View Full Version : Tennessee legislature expels members over gun control protest

04-07-23, 12:39
Interesting development. I'm not sure I'm in support because I actually support a healthy and rowdy 1st amendment as long it does no harm to people or property, but interesting none the less.


04-07-23, 12:51
I see this was covered in the Nashville shooting thread. Mods, delete if necessary.

04-07-23, 13:04
Please at least change the title. It is incorrect. They are not out because of gun control protest, they insurrected the normal proceedings of the TN House. They broke the rules and paid the price. They were effectively impeached.

04-07-23, 13:29
Please at least change the title. It is incorrect. They are not out because of gun control protest, they insurrected the normal proceedings of the TN House. They broke the rules and paid the price. They were effectively impeached.

Not an option I am aware of.

04-07-23, 14:37
Yeah I think the bigger part which is not playing well locally is the fact that they expelled Reps. Justin Jones and Justin Pearson, who are both Black. The vote to expel their colleague, Rep. Gloria Johnson, who is white, failed.

I’m just saying locally this is what’s being ran with and on the heals of some really stupid things said publicly by some old school white republicans recently the media isn’t having much trouble turning this into a race issue.

Lawmaker expulsions have been extremely rare in Tennessee since the Civil War.


04-07-23, 14:50
Yeah I think the bigger part which is not playing well locally is the fact that they expelled Reps. Justin Jones and Justin Pearson, who are both Black. The vote to expel their colleague, Rep. Gloria Johnson, who is white, failed.

I’m just saying locally this is what’s being ran with and on the heals of some really stupid things said publicly by some old school white republicans recently the media isn’t having much trouble turning this into a race issue.

What is the process for replacing the ousted legislators? I'm a little sensitive to this whole thing since the state legislator that represents me was nearly removed for being a member of the Oath Keepers 12 years ago, by "Republicans" no less. I do have an issue with removing a legislator that was elected by a district for a simple rules violation, regardless of their party affiliation and my disagreement with their stance. This was no more of an insurrection (as mentioned in another post) than Jan 6th.

04-07-23, 15:10
I believe the three of them took the podium , wouldn't sit down and one pulled out a megaphone and started chanting along with the Protestors.
I don't think that's parliamentary procedure.
Now consider if you will

If I took the stage by force and demanded that Black folks not get to vote?
Same Constitution.

04-07-23, 15:43
Democrats and their accomplices in the media crying republicans are racists? Gee whizz... there's a surprise. :rolleyes:

One of the expelled is crying about democracy. Well... I voted for my representative. My representative along with a two-thirds majority of other representatives voted to oust his sorry ass. That's representative democracy in action.

04-07-23, 18:52
What is the process for replacing the ousted legislators?

In a nutshell, they can and most likely will be right back, either next week or within 4 weeks (some obscure time thing). It sure as hell ain't permanent.

For the record, that white fat-ass bitch should've been tossed right along with 'fro-man and the wannabe MLK.

04-07-23, 19:26
What is the process for replacing the ousted legislators? I'm a little sensitive to this whole thing since the state legislator that represents me was nearly removed for being a member of the Oath Keepers 12 years ago, by "Republicans" no less. I do have an issue with removing a legislator that was elected by a district for a simple rules violation, regardless of their party affiliation and my disagreement with their stance. This was no more of an insurrection (as mentioned in another post) than Jan 6th.

It goes to council members handling the respective districts to pick an interim representative until a special election is held. Council members can choose whomever they want, including the ousted representative. The ousted representative can also choose to run in the special election if they wish.

This is how one is playing out as reported: Twenty-three members of the 40-seat Nashville Metropolitan Council confirmed to NBC News or on social media that they plan to vote to reinstate Jones to the Legislature.

So... we'll see. IMO, the important thing is that our boys in Nashville took action and were simply not going to put up with street thug nonsense on the floor. I would expect Jones to be awarded another expulsion if he returns with similar behavior.

04-07-23, 20:28
Uh oh, we are in trouble now. The dysfunctional bartender from NY just threatened TN GOP legislators.


04-07-23, 20:44
These people who want to get rid of guns after every school shooting are brainwashed to a deadly degree. I don't even consider the demoralized things to be human. Anyone who attacks the 2nd amendment is a Marxist. Period. Good riddance.

MSNBC is trying their best to call this event stupid as much as possible, and the consequence of their expulsion instant heroism, and fame status.

They should allow school staff to be armed. Imagine you get (2) to choose from: a) One has armed staff. b) The other has no gun signs. I know which I'd pick for my kid.

04-08-23, 07:15
Uh oh, we are in trouble now. The dysfunctional bartender from NY just threatened TN GOP legislators.


Haven't heard much from her in a while. Interesting to note that she's continuing the trend of calls for violence/force to be used against the D's political enemies. Not surprising by any means, but it's interesting to see how damn near universal that language is.

04-08-23, 08:36
It's the way democrats get things done now if they don't get their way, protest, riot, loot, burn and it's only going to get worse.

04-08-23, 09:44
It's the way democrats get things done now if they don't get their way, protest, riot, loot, burn and it's only going to get worse.

I say keep poking them.

04-08-23, 10:00
I say keep poking them.Poke until they break

Sent from my SM-A326U using Tapatalk

04-08-23, 10:35
Meh, it ain't racist, they just felt sorry for the fat, commie mudshark.

04-08-23, 10:39
They should have expelled all three immeadiatly and on the spot.
A certain amount of humanity and decorum is important to serious law making. Otherwise we go back to Pre-Civil War house rules and occasionally someone get's beat stupid with a blunt object.
We now have one Party using those Pre-Civil War rules, I'm not sure if cooler heads will prevail, but...