View Full Version : GOP embraces a new foreign policy: Bomb Mexico!

04-10-23, 07:00

A growing number of prominent Republicans are rallying around the idea that to solve the fentanyl crisis, America must bomb it away.

In recent weeks, Donald Trump has discussed sending “special forces” and using “cyber warfare” to target cartel leaders if he’s reelected president and, per Rolling Stone, asked for “battle plans” to strike Mexico. Reps. Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas) and Mike Waltz (R-Fla.) introduced a bill seeking authorization for the use of military force to “put us at war with the cartels.” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) said he is open to sending U.S. troops into Mexico to target drug lords even without that nation’s permission. And lawmakers in both chambers have filed legislation to label some cartels as foreign terrorist organizations, a move supported by GOP presidential aspirants.

Well… it is a war on drugs so…

04-10-23, 08:58
Well… it is a war on drugs so…

It went so well in Afghanistan and Iraq we need to do it again:no:

04-10-23, 09:09
What could possibly go wrong???

How about no war in Mexico... but a fortress border like NK/SK have, the oxymoronic DMZ.

04-10-23, 09:33
'THEY ', sure likes their wars....... since 'THEY' don't fight and die in them !

04-10-23, 11:24
Well....when the cartels started becoming less like cartels and more like small rogue foreign militaries, increasingly without regard for which side of a national border they operate on... A situation which will only become worse the more emboldened everyone south of the border becomes, as our border security becomes increasingly nonexistent... What solution did you think people in the gov were eventually going to come too?
They wouldn't let Orange Man Bad build his damn wall. They wouldn't increase other border security measures. They wouldn't budget more to afford better security measures and more personnel (but we've got endless money to send overseas somehow). They've done away with Title 42 to the tune of how many thousand randoms pouring over the border every day now? The leftist dickbags pitch a fit any time BP or ICE try to deport anyone - instead we've been inundated with an endless propaganda fest of "muh kidz in cages, muh wacisms, muh fashist USA" which has been effectively used to further weaken our ability to control this key element of our national security.

To be fair, much of the blame for this lies squarely in the Republican's lap for being to cowardly (or complicit) in the face of this leftist idiocy, to step up and get shit done when it would have mattered. But they didn't.
It was up to the few non-left-aligned or independent media people to commence their own 24/7 drumbeat of "border beat daily" in order to counter the narrative and spread at least some level of awareness of how the whole thing has been deteriorating all this time. But they didn't either.
So....now here we are.
Unless some miracle turns it all around, it's going kinetic one way or another.

Anyway, in typical MSM bulls#!+ fashion, nobody in that article (except the writer, what a shock) said anything about "bombing" anyone; the quoted parties were to the effect of cyberwar and SF.

...Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador is openly against any U.S. military involvement in his country to take on the cartels. “In addition to being irresponsible, it is an offense to the people of Mexico,” he said in March.
The Mexican government's government's continued complicity in, and unwillingness to solve the problem themselves before it got to this point, is an offense to the people of the USA.
But do tell me more about "irresponsible"...

04-10-23, 11:25
Forum induced double tap

04-10-23, 11:33
I would think we know where the heads of the various cartels are located, and most of their comings and goings. A well-coordinated and perfectly timed drone or stealth JDAM attack on every damn one of them simultaneously might get the message across. You can't hide, we WILL find you. Sure someone else will take over, but perhaps the idea of expanding their ops across our border might be put on the shelf. Rinse and repeat as necessary.

04-10-23, 11:38
And in breaking news, Mexico allies itself with China and Russia against it's northern aggressor.

04-10-23, 11:50
And in breaking news, Mexico allies itself with China and Russia against it's northern aggressor.

So we have tried to pick a fight with Russia, for a year. Over a lost cause, Ukraine will fall or we will see the conflict evolve into WW3.

Brandon and others are as corrupt as Mexican political types, but instead of cartel money it is ChiCom money.

So now we want to bomb Mexico?

Maybe if Americans didn't want so much blow and Fentanyl, we wouldn't be in this mess.

Maybe if we secured the border, we wouldn't be in this mess.

04-10-23, 17:26
So we have tried to pick a fight with Russia, for a year. Over a lost cause, Ukraine will fall or we will see the conflict evolve into WW3.

Brandon and others are as corrupt as Mexican political types, but instead of cartel money it is ChiCom money.

So now we want to bomb Mexico?

Maybe if Americans didn't want so much blow and Fentanyl, we wouldn't be in this mess.

Maybe if we secured the border, we wouldn't be in this mess.

Absolutely! Seal that damn thing tight as a drum. Actually militarize the border. Tie up that "loose end" and then........Our main enemy, outside of Washington D.C., lies way way way to the West of our shores. ;)

04-10-23, 17:40
I always felt we should close 29 Palms and relocate 7th Marines and all other assets to Yuma. Make CAX or whatever they call it these days a real world exercise on the southern border. Two birds one stone.

The Dumb Gun Collector
04-10-23, 18:15
....I'm listening...

04-10-23, 19:08
Well we already are at war with the cartels in Mexico regardless of if we want to be or not.

And if we wanted to control the border, all we'd have to do is simply do it. But we'd have to start assembling cars and electronics in this country again. NAFTA really opened us op to a lot of this BS. Canada has stronger border control with the US than we do with Mexico.

04-10-23, 19:11
I always felt we should close 29 Palms and relocate 7th Marines and all other assets to Yuma. Make CAX or whatever they call it these days a real world exercise on the southern border. Two birds one stone.

Been saying it for decades. We need a Navy Special Warfare school near the gulf border, a desert warfare training school and an armored training battalion along the interior border and an AF bombing range in the dead zones. Marines and Rangers should be running exercises all along the Rio Grande.

04-10-23, 19:28
Been saying it for decades. We need a Navy Special Warfare school near the gulf border, a desert warfare training school and an armored training battalion along the interior border and an AF bombing range in the dead zones. Marines and Rangers should be running exercises all along the Rio Grande.

Works for me. NAVSPECWAR could take the tips with Texas and SoCal, the Corps covers AZ, and the Army/AF take NM.

Alex V
04-10-23, 19:38
I think I saw this before… Sicario 2

04-11-23, 09:05
Been saying it for decades. We need a Navy Special Warfare school near the gulf border, a desert warfare training school and an armored training battalion along the interior border and an AF bombing range in the dead zones. Marines and Rangers should be running exercises all along the Rio Grande.

I know TExas has their speed boats, but maybe some of those Nay SWCC boats would be more... persuasive, if not impactful.

04-11-23, 11:01
And in breaking news, Mexico allies itself with China and Russia against it's northern aggressor.

Them running to Germany is what drug is into WWI.

And y’all know we are already there just in an “advisor” role. (Cause that always works out great for us)

04-11-23, 17:13
And in breaking news, Mexico allies itself with China and Russia against it's northern aggressor.

If there was ever a time where the Monroe Doctrine would and SHOULD apply, well, there you have it.

04-11-23, 19:15
Part of me says build the wall but make it easy for honest, hard working types to get a work visa. Work hard and live right you can stay, F up you get bounced. Shut down the crime but keep the good ones coming. Not that the left would let that happen.

Another part says just annex the freaking place and get it over with. Not that we'd run it any better.

I'm pretty well convinced that until we let pharma outcompete the drug cartels in the recreational drug market we are stuck with the status quo. It's Americans that provide the money that keeps this going. If we can't kill the market we can't win the war.

04-12-23, 23:05
Should we be actively hunting cartel heads, yes. Should we militarize and secure the border? Yes.
Their are ways to deal with this. We just lack the wherewithal to do it, and it’s gotten so out of control I don’t know if we actually could now.

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04-13-23, 06:55



04-13-23, 17:40
Seal the border, and I mean lock it up tight as a drum.

I'd have a sit-down with the cartels and say "Today is a new day. We are sealing the border, and NO ONE is coming across, including your peeps or mules. We don't give a shit what you do in your shithole country. However, if you are found to be attempting to infiltrate, or think you can do the bullshit you do in Mexico, you've got another thing coming [cue Judas Priest "You Got Another Thing Coming" in the background]. We will kill you."

And we have the ability to do so I believe......

04-13-23, 17:41
Are we back to the site-sponsored double-tapping again?