View Full Version : Lots of talk, time to hit back

04-07-23, 10:30
So as time has passed and I’ve sent emails and letters to my politicians/reps, been to rally’s, attended town halls, stopped buying certain products or watching anything with certain actors/actresses, stopped shopping in certain stores, and on and on. I feel a little better but understand it has very little impact. I seriously doubt “woks cola” has noticed that I haven’t purchased one of their products in years and also reasonably sure that Target, Starbucks, Dick’s Sporting Goods, and Netflix and Disney, etc. haven’t been asking themselves about profit losses in the southern New Jersey area.

However, great idea on Matt Walsh’s show after seeing the latest round of corporate world giving us the finger with the Bud Light can having that fool’s picture on it who has been playing little girl dress up for over a year now and then the Jack Daniels thing with the drag queens…time to start picking these companies that rely on conservatives for their business, preferably headquartered in conservative areas as it would most likely mean that they have a majority of employees who would agree with my (our?) stance that this gender bending has no place in their company, and make a concerted effort to affect their bottom line.

I vote that we start with Jack and spread the word as far and as wide as possible that purchasing JD is the same as saying that it’s okay to have some delusional freak get his sexual jollies by parading around nearly naked, while pretending to be a woman, in front of our children.

As he said in the episode, the left has done this for years and you see how the corporate world has jumped when the left tells them to, like a brainwashed puppy. I think the idea is terrific and collectively, I would imagine that a company like Jack Daniels would hate to lose the business of everyone who buys their whiskey but thinks that men are men and women are women and that gender bending has no place being forced upon society through social pressure.

What sayeth the M4C community?

04-07-23, 10:44
I think it is more complex than that. Of course that would work, but in reality, the left uses the MSM to amplify their message by orders of magnitude. A couple of dozen people outside a companies headquarters or now a bot storm of tweets creates (or really allows the press to say) that there is a groundswell of sentiment.

Actual sales are not the issue, not really. It is the perception- and the stock price. What you truly need to do leverage the stock market and use that to self-finance this. Short the stock before your attack, and then as the stock dips, make your money.

04-07-23, 10:55
I think it is more complex than that. Of course that would work, but in reality, the left uses the MSM to amplify their message by orders of magnitude. A couple of dozen people outside a companies headquarters or now a bot storm of tweets creates (or really allows the press to say) that there is a groundswell of sentiment.

Actual sales are not the issue, not really. It is the perception- and the stock price. What you truly need to do leverage the stock market and use that to self-finance this. Short the stock before your attack, and then as the stock dips, make your money.

That does sound a lot more in depth than my initial thoughts on the subject. However, without getting that deep:

i don’t know how long the average whiskey drinker/drinking household takes to go through a bottle but I would have to assume that if there was a concerted effort, local liquor stores would start to have a lot of Jack sitting on their shelves. At some point, most would stop stocking up as it would be piling up in the back of the store no? Again, an overly simplistic view, but on a large scale, I am reasonably sure that JD would notice and have to do something to recoup, if for no other reason than to properly represent the shareholders.

04-07-23, 11:21
I think your baseline assumption is faulty. The majority of the customers of these companies either aren't all that offended by these corporate actions or they outright support them.

Just because the MAGA bubble loses their shit and Kid Rock blasts some Bud Light for attention doesn't mean that the millions of hipsters and doofuses that actually drink Bud Light give two shits that there is a tranny on the canny. Same thing for Jack and all the rest.

Anyway, do your thing, but don't be too surprised if no one really cares. Disney, Dicks, Nike, Levi's...All doing just fine after the conservative boycotts. InBev stock is more or less unchanged since the Kid Rock stunt, and is up 10% over the last month.

You're fighting a culture war that we lost 20+ years ago...

04-07-23, 11:35
I think your baseline assumption is faulty. The majority of the customers of these companies either aren't all that offended by these corporate actions or they outright support them.

Just because the MAGA bubble loses their shit and Kid Rock blasts some Bud Light for attention doesn't mean that the millions of hipsters and doofuses that actually drink Bud Light give two shits that there is a tranny on the canny. Same thing for Jack and all the rest.

Anyway, do your thing, but don't be too surprised if no one really cares. Disney, Dicks, Nike, Levi's...All doing just fine after the conservative boycotts. InBev stock is more or less unchanged since the Kid Rock stunt, and is up 10% over the last month.

You're fighting a culture war that we lost 20+ years ago...

This is where the idea of concentrating on one company at a time seems to hold water. Small pockets of conservative minded folks sort of haphazardly not buying something, sometimes, is going to do nothing but if everyone we could reach stopped buying a certain, one in particular, product for a prolonged period, it seems the effect would be felt.

Or we can continue to do nothing, with no particular plan, continue to watch the culture devolve and whine about the other side cheating its way to election wins to further solidify these positions of insanity. That seems to be working out well for the country.

04-07-23, 11:38
Anyone remember the movie, “Better off Dead?” Line from the film was something like “all you need is a little taste of success. I think it will suit you.”

That’s what I want. Another taste of success. Getting Trump into office in 2016 was a great feeling. I want more of that and so far, whatever it is that “we” are doing, isn’t working. So, when someone comes up with something that resembles a tactic, a strategy, I’m all ears and even if it’s not foolproof, I’m willing to give the stuff that’s at least reasonably coherent a try.

04-07-23, 11:42
Except that these companies intimately know their customer base and their addressable market. If conservatives made up enough of their customer base to move the needle, they'd already be catering to us.

But they're not.

Which is a pretty good clue that you not being a customer isn't a huge concern for their bottom line. Get woke, go broke is a lie. They all got woke, none of them went broke.

If you really want to do something, find a way to take advantage of the entitlement machine and get your slice of the free pie before it all comes crashing down...

04-07-23, 12:10
Look, man, I get it...You're frustrated and you want to do something. But at the same time, there is some serenity in accepting that some things just can't change.

We blew the corner, went through the guard rail, and over the cliff. At this point, no amount of screaming and jerking the wheel is going to change our fate. Gravity and entropy always win.

So instead of stewing, go live the best life you can. Have fun with your kids if you have any. Shoot your rifles while you're able. Live life. Get some free shit. Visit your local dispensary and check out for the afternoon. Drink some damn Jack if that's your thing.

At this point, the saddest outcome would be to end up like some old Japanese man who spent the best years of his life sneaking around the jungles of the Philippines in tattered rags fighting a war that's been over for decades.

You might think this is defeatist, and that's fine. It's realist, though.

04-07-23, 12:35
I'm tired of being on the side that's held accountable.

Sent from my SM-A326U using Tapatalk

04-07-23, 12:45
Look, man, I get it...You're frustrated and you want to do something. But at the same time, there is some serenity in accepting that some things just can't change.

We blew the corner, went through the guard rail, and over the cliff. At this point, no amount of screaming and jerking the wheel is going to change our fate. Gravity and entropy always win.

So instead of stewing, go live the best life you can. Have fun with your kids if you have any. Shoot your rifles while you're able. Live life. Get some free shit. Visit your local dispensary and check out for the afternoon. Drink some damn Jack if that's your thing.

At this point, the saddest outcome would be to end up like some old Japanese man who spent the best years of his life sneaking around the jungles of the Philippines in tattered rags fighting a war that's been over for decades.

You might think this is defeatist, and that's fine. It's realist, though.

Getting a lot similar advice from other avenues as well. I’m starting to think that I should just allow myself to be dragged, kicking and screaming at first, into that mindset and just enjoy what there is to enjoy. I do have kids and I’ve heard that no one on their deathbed says, “I wished I had worked more.”

04-07-23, 13:05
Our Republican politicians have no balls. We have got to stop voting for the lesser of 2 evils. Yes we will lose elections but in the long run this is how change will happen.

We also need a voice, we lost ours when Rush Limbaugh passed.

04-07-23, 17:55
We are losing elections now !

04-07-23, 18:00
Our Republican politicians have no balls. We have got to stop voting for the lesser of 2 evils. Yes we will lose elections but in the long run this is how change will happen.

We also need a voice, we lost ours when Rush Limbaugh passed.

How did it work out in this past election? The only reason the GOP has the House is because of “lesser of 2 evils” candidates. The hardcore conservatives all lost. How’s that helped the country?

We also don’t need a voice; we need unity. Conservatives are so paranoid that everyone is either a traitor, an undercover agent, or a soon to be turncoat that there’s not a single person that they will fight alongside. Maybe if we stop concentrating all our energy on purifying conservativism and purging the GOP, we’d get somewhere.

04-07-23, 18:04
This is where the idea of concentrating on one company at a time seems to hold water. Small pockets of conservative minded folks sort of haphazardly not buying something, sometimes, is going to do nothing but if everyone we could reach stopped buying a certain, one in particular, product for a prolonged period, it seems the effect would be felt.

Or we can continue to do nothing, with no particular plan, continue to watch the culture devolve and whine about the other side cheating its way to election wins to further solidify these positions of insanity. That seems to be working out well for the country.

Bingo. Start reading Rules for Radicals and using it against its own creators.

04-07-23, 18:36
rocsteady- My view of this public pressure phenomenom is that it isn't some grass roots type thing that you trying to set up. This isn't a campaign against companies, it part of an over-arching attack on the current order and values. It LOOKS like what you are talking about- it isn't.

What you really need to do is get some young right-wing warriors and creators to help fashion and find the right companies. Then find the right-wing media (FOX/Daily-wire) producers and a right-wing money group that is willing to bank-roll this. This doens't happen on the left with out some paid people with walking around money. Show the money people the deliverables for their investment- maybe they have an ax to grind that you could help them with. Show them that you can deliver a focused attack and impact that the money people can then crow (privately) about. Then you get more money. Add in a lynch pin like Joe Rogan for stuff that he'll endorse.

That's the model I have in my head to make this work. Astroturf that fudger, takes too long to grow organically. It's a business. Look at all the BLM money- and who knows where it goes. Even if it is 'legit' it mostly goes into jobs programs and consultancies for the left. We should be weaponizing the Second Amendment and using red states to funnel money to pro-2A groups in the name of righting decade long govt intrustion in our civil rights.

04-07-23, 18:46
We are losing elections now !If you trust the elections, that is..
I think if you believe the elections are still honest, you are pretty damn naive. When one side says hey maybe we should verify who voters are and use identification, and the other side has to resort to slavery and poll tax arguments...they are hiding something. I think the reality is cheating is how it's been done, on both sides, since the beginning. The government has control, and has no interest in fixing it.
Sent from my SM-A326U using Tapatalk

04-07-23, 19:23
How did it work out in this past election? The only reason the GOP has the House is because of “lesser of 2 evils” candidates. The hardcore conservatives all lost. How’s that helped the country?

We also don’t need a voice; we need unity. Conservatives are so paranoid that everyone is either a traitor, an undercover agent, or a soon to be turncoat that there’s not a single person that they will fight alongside. Maybe if we stop concentrating all our energy on purifying conservativism and purging the GOP, we’d get somewhere.

Worked out really good for the democrats. Back in the early 80s they consolidated the radical parties, took them a bit to turn it around but it worked. The second half of your answer is redicoulouse.
The GOP is as conservative as the democrats. No such thing as a fiscal conservative and social liberal.

04-07-23, 20:20
Worked out really good for the democrats. Back in the early 80s they consolidated the radical parties, took them a bit to turn it around but it worked. The second half of your answer is redicoulouse.
The GOP is as conservative as the democrats. No such thing as a fiscal conservative and social liberal.

The idea that the GOP is far left socialist as the Democrats is flat out false. The GOP sucks, but if they were truly were no more conservative than the Democrats, we’d be a nationwide California. This website wouldn’t exist because guns, down to single shot black powder rifles, would have been banned a long time ago.

The problem is that conservatives are schizophrenic-level paranoid of everyone. Anytime anyone does something in favor of conservatism, they’re immediately dismissed as a double agent and the right says the whole thing is a setup. We have to put aside differences and realize that the enemy of our enemy is our friend. But conservatives won’t ever fight because we just assume that EVERYONE is the enemy. Right now, the left, and the left alone, is the enemy.

04-07-23, 20:52
The idea that the GOP is far left socialist as the Democrats is flat out false. The GOP sucks, but if they were truly were no more conservative than the Democrats, we’d be a nationwide California. This website wouldn’t exist because guns, down to single shot black powder rifles, would have been banned a long time ago.

The problem is that conservatives are schizophrenic-level paranoid of everyone. Anytime anyone does something in favor of conservatism, they’re immediately dismissed as a double agent and the right says the whole thing is a setup. We have to put aside differences and realize that the enemy of our enemy is our friend. But conservatives won’t ever fight because we just assume that EVERYONE is the enemy. Right now, the left, and the left alone, is the enemy.

Better phrasing is less "my friend" than "potentially a problem to deal with another day but for now a useful asset."

04-07-23, 21:23
Better phrasing is less "my friend" than "potentially a problem to deal with another day but for now a useful asset."

That’s usually who an enemy of an enemy is if they aren’t already a friend. We sided with Stalin in WWII, so I think can gut it out and collaborate with anybody who has had enough of this nonsense.

04-07-23, 22:04
It helps to consider that I had to spend an unhealthy amount of time in a "special" education program that actively taught its students to consider most other human beings lower lifeforms fit only to be used as pawns and then disposed of as soon as they outlast their usefulness.

04-08-23, 00:00
Our Republican politicians have no balls. We have got to stop voting for the lesser of 2 evils. Yes we will lose elections but in the long run this is how change will happen.

We also need a voice, we lost ours when Rush Limbaugh passed.

Two things:

1. Rush wasn't necessarily my voice.

2. Rush was easily discredited.

04-08-23, 09:52
Follow your conscience. If that means not doing business or associating with xyz then don't. No need for affirmation from others.

04-08-23, 15:30
I'm seeing some reports (no data to back up) that Budweiser lost $800 million in one day over their idiotic stunt...this guy who sells their products is saying sales are in the toilet.

Everything woke goes to shit.


04-08-23, 15:36
I'm seeing some reports (no data to back up) that Budweiser lost $800 million in one day over their idiotic stunt...this guy who sells their products is saying sales are in the toilet.

Everything woke goes to shit.


I still can't imagine sitting in a room hearing someone pitch this idea. It's almost like "How can we piss off our most loyal cutomers?" I know find a tranny, that will do it!
I'm really amazed at how stupid this was.
No, I only drink imported Beer.

04-08-23, 16:43
Bud Light = not a real beer.
This Dylan dipshit = not a real woman.

Somehow it fits... and I wouldn't want either involved with my Date Night.

04-08-23, 16:48
I'm seeing some reports (no data to back up) that Budweiser lost $800 million in one day over their idiotic stunt...this guy who sells their products is saying sales are in the toilet.

Everything woke goes to shit.


Ironically that's who get's hurt most are retailers who end up with stockpiles of this BS that nobody buys. Even people who drink Bud Lite are gonna avoid tranny cans and it's not like tranny's are gonna take up the slack and start buying Bud Lite buy the case since AB decided to support them.

04-08-23, 16:52
Sucks for the retailers... Corporate needs to experience some Darwinism because giving a flying f--- about the demands of people who are never gonna do business with you anyway at best, and are actively hostile to your interests at worst *stares pointedly at the DPMS/Ted Nugent kerfuffle back around Zumbogate* would seem to me a pretty serious breach of Fiduciary Duty to maximize your shareholders' ROI.

04-08-23, 17:14
Ironically that's who get's hurt most are retailers who end up with stockpiles of this BS that nobody buys. Even people who drink Bud Lite are gonna avoid tranny cans and it's not like tranny's are gonna take up the slack and start buying Bud Lite buy the case since AB decided to support them.

Yeah, I imagine there is a major shake up going on with the AB suits...it really does seem asinine. This same tranny got deals with Nike & TAMPAX!! Clown show.

Major Distributor Cancels Upcoming Appearances of Budweiser Clydesdale Horses Over Embrace of Trans Influencer Dylan Mulvaney

04-08-23, 19:20
Yeah, I imagine there is a major shake up going on with the AB suits...it really does seem asinine. This same tranny got deals with Nike & TAMPAX!! Clown show.

Major Distributor Cancels Upcoming Appearances of Budweiser Clydesdale Horses Over Embrace of Trans Influencer Dylan Mulvaney

WTF are they gonna do with Tampax? Do they squirt beet juice up there first with a turkey baster?


04-08-23, 19:37
WTF are they gonna do with Tampax? Do they squirt beet juice up there first with a turkey baster?


You got very specific very quickly there…

04-08-23, 19:52
WTF are they gonna do with Tampax? Do they squirt beet juice up there first with a turkey baster?


My man, they are installing tampon machines in the boys rooms at school...this woke crap is the fastest growing whacko religion I've ever seen!!

04-08-23, 20:45
You got very specific very quickly there…

Oddly so. LOL

04-08-23, 23:04
Ironically that's who get's hurt most are retailers who end up with stockpiles of this BS that nobody buys. Even people who drink Bud Lite are gonna avoid tranny cans and it's not like tranny's are gonna take up the slack and start buying Bud Lite buy the case since AB decided to support them.

Kinda like Bill Burr's bit on the WNBA.. if women actually supported women, the WNBA would probably outsell the NBA. Trannys aren't drinking BudLight.. that swill is for dudes that don't give a shit about anything other than pounding beers.

04-10-23, 07:59
Follow your conscience. If that means not doing business or associating with xyz then don't. No need for affirmation from others.

Certainly not looking for affirmation. It's actually what I'm looking to halt, the culture-wide need for these delusional souls to get affirmed, by everyone, or else. I'm looking for a cohesive, tactical, coordinated, focused response that will hit these companies in the only place that we can that will "encourage" them to do the right thing; their bottom line.

04-10-23, 09:31
Yeah, I imagine there is a major shake up going on with the AB suits...it really does seem asinine. This same tranny got deals with Nike & TAMPAX!! Clown show.

Major Distributor Cancels Upcoming Appearances of Budweiser Clydesdale Horses Over Embrace of Trans Influencer Dylan Mulvaney

I contacted the company to give them kudos: here's my contact and their reply:

Good for you for making a statement regarding Budweiser's decision to endorse the delusion that men can become women. I hope you are able to withstand the small, but very vocal, part of society that supports these delusional people and the destructive decisions that inevitably follow. I salute your integrity. I can only pray that more companies find the courage to act similarly.

They replied:

Thank you for the note. We are a mid-sized beverage distributor with zero control over the actions of our 140+ supplier partners. We are a bit puzzled as to why any manufacturer who produces a good that is meant to bring people together would weigh in or take a stance on an issue that tends to divide people. We were given a sneak peak into their annual marketing plans back in January and nothing of this sort was presented. We are hearing all sorts of different things and having trouble sorting through what is fact, opinion or fabrication ourselves. What we do know is that the cans shown in the posts are not actually being produced.

Thank You,

Sean Taylor
VP - Business Administration
Primary Mobile: 417-830-1000

Wil Fischer Companies
3539 W. Farm Road 142
Springfield, MO 65807
P: 417-862-4341
F: 417-862-4373

04-10-23, 10:27
I'm not really sure how this whole social credit score crap works, but am seeing this float around on SM / alternative media??


Report Reveals the Alarming Reason Why Bud Light and Nike are Shoving “Transgender” Dylan Mulvaney in America’s Face

04-10-23, 12:11
18 months before the last Presidential election, I contacted people I know in the Republican party and tried to point out the changes that had happened and how we could help them over come what was soon going to be an attempt to steal the election.

I outlined a campaign on how to beat them, no takers. Even when I pointed out past successes and told them we would work for ZERO profit and we would show complete transparency.

The Republicans would not go for it. I even had one guy tell me I should fund it out of my own pocket. I replied deal, but when you win the election you will pay my cost plus 30%.

No deal.

So I told him I need my money to take care my family, post the marxist take over of the USA. Which the Republicans are doing nothing to fight to defeat it.

So Republicans want to bomb the whole world like 2 year old little children, but save our country not so much.

04-10-23, 12:16
Yoni, that's because the GOP Establishment don't WANT to win, the RNC is coalition partners with the D's. It's just like professional wrestling, so much kabuki theater for the masses.

THAT'S why they hate guys like Trump, Cruz, Mike Lee and a handful of others so much, they're a chance of the scam being exposed and torn down.

04-10-23, 20:09
Yoni, that's because the GOP Establishment don't WANT to win, the RNC is coalition partners with the D's. It's just like professional wrestling, so much kabuki theater for the masses.

THAT'S why they hate guys like Trump, Cruz, Mike Lee and a handful of others so much, they're a chance of the scam being exposed and torn down.


I see them as a bunch of mafioso sitting at the same table. Politicians / buisness leaders.

None of them care about us and set groups of people against eachother. As long as we don't group up and become a threat to them.

Echo chamber, I know.

As for men vs. women, women won. Not a big deal if you know how to play your role.

But it's weird how a guy can win vs women if he tries / claims to be one.

04-10-23, 23:42
I'm not really sure how this whole social credit score crap works, but am seeing this float around on SM / alternative media??


Report Reveals the Alarming Reason Why Bud Light and Nike are Shoving “Transgender” Dylan Mulvaney in America’s Face

Vivek Ramaswamy was making the same point on Mike Rowe's The Way I Heard It podcast#308.. It's worth a listen to. I was completely unaware of this angle until then.