View Full Version : Louisville Bank Shooting

04-10-23, 09:35
An “active aggressor” (LMPD’s wording) has opened fire with a “long gun” at the Old National Bank with five fatalities and six injured including one officer.

…and just like that something to replace the Nashville shooting in the news.

Update per press conference; four dead (not going to include dead POS suspect) and six injured including two officers of which one is critical.

04-10-23, 09:42
Kentucky's version of Heat.

04-10-23, 11:31
And just like that his pronouns are gone.


04-10-23, 12:08
I'm seeing where the Ky gov is saying he lost two friends in the shooting.

04-10-23, 15:40

Dude looks like a psychopath

04-10-23, 15:47
Disgruntled Employee.

john armond
04-10-23, 15:57
So was he a protesting mass shootings (or the lack of gun control despite mass shootings) by committing a mass shooting? It’s not like that hasn’t happened before.

04-10-23, 16:06
LinkedIn and major companies also kind of push the pronouns thing. For international business, it is sometimes helpful since some names I have no clue as to their sex. As long as the title matches the chassis, I wouldn’t make that much out of it.

04-10-23, 16:08
So was he a protesting mass shootings (or the lack of gun control despite mass shootings) by committing a mass shooting? It’s not like that hasn’t happened before.

So then he's a libtard, right? Watch how fast this gets brushed under the carpet if he was. Wait, I take that back......they've not been brushing it under the carpet, it's all about GUNS GUNS GUNS and they don't dwell on the shooter when it doesn't fit their narrative.

04-10-23, 16:09
And just like that his pronouns are gone.



04-10-23, 16:11

Yeah I'm not given much credence to that pronoun thing, especially since it fit his actual gender. The mathematical odds of it being another sexually-confused freak a couple weeks later is infinitesimal.

04-10-23, 16:15
The pronoun thing is some retarded fad. I email a guy from Costco Corporate who has the He/Him in his sig line. Either voluntarily or some costco corporate libtard request.

04-10-23, 16:53
It’s almost like a test to see if you’re crazy. If a man goes in and commits murder while live streaming it on social media from his phone and your first reaction is oh it’s got to be the guns. Seriously? it is clearer and clearer that this is not a firearms problem, it is a values and lack of ethics problems.

And the reason why we are having such aN issue is at the base of our view of government. We look at this and go the government is part of the problem. We don’t think of using the government to try to fix a crazy people problem. On the other side of the spectrum are the leftist who think that they can modify behavior by controlling things. Of course, very few of them on guns so to them this is a zero cost solution.

The right doesn’t try to pass laws after these events, because we know that the government is not going to provide the solution for this. If we were going to law our way out of violence, we would’ve done it a long time ago. But the left thinks that we just need more and more laws. They even now started saying that the laws don’t work, but you just need to step on stacking more and more laws on, till you’re in affect waterboarding society to prevent these violent acts.

The fact that this guy live streamed it is just screaming that this is not a thing problem, this is a values in people problem. Of course the left can’t admit that because they have been driving the culture since the 1960s. They are reaping what they sow and they’re even doubling down on it with like the new mayor in Chicago, it’s human nature as you get older to turn on the institutions that promised you better things, but couldn’t provide them. I really do wonder what’s going to happen when the kids of the day enter their middle in later ages and start to get very disenfranchised with their progressive leaders .

04-10-23, 16:56
The pronoun thing is some retarded fad. I email a guy from Costco Corporate who has the He/Him in his sig line. Either voluntarily or some costco corporate libtard request.

Just a quick sidebar here, but whenever people mention what my “pronouns are“ I just tell them that there’s no such thing. Pronouns belong to everyone, that’s kind of the definition of pronouns. The other thing is if they are really going to go down this pathway they are not going to like the pronouns that I insist that they use.

04-10-23, 17:00
It’s almost like a test to see if you’re crazy. If a man goes in and commits murder while live streaming it on social media from his phone and your first reaction is oh it’s got to be the guns. Seriously? it is clearer and clearer that this is not a firearms problem, it is a values and lack of ethics problems.

And the reason why we are having such aN issue is at the base of our view of government. We look at this and go the government is part of the problem. We don’t think of using the government to try to fix a crazy people problem. On the other side of the spectrum are the leftist who think that they can modify behavior by controlling things. Of course, very few of them on guns so to them this is a zero cost solution.

The right doesn’t try to pass laws after these events, because we know that the government is not going to provide the solution for this. If we were going to law our way out of violence, we would’ve done it a long time ago. But the left thinks that we just need more and more laws. They even now started saying that the laws don’t work, but you just need to step on stacking more and more laws on, till you’re in affect waterboarding society to prevent these violent acts.

The fact that this guy live streamed it is just screaming that this is not a thing problem, this is a values in people problem. Of course the left can’t admit that because they have been driving the culture since the 1960s. They are reaping what they sow and they’re even doubling down on it with like the new mayor in Chicago, it’s human nature as you get older to turn on the institutions that promised you better things, but couldn’t provide them. I really do wonder what’s going to happen when the kids of the day enter their middle in later ages and start to get very disenfranchised with their progressive leaders .

I was going to say this, but you beat me to it. We’ve gone beyond pushing entitlement to pushing sadism and cruelty as values. That’s why this is happening.

04-10-23, 17:06
Just a quick sidebar here, but whenever people mention what my “pronouns are“ I just tell them that there’s no such thing. Pronouns belong to everyone, that’s kind of the definition of pronouns. The other thing is if they are really going to go down this pathway they are not going to like the pronouns that I insist that they use.

No shit right?

It's like: "You want to dictate what pronouns I use about you when I'm talking to a third party? You know you are now dipshit/dumbass now right? Because that's how I'm gonna be referring to you to others."

Alex V
04-10-23, 17:38
Yeah I'm not given much credence to that pronoun thing, especially since it fit his actual gender. The mathematical odds of it being another sexually-confused freak a couple weeks later is infinitesimal.

Colorado arrested a dude who thinks he is a woman planning on shooting up schools.

The odds are not that small when you consider they are all mentally ill.


COLORADO (WDEF) — Officers arrested a transgender teen in Colorado for planning school and church shootings. This comes just days after the Nashville Covenant School shooting.

Law enforcement officials arrested 19-year-old William Whitworth, who wishes to identify as Lilly.

Officers found a manifesto planning attacks at schools in Colorado Springs.

04-10-23, 17:41
I have a feeling this will bring about gun control in the form of a mental test and thoes not insane will be banned from owning guns.

All so the proletariat will get their gun control.

04-10-23, 17:48
Let me guess, fully automatic military style pistol brace.

04-10-23, 18:02
Makes me wonder just how many of the past mass murderers have been part of the sexually confused crowd and that fact has been hidden from the public.

Alex V
04-10-23, 18:05
Makes me wonder just how many of the past mass murderers have been part of the sexually confused crowd and that fact has been hidden from the public.

Depends on how far back. Despite what the rainbow Nazis try and tell you, this is a recent phenomenon caused by social pressure. I’m willing to bet that a lot of the shootings in the last 5 or so years are pronoun people. When you consider 41% of them attempt to unalive themselves, it’s stands to reason than some would attempt to take others with them.

04-10-23, 18:13
Yeah I'm not given much credence to that pronoun thing, especially since it fit his actual gender. The mathematical odds of it being another sexually-confused freak a couple weeks later is infinitesimal.

Except for they declared war this month on anyone who doesn't fully embrace them because that's genocide. But I think lots of people are jumping the gun on this one.

04-10-23, 18:21
Makes me wonder just how many of the past mass murderers have been part of the sexually confused crowd and that fact has been hidden from the public.

It’s been a more recent trend. The trans movement has gone from smug and preachy to violent over the past 2 or 3 years. Most of the shootings before that were committed by incels, and they’re very proud of that.

04-11-23, 06:12
Depends on how far back. Despite what the rainbow Nazis try and tell you, this is a recent phenomenon caused by social pressure. I’m willing to bet that a lot of the shootings in the last 5 or so years are pronoun people. When you consider 41% of them attempt to unalive themselves, it’s stands to reason than some would attempt to take others with them.

Richard Speck.
In August 1966, Eric Engel, a Swiss endocrinologist and geneticist at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, wrote to Speck's attorney, Cook County Public Defender Gerald W. Getty, who was reportedly planning an insanity defense. He suggested, based on Jacobs's unsubstantiated theory and Speck's height of 6 ft 1 in (1.85 m), that Speck might have XYY syndrome.[25][26] A chromosome analysis performed the following month by Engel revealed that Speck had a normal XY karyotype.[26] One month later, a court-appointed panel of six physicians rejected Getty's insanity argument and concluded that Speck was mentally competent to stand trial.[27]
In May 1996, Chicago television news anchor Bill Kurtis received video tapes made at Stateville Correctional Center in 1988 from an anonymous attorney. Showing them publicly for the first time before the Illinois state legislature, Kurtis pointed out the explicit scenes of sex, drug use, and money being passed around by prisoners, who seemingly had no fear of being caught. In the center was Speck, performing oral sex on another inmate,[57][58] sharing a large quantity of cocaine with another inmate, parading in silk panties, sporting female-like breasts (allegedly grown using smuggled hormone treatments), and boasting: "If they only knew how much fun I was having, they'd turn me loose."[57] The Illinois legislature packed the auditorium to view the two-hour video,[57] but stopped the screening when the tape showed Speck performing oral sex on another man.[58]

From behind the camera, a prisoner asked Speck if he had killed the nurses. Speck responded: "Sure I did." When asked why, Speck shrugged and jokingly said: "It just wasn't their night." Asked how he felt about himself in the years since, he said: "Like I always felt ... had no feeling. If you're asking me if I felt sorry, no." He also described in detail the experience of strangling someone: "It's not like TV ... it takes over three minutes and you have to have a lot of strength."[57]

So Yeah, perhaps.

04-11-23, 09:01
So what's the gist of this shooting?

04-11-23, 09:11
Guns bad.

Trump caused this guy to be layed off and he went nuts.


Racism, if not global warming.

Just one more gun law...

THis is going to get hotter and hotter. Notice how no black people are being shot or killed, it's not 2020 with the GOP in control. The left is going to turn up the heat on guns to try to influence all the courts to ignore Heller-Bruin and get Roberts and Kavanaugh to go Establishment and allow some kind of balancing test that will screw over our 2A rights.

04-11-23, 11:43
Some news


04-11-23, 13:38
It sounds as if he couldn't live with the News that he was getting fired.
It must be difficult for a guy who's Parents scrimped and saved to send him through College, or, that he's burdened with chrushing Student Loans and now has no job.
I've got a Son about this age, I am positive that he would rather perform Sepekuu than disappoint me.

04-11-23, 17:35
Body cam footage, etc:


04-11-23, 17:39
So what's the gist of this shooting?

He was about to get shit-canned by the bank.

04-11-23, 17:43
It sounds as if he couldn't live with the News that he was getting fired.
It must be difficult for a guy who's Parents scrimped and saved to send him through College, or, that he's burdened with chrushing Student Loans and now has no job.
I've got a Son about this age, I am positive that he would rather perform Sepekuu than disappoint me.

Then he's a weak willed entitled f-ing moron who we see more and more of these days. That's the results of modern education, parenting, and culture producing young men who who have no ability to deal with disappointment, hardships, or what life hands you due learning it growing up. The bubble wrap gen is now growing up/grown up, and it's as we all expected, producing kids like that.

04-11-23, 18:48
Just watched the video... they're very lucky this idiot wasn't well trained... this could've been much worse.

04-11-23, 19:27
Great bravery and poise by the responding officers. I thought the presentation officers did a good job too.

One thing that seems odd was that he bought the rifle last week, but that was before he did the shooting? Is that his first rifle? Had he even shot it before that day? Not really trying to say that it means anything, but just weird, right? Maybe he had a hint that he was being fired soon.

Anymore on him being 'anti-gun'?

04-22-23, 08:23
One of the reasons given as why is basically opposition to gun sales.


04-22-23, 09:34
Just watched the video... they're very lucky this idiot wasn't well trained... this could've been much worse.

It can always be worse, unless you're talking about Parkland or Uvalde, then it's difficult to see how it could have gone any worse.

04-22-23, 11:52
One of the reasons given as why is basically opposition to gun sales.


I really do think that narcissism is THE defining characteristic of our society that is causing all the problems. Go ahead and throw Trump as a prime example to get teh left to maybe see it. That this shooter had a three part plan, against guns, to justify his shooting is just an example of it. That the main social issue is how YOU see yourself sexually - and more importantly that the world must see YOU the way that YOU WANT to be seen.

An offshoot is this enemy-of-my-enemy mentality. If I’m against someone, they I have to be FOR their enemies. That’s why Trump is having a Gay Disney party handing out Bud Light beer.

That this guy was able to buy a gun while under care- I don’t know the particulars- but do you know how many milllenials are jacked up on prescription mental health drugs? Roughly 105% of them. Was talking to a Labor and Delivery nurse and she said that it more uncommon to have a mom come in NOT on some SSRI than to have them come in. Neonatal care isn’t a priority, but these twits for some reason are getting there happy pills.

john armond
04-22-23, 15:18
One of the reasons given as why is basically opposition to gun sales.


So an anti-gun person has shot up a bunch of people in order to advocate for more gun laws. Not the first time and won’t be the last. This is the epitome of “the end justifies the means” and I can see it being used more often with these types of people.

04-22-23, 16:00
So an anti-gun person has shot up a bunch of people in order to advocate for more gun laws. Not the first time and won’t be the last. This is the epitome of “the end justifies the means” and I can see it being used more often with these types of people.

That's a lot more common than people realize. If not them directly, many times their parents are involved in gun control actively.

04-28-23, 21:36
Screw them.


04-29-23, 14:13
Screw them.


"There was no tells" WTF? It was nothing but tells, and I don't trust people able to calmly do an interview shortly after killing five people and being killed by police. Frankly, I'm more likely to hold them as parents responsible for missing the obvious in their own kid vs the tool used by a crazy person. Per usual, incapable of taking any responsibility for their kids behavior vs blaming the tool used.

04-29-23, 15:32
Then he's a weak willed entitled f-ing moron who we see more and more of these days. That's the results of modern education, parenting, and culture producing young men who who have no ability to deal with disappointment, hardships, or what life hands you due learning it growing up. The bubble wrap gen is now growing up/grown up, and it's as we all expected, producing kids like that.

Everyone should get a chance to get Fired, get their heartbroken and Fail a major task at least once in life.
Nothing exciting about success if you've never failed.

04-29-23, 15:36
Did the parents enabled his psychopathy and the shooting? On one hand, we say that family's need to be involved, but at the same time this helicopter mom is setting up and showing up at his shrinks meeting.

Two mental health professionals were seeing him?

So, they are proposing a waiting period? What was the time between buying the gun and he shooting? 6Days? So I guess they will say if only we had a 7 day waiting period....

04-29-23, 15:44
Everyone should get a chance to get Fired, get their heartbroken and Fail a major task at least once in life.
Nothing exciting about success if you've never failed.

Been fired many times. Learned a lot. I was fired from Cumberland Farms at 14 for "not being a team player" according to the manager.

04-29-23, 15:46
Did the parents enabled his psychopathy and the shooting? On one hand, we say that family's need to be involved, but at the same time this helicopter mom is setting up and showing up at his shrinks meeting.

Two mental health professionals were seeing him?

So, they are proposing a waiting period? What was the time between buying the gun and he shooting? 6Days? So I guess they will say if only we had a 7 day waiting period....

Wrong, 8 days is the magic time span that has a weak dip chit like him changes his mind.

04-29-23, 15:46
Maybe 9, just to be sure...

04-29-23, 16:02
Did the parents enabled his psychopathy and the shooting? On one hand, we say that family's need to be involved, but at the same time this helicopter mom is setting up and showing up at his shrinks meeting.

Two mental health professionals were seeing him?

So, they are proposing a waiting period? What was the time between buying the gun and he shooting? 6Days? So I guess they will say if only we had a 7 day waiting period....

A detail is their nut job had so many concussions from playing high school football he had to wear a helmet while playing high school basketball. That detail has caused more than a few to turn in to deranged killers, but the sanctimonious sports ball family damn sure wouldn't advocate curtailing their entertainment(and POS daddy's employment)at all.