View Full Version : "UFO Endgame To Disclosure" Review

04-10-23, 13:22
Watched this last night. Not one of Greer's better projects. It's mostly 4-5 talking heads saying the same thing over and over - none whom had impressive creds nor terribly convincing - that the gubment and or entities there of, knows a lot more than it's telling us, there's highly compartmentalized blacker then black shadow groups running the show, suggests people like Elizondo are double agents of disinfo for those groups. Some are reverse engineered human tech, some are not. Some good info on the inner workings of DC and related that's up to date and interesting, with more in Congress and related waking up to the reality UFO's are a legit phenomena they're not getting answers on. The cheesy dramatic background music really gets on my nerve after a while and I find it distracting. For those who are big into the topic, worth a view when it's free, but not worth the $ to watch as I did. I will say what I have said before: Greer is either a master con man UFO grifter, or he knows more about UFO's than anyone alive. B-/C+


05-29-23, 15:27
Most seem to think the big triangles are human made from reverse engineered UFO's. Seen by bunch off mil Twentynine Palm Marine training base:


05-29-23, 17:11
So who is this Greer guy anyway and why is he so big in the UFO community?

As far as I can tell he’s an ER physician with no real attachment to any scientific field that might apply to UFO’s and he certainly has no background in the military or intelligence communities.

05-29-23, 18:36
IF they exist they blow us away technologically so a few air-to-air missiles likely wouldn't even distract them.

05-30-23, 09:14
Most seem to think the big triangles are human made from reverse engineered UFO's. Seen by bunch off mil Twentynine Palm Marine training base:


I posted the above in the wrong thread for ongoing UFO discussions:


IF they exist they blow us away technologically so a few air-to-air missiles likely wouldn't even distract them.

That they exist beyond established at this point. What they are is the Q. There's a number of stories of attempts at firing at them, and it didn't end well.

05-30-23, 14:13
What they are is indeed the question. People like to say, "Oh, we can handle cute little ET botanists collecting samples or whatever." This shows a huge lack of imagination. We are just at the beginning of any real knowledge of physics. The Hard Problem of Consciousness remains unsolved, and we are no closer to a valid "Theory of Everything" than we were 100 years ago. These things could literally be anything, including something that would seriously freak everyone out, whatever their favorite assumptions are. That's plenty of reason to keep it buried deep in SAP land.

09-13-23, 10:23
Obviously they will need to be examined by scientists outside Mexico:

"Mexico Congress hosted a rather unusual event in the capital city. Officials displayed two corpses that are believed to be at least 1,000 years old. They claim the corpses belong to the non-human alien species. Authorities unveiled the mummified specimens in windowed boxes for the public to see. Ufologist Jamie Maussan led the event in Mexico. He had been investigating the extraterrestrial phenomenon for decades. Maussan said the specimens were allegedly recovered from Cusco, Peru."


09-13-23, 10:59
A candid interview with Dave Grusch, the "whistleblower." See what you think.


09-13-23, 12:42
Greer is 100% a conman. I don't understand how you continue to look at any of his material with any seriousness. Did you buy his app that lets you talk to aliens? Have you given any of his transcendental meditation techniques a go?

Why do you fall for obvious nonsense?

09-13-23, 13:05
Greer is 100% a conman. I don't understand how you continue to look at any of his material with any seriousness. Did you buy his app that lets you talk to aliens? Have you given any of his transcendental meditation techniques a go?

Why do you fall for obvious nonsense?

Oh yeah! Gotta get the app.


CE5 Contact provides instructions and tools to assist you in making peaceful contact with extraterrestrial civilizations as well as locating others in your area who are interested in making contact.

The CE5 protocols were developed by Dr. Steven Greer, one of the world’s foremost authorities on the subject of UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence and technologies, and initiating peaceful contact with interstellar civilizations. Dr. Greer’s relentless efforts towards the disclosure of classified UFO/ET information have inspired millions of supporters around the world.


09-13-23, 15:32
A candid interview with Dave Grusch, the "whistleblower." See what you think.


I tried to watch that when it came out and the long lead up to the host going on about what close pals they are, yada yada, I didn't watch it. Does Grusch say anything we have not heard from him already? If so, I will try again to watch it.

09-13-23, 16:21
There are some things I hadn't heard in there. I agree, the interviewer is tedious as hell. What I do is read the transcript and skip to anything interesting, plus put it on 1.5x speed.

09-13-23, 16:39
Obviously they will need to be examined by scientists outside Mexico:

"Mexico Congress hosted a rather unusual event in the capital city. Officials displayed two corpses that are believed to be at least 1,000 years old. They claim the corpses belong to the non-human alien species. Authorities unveiled the mummified specimens in windowed boxes for the public to see. Ufologist Jamie Maussan led the event in Mexico. He had been investigating the extraterrestrial phenomenon for decades. Maussan said the specimens were allegedly recovered from Cusco, Peru."


Maussan is a known grifter and hoaxer, and has already been caught in at least one well known hoax. The fact that stuff like this is even "making the rounds" is a stunning indictment to the intelligence of the average person. Not so surprisingly these days, people will willingly believe almost any level of BS as long as it supports their fantasies.

09-13-23, 18:58
Maussan is a known grifter and hoaxer, and has already been caught in at least one well known hoax. The fact that stuff like this is even "making the rounds" is a stunning indictment to the intelligence of the average person. Not so surprisingly these days, people will willingly believe almost any level of BS as long as it supports their fantasies.

This guy just seems to be the world's biggest sucker.

09-14-23, 12:05

MEXICO CITY — Despite making headlines with a presentation before Mexican lawmakers, the authenticity of the purported aliens was called into question after a young child struck one of them with a wooden stick, resulting in candy spilling out.

"¡Ay, caramba!" exclaimed Mexican congressman Juan Valdez. "The most significant scientific and astronomical find in history has been damaged! But look — we can clearly see that these creatures come from a world where they have candy for intestines!"

As the child and several lawmakers scrambled to gather up pieces of candy, researchers quickly offered up an explanation for the incident. "Ah, yes, we thought that may be the case," stammered lead scientist Tito Santana. "We suspected these beings may have bodies that were constructed from paper mache and contained various types of candy. This is in no way an indictment of our credibility or the authenticity of the creatures' remains."

Even the most willing believers in the existence of aliens were left with questions. "This is a tough one to swallow, even for me," said UFO truther Ryan Felix. "Are we really supposed to believe they have this type of candy on some distant planet? I get the names are ‘Milky Way' and ‘Starburst,' but come on."

At publishing time, Mexican officials had refused to offer any comment on reports that someone had found a shop in Tiajuana that sells plaster sculptures of aliens exactly like the ones shown in the congressional presentation.

09-14-23, 14:56
Maussan is a known grifter and hoaxer, and has already been caught in at least one well known hoax. The fact that stuff like this is even "making the rounds" is a stunning indictment to the intelligence of the average person. Not so surprisingly these days, people will willingly believe almost any level of BS as long as it supports their fantasies.

This guy just seems to be the world's biggest sucker.

If you wanted to “debunk” something you didn’t want people to believe in the first place, putting out an obvious hoax like this as “authentic”, would be a pretty good way to do that. Just saying…

09-14-23, 15:17
There are some things I hadn't heard in there. I agree, the interviewer is tedious as hell. What I do is read the transcript and skip to anything interesting, plus put it on 1.5x speed.

I watched it, worth a view for those interested in the topic.

09-14-23, 15:32
If you wanted to “debunk” something you didn’t want people to believe in the first place, putting out an obvious hoax like this as “authentic”, would be a pretty good way to do that. Just saying…

Very true. Inoculation, or the "boy who cried wolf" effect. However, what interest would the Mexican govt have in debunking aliens?

09-14-23, 15:56
Maussan is a known grifter and hoaxer, and has already been caught in at least one well known hoax. The fact that stuff like this is even "making the rounds" is a stunning indictment to the intelligence of the average person. Not so surprisingly these days, people will willingly believe almost any level of BS as long as it supports their fantasies.

This guy just seems to be the world's biggest sucker.

Very true. Inoculation, or the "boy who cried wolf" effect. However, what interest would the Mexican govt have in debunking aliens?

Off the top of my head? Money comes to mind.

09-14-23, 16:08
Off the top of my head? Money comes to mind.Possible. Money from whom though?
ETA: What I'm asking is who would benefit from artificially debunking this? Enough to pay the Mexican govt to perpetuate an absurbly obvious hoax.

09-14-23, 16:13
Possible. Money from whom though?

That’s what you have to do, follow the money.

09-14-23, 16:45
What I'm asking is who would benefit from artificially debunking this? Enough to pay the Mexican govt to perpetuate an absurbly obvious hoax.

If just 1% of what David Grusch testified to congress and reported to the IGIC is true then there’s untold billions $$$ out there flowing into ultra secret ops that congress literally has no knowledge nor oversight of.

Let’s just say he’s right, we do have a UAP crash retrieval program and they do have craft and bodies of beings not of this earth. A robust reverse engineering program that’s resulting in tech we can’t currently generate on our own. Then yeah I could see many groups who would benefit from these types of shenanigans.

09-14-23, 17:03
The problem with all these sightings being mistaken for real ET flying chariots is not enough money being spent to monitor the sky and crunch data. Not only will NASA need to increase efforts but will also need to do so clandestinely. NASA will not be publicly releasing the name of their new UAP research director because of the potential for harassment! NASA’s deputy associate administrator for research says that even those involved in the so-called independent study faced "harassment and abuse online", describing it as "beyond the pale".
NASA also needs an anti-bias operation to fight "preconceived skepticism" because skeptics are preventing UAP witnesses from coming forward. Gee, I thought rebranding from UFO to UAP solved decades-long credibility issues, no?

09-14-23, 18:14
The problem with all these sightings being mistaken for real ET flying chariots is not enough money being spent to monitor the sky and crunch data. Not only will NASA need to increase efforts but will also need to do so clandestinely. NASA will not be publicly releasing the name of their new UAP research director because of the potential for harassment! NASA’s deputy associate administrator for research says that even those involved in the so-called independent study faced "harassment and abuse online", describing it as "beyond the pale".
NASA also needs an anti-bias operation to fight "preconceived skepticism" because skeptics are preventing UAP witnesses from coming forward. Gee, I thought rebranding from UFO to UAP solved decades-long credibility issues, no?

LOL, no. I believe NASA is suffering from the same self-inflicted wound the rest of our government is suffering from. It doesn’t matter what acronyms they go by, every government agency and department is a proven liar. Everything they say should be investigated with the intent to refute what they’re saying. We’re the frogs and they’re the scorpions. It’s just that simple.

09-14-23, 20:08
Or maybe the grift with grifters getting people to pay for seminars, pay per view "documentaries", and alien contact apps is just a grift?

You people will jump though absurd loops to keep hope alive that you might not actually be the ones being taken in.

09-14-23, 20:57
Or maybe the grift with grifters getting people to pay for seminars, pay per view "documentaries", and alien contact apps is just a grift?

You people will jump though absurd loops to keep hope alive that you might not actually be the ones being taken in.

LOL, not all of us “people” are believers regardless of evidence. I’ve never paid a dime for any UFO related stuff. I’ve never even so much as spent gas money to go to anything UFO related. I’ve never seen a UFO before and I’m a trained aviation observer (7212 Stinger Gunner). The closest I’ve ever come to supporting the UFO community, is eating a meal in Rachel, NV after spending a solid month in the desert on the NTTR.

I for one believe I don’t know what I don’t know. I’m also very experienced in how the government operates. My trust in them is VERY low. :(

09-15-23, 07:19
My wife watches stuff like this on TV. I have to leave the room, so-called “experts” who seem to like the sound of their own voices. My guess is the aircraft witnessed by the Military are from Area 51 (and the Aviators are laughing their @$$es off when watching it on the news). I guess I’ve been lied to too much to believe anything anymore.

09-15-23, 08:37
There are some things I hadn't heard in there. I agree, the interviewer is tedious as hell. What I do is read the transcript and skip to anything interesting, plus put it on 1.5x speed.

He makes reference to Jacque Vallee in that vid, so I watched this interview. I wish he'd done the show with Grusch like this, without all the tedious bro stuff to make it seem more approachable to the iphone gen. He's knowledgeable and obviously big into the topic so asks the good Qs and adds info and does not just ask the same Qs yet again. Is Vallee the French version of Greer? The issue of demonic entities is discussed some also, which does pop up in various places occasionally.


09-15-23, 09:29
Vallee is an interesting guy. PhD in Computer Science, MS in Astronomy I think, plus he's a venture capital guy, has done a lot of start-ups in various tech companies. Done a lot of work for .gov too apparently. Pretty sure he was one of the TTSA principles. He's been into UFOs for many years, has written a number of books on the subject. I doubt he's in it for the money, he's quite well-heeled. Spielberg based the French guy in Close Encounters on Vallee, who consulted on the film. His book "Passport to Magonia" from 75 is an interesting take on the UFO subject. It's worth a read. My opinion? I honestly don't know. I would like to, however.
I am convinced underneath all the bullshit, there is something real going on. Hopefully it'll come out, but not holding my breath.

09-15-23, 09:42
Vallee is an interesting guy. PhD in Computer Science, MS in Astronomy I think, plus he's a venture capital guy, has done a lot of start-ups in various tech companies. Done a lot of work for .gov too apparently. Pretty sure he was one of the TTSA principles. He's been into UFOs for many years, has written a number of books on the subject. I doubt he's in it for the money, he's quite well-heeled. Spielberg based the French guy in Close Encounters on Vallee, who consulted on the film. His book "Passport to Magonia" from 75 is an interesting take on the UFO subject. It's worth a read. My opinion? I honestly don't know. I would like to, however.
I am convinced underneath all the bullshit, there is something real going on. Hopefully it'll come out, but not holding my breath.

I realized I have been subscribed to that channel for a while. I disliked the start of that one vid so much I turned it off before realizing it was a channel I usually follow and like. Anyway, Vallee is a name I'd heard over the years, didn't know much about him, so that interview was helpful. He's like Gary Nolan (who ordered one of my SciFi novellas BTW), has his hands in various things, off the charts brilliant, rather eccentric.

10-03-23, 07:55
I found the interview compelling. They need to send them to someone like Dr Nolan and a team to examine:


10-03-23, 12:55
I found the interview compelling. They need to send them to someone like Dr Nolan and a team to examine:


This is the same clown who tried to pass off a dead child as an alien ten years ago, and the same "bodies" that were scanned two years ago and proven to be made from Llama skulls and other animal bones.

Stop being such a rube.

10-03-23, 14:38
This is the same clown who tried to pass off a dead child as an alien ten years ago, and the same "bodies" that were scanned two years ago and proven to be made from Llama skulls and other animal bones.

Stop being such a rube.

Actually addressed in the vid. Regardless, easy to put to rest, but unless those X rays are also faked, they're not just slapped together toys/dolls/sculptures of some kind. What they are I can't say. For someone who will be exposed as a fake easily the soon as a legit unvisity level lab examines it, he sure is pushing hard to have them examined. What that leads me to believe is, he at least is convinced they're legit. He's no scientist and perhaps he's been played by someone else. I have many faults, being a rube is not one of them.

10-03-23, 15:53
This is the same clown who tried to pass off a dead child as an alien ten years ago, and the same "bodies" that were scanned two years ago and proven to be made from Llama skulls and other animal bones.

Doesn’t matter. UFO/alien stuff is like catnip to some folks. They can rationalize a fraud as being credible “this time” because a known fraud wouldn’t want to risk being proven a fraud again! That is the mentality.

The more outrageous the fraud and/or risk of being proven a fraud the better. Several years ago there were a couple guys who claimed to be driving from somewhere around here all the way to California with a dead alien on ice to be DNA tested. They repeatedly called the Art Bell radio show along the way. Naturally, the alien must be real else why would anyone go to all that effort for DNA testing, right? Rubber alien.

10-03-23, 19:17
Actually addressed in the vid. Regardless, easy to put to rest, but unless those X rays are also faked, they're not just slapped together toys/dolls/sculptures of some kind. What they are I can't say. For someone who will be exposed as a fake easily the soon as a legit unvisity level lab examines it, he sure is pushing hard to have them examined. What that leads me to believe is, he at least is convinced they're legit. He's no scientist and perhaps he's been played by someone else. I have many faults, being a rube is not one of them.

He has engaged in this EXACT behavior before, got his assessment, and they determined had were poorly made forgeries. I mean, ****ing LOOK at them. He is a known and proven conman, just like the guys in all the other videos you post.

Enjoy your llama skull hoaxes I guess.

Doesn’t matter. UFO/alien stuff is like catnip to some folks. They can rationalize a fraud as being credible “this time” because a known fraud wouldn’t want to risk being proven a fraud again! That is the mentality.

The more outrageous the fraud and/or risk of being proven a fraud the better. Several years ago there were a couple guys who claimed to be driving from somewhere around here all the way to California with a dead alien on ice to be DNA tested. They repeatedly called the Art Bell radio show along the way. Naturally, the alien must be real else why would anyone go to all that effort for DNA testing, right? Rubber alien.

They somehow twist the overwhelming proof they are being deceived into proof that it's actually true.

10-04-23, 08:48
He has engaged in this EXACT behavior before, got his assessment, and they determined had were poorly made forgeries. I mean, ****ing LOOK at them. He is a known and proven conman, just like the guys in all the other videos you post.

Enjoy your llama skull hoaxes I guess.

Not gonna repeat myself here. We will see what we see. It will be easy to prove/disprove. My main concern that when/if he's exposed as a fake, it damages the rep of pilot Ryan Graves who testified at the same time. I don't think he should have, but who knows what he knew prior to testifying there. Now some back and forth from those who have supposedly examined them:


10-04-23, 11:17
Not gonna repeat myself here. We will see what we see. It will be easy to prove/disprove. My main concern that when/if he's exposed as a fake, it damages the rep of pilot Ryan Graves who testified at the same time. I don't think he should have, but who knows what he knew prior to testifying there. Now some back and forth from those who have supposedly examined them:

It's just sad that you think there is anything to "see." BTW, there's this great bridge I'd like to sell you. Smoking deal, I swear...

10-04-23, 15:00
It's just sad that you think there is anything to "see." BTW, there's this great bridge I'd like to sell you. Smoking deal, I swear...

I know I don't know what I don't know until I see evidence one way or another, and know you don't know anything about the topic regardless. I follow the evidence whether it conflicts with my wants or biases. If it's a hoax, it's playing to be a really good one, and that has entertainment value too. My only real concern is it may attach itself to Graves and be used to paint a wider brush on other UFO related ongoing investigations. Maybe that's intentional and someone planted them for him or others to find as psyop. Have the appropriate people examine it, decide what it is, move along from there. It's not rocket science. Per vid above, which you no doubt didn't view, as mentioned, already some sounding a BS alarm among the sci/med types who have examined it apparently.

10-05-23, 18:36
Pretty much my position...70935

10-05-23, 20:59
I know I don't know what I don't know until I see evidence one way or another, and know you don't know anything about the topic regardless. I follow the evidence whether it conflicts with my wants or biases. If it's a hoax, it's playing to be a really good one, and that has entertainment value too. My only real concern is it may attach itself to Graves and be used to paint a wider brush on other UFO related ongoing investigations. Maybe that's intentional and someone planted them for him or others to find as psyop. Have the appropriate people examine it, decide what it is, move along from there. It's not rocket science. Per vid above, which you no doubt didn't view, as mentioned, already some sounding a BS alarm among the sci/med types who have examined it apparently.

What I do know is the math that makes what you know, don't know, or hope to know completely irrelevant. There are none, nor have there ever been any crashed extra terrestrial life forms on this planet, regardless of what some complete charlatans want the Mexican government to believe, nor for that matter the supposed "whistle blowers" appearing before congress. What makes your constant schilling of this issue sad, is that you actually think it might be true. An absolute absurdity. And yes, I didn't have to watch that video to come to that conclusion. Your posture of objectivity on the matter is not fooling anyone, apart from maybe yourself.

You are balls deep in hoping the alien scam is real. So much so, you can't see a blatant scam for what it is. Sad that a grown man is living in a fantasy world. Wake up.

10-05-23, 22:39
You are balls deep in hoping the alien scam is real. So much so, you can't see a blatant scam for what it is. Sad that a grown man is living in a fantasy world. Wake up.

I still occasionally see people walking around with masks on their chin...


10-06-23, 05:53
I still occasionally see people walking around with masks on their chin...

[emoji38]Come to think of it, he did buy into the vaxx scam hook, line and sinker too. Kept posting articles, videos etc, all while pretending to be objective and open minded on the topic, and "debunking" people like Dr Robert Malone as being wrong about antibody dependent enhancement, original antigen sin, and everything else.

Same shtick; different topic.

10-06-23, 10:03
Pretty much my position...70935

Fear not, the gubment is doing everything in their power to prevent the type of disclosure we want, which tells us there's something there.

10-06-23, 12:55
SR has a lot of good guests and shows on the topic. Have not seen the full episode on that one yet with Congressman Tim Burchett:


10-06-23, 13:50
They somehow twist the overwhelming proof they are being deceived into proof that it's actually true.

You nailed that one. Hoaxes are a psyop to cover up the truth that aliens are real.

10-06-23, 13:53
You nailed that one. Hoaxes are a psyop to cover up the truth that aliens are real.

In some cases, I have no doubt that's true. If that latest one with the supposed bodies is a straight hoax, it's a very sophisticated one at least. I doubt most have actually looked into it. They have already passed some serious testing, including DNA (claimed that 30% could not be identified), CT scans, etc. The person who did them and wrote a report is well qualified to do so. I have read the translated reports. That's not slam dunk smoking gun proof they're aliens by any means, but it does strongly suggest they're not simply say the head of a turtle stuck on the body of a child or what have you. What really has to happen is to have them send to multiple labs for a look see. One vid I posted does have some with the expertise who looked at the scans done saying the skulls look like they come come from Llama's or similar species.

What we do have good confirmation on is, they are 1k years old, they are of a legit biological creature (vs rubber chicken...), and have some non human features and such. Now, if the expert they had who did the scans, etc is in on it if it's a hoax, then all that will be exposed once others take a real look.

As a non expert, I will say that as goofy and silly as they look on the exterior, the CT scans and such are much more convincing.

10-06-23, 16:15
There have always been those who proclaim, "We know everything important there is to know; nothing beyond our current perception and understanding can be real."
And they have been wrong, every damn time. :lol:
It it were up to them, we'd still be sitting in grass huts, picking bugs off each other.

Here's Gordon Cooper talking about his experience.


10-06-23, 17:07
There have always been those who proclaim, "We know everything important there is to know; nothing beyond our current perception and understanding can be real."
And they have been wrong, every damn time. :lol:
It it were up to them, we'd still be sitting in grass huts, picking bugs off each other.

Here's Gordon Cooper talking about his experienc

His experiences and others, starting from at least WWII (i.e Foo Fighters) , is why I can't accept it's just human tech. Whether we have that tech now by some massive leaps in knowledge happened recently to produce craft with the abilities he's talking about, we sure as hell didn't have it then.

So the "it's just advanced secret toys we made" simply does not hold up. If we had anything that could do what he's talking about right now, it would re write everything as we understand it, but then when we had prop planes and some crude jets? There may be stuff we produced via reversed engineering now too, at least that's what's claimed. Have you seen this one? It's quite good.

Eric Weinstein is a high level physicist who had no interest in UFOs and thought it was all BS, but took the red pill. Hal Puthoff was CIA, NSA and AATIP and oversaw the crazy Stargate program:


The Dumb Gun Collector
10-06-23, 17:33
Come to think of it, he did buy into the vaxx scam hook, line and sinker too. Kept posting articles, videos etc, all while pretending to be objective and open minded on the topic, and "debunking" people like Dr Robert Malone as being wrong about antibody dependent enhancement, original antigen sin, and everything else.

Same shtick; different topic.

Enough of the personal stuff. We already got one thread shut down over this stuff.

10-06-23, 21:46
His experiences and others, starting from at least WWII (i.e Foo Fighters) , is why I can't accept it's just human tech. Whether we have that tech now by some massive leaps in knowledge happened recently to produce craft with the abilities he's talking about, we sure as hell didn't have it then.

So the "it's just advanced secret toys we made" simply does not hold up. If we had anything that could do what he's talking about right now, it would re write everything as we understand it, but then when we had prop planes and some crude jets? There may be stuff we produced via reversed engineering now too, at least that's what's claimed. Have you seen this one? It's quite good.

Eric Weinstein is a high level physicist who had no interest in UFOs and thought it was all BS, but took the red pill. Hal Puthoff was CIA, NSA and AATIP and oversaw the crazy Stargate program:


Dude... "Not being able to identify" DNA is a meaningless indicator. It is easy to induce damage rendering it unidentifiable though simple means like high temperature, chemical exposure, and basic exposure to environments. The CT scans clearly indicated it was produced from identifiable cadaver and animal parts.

Weinstein IS NOT a physicist. He is a hedge fund manager. His amateur paper on "Geometric Unity" is regarded as nonsense by actual physicist. Puthoff is a known and well documented liar, as well as an idiot. He was fooled by ****ing Uri Geller's con and believed he had psychic powers (though it is highly likely he was in on the scam). Neverminded his publications while he was a scientologist proclaiming to have achieved remote viewing abilities.

Why do you continue to post stuff from people who are known cons and idiots? Why do you keep ignoring overwhelming evidence that these people are lying, have always been lying, and will continue to lie?

As far as eye witness testimony goes, I have a fun anecdote.

In college I was in charge of an amateur satellite team participating in an AFRL program. We would often do weather balloon flights in Colorado to test hardware. Our team as well as others would rent SUVs and track/follow the balloons and
recover the payloads. One year we all got black GMC Yukons, and on the way to recover the payloads (they would travel 100+ miles at 80-120k feet) we stopped in some small town to get fuel. While doing so the locals came out and, seeing us with antennas pointed at the sky and mounted to the tops of the vehicles, asked if we were "tracking the UFOs" pointing at the two clearly visible white dots in the sky. We informed them that they were in fact weather balloons with scientific payload. They flat out refused the explanation, even though it was the truth and the idea that the federal government would send two dozen twenty somethings with amateur radio equipment to track alien was absurd. They repeatedly questioned our motives and pressed for "the truth" until we left. I am certain that they believe to this day, and would tell anyone, that they saw genuine UFOs.

Stop being a sucker.

10-07-23, 08:21
Dude... "Not being able to identify" DNA is a meaningless indicator. It is easy to induce damage rendering it unidentifiable though simple means like high temperature, chemical exposure, and basic exposure to environments. The CT scans clearly indicated it was produced from identifiable cadaver and animal parts.

Weinstein IS NOT a physicist. He is a hedge fund manager. His amateur paper on "Geometric Unity" is regarded as nonsense by actual physicist. Puthoff is a known and well documented liar, as well as an idiot. He was fooled by ****ing Uri Geller's con and believed he had psychic powers (though it is highly likely he was in on the scam). Neverminded his publications while he was a scientologist proclaiming to have achieved remote viewing abilities.

Why do you continue to post stuff from people who are known cons and idiots? Why do you keep ignoring overwhelming evidence that these people are lying, have always been lying, and will continue to lie?

As far as eye witness testimony goes, I have a fun anecdote.

In college I was in charge of an amateur satellite team participating in an AFRL program. We would often do weather balloon flights in Colorado to test hardware. Our team as well as others would rent SUVs and track/follow the balloons and
recover the payloads. One year we all got black GMC Yukons, and on the way to recover the payloads (they would travel 100+ miles at 80-120k feet) we stopped in some small town to get fuel. While doing so the locals came out and, seeing us with antennas pointed at the sky and mounted to the tops of the vehicles, asked if we were "tracking the UFOs" pointing at the two clearly visible white dots in the sky. We informed them that they were in fact weather balloons with scientific payload. They flat out refused the explanation, even though it was the truth and the idea that the federal government would send two dozen twenty somethings with amateur radio equipment to track alien was absurd. They repeatedly questioned our motives and pressed for "the truth" until we left. I am certain that they believe to this day, and would tell anyone, that they saw genuine UFOs.

Stop being a sucker.

Weinstein received his PhD in mathematical physics from Harvard University. He taught at MIT and other locals. He's not a working physicist no as he left academia. He thought UFOs were nonsense, seems to have shifted his positions. Not going to waste added time on the rest as you're wrong about everything you wrote.

10-07-23, 10:13
Eric Weinstein? Wiki: On April 1, 2021, Weinstein released a draft paper on Geometric Unity in a guest appearance on the podcast The Joe Rogan Experience. Weinstein qualified in his paper that he "is not a physicist," but an "entertainer" and podcast host.

Weinstein's podcast, The Portal: Join us as we seek portals that will carry us through the impossible- and beyond. The show titles are all over the map. The last podcast shows back in 2020.

I found this podcast listener's comment on target in context of this discussion: Humble brags, name dropping. He knows more math and physics than I ever will but he presumes being good at one thing makes his words golden on areas where he is weak.

Sounds like a self-described entertainer seeking an audience.

10-07-23, 11:23
His experiences and others, starting from at least WWII (i.e Foo Fighters) , is why I can't accept it's just human tech. Whether we have that tech now by some massive leaps in knowledge happened recently to produce craft with the abilities he's talking about, we sure as hell didn't have it then.

So the "it's just advanced secret toys we made" simply does not hold up. If we had anything that could do what he's talking about right now, it would re write everything as we understand it, but then when we had prop planes and some crude jets? There may be stuff we produced via reversed engineering now too, at least that's what's claimed. Have you seen this one? It's quite good.

Eric Weinstein is a high level physicist who had no interest in UFOs and thought it was all BS, but took the red pill. Hal Puthoff was CIA, NSA and AATIP and oversaw the crazy Stargate program:


What if, rather than an alien species, it is actually human time travelers that are coming back and monitoring the human past? That answers two questions: what are the UFOs and why we have not 'seen time travelers'.......;)

10-07-23, 13:18
What if, rather than an alien species, it is actually human time travelers that are coming back and monitoring the human past? That answers two questions: what are the UFOs and why we have not 'seen time travelers'.......;)

That and other possibilities have always been part of the discussion, as well as inter dimensional travelers to demonic beings, and such.

10-07-23, 13:52
Probably time travelers, here to document the events leading up to WW3. Radiation from which, allowed cockroaches to mutate into intelligent beings. Hey, it's as good a guess as anything.;)

10-07-23, 16:42
Probably time travelers, here to document the events leading up to WW3. Radiation from which, allowed cockroaches to mutate into intelligent beings. Hey, it's as good a guess as anything.;)

Assuming you mean human time travelers, that would mean we survived WWIII at least.

10-09-23, 09:03
So we somehow forgot about stealth technology in the future and never developed it further? Please.

10-09-23, 09:49
So we somehow forgot about stealth technology in the future and never developed it further? Please.

I was joking but it seems that is an actual theory.

11-19-23, 10:26
A candid interview with Dave Grusch, the "whistleblower." See what you think.

A condensed version he did worth a view:


11-19-23, 11:26
A condensed version he did worth a view:

Pretty interesting stuff. I don't know if you saw, Will, but the guy who ran the UAP program for the DIA, a Dr. Lacatski, has come out publicly. In an interview with Corbell and Knapp, he states he knows first-hand we have at least one recovered craft of unknown origin, having examined it. He claims that's all he can say for now on it. With all this smoke, there's gotta be some fire somewhere. I'd sure as hell like to know the real story here, whatever it is.

11-19-23, 13:01
Pretty interesting stuff. I don't know if you saw, Will, but the guy who ran the UAP program for the DIA, a Dr. Lacatski, has come out publicly. In an interview with Corbell and Knapp, he states he knows first-hand we have at least one recovered craft of unknown origin, having examined it. He claims that's all he can say for now on it. With all this smoke, there's gotta be some fire somewhere. I'd sure as hell like to know the real story here, whatever it is.

This one?


11-19-23, 13:41
I think that's it, I watched it on Spotify though.

11-19-23, 13:46
I think that's it, I watched it on Spotify though.

Some interesting info between the massive amounts of obfuscation from those two. From what they were willing to say and talk about, could be condensed into 10 mins. Maybe one fraction closer to less layers and layers of need to know BS.

11-19-23, 15:05
This whole thing has always been 98% obfuscation/disinfo. I doubt we'll ever get anything concrete, but hope springs eternal, I suppose. At least IMO, there is a kernel of truth in there somewhere.

11-24-23, 09:14


Moreover, what if disclosure precipitated a change in the behavior of an alien civilization, given that they no longer had an incentive to remain elusive and clandestine? What is the risk potential that disclosure might cause some governments to overreact, precipitating fearful and aggressive interactions? If these risks are substantial, does it still make sense to release such disruptive information?

Is US on the Verge of 'Catastrophic' UFO Leak? What We Know


11-24-23, 11:56


Is US on the Verge of 'Catastrophic' UFO Leak? What We Know


Great article from Mellon who has the creds to make the case. He had early experience as to his life long interests in UFOs:


11-28-23, 17:09
Why are key Republicans resisting transparency on UFOs?


In July, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), along with a bipartisan group of five other senators, announced sweeping legislation to declassify and release government information about unidentified flying objects.
The announcement coincided with, and seemed to corroborate, an extraordinary series of UFO-related developments. But now, Rep. Mike Turner (R-Ohio), Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala.), Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-La.) appear poised to quash this bipartisan transparency initiative.

In the absence of reasonable, good-faith objections to the core provisions of the historic legislation, the question is why.
If there is nothing to hide and nothing to the UFO phenomenon, why would any member of Congress object to greater transparency and oversight of an executive branch prone to excessive and dangerous over-classification?

Or perhaps there is something to hide.

11-28-23, 19:50
Why are key Republicans resisting transparency on UFOs?


I don’t know about the rest, but Turner is definitely in the pockets of the MIC. Wright-Patterson is a huge player in the UFO secrets game. Knowledge is power and they’re not giving any of it away without a fight!

11-29-23, 09:31
Another chipping away of the wall of secrecy or more psy-op BS?


Article referenced:


11-29-23, 11:05
Article referenced:


Though the shocking claims sound like they come from a science fiction novel, they are part of a growing body of evidence suggesting the US government could indeed be hiding advanced vehicles that were not made by humans.

It seems like it’s happening

11-29-23, 11:24
It seems like it’s happening

What "it" is is unclear to me. I do think they're scrambling to hold the dam back and know it's not going to hold much longer. Changes in culture, cameras in every hand, etc, etc they know it's not possible to hide/deny the existence of UFOs. But, I also have no doubt they expected and prepared for that eventual reality. I wonder if some of what Greer claims is accurate as to a whole parallel story developed end deployed by the gubment to keep their control over the UFO narrative. Interesting times!

12-01-23, 07:11
NEW: On #MTP Reports,
looks into unidentified aerial phenomena and explores the question:

Is the government hiding what it knows about UFOs?

Watch on

Friday at 10:30 p.m. ET and Sunday at 11:30 a.m. ET.


12-01-23, 07:15
It’s back in the mainstream media again. Lots of talk about the Schumer amendment and the huge push back against it.

NewsNation, CNN, Fox, CBS, Washington Post and now NBC.

The Miami Herald has it front page.




12-01-23, 07:20
At least 8 alleged UFO crash retrievals would be immediately declassified if UAPDA (as written) becomes law, unless explicitly blocked by Biden.



12-01-23, 08:15
What "it" is is unclear to me. I do think they're scrambling to hold the dam back and know it's not going to hold much longer.

One interesting opinion I saw was the emergence of AI is pushing this. Perhaps the two are very connected.

Others are private space flights or my personal favorite that we somehow have information that the aliens themselves are about to force this in some way.

12-01-23, 08:57
One interesting opinion I saw was the emergence of AI is pushing this. Perhaps the two are very connected.

Others are private space flights or my personal favorite that we somehow have information that the aliens themselves are about to force this in some way.

They seem to be increasing in their interactions, certainly not making any attempt to hide.

12-01-23, 09:43
One interesting opinion I saw was the emergence of AI is pushing this. Perhaps the two are very connected.

Others are private space flights or my personal favorite that we somehow have information that the aliens themselves are about to force this in some way.

That last is the only reason I can think of they would roll out any kind of disclosure. I mean, c'mon, all these guys are insiders with clearances. They don't just start spilling the beans of their own volition :rolleyes:

12-04-23, 11:04
‘There IS Something Real Here’: Some Level Of UFO Knowledge Is Being Covered Up By Gov’t, Journalist And Congressman Tell Chuck Todd
