View Full Version : Trump indicted

03-30-23, 16:44
This is gonna get interesting

“A Manhattan grand jury voted to indict Donald J. Trump on Thursday for his role in paying hush money to a porn star, according to four people with knowledge of the matter, a historic development that will shake up the 2024 presidential race and forever mark him as the nation’s first former president to face criminal charges.“


03-30-23, 16:57
I'm not sure how they think they will make it stick, but "Let the Games Begin".

03-30-23, 17:50
We have been told that Grand Jury matters are secret. How could 4 people share knowledge of the vote?


03-30-23, 17:50
Twenty four hours ago I was pulling for De Santis or Ted Cruz to get the RNC nomination. I DID NOT WANT TRUMP TO GET IT... Congratulations commies. You just made the ONE move to get me FULLY back in Trumps camp.

Not only have they solidified his existing base, they are bringing in people like me also. Good job (D)s. TRUMP 2024!!! MAGA!!!

Whatever the truth and final judicial outcome may be, I suspect that less people will be moved to vote for someone that they wouldn’t have already, just because he’s pending a felony trial, than in the other direction. I’m hoping to find a non-corrupt fiscal conservative that supports the Bill of Rights. Yes, I’m prepared for disappointment, just like in years past.

03-30-23, 17:51
Isn’t this what he was impeached for? The shady hush money?

03-30-23, 18:02
All candidates running against Trump as Repulicans need to withdrawl immediatley and support Trump.

Im sending $$$ to Trumps re election fund. Join me give until it hurts!

03-30-23, 18:03
Isn’t this what he was impeached for? The shady hush money?

No he was impeached for the fake russian story

03-30-23, 18:06
Whatever the truth and final judicial outcome may be, I suspect that less people will be moved to vote for someone that they wouldn’t have already, just because he’s pending a felony trial, than in the other direction. I’m hoping to find a non-corrupt fiscal conservative that supports the Bill of Rights. Yes, I’m prepared for disappointment, just like in years past.

Yeah and i thought a guy who had a stroke and couldnt put a sentence together would have no support. Thats what we get for thinking.

Alex V
03-30-23, 18:13
This is political theater. They are terrified of Trump because they are worried the fraud won’t work again. Honestly, the fraud will more than likely work so not sure why they are jumping out of their skin.

Secondly this is an attempt to set up another J6. They are hoping for an over reaction. As much as I would love to see the party start, at this time we need to keep our powder dry. Plus, no one has the balls to do anything so I’m not sure what they are expecting.

03-30-23, 18:31
Yeah and i thought a guy who had a stroke and couldnt put a sentence together would have no support. Thats what we get for thinking.

What do you expect from the same state that elected a dead guy to office.

03-30-23, 18:44
Ron DeSantis responds...

The weaponization of the legal system to advance a political agenda turns the rule of law on its head.

It is un-American.

The Soros-backed Manhattan District Attorney has consistently bent the law to downgrade felonies and to excuse criminal misconduct. Yet, now he is stretching the law to target a political opponent.

Florida will not assist in an extradition request given the questionable circumstances at issue with this Soros-backed Manhattan prosecutor and his political agenda.


03-30-23, 18:54
All candidates running against Trump as Repulicans need to withdrawl immediatley and support Trump.

Im sending $$$ to Trumps re election fund. Join me give until it hurts!

Hoping this is sarcasm...

Why would better candidates withdraw just because an obvious contender is under a bogus prosecution? Isn't that just handing things over to hostile dems to pull the strings, by a predictable and counter-productive reaction?

Yeah and i thought a guy who had a stroke and couldnt put a sentence together would have no support. Thats what we get for thinking.

Are you talking about Biden, Fetterman, or who? Dems are pretty good at getting incoherent turnips into office.

The prosecution is 100% BS, but that doesn't magically turn Trump into a great candidate. I voted for him twice now, but won't be voting for him in the primary. In the general I'll vote for whoever the "R" candidate is, I guess, but would rather it not be Trump.

03-30-23, 19:09
The US will get the president the permanent bureaucracy allows them to have.

john armond
03-30-23, 19:22
Isn’t he being charged with a law that has never been applied to anyone since it’s an existence? A law that is basically an add-on charge to be used if there were federal charges as I understand it.

03-30-23, 19:40
All candidates running against Trump as Repulicans need to withdrawl immediatley and support Trump.

Im sending $$$ to Trumps re election fund. Join me give until it hurts!

I don’t believe republicans should change their plans to run for the nomination, but I’ll be sending a few dollars to Trump one way or another. I would expect Trump to turn this around into a fundraising opportunity. I’d buy a cap or coffee ‘mugshot’ mug from Trump.

03-30-23, 20:27
Another example of what a total sham the legal system is, what absolute bullshit and lies that the US is a just and freedom loving democracy, no different .gov than any third world chithole banana republic. Real criminal pigs like the xidens, clintons, obamas, pelosi, soros, et al are laughing at the impotence and incompetence of the citizenry while they are ones who should be jailed.
This country is a rapidly turning into the farce that is red china.

03-30-23, 21:04
Hoping this is sarcasm.....
The prosecution is 100% BS, but that doesn't magically turn Trump into a great candidate. I voted for him twice now, but won't be voting for him in the primary. In the general I'll vote for whoever the "R" candidate is, I guess, but would rather it not be Trump.

Me too! I will gladly and preferentially vote for DeSantis to get the nomination, but will choke back the vomit and reluctantly hit the lever for Trump if he wins it (which would make the THIRD time I might add).

EDIT: this is a bullshit indictment and is in keeping with the Left's control over the organs of the state, especially those with "authority"......prosecute (or not), raid their home at 3AM (or not), determine what gets released to us serfs in the public, etc.

03-30-23, 21:10
I know it is a technical distinction, but is he indicted, or has the GJ just voted to do it? As in the files actually have to be charged by the DA and filed? Does the DA have to actually follow up with charges and a prosecute the case? The case, as we know, is BS and will be lost in any rational court case, but the left gets all that they want out of the vote in the GJ. And not filing the charges is a better public relations win than losing in court.

And yes, this is all because the Biden family’s corruption case was getting interesting.

03-30-23, 23:43
I know it is a technical distinction, but is he indicted, or has the GJ just voted to do it? As in the files actually have to be charged by the DA and filed? Does the DA have to actually follow up with charges and a prosecute the case? The case, as we know, is BS and will be lost in any rational court case, but the left gets all that they want out of the vote in the GJ. And not filing the charges is a better public relations win than losing in court.

And yes, this is all because the Biden family’s corruption case was getting interesting.

They VOTED to indict. Actual charges haven’t been filed and there’s no time limit I’m aware of for Bragg to file the charges in court.

Every bit of this charade goes back to 2016. The left never in a million years thought Trump would have a snowball”s chance in hell to beat their gal. They took that loss HARD and they’ve held a grudge ever since. This is just another chapter in their version of War and Peace. It will not end until Trump is dead. It likely won’t even end then. :mad:

03-31-23, 01:06
Just saw that they have 30 counts, for one ‘crime’. If that doesn’t scream over-charging and desperation…

03-31-23, 01:22
This is political theater. They are terrified of Trump because they are worried the fraud won’t work again. Honestly, the fraud will more than likely work so not sure why they are jumping out of their skin.

Secondly this is an attempt to set up another J6. They are hoping for an over reaction. As much as I would love to see the party start, at this time we need to keep our powder dry. Plus, no one has the balls to do anything so I’m not sure what they are expecting.

Will only add, if we can't come up with something better than Trump this time, we are pretty screwed anyway.

Trump accomplished everything "meaningful" that he was able to actually do last time and then mostly wasted LOTS of time and alienated people. Right now he's probably as polarizing as Hillary was in 2016 and all his nomination would do is secure Biden a legitimate victory.

03-31-23, 01:25
Political theater to distract us from the 4 or 5 other crisis's going on.

03-31-23, 01:26
I’ll go on the assumption that Trump was in Mira Largo for some of the Stormy Daniels extortion of Trump. Why can’t the Florida AG file extortion charges against her?

Oh, and doesn’t every pol with a cash money NDA out there have a legal liability now? And that is for cash money- what about quid pro quo?

03-31-23, 03:39
The question we must ask is why are they so afraid of Trump to go to this length?

The country is in a dangerous place, and I am thinking the correct response is to run this thing all the way, meaning the Republican party should back Trump all the way until he is either President or killed. Anything less is a surrender to the Marxist.

03-31-23, 03:56
The question we must ask is why are they so afraid of Trump to go to this length?

The country is in a dangerous place, and I am thinking the correct response is to run this thing all the way, meaning the Republican party should back Trump all the way until he is either President or killed. Anything less is a surrender to the Marxist.

Same reason we were afraid of Hillary, but by running Hillary we got Trump. Let's try and learn from that.

Boba Fett v2
03-31-23, 06:57
Damn. All this time screaming about locking people up, from the Central Park Five to Hillary Clinton, and now he gets indicted. Karma's a motherfukcer.

03-31-23, 07:47
NYC is officially a Banana Rebublic.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-31-23, 07:57
We're on 'A'. Conviction is, what, 'P'? We have a lllooonnnggg way to go.

I am not a lawyer. I have spoked to a couple friends who are, one pretty liberal, the other pretty centrist independent. The liberal said he is very curious what got presented to the grand jury because from his angle there's no case, and once the prosecutor turns overs all the evidence to the defense, the case is likely over. So he is curious if there's really a smoking gun, because otherwise, there's just no case.

The other guy was much less thoughtful, he said a 3rd year law student should be able to successfully defend Trump based on what we know, but also alluded that the DA might have some evidence that's fairly ironclad to his case.

In any event, it ain't going to be over for a good while.

03-31-23, 08:01
Same reason we were afraid of Hillary, but by running Hillary we got Trump. Let's try and learn from that.

If we want to take WH and get the nation moving in some kinda of direction not grid lock, Desantis is the obvious choice if lessons learned. Supporting Trump will likely result in another Brandon term. I don't see any indications so far a damn thing was learned. For those who were whining Desantis is not supporting Trump enough:

"DeSantis says he will refuse any extradition request after Trump indictment: 'Questionable circumstances'"


03-31-23, 08:21
NYC is officially a Banana Rebublic.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Correction: this country is officially a banana republic. What happened in NY did not happen in a vacuum; the ComDems have been targeting political opponents for a while now. The IRS went to Matt Taibbi’s place the day he was testifying in front of Congress, dozens of citizens have been languishing in gulags for two years for misdemeanor trespassing charges, etc…. All those past incidents were shots across the bow and Trump getting indicted is the first broadside shot at the waterline.

03-31-23, 08:28
I'm not sure how they think they will make it stick, but "Let the Games Begin".

I can’t stand Trump, didn’t vote for him either time. But the Dems have no idea just how dangerous this game is. Especially If trump gets re-elected it’s going to be a level of banana republic shit storm.

03-31-23, 08:33
Will only add, if we can't come up with something better than Trump this time, we are pretty screwed anyway.

Trump accomplished everything "meaningful" that he was able to actually do last time and then mostly wasted LOTS of time and alienated people. Right now he's probably as polarizing as Hillary was in 2016 and all his nomination would do is secure Biden a legitimate victory.

Honestly the more I think about it this might be the only way trump gets re-elected. The Dems will surely turn this into a circus and it’ll be seen by enough on the right as what it really is a political persecution. If it gets bad enough especially once the trial starts and we start to discover evidence of prosecutorial misconduct and political tampering by the Dems. It might solidify enough of the party elders to get behind him for no other reason than they now understand it’s on.

The Dems have done the unthinkable and the republicans want revenge.

03-31-23, 08:38
If we want to take WH and get the nation moving in some kinda of direction not grid lock, Desantis is the obvious choice if lessons learned. Supporting Trump will likely result in another Brandon term. I don't see any indications so far a damn thing was learned. For those who were whining Desantis is not supporting Trump enough:

"DeSantis says he will refuse any extradition request after Trump indictment: 'Questionable circumstances'"


If trump gets re-elected it’s going to be a shit show of biblical scale. He will surround himself with the worst of the worst and go after everyone who’s ever looked at him cross ways.

If I was that DA I’d seriously consider retiring and moving to a country with no extradition treaty and hope king Cheeto isn’t so far off the reserve he send Delta Force to go get this guy.

This is some very dangerous territory we’re in now.

The Dumb Gun Collector
03-31-23, 08:41
I agree. Obviously, I am pretty much in the Any Republican But Trump, but G)*#)(*@ if it's Trump I'll still vote for him because I can't imagine the dumb shit Biden would try in a second term (mandatory Tran Camp? lol). But still, this might actually help the Republicans. Obviously, if Trump is still a free man, he might win. If Trump is somehow unable to secure the nomination then I am sure DeSantis will be able to use the overreach by the Dems to bolster his run. This Bragg dumbass may have given us a gift. Because a year of Trump shit-talking his opponents and crippling the future of the Republican Party ain't going to do it by itself.

Apparently, the DOJ is unhappy because this indictment is likely to complicate or weaken the other charges they have in the hopper.


Justice Department 'is irritated by Manhattan DA's indictment of Donald Trump because they believe hush money charges are weak and could damage more serious Georgia electoral fraud and January 6 probes'
Donald Trump is facing multiple investigations, and on Thursday was indicted in the first, regarding hush money payments made to porn star Stormy Daniels
The indictment was enacted by the Manhattan district attorney, but The New York Times reported that the Justice Department was concerned about the case
Senior officials, the paper claimed, were worried that the Manhattan case could complicate what they see as stronger cases - electoral fraud and January 6

03-31-23, 08:52
If trump gets re-elected it’s going to be a shit show of biblical scale. He will surround himself with the worst of the worst and go after everyone who’s ever looked at him cross ways.

If I was that DA I’d seriously consider retiring and moving to a country with no extradition treaty and hope king Cheeto isn’t so far off the reserve he send Delta Force to go get this guy.

This is some very dangerous territory we’re in now.

Sad part is, how few seem to get all that. We end up with Brandon, or Trump, it's a very bad day or us and the US of A. Desantis is the most obvious choice to back to both greatly increase probability of taking the WH and getting the nation back on some kind of track. That's the strategic approach vs being manipulated by either Trumps ego and narcissism or the loony left manipulating people's emotions more than they may realize. Keeping emotions running high prevents people from applying rational/critical thinking and that's their plan, a plan from a playbook that goes waaaaaaaaay back. Sadly, a playbook that's been successful, right before a nation falls...

Alex V
03-31-23, 09:00
If trump gets re-elected it’s going to be a shit show of biblical scale. He will surround himself with the worst of the worst and go after everyone who’s ever looked at him cross ways.

If I was that DA I’d seriously consider retiring and moving to a country with no extradition treaty and hope king Cheeto isn’t so far off the reserve he send Delta Force to go get this guy.

This is some very dangerous territory we’re in now.

I'm hoping for this. The Commies asked for it, they should be paid back in spades. I hope he wins, and I hope he abuses his office to no end in persecuting the Commies. At this point the Republic is lost, so if we gain power, we must do to them what they have always attempted to do to us.

The Dumb Gun Collector
03-31-23, 09:14
Sad part is, how few seem to get all that. We end up with Brandon, or Trump, it's a very bad day or us and the US of A. Desantis is the most obvious choice to back to both greatly increase probability of taking the WH and getting the nation back on some kind of track. That's the strategic approach vs being manipulated by either Trumps ego and narcissism or the loony left manipulating people's emotions more than they may realize. Keeping emotions running high prevents people from applying rational/critical thinking and that's their plan, a plan from a playbook that goes waaaaaaaaay back. Sadly, a playbook that's been successful, right before a nation falls...

I’m afraid you’re right. And while a Reagan Republican, like me, will hold my nose and vote for Trump for lack of options, I’m afraid even this ridiculous indictment is not going to bring the suburbs and traditional undecideds back to vote for the endless drama and chaos that is Trump. We probably are playing into the Democrats hands if we allow them to motivate us to run Trump for yet another loss.

And yes, this is another step towards banana republic. I don’t see why Republican prosecutors are gonna feel any need to adhere to the old norms. The Democrats love stepping over boundaries and then are always shocked when we respond in kind.

03-31-23, 09:21
Among other things, I wanted a president willing to call out the fake news liberal media... call out RINOs along with democrats and the entire Washington Establishment. Trump did.

This indictment and other investigations both past and present isn't about Trump. It's about voters like me. The aim is to crush voter's ability/attitudes toward sending people to shake-up the Washington Establishment, and scare-off potential like candidates.

03-31-23, 09:30
I’m afraid you’re right. And while a Reagan Republican, like me, will hold my nose and vote for Trump for lack of options, I’m afraid even this ridiculous indictment is not going to bring the suburbs and traditional undecideds back to vote for the endless drama and chaos that is Trump. We probably are playing into the Democrats hands if we allow them to motivate us to run Trump for yet another loss.

And yes, this is another step towards banana republic. I don’t see why Republican prosecutors are gonna feel any need to adhere to the old norms. The Democrats love stepping over boundaries and then are always shocked when we respond in kind.

Precisely so. They are masters at that, and playing people to perfection here. The indictment is small time BS designed as distraction to keep emotions high, and to their credit, it's working very well. They want Trump in the race and fired up knowing it splits the GOP support, which may hand the orange guy another nomination, which likely hands them another Brandon term. They know who the real threat is, which is Desantis,and or, some other Repub perhaps that can pull not just GOP votes, but independents, Dems tired of woke BS, POC, etc who will not vote for Trump under any circumstances. There's not enough MAGA MAGA voters out there to give Trump the win, and they know it. This is all orchestrated.

03-31-23, 09:52
Posts 33-39 really hit it, as I see it too. The USA is F'd.

Remember kids, the American Revolution is about the only violent revolution that had a happy ending and was followed by relative peace and stability. Everywhere else, revolution lead to decades or more of violence and turmoil.

On a brighter note, the total collapse of the USSR and various satellites, East Germany in particular, was followed by better times in most areas. So when MTG and others talk about "national divorce" or similar, don't be too quick to dismiss it as our best hope for a decent future.

03-31-23, 10:19
Posts 33-39 really hit it, as I see it too. The USA is F'd.

Remember kids, the American Revolution is about the only violent revolution that had a happy ending and was followed by relative peace and stability. Everywhere else, revolution lead to decades or more of violence and turmoil.

On a brighter note, the total collapse of the USSR and various satellites, East Germany in particular, was followed by better times in most areas. So when MTG and others talk about "national divorce" or similar, don't be too quick to dismiss it as our best hope for a decent future.

I’m not a fan but just curious, how do you see a national divorce playing out? Some sort of slow balkanization or just all over civil war?

03-31-23, 10:36
I’m not a fan but just curious, how do you see a national divorce playing out? Some sort of slow balkanization or just all over civil war?

My crystal ball is old and cloudy. There are a million possible scenarios and you could spend a weekend discussing nothing else.

I don't foresee a widespread civil war, although it's possible, nor do I expect it to be slow. I would look at the 1989-1991 era for some guidance.

I expect that one large state with a strong-man type governor will announce its departure after some national political event it doesn't like. This could be California if Trump gets re-elected, or Texas or Florida for numerous reasons. The lead state will be followed in days by neighboring states that are close in mind - OR, WA and HI for CA, or part of the gulf coast plus maybe SC in the case of TX or FL being the lead. National politicians will threaten war against them (as Biden and others, like that disgusting CA congressman, have already done), but little or nothing will actually happen. There will be weeks or more of awkward pause, then other states, both aligned and polar-opposite to the lead, will start making their departures too.

Look at a map of "red states" and figure that alliances will generally require proximity. Most likely the deep south and great plains would make one alliance, the pacific coast (excluding rural, inland parts of those states) would make one, and the core union centered around NY would make a third. The inland northwest around Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah and neighboring portions of states might do its own thing or join the Texas-FL-gulf-plains bloc. States not mentioned could go multiple ways, including totally independent or additional blocs. New Mexico might just join Mexico, formally or de facto. The midwest and mid-atlantic would be the greatest mess given the "purple" nature of many states and the extreme disagreement in many of those states between the largest city and 99% of the rural areas.

Just one possibility, who knows.

Alex V
03-31-23, 10:51
My crystal ball is old and cloudy. There are a million possible scenarios and you could spend a weekend discussing nothing else.

I don't foresee a widespread civil war, although it's possible, nor do I expect it to be slow. I would look at the 1989-1991 era for some guidance.

I expect that one large state with a strong-man type governor will announce its departure after some national political event it doesn't like. This could be California if Trump gets re-elected, or Texas or Florida for numerous reasons. The lead state will be followed in days by neighboring states that are close in mind - OR, WA and HI for CA, or part of the gulf coast plus maybe SC in the case of TX or FL being the lead. National politicians will threaten war against them (as Biden and others, like that disgusting CA congressman, have already done), but little or nothing will actually happen. There will be weeks or more of awkward pause, then other states, both aligned and polar-opposite to the lead, will start making their departures too.

Look at a map of "red states" and figure that alliances will generally require proximity. Most likely the deep south and great plains would make one alliance, the pacific coast (excluding rural, inland parts of those states) would make one, and the core union centered around NY would make a third. The inland northwest around Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah and neighboring portions of states might do its own thing or join the Texas-FL-gulf-plains bloc. States not mentioned could go multiple ways, including totally independent or additional blocs. New Mexico might just join Mexico, formally or de facto. The midwest and mid-atlantic would be the greatest mess given the "purple" nature of many states and the extreme disagreement in many of those states between the largest city and 99% of the rural areas.

Just one possibility, who knows.

This is exactly how I see it. The only "war" will be internal to states where densely populated blue cities are surrounded by red rural area. The fight will be over which side to join as the cities and rural areas will want to join opposing factions. That will play out fairly straight forward though will be messy. The rural areas will oust the leaders of the blue cities who's protectors usually live in the rural red areas anyway. The people in the blue cities will fall in line or flee. This will most likely include states like TN, KY, NC, GA, possibly VA, PA, and OH. NC, GA and VA may be the fastest to have their cities taken over due to the large contingent of mostly conservative military personal but that's just a guess.

03-31-23, 13:12
All candidates running against Trump as Repulicans need to withdrawl immediatley and support Trump.

Im sending $$$ to Trumps re election fund. Join me give until it hurts!

I don't flush money down the toilet. But you do you.

03-31-23, 13:29
All candidates running against Trump as Repulicans need to withdrawl immediatley and support Trump.

Im sending $$$ to Trumps re election fund. Join me give until it hurts!

What planet have you lived on for the past 6 years? They're more likely to do the exact opposite and use this as "evidence" he's unelectable to further their own interests. I'd imagine there were more than a few Republican's in leadership pushing NY to do just this.............

03-31-23, 14:55
As the actual details of the charges are hard to come by, a decent summary from Reason. I now have a much better understanding of it all, and it's clear it's pure political theater that will backfire on them and just bolster Trumps popularity:


03-31-23, 15:41
As the actual details of the charges are hard to come by, a decent summary from Reason. I now have a much better understanding of it all, and it's clear it's pure political theater that will backfire on them and just bolster Trumps popularity:


As Ive said before in another thread the actual charges matter little, the whole point of this is to distract from the banking crisis, rising inflation, trans school shootings not to mention all the foreign stuff.

All they want to get out of this is to parade Trump in handcuffs or in a courtroom, doesnt matter one bit if charges dont stick, its all about the optics and headlines they can generate for clicks.

03-31-23, 15:49
What planet have you lived on for the past 6 years? They're more likely to do the exact opposite and use this as "evidence" he's unelectable to further their own interests. I'd imagine there were more than a few Republican's in leadership pushing NY to do just this.............

I just watched Neil TDS Cavuto badger Mike Pence for 15 straight minutes in an attempt to get him to attack Trump, and he refused. If anyone has a reason to attack Trump it's Pence, and he wouldn't. Cavuto looked like a complete chump, but he's still digging. He's made his entire show today an attack on Trump, and all its gonna do is piss off Trump supporters.

Everyone knows this is pure election tampering by Bragg and his ComDem cohorts. If they're desperate enough to resort to this, they're obviously willing to burn their own ships to motivate their voters. :cool:

03-31-23, 15:57
Everyone knows this is pure election tampering by Bragg and his ComDem cohorts. If they're desperate enough to resort to this, they're obviously willing to burn their own ships to motivate their voters. :cool:

What's the quote - "don't interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake"?

03-31-23, 17:36
What's the quote - "don't interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake"?

It doesn't matter, they will just crank the fraud machine back up for the 2024 election if all else fails.

03-31-23, 18:06

Over 25% of Donations Came from First-Time Donors to the Trump Campaign


03-31-23, 18:51
It doesn't matter, they will just crank the fraud machine back up for the 2024 election if all else fails.

Yes, but. At some point not enough people believe them for the lie to work. In several states a lot of people - not sure if a majority - simply don't believe that "D" won legitimately with ballots counted at 3am. In Arizona there's still a legal battle that looks like it might go somewhere.

On a related issue, public views of the safety and effectiveness of the vax have gone from very positive to <50% positive as the reality has become obvious. You can fool people for a while, but not forever when reality becomes stark. I expect the same with the '24 election if there are implausible wins.

03-31-23, 19:22
Yes, but. At some point not enough people believe them for the lie to work. In several states a lot of people - not sure if a majority - simply don't believe that "D" won legitimately with ballots counted at 3am. In Arizona there's still a legal battle that looks like it might go somewhere.

On a related issue, public views of the safety and effectiveness of the vax have gone from very positive to <50% positive as the reality has become obvious. You can fool people for a while, but not forever when reality becomes stark. I expect the same with the '24 election if there are implausible wins.

Yeah except for the fact that if you're talking about Arizona's 2020 results you still have the same shenanigans that occurred in 2022......in other words ain't shit been fixed.

04-01-23, 05:07
Pride sets us on an ill-fated course and more than likely is the catalyst for the destruction of Donald Trump.


04-01-23, 10:30
Remember kids, the American Revolution is about the only violent revolution that had a happy ending and was followed by relative peace and stability. Everywhere else, revolution lead to decades or more of violence and turmoil.

I’m not convinced that it is quite that exceptional, grateful for The American Revolution as I am.

04-01-23, 10:37
Trump is unelectable, and so is DeSantis, most likely. The country as a whole has moved too far left for either of these guys to have a broad enough appeal, and as absolutely worthless as Biden is, his administration is giving the far Left enough to keep them strongly motivated. Add to that the inevitable fraud, and I'd be truly surprised if he doesn't get another term.

The Dumb Gun Collector
04-01-23, 16:25
I think DeSantis can win. Especially if Trump is out of the way in a manner that doesn't make the Trump crowd stop voting. If the recession that seems to be on the way actually arrives in time we will probably win unless we are saddled with a horrible candidate (no Dr. OZ or Kari Lake types please). Most elections involving incumbents can be predicted by the economic conditions (or if you are publicly losing a war/disaster). Reagan won because Carter had a S economy. Clinton Won because Bush got a S economy, Obama rode in on a S economy. Trump got eat up by the post covid economic chaos including a nearly 9 percent drop in GDP during the lockdowns and other silliness when he ceded the presidency to Fauchi.

We will win again, we just got to line up behind a candidate that is competent and not bent on self-destruction with every tweet.

04-01-23, 16:50
I think DeSantis can win. Especially if Trump is out of the way in a manner that doesn't make the Trump crowd stop voting. If the recession that seems to be on the way actually arrives in time we will probably win unless we are saddled with a horrible candidate (no Dr. OZ or Kari Lake types please). Most elections involving incumbents can be predicted by the economic conditions (or if you are publicly losing a war/disaster). Reagan won because Carter had a S economy. Clinton Won because Bush got a S economy, Obama rode in on a S economy. Trump got eat up by the post covid economic chaos including a nearly 9 percent drop in GDP during the lockdowns and other silliness when he ceded the presidency to Fauchi.

We will win again, we just got to line up behind a candidate that is competent and not bent on self-destruction with every tweet.

In a free and fair election, yes. Unfortunately, unless it is a complete blow out that is a thing of the past. The ComDems only need to cheat in a few key counties to pull the electoral votes in their favor. Unless you truly believe a guy who cannot string two sentences together, rarely left his basement and when he did only drew crowds in the dozens got 81 million votes.

We have to run someone who generates support beyond the base. Here in GA we have a split electorate and our Republican governor nearly lost to a Democrat darling a few years back. He showed that he was competent and he won handily this time. During the same election we ran a schizophrenic retarded football player and he lost on the same ballot. You can't run clowns and expect to win. A real Republican (competent, adult, no obvious personality disorder) can win.

The Dumb Gun Collector
04-01-23, 17:18
In a free and fair election, yes. Unfortunately, unless it is a complete blow out that is a thing of the past. The ComDems only need to cheat in a few key counties to pull the electoral votes in their favor. Unless you truly believe a guy who cannot string two sentences together, rarely left his basement and when he did only drew crowds in the dozens got 81 million votes.

We have to run someone who generates support beyond the base. Here in GA we have a split electorate and our Republican governor nearly lost to a Democrat darling a few years back. He showed that he was competent and he won handily this time. During the same election we ran a schizophrenic retarded football player and he lost on the same ballot. You can't run clowns and expect to win. A real Republican (competent, adult, no obvious personality disorder) can win.

04-01-23, 17:45
The ConDems have figured how to cheat at various levels and get away with it. No one will get elected they don't want to period. You won't outvote the corruption.

The Dumb Gun Collector
04-01-23, 17:55
The ConDems have figured how to cheat at various levels and get away with it. No one will get elected they don't want to period. You won't outvote the corruption.

Nah, they would have veto-proof majorities in congress, most govships etc. They are definitely cheaters, but they don't have that kind of control. There have been periods where the Democrats controlled congress for half a century, so it would be completely salable if they had that kind of illuminati power.

The problem with Trump and his followers' casual throwing around of "they stolt it!" every time we lost (to the point where he is blaming Republican officials for stealing the election for Democrats, etc.) Again, just my local examples in GA are perfect. We ran a real, adult republican for governor, CREAMED the Democrat's beloved candidate (they flew in every celebrity, bankrolled her to death...she got her ass kicked. They wanted that but they couldn't have it. They ran a communist minister for senate BUT he cold speak in complete sentences and didn't suffer from publicly known mental disorders. Anyone trying to be objective could see where those elections were going.

We have to fight this stuff where its real, but not let the loser talk make it a self-fulfilling prophecy. We can only win when we start to play to win.

04-01-23, 18:26
It's not just Trump and presidential elections. It's the norm through out most states.

We are passed any prophecy. It's already reality. Many just refuse to accept it and would rather pretend the America they knew still exists.

The Dumb Gun Collector
04-01-23, 18:55
Agree to disagree. America can't be stopped by weirdos and crooked libs. She has been pronounced dead or dying every few years for hundreds of years. I remember listening to talk radio in the late 80s and there was some dude name Chuck Harder on the radio that said all this same stuff about America being doomed. Back then it was the Soviets and the Japanese (remember them! OMG, they bought Rockefeller center, we are doomed!!) and we were going broke and the system was corrupt etc, etc. That all spilled over at the extremes to the truly lost like the Branch Davidian/ Tim McVeigh types. Back then I think it was the Bilderbergers or something or some other secret globalists (this was before GWB said "new world order" in a speech and all those types used that for 10 years or so).

I am confident America will prevail. Republicans have to snap out of it and get that Reagan spirit back.

04-01-23, 19:39
Agree to disagree. America can't be stopped by weirdos and crooked libs. She has been pronounced dead or dying every few years for hundreds of years. I remember listening to talk radio in the late 80s and there was some dude name Chuck Harder on the radio that said all this same stuff about America being doomed. Back then it was the Soviets and the Japanese (remember them! OMG, they bought Rockefeller center, we are doomed!!) and we were going broke and the system was corrupt etc, etc. That all spilled over at the extremes to the truly lost like the Branch Davidian/ Tim McVeigh types. Back then I think it was the Bilderbergers or something or some other secret globalists (this was before GWB said "new world order" in a speech and all those types used that for 10 years or so).

I am confident America will prevail. Republicans have to snap out of it and get that Reagan spirit back.

From your lips to God's ears. I tend to think we're in a different era now, but your point about Kemp is a solid one.

04-01-23, 21:33
We have to run someone who generates support beyond the base. Here in GA we have a split electorate and our Republican governor nearly lost to a Democrat darling a few years back. He showed that he was competent and he won handily this time. During the same election we ran a schizophrenic retarded football player and he lost on the same ballot. You can't run clowns and expect to win. A real Republican (competent, adult, no obvious personality disorder) can win.

Someone like Mittens? :suicide2:

The Dumb Gun Collector
04-01-23, 21:49
Someone like Mittens? :suicide2:

I like DeSantis. DeSantis fights hard and smart, proving you can do both.

04-04-23, 00:02
Trump and Judge have history

“The Judge ‘assigned’ to my Witch Hunt Case, a ‘Case’ that has NEVER BEEN CHARGED BEFORE, HATES ME,” Trump wrote in a Truth Social post on Friday morning. Trump alleged that Merchan “railroaded” his former chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg, into a plea deal. He concluded that he was “APPEALING!” the judge selection.“


04-04-23, 09:39
Trump shoots his mouth off, judge says muffle it, Trump tells him to pound sand. Judge writes an arrest warrant for Trump to appear (and maybe hold him in contempt in jail) and Trump says F’off. And Desantis says that he isn’t going to get involved. That would be interesting.

04-04-23, 10:12
I'm trying to understand how the information on Trumps case could have been leaked by anyone that wasn't part of the DA's Team?
It's simple, that's where the Press is getting their information.
And then they want a Gag Order on Trump?
He's got every right to be pissed and this is so going to turn out bad on these guys, I really can't wait.

04-04-23, 10:21
Just so that we are all clear. Trump is going to be found guilty. No way around it. That he could be convicted of killing Christ should be a clue.

Time for GOP AGs and DAs to go hunting. Stormy Daniels in FLA for extortion. Seems to me that anyone running a national campaign has legal liabilities in any place that has a voter. Time to indict Biden. Not saying that he is going to stand trial, but I’d be interested to see what would happen with state charges. Clinton had to stand for civil proceedings.

Time to burn the M’Fer down with absurdity after absurdity.

And I guess NDAs ain’t what the used to be. How about all the alphabet guys tied up in NDAs?

Hell, get a state AG to go after the DA and the Judge for election interference or making in kind donations to Trump’s political adversaries…

If they can use Bowie Knife restrictions in the 1840s to try to say AWB are legal, I can come up with some realllllllly interesting legal BS.

04-04-23, 10:23
Trump shoots his mouth off, judge says muffle it, Trump tells him to pound sand. Judge writes an arrest warrant for Trump to appear (and maybe hold him in contempt in jail) and Trump says F’off. And Desantis says that he isn’t going to get involved. That would be interesting.

Probably exactly how it is going to go down. The communists are trying very hard to provoke him, the system is rigged from top to bottom and he can't help himself. He may even do it intentionally to stir the pot and demonstrate just how corrupt these evil people are..............

Stormy ColdDead? No, how about impeachment and arrest of the compromised XiDen. Articles of impeachment against every last one of the idiots he installed to ruin nearly every aspect of the country, and lets not forget the wicked bitch of NY who along with the Kenyan are pulling all of the strings.

Alex V
04-04-23, 10:25
Just so that we are all clear. Trump is going to be found guilty. No way around it. That he could be convicted of killing Christ should be a clue.

Time for GOP AGs and DAs to go hunting. Stormy Daniels in FLA for extortion. Seems to me that anyone running a national campaign has legal liabilities in any place that has a voter. Time to indict Biden. Not saying that he is going to stand trial, but I’d be interested to see what would happen with state charges. Clinton had to stand for civil proceedings.

Time to burn the M’Fer down with absurdity after absurdity.

And I guess NDAs ain’t what the used to be. How about all the alphabet guys tied up in NDAs?

Hell, get a state AG to go after the DA and the Judge for election interference or making in kind donations to Trump’s political adversaries…

If they can use Bowie Knife restrictions in the 1840s to try to say AWB are legal, I can come up with some realllllllly interesting legal BS.

The problem is that Republican's don't have the balls to play those games. Never did, and they won't miraculously sprout after this.

04-04-23, 11:57
Agree to disagree. America can't be stopped by weirdos and crooked libs. She has been pronounced dead or dying every few years for hundreds of years. I remember listening to talk radio in the late 80s and there was some dude name Chuck Harder on the radio that said all this same stuff about America being doomed. Back then it was the Soviets and the Japanese (remember them! OMG, they bought Rockefeller center, we are doomed!!) and we were going broke and the system was corrupt etc, etc. That all spilled over at the extremes to the truly lost like the Branch Davidian/ Tim McVeigh types. Back then I think it was the Bilderbergers or something or some other secret globalists (this was before GWB said "new world order" in a speech and all those types used that for 10 years or so).

I am confident America will prevail. Republicans have to snap out of it and get that Reagan spirit back.

I can't think of too many members of the reigning team from those eras that aren't still on the reigning team without dying. I don't recall that team losing in any significant way either. One of the crazy claims back then was trying to normalize child molestation which appears to be coming to fruition for one example.

Reagan specific was chock full of 2nd amendment infringements and illegal alien amnesties while being spun as the opposite.

04-04-23, 12:01
Okay. It's 10am Az time. When is this shit happening?

04-04-23, 14:46
So it looks like 34 counts of falsifying business records with intent to defraud.

The intent to defraud being the secondary crime that makes it a felony.

Defraud who? No idea.

04-04-23, 14:49
Wait, there's not going to be another hearing on this 3 ring circus until DECEMBER??? WTF??? :confused:

04-04-23, 15:14
So it looks like 34 counts of falsifying business records with intent to defraud.

The intent to defraud being the secondary crime that makes it a felony.

Defraud who? No idea.

The charges are weaker sauce that I even thought they'd be. How is it that Trump is standing tall before the man when ever charge is against the Trump Org?

And a trial in January...

04-04-23, 15:17
If they keep this up, people are going to start hanging politicians and district attorneys from light post. My greatest fear is that we will run out of light post

Sent from my SM-A326U using Tapatalk

04-04-23, 15:28
The charges are weaker sauce that I even thought they'd be. How is it that Trump is standing tall before the man when ever charge is against the Trump Org?

And a trial in January...

Bragg literally just admitted that the claimed 34 false statements on business records falls OUTSIDE the FELONY statute of limitations! Further, the charges require an underlying crime and all Bragg will say is the underlying crime(s) is a "violation of NY State and FEDERAL election laws". I don't think you can even describe this as "sauce" without being guilty of false advertising. :jester:

john armond
04-04-23, 16:39
Bragg literally just admitted that the claimed 34 false statements on business records falls OUTSIDE the FELONY statute of limitations! Further, the charges require an underlying crime and all Bragg will say is the underlying crime(s) is a "violation of NY State and FEDERAL election laws". I don't think you can even describe this as "sauce" without being guilty of false advertising. :jester:

However, if there is a gag order in place against Trump, anyone running against him, and all the media, can scream all day he has been charged with felonies and Trump isn’t even allowed to refute their claims. This way one of two things is bound to happen, Trump is charged, tried, and convicted, or this thing is dragged out and all his political opponents can theorize and scream about all the evil things Trump has done that caused these charges without rebuttal from him.

And if he does shoot off at the mouth (no chance of that, right) then he gets charged for violating the gag order.

There is no way anyone with two working brain cells can say this whole ordeal isn’t wholly politically motivated.

04-04-23, 17:15
If they keep this up, people are going to start hanging politicians and district attorneys from light post. My greatest fear is that we will run out of light post

Sent from my SM-A326U using Tapatalk

That's the only thing we have left... everything else is a sham.

04-04-23, 17:31
Wow, even the CNN talking heads forum is talking down the strength of the case…

If this is seriously not going to go to court until December, at the earliest, I think that it just quietly goes away before then. Bragg ends up dropping the charges due to some reason. Today is the BEST day for the prosecution and even CNN is crapping on it.

Trying to kill the king with a butter-knife…

That and with a 9th Circuit ruling today, IF Trump slept with her, he has made over $600k doing it….

04-04-23, 17:43
This whole sham is a win-win for the ComDems. If DJT loses, he goes to jail. If DJT wins, he becomes the for sure Republican nominee. Either way all the Republicans rally around DJT (as they should) and the ComDems would rather go up against him in the general election than DeSantis.

Coal Dragger
04-04-23, 17:50
The charges are weaker sauce that I even thought they'd be. How is it that Trump is standing tall before the man when ever charge is against the Trump Org?

And a trial in January...

A trial in January is not likely to be acceptable under the constitutional right to a “fair and speedy trial”. Aside from trying to get the case dismissed for the weak ridiculousness that it is, Trump and his legal team should demand a trial starting in no less than 90 days.

The Dumb Gun Collector
04-04-23, 17:55
you know the Charges are bullshit when Mitt Romney says they are bullshit —-that dude hates Trump

WASHINGTON – Former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, one of Donald Trump's fiercest GOP critics, again criticized him as unfit for office Tuesday – but he also questioned the merit of the case that New York prosecutors filed against the former president.

“I believe President Trump’s character and conduct make him unfit for office," Romney said after the former president's arraignment. "Even so, I believe the New York prosecutor has stretched to reach felony criminal charges in order to fit a political agenda."

04-04-23, 18:08
Have the Trump supporters overthrown the government yet?

Alex V
04-04-23, 18:20
The judge did not issue a gag order. Which surprises me.

Judge Merchan refused to issue a gag order on Trump since he is a “candidate for President of the United States” and “his First Amendment rights are critically important,”

04-04-23, 19:23
Gross how everyone "forgot" about the FBI, the media, the white house, and everyone else covering up all manner of transgressions related to Biden leading up to 2020 and nothing at all happened there. If the right had any balls, any balls at all, there would be DAs across the country bringing charges against the Bidens, the Clintons, that hatchet Pelosi, that little, round, smacked-ass Nadler, the leader of the pencil neck club, Schiff and that c*ckb#g Schumer while we're at it. There isn't a one of them that hasn't done things, mostly openly, that make Trump's "crimes" look like jaywalking. I mean really, if an accountant put his client $32,000 in debt, he'd be in hot water while these f*cksticks have done us raw to the tune of $32 trillion (that they'll admit to, seems the actual debt is orders of magnitude higher than that) and no one says "boo" AND the sheeple keep electing these turds. How the heck do we go about fixing that when we can't even get the other side to only count the votes they actually get??

The Dumb Gun Collector
04-04-23, 19:37
Trump is giving a fairly compelling speech right now, which CNN is actually playing.

04-04-23, 20:52
Wow...I would have lost a bet the msm would cover!!

04-04-23, 22:52
Gross how everyone "forgot" about the FBI, the media, the white house, and everyone else covering up all manner of transgressions related to Biden leading up to 2020 and nothing at all happened there. If the right had any balls, any balls at all, there would be DAs across the country bringing charges against the Bidens, the Clintons, that hatchet Pelosi, that little, round, smacked-ass Nadler, the leader of the pencil neck club, Schiff and that c*ckb#g Schumer while we're at it. There isn't a one of them that hasn't done things, mostly openly, that make Trump's "crimes" look like jaywalking. I mean really, if an accountant put his client $32,000 in debt, he'd be in hot water while these f*cksticks have done us raw to the tune of $32 trillion (that they'll admit to, seems the actual debt is orders of magnitude higher than that) and no one says "boo" AND the sheeple keep electing these turds. How the heck do we go about fixing that when we can't even get the other side to only count the votes they actually get??

You forgot Eric Sniffs His Farts Swallowell, for sleeping with a foreign spy and threatening citizens with nukes.

04-04-23, 23:09
“This” is what we have been waiting for since 2015? “This” is the grand criminal conspiracy that threatens our democracy? This is the nefarious criminal mastermind?


RU F’ing kidding me?

Congress has an official dept for dealing with NDA and bimbo eruptions. How many did Clinton have to pay off that he couldn’t make disappear? To be frank, I’d think that Trump’s org would have paying off bimbos down to a fine art, not an illegal ad hoc operation.

The fact that the DA won’t say what the overall illegal charge/action that makes all of these other constructed crimes felonies and ‘zombies’ past their statute of limitations is probably the most damning thing. Trump has yet to be charged and the DA won’t say exactly what that charge is.

This is the best that they can do?

Plus, it has to be clear to everyone that this is a hunt of a man, not a hunt of justice…

04-04-23, 23:22
Any real Judge would have tossed this out by now.

Coal Dragger
04-04-23, 23:27
New York State has no real judges.

They also don’t seem to have any real citizens either. To hell with all of them.

04-04-23, 23:42
Murica !!! LOL !

04-05-23, 00:23
"We can not and will not normalize serious criminal conduct." - Alvin "Fatass" Bragg

Really???? :blink:

04-05-23, 04:17
Theater to distract the masses.

04-05-23, 06:43
While campaigning for Mahahattan DA, Bragg boasted that he sued Trump, his family and the Trump administration more than 100 times during his job at the New York attorney general's office. The guy is a government parasite who has made a career attacking Trump.

In related news... Stormy Daniels again lost in her defamation case against Trump. She reportedly was ordered to pay an additional $121,000.00 for Trump's legal fees on top of the $300,000.00 in legals fees she has already been ordered to pay. Ha!

04-05-23, 07:18
Trump makes money when people try to extort him…. Do people realize that? Stormy Daniels is going to have to pay over $600,000 to tell people that she slept with him…

04-05-23, 07:34
Someone needs to catch Biden and ask him "What do you intend on jailing the next Republican front runner for?"
We've gone complete Banana Republic.

04-05-23, 08:19
Should have stayed with her film career and doing side jobs.

04-05-23, 08:22
The media and viewers are apparently fapping themselves to death over some female officer at Trump's arraignment. Can't believe it is a front page headliner.... or yea... these days, I can....




04-05-23, 09:03
I saw that when I watched the live feed, I thought the same thing. You can hate me.

04-05-23, 14:55
BTW, I just wanted to point out that one of Bragg’s witnesses against Trump, now gets to pay Trump a net $470K, for the pleasure of telling the world that Trump has been inside her.



john armond
04-05-23, 17:24
BTW, I just wanted to point out that one of Bragg’s witnesses against Trump, now gets to pay Trump a net $470K, for the pleasure of telling the world that Trump has been inside her.



She said she would rather go to jail than pay a penny to Trump. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way for Trump’s attorneys to file with Bragg’s office to have her arrested for failure to pay, kinda along the same lines as alimony.

I know it’s a big stretch, but then again, so is the case against Trump, so stop trying to play fair.

04-05-23, 18:41
This train wreck of a case will only taint the other cases that they are coming after Trump. The documents case with an espionage angle? That is going no where. The Georgia case???

04-05-23, 19:45
Georgia case…

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis is the female version of the left wing government parasite in Manhattan.

04-05-23, 20:04
Trump’s attacks on families of Manhattan DA Bragg, Judge Merchan after being warned to tone it down criticized as ‘despicable’


It’s almost like this clown wants to be locked up.

04-05-23, 21:54
Trump’s attacks on families of Manhattan DA Bragg, Judge Merchan after being warned to tone it down criticized as ‘despicable’


It’s almost like this clown wants to be locked up.

Not that I would consider that article fair and balanced, but is he supposed to sit quietly at home for a year? We saw how that worked out for the J6 "terrorists". Perhaps you think he will inspire legions of Maga extremists to violence? Wrong party...


04-06-23, 00:19
Trump’s attacks on families of Manhattan DA Bragg, Judge Merchan after being warned to tone it down criticized as ‘despicable’


It’s almost like this clown wants to be locked up.

Can you imagine how many millions of dollars he’d raise each day he was jailed? He’s already raised $10m and counting since the indictments came down. :)

04-06-23, 01:21
All they want to get out of this is to parade Trump in handcuffs or in a courtroom, doesnt matter one bit if charges dont stick, its all about the optics and headlines they can generate for clicks.
The only remaining question is how many pens the DA will use to sign the warrant...

Have the Trump supporters overthrown the government yet?
Well, the Russians were supposed to be nuking us any day now, so.... I guess they decided they could wait a little longer. :laugh:

04-06-23, 01:32

This is the only thing that's been running through my head since this started. I don't know why, but...it has.

04-06-23, 07:26
Trump is exactly right to inform the public of this biased democrat Trump-hating judge and his family enriching themselves on the democrat party. The judge's 34y/o daughter worked for Harris in her 2020 campaign. When that failed she then went to work for the Biden campaign via Progressive Digital Strategies. The judge himself has presided over multiple cases against Trump and his organization, including a case where the judge remarked that he wished he could have imposed a stiffer sentence... on and on.

The judge should recuse himself, and if this bs political show case ever goes to trail it should be moved to a different venue.

04-06-23, 23:16
He's not wrong...


04-07-23, 03:08
Why are they (the government) so afraid of Trump?

04-07-23, 03:31
Why are they (the government) so afraid of Trump?

Not sure if it is fear or revenge for pulling the rug out from under them and making them expose themselves for the scumbag pieces of shit they are.

04-07-23, 06:40
Not sure if it is fear or revenge for pulling the rug out from under them and making them expose themselves for the scumbag pieces of shit they are.

Trump really didn’t even do that though. He didn’t reveal anything that wasn’t already common knowledge. Honestly, the only thing he did was refuse to play nice with anyone, and that’s needed to stay out of trouble in DC.

Trump’s biggest problem is that he’s not a good communicator and he’s a narcissist. He doesn’t subscribe to the “you catch more flies with honey than vinegar” approach. While this is good for telling people who need to go **** themselves to do so. But he does it to people who are genuinely trying to help him. He’s made a lot of enemies out of friends. He wouldn’t have so much popular support for his indictment if he wasn’t so inflammatory.

04-07-23, 06:55
He's not wrong...


Levin is spot-on in his assessment including that Americans need to support Trump in his fight against the tyrannical Left. As Levin put it, there is no other person at this time (though he likes others) who can stand up to the tyranny.


04-07-23, 07:51
Not sure if it is fear or revenge for pulling the rug out from under them and making them expose themselves for the scumbag pieces of shit they are.

Trump proved to be a very effective president. Economy, energy, border, foreign policy... on and on... opposite of the Marxist left democrat agenda. Unlike most of the chattering class in Washington, Trump actually knows how the world works and puts America first. Trump is like Holy water to leftist vampires.

04-07-23, 08:49
Trump proved to be a very effective president. Economy, energy, border, foreign policy... on and on... opposite of the Marxist left democrat agenda. Unlike most of the chattering class in Washington, Trump actually knows how the world works and puts America first. Trump is like Holy water to leftist vampires.

I wouldn't go that far personally, but he was a better POTUS than I'd expected. Much of what he attempted to do was blocked by Dems, and many of his problems were self inflicted. Those with TDS should ignore the goofy chit he'd say, and look at the bills he passed.

04-07-23, 10:49
Lawd, when even this far lefty who hates Trump realizes how worthless this one is. That's pretty darn telling:


04-07-23, 13:32
Trump refused to be compromised.

The permanent bureaucracy would rather have someone like Hillary they can control because they have the goods on her.

It doesn't appear they have any real goods on Trump or we would know after 7 years of them going after him. But even if they do he won't compromise himself for protection.

One thing Trump did expose or rather circumvent at least to a degree was the bureaucracy. He could side step the system and make things happen. That and he did not and rightfully so, trust the military brass or the intelligence apparatus.

04-07-23, 13:46
Trump refused to be compromised.

The permanent bureaucracy would rather have someone like Hillary they can control because they have the goods on her.

It doesn't appear they have any real goods on Trump or we would know after 7 years of them going after him. But even if they do he won't compromise himself for protection.

One thing Trump did expose or rather circumvent at least to a degree was the bureaucracy. He could side step the system and make things happen. That and he did not and rightfully so, trust the military brass or the intelligence apparatus.

Underestimating HC has been a mistake too many have made. She has the goods on them, and is as shrewd a sociopath as you'll ever find. She's part of the system for sure, but I don't think anyone controls her. She was the brains of their operation and still is.

04-07-23, 13:57
Underestimating HC has been a mistake too many have made. She has the goods on them, and is as shrewd a sociopath as you'll ever find. She's part of the system for sure, but I don't think anyone controls her. She was the brains of their operation and still is.

A former NSA said they would rather have someone like Hilary. They have all those emails she never got indicted for. And thats how they compromise the potus. Work with us or else. Of course they're more diplomatic about it.

04-07-23, 14:45
Underestimating HC has been a mistake too many have made. She has the goods on them, and is as shrewd a sociopath as you'll ever find. She's part of the system for sure, but I don't think anyone controls her. She was the brains of their operation and still is.

I agree no one controlled Hillary. Hell, she financially bailed out the DNC in 2016. Hillary effectively owned the democrat party. Today I think she has little control and dwindling influence.

That said, the award for underestimating goes to those who have been saying 'Trump can't' the past seven years.

04-07-23, 14:46
A former NSA said they would rather have someone like Hilary. They have all those emails she never got indicted for. And thats how they compromise the potus. Work with us or else. Of course they're more diplomatic about it.

The women got a US Ambassador and his staff killed, and didn't even get fired for it. She's not been indicted because she's got the goods on them, not the other way around. She's a snake among sharks and a true operator. Two, I hate to be the conspiracy type, but boy do those who get on her bad side die with regularity. The kid who was gonna testify on her found dead, shot in the back, listed as a robbery, when his wallet, etc were all there...

04-07-23, 15:37
Trump’s attacks on families of Manhattan DA Bragg, Judge Merchan after being warned to tone it down criticized as ‘despicable’


It’s almost like this clown wants to be locked up.**** the DA, **** the Judge, **** everyone involved. They should be harassed just as much as the left harasses everyone they disagree with. This whole case is political meddling. They're making a mockery of the system.

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04-07-23, 15:42
**** the DA, **** the Judge, **** everyone involved. They should be harassed just as much as the left harasses everyone they disagree with. This whole case is political meddling. They're making a mockery of the system.

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Yes, because stooping to their level will make everything better. Grow up.

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04-07-23, 17:40
Yes, because stooping to their level will make everything better. Grow up.

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These are the same folks who Camped out on a SCOTUS Members front yard to harass him while US Marshalls looked on.
It hard not to want to say F'em

04-07-23, 18:00
These are the same folks who Camped out on a SCOTUS Members front yard to harass him while US Marshalls looked on.
It hard not to want to say F'em

I get it, but that won't help anything.

04-09-23, 14:51
Yes, because stooping to their level will make everything better. Grow up.

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04-09-23, 16:37
I hear that Tuesday they are dropping a new report. Turns out Trump is single handedly responsible for everything negative in American history dating back to around 1500.

Apparently he's one pernicious SOB. ;)

04-09-23, 17:25
I get it, but that won't help anything.Thanks, Mitt Romney. Taking the high road and playing gentlemanly has gotten us exactly where we are. It's time to grow a spine and fight back. That's why Trump won 2016, and Mitt will NEVER be president.

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04-09-23, 19:18
Yes, because stooping to their level will make everything better. Grow up.

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'Voting Harder' sure helps - Nothing.