Keefe went into look a lot like mine. I can’t afford what they were putting in and a mortgage over the course of a year. Hell a bunch of the donations alone were apparently above our household annual income.

03-30-23, 10:42
I'm sending some of the more egregious ones I find to the local LE agencies with enough information for them to start an investigation.

03-30-23, 10:52
I'm sending some of the more egregious ones I find to the local LE agencies with enough information for them to start an investigation.

I wonder if anyone in Kerry Lake's camp could roll with this...

03-30-23, 11:03
I wonder if anyone in Kerry Lake's camp could roll with this...

Great idea. Contacting their info email now.

03-30-23, 11:07
Great idea. Contacting their info email now.

Pappabear said they had a Instagram where you could report election shenanigans. But a more direct contact might be best.

03-30-23, 11:34
I don't do instgram, but found a contact email address. I'm sure they're still paying attention.

03-30-23, 11:51
I don't do instgram, but found a contact email address. I'm sure they're still paying attention.

I really hope this gets traction.

03-31-23, 02:09
I just watched my neighbor across the street go from GOP to nothing to DNC…. Good to know.

He also may have been in prison for a bit, so there is that… unusual name, but in 2016 an only then, a lot of activity under his name, and then it goes a way.

Can we swamp ActBlue with $1 donations? What is their processing cost?