View Full Version : America’s new homegrown “ domestic terrorists “

04-07-23, 17:15
“Lily” was planning on committing school shooting. Schools need to beef up their security. I thinks this is the new trend.

“A Colorado teen who was arrested last month for allegedly planning to commit a mass shooting at her former middle school owned a copy of “The Communist Manifesto” — and blasted former President Donald Trump as a “con man” in her own writings, authorities said.“


04-07-23, 17:42
I know it’s probably messed up to say this, but I’m glad it’s the Marxist ramping up the violence and not the “right wing white nationalist”. The sad part is that it needs to reach an undeniable level before people realize which side of this coin is actually in the right. So if there is going to be a civil war I’m glad they fired first.

04-07-23, 17:45
“Lily” was planning on committing school shooting. Schools need to beef up their security. I thinks this is the new trend.

“A Colorado teen who was arrested last month for allegedly planning to commit a mass shooting at her former middle school owned a copy of “The Communist Manifesto” — and blasted former President Donald Trump as a “con man” in her own writings, authorities said.“


Just a poor, misunderstood, schizophrenic, resistance fighter. At least he forgot the bit about actually having guns. Given the choice I'll take "gun-free" school shootings over the "with-guns" version every time.

Jokes aside though, this is the system working. Bat shit crazy gets reported by family and action gets taken before anything bad happens. Kudos to the family and the authorities for taking it seriously.

04-07-23, 18:01
Seems to me that the Domestic Terrorists are State Sponsored under the direction of Pedo Merrick and his Diktat of Just Us.

04-08-23, 07:10
Seems to me that the Domestic Terrorists are State Sponsored under the direction of Pedo Merrick and his Diktat of Just Us.

Oh, sponsored, inspired, and damn near pushed into action by the State at this point. The leadership of the Left is probably more than a bit frustrated that their followers have taken so long to get the hint that its open season on their political enemies.

04-08-23, 07:12
By "State Sponsored" I mean full-on Organs of the State like Stalin's NKVD or Hitler's SS. Let's put it this way... make the extraordinary mistake of making me the next occupant of the Resolute Desk and Day One I'm ordering full-on Inquisitions of the FBI, CIA etc as Domestic Terrorist Orgs. Might as well throw Fraudci and NIAID in there too.

04-08-23, 07:23
By "State Sponsored" I mean full-on Organs of the State like Stalin's NKVD or Hitler's SS. Let's put it this way... make the extraordinary mistake of making me the next occupant of the Resolute Desk and Day One I'm ordering full-on Inquisitions of the FBI, CIA etc as Domestic Terrorist Orgs. Might as well throw Fraudci and NIAID in there too.

I'd say we're more at the "SA" stage than the SS. Where the State has essentially declared open season on their opponents, but too blatant or consistent terror conducted directly by State organs could still have problems. Instead, they get their proxies to carry out most of the violence or "political actions", and then use the State to shield them from harm. Big targets, or small cases they wish to make an example of, will be the targets of State organs. This process continues until their opponents are either too broken to push back, or the push back gets too strong, and the State needs to step in to "restore order."

04-08-23, 07:54
Jumpin’ Jehoshaphat! Another Marxist! It's about time the government un**** itself at all levels, and arm school staff, and take innocent children off the silver platter for mass shooters.

04-08-23, 08:43
Jumpin’ Jehoshaphat! Another Marxist! It's about time the government un**** itself at all levels, and arm school staff, and take innocent children off the silver platter for mass shooters.

The government wants it to happen to further their agenda.

04-08-23, 09:15
This is another area where since the feds aren't going to take it up, the Red States have to. ANtifa by itself is a reason to have a symposium or a conference on the rise of violence on the left. Start using red state money to fund these initiiatives to look at the threat to our rights from these leftists.

04-08-23, 13:55
I know it’s probably messed up to say this, but I’m glad it’s the Marxist ramping up the violence and not the “right wing white nationalist”..
It was always the left ramping it all up since this all started back in 2016/17-ish. It was always going to be them.
For the simple fact that, outside of a very few genuine nuts, or people the media will try to spin as "right wing", people on the "for real" right wing aren't dumb enough to start shit when the enemy is busy hanging themselves.

Now here is what will happen, because of these current events - you will either A) get a right wing nutter to go off half cocked and ruin the whole thing by attacking them back to early. Or alternately a "state sponsored" nut they can spin as right wing, even though the post-shoot evidence will immediately point to it being a gov op (like Buffalo), but like other events, the media will cry so loud about it, everyone will buy the story (even people here who should know better). They need to do this to quickly "right the ship" and put their "muh notzeez" narrative back on course before they get to much egg in their faces from their own side, so I'd expect the next event or "uncovered plans" to be of this variety.
Or B) as someone else posted, they will allow it to continue to the point where the normal folk have no choice but to defend themselves from the trans genocide, at which point the gov will step in to "restore order" by banning everything and passing Patriot Act 3.0.

The people in charge of this controlled demolition of western society do not care which side they use to make their dreams come true. You gotta view the last several years of media-mouthpiece driven hype-up as a win win: Either they get "the right" to crack off in which case the plan goes forward against them, or they get "the left" to crack off, in which case the plan goes forward against them. Either path = victory by default for the Davos goons.
If you want to get cynical... the plan was always to use the left as the inciters of a national level of violence and chaos, because the people running the show know the law-loving conservative types will be far quicker to fall in line without a fight, with whatever measures are taken to 'restore order'.