View Full Version : Dummy's + Electrical Substaion ='s?

04-05-23, 19:20
Dead Dummy's

We always try and catch the crimminal's, we just don't want to catch them this way.

The rest of us don't even care, it's just cleaning the gene pool.

04-05-23, 19:27
I liked kicking back at night watching the bug zapper going off. I bet they made some pretty good pops.

04-05-23, 19:34
I liked kicking back at night watching the bug zapper going off. I bet they made some pretty good pops.

The Brewery next door nearly caught fire because these two were zapped so bad that they caught fire and burned and hour before they could cut the power.
The potential loss of beer makes me sad.

04-05-23, 19:51
I've always been a fan of Linda Stouffer :)

I don't know the KVA size of that transformer in that substation (looks like it's a dedicated substation for that business), but for laughs let's assume 1000 KVA since it's for a brewery. The calculated available fault current at the secondary side of the transformer is over 58,000 A. That's what goes through an object if it was to somehow come in contact with three lines at the same time. The dead wouldn't feel anything for any amount of time.

04-05-23, 20:26
A lot of people think this is some sort of brotherhood of bad guys doing this stuff.

No most of the time it's Dummies

04-05-23, 21:45
I've always been a fan of Linda Stouffer :)

I don't know the KVA size of that transformer in that substation (looks like it's a dedicated substation for that business), but for laughs let's assume 1000 KVA since it's for a brewery. The calculated available fault current at the secondary side of the transformer is over 58,000 A. That's what goes through an object if it was to somehow come in contact with three lines at the same time. The dead wouldn't feel anything for any amount of time.

The tranny on the pole by my house fried this one real good. ****er took out the transformer and I was without power for a few hours. Well not really, my generator fired up and I added to my natural gas bill.

You can bet your sweet arse those two were even more toasty. I feel bad for the cops who had to clean up the mess.


04-05-23, 22:23
We had a Dog chase a Cat up a power pole and BLAMMO !
Powers out at the Gold Course. I'm not sure why, but they left the Cat up there.

04-06-23, 00:59
One of the things I miss about website like Ogrish are pics of guys on ladders trying to steal electricity with jumper cables.

04-06-23, 10:59
we had a raccoon that got roasted in a substation, happened to look out the window when it happened huge green flash a 1/4 mile away from where I live. the part that stunned me were the morons asking if the trash panda survived 😅

04-06-23, 12:07
we had a raccoon that got roasted in a substation, happened to look out the window when it happened huge green flash a 1/4 mile away from where I live. the part that stunned me were the morons asking if the trash panda survived ��

Had one pop a transformer right in front of my folks place, it lit up the sky then blackened the neighborhood for a few hours until a crew came out and repaired it.

Yeah, I don't if it survived why don't you go up and check, but wait a second while grab a beer and pull up a chair. (F'n moron)

04-07-23, 09:25
The guy quoted in the article is a friend of mine. (The backpack quote) Did a really neat job of taking a derelict turn of the century Johnson & Johnson factory and turned it into a very successful microbrewery.
