View Full Version : Biden to extend health care coverage to more than half a million migrants

04-13-23, 23:30
"The White House put out a fact sheet stating more than a half-million so-called 'Dreamers' will now be eligible for Medicaid and Affordable Care Act coverage. Biden’s Department of Health and Human Services is expected to propose a rule by the end of the month amending the definition of 'lawful presence' to include the migrants.

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), a member of the Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs, was quick to criticize the president’s effort.

'Nearly $32 trillion in debt, with deficits growing larger and no end in sight,' he told The Post. 'President Biden is living in a fantasy land where he’s oblivious to the harm that inflation caused by his policies is inflicting on hardworking Americans.'"


04-14-23, 07:22
A half million? What about the reportedly 5 million illegals entering the US in just the last two years? Who do you think pays when these people receive medical attention but have no insurance or money? It's people like you and me paying via higher insurance premiums or government piling up more debt on the backs of our children.

The real issue is that people with no means of support are allowed to enter the country. Medical attention is going to be paid for one way or another. Pretending it's only a problem if medical expenses are put on the Medicaid ledger doesn't work. The choices are pay or deport.