View Full Version : Lawsuits against employer for termination over covid shot refusal

04-15-23, 08:04
Well we have a large religious monopoly hospital group that came into the St Louis area and began buying up all the hospitals. I have served 3 lawsuits aginst the hospital on behalf of employees who were terminated for refusing the shots. They provided religious reasons to their administration before termination as their justification for not getting the shot. Should be interesting tobsee more of these coming through now that most places are relaxing their rules on masks and easing up on the shot regulations. I hope they win big and more people sign up for lawsuits. It is just funny that a religious hospital won't accept your religious rights or freedoms as a good enough excuse to not bend to their will. I think Missouri is a no fault state so employers can fire at will but hopefully the judges see it differently.

04-15-23, 08:33
I would like to know how this turns out, please keep us updated.
I'm not sure how your religous rights as a Christian can be trumped at every turn by a paranoid and out of control government and big business, but I hope they get hammered for this.

04-15-23, 10:10
Should be interesting.

04-15-23, 12:04
Those that rejected the jab, stood their ground and are fighting back are the real heroes of the scamdemic. Along with the doctors and all the people that weren't afraid and spoke out against the narrative.

04-15-23, 12:06
Those that rejected the jab, stood their ground and are fighting back are the real heroes of the scamdemic. Along with the doctors and all the people that weren't afraid and spoke out against the narrative.

Well said sir! :)

04-15-23, 13:07
I hope they are awarded Millions in damages. These tyrants need to be taught many lessons.

04-15-23, 13:26
Tagged to follow.

I had all of my (2) exemptions granted. I am not sure the grounds to overturn; once healthcare determined it could mandate flu vaccine (or really any other) the door was opened. But I would be delighted to be proven wrong.

04-15-23, 14:20
I would like to know how this turns out, please keep us updated.
I'm not sure how your religous rights as a Christian can be trumped at every turn by a paranoid and out of control government and big business, but I hope they get hammered for this.

No offense intended, but your degree of surprise seems out of proportion to the topic at hand, given that Christians often get vaccines, and hospitals often require them of employees.

I’ll be curious what path this goes down.

04-15-23, 15:08
I have a question here, especially if any SMEs are in the thread: what options do people have who got the damned jab under threat of termination and got severe side effects? I happen to know a couple. I know it's near impossible to go after pharma due the Emergency Use thing, but I'd hope there's some recourse for folks like these? From what I can tell, there are many such. Such a shitshow .....

04-15-23, 16:48
I am a “religious” person but my objection was not religious, it was logical and moral:

1) I had some serious questions about the unknown long and short term effects of the jab.
2). I had moral objections to governments and employers forcing something into my body against my will.

I stood my ground along with about 40% of my coworkers, and thankfully the company chose not to mandate. So I had a good outcome relative to my principles. Others were not so fortunate and I hope that they prevail in court.

ETA I do not work in healthcare.

04-15-23, 16:57
I have a question here, especially if any SMEs are in the thread: what options do people have who got the damned jab under threat of termination and got severe side effects? I happen to know a couple. I know it's near impossible to go after pharma due the Emergency Use thing, but I'd hope there's some recourse for folks like these? From what I can tell, there are many such. Such a shitshow .....

I know a guy whose career as a pilot was ended by the jab. It was mandated by his employer and of course the pilots union didn’t offer any pushback. Hoping for the best for him.

04-15-23, 17:05
I hope these companies all lose and are permanently damaged. In ANY other situation, people would have been crying out for justice because of racism, prejudice, whatever else.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

04-15-23, 17:30
No offense intended, but your degree of surprise seems out of proportion to the topic at hand, given that Christians often get vaccines, and hospitals often require them of employees.

I’ll be curious what path this goes down.

Christians do get vaccinated, but this is a bit more than a flu shot wasn't it? If you watched all of this go down and followed it through and were hesitant I can understand. If you prayed on it and decided not to get the shot, well there you go, that's all that should be all that's needed for an exemption.
I'm often surprised how unoffended Christians seem to be toward the insanity. It would seem to me that there is a distinct effort to offend them.

04-15-23, 18:02
I am a “religious” person but my objection was not religious, it was logical and moral:

1) I had some serious questions about the unknown long and short term effects of the jab.
2). I had moral objections to governments and employers forcing something into my body against my will.

I stood my ground along with about 40% of my coworkers, and thankfully the company chose not to mandate. So I had a good outcome relative to my principles. Others were not so fortunate and I hope that they prevail in court.

ETA I do not work in healthcare.

Just to be clear, I’m not criticizing that decision.

Christians do get vaccinated, but this is a bit more than a flu shot wasn't it? If you watched all of this go down and followed it through and were hesitant I can understand. If you prayed on it and decided not to get the shot, well there you go, that's all that should be all that's needed for an exemption.
I'm often surprised how unoffended Christians seem to be toward the insanity. It would seem to me that there is a distinct effort to offend them.

If “I prayed on it, and decided not to do it” is an acceptable answer in the workplace, then that’s not very “mandatory”, is it? Still, if that adequately protects your autonomy from your employer, then that’s a win-win, since I assume they’d rather keep you if they accept something that thinly veiled.

As far as “a distinct effort to offend Christians”, I think that’s way too much effort to get that outcome. I’d call that ludicrous, but who knows, maybe offending someone is worth the effort that leads down a path of bad morale, lawsuits, and lost employees, all in the name of decreasing employee absences.

04-15-23, 18:22
I got lucky and never had to choose between the jab and the job. The feds mandated it for us, but my company said they were not going to enforce the mandate. Thankfully the mandate that applied to us got thrown out by the courts.

I have personally chosen not to get the shot, ever. I ain't gonna say nothing about those who made the choice, of their own volition, to get it. I just feel that no one should have been forced to get it under threat of losing their job. The .gov, the vax companies, and employers who mandated should have to pay HUGE for any harm done by the sting. Including lost jobs for refusing. I doubt they will get their justice, but I hope.


04-17-23, 13:02
A question I never got an answer to was what if someone under a vax mandate was willing to get the jab, but was unwilling to sign the documents they required you to sign which waived all liability for negative impacts? Obviously they wouldn't give you the jab if you didn't sign the waiver, but technically you didn't refuse the vax and I don't see how they can force you to sign away your rights? What if you signed the waiver, but then wrote that it was signed under duress? Would they have given you the jab then? It's an open fact that many people signed those waivers under duress, and legal canon has always held that if you can prove duress the contract is unenforceable.

That's the legal case I'd like to see pressed, because anyone who suffered serious health issues due to side effects of the jab should be able to sue the vax manufacturers and providers. The legal exemptions passed into law and all those waivers, shouldn't be worth the paper they're printed on. :(

04-17-23, 13:11
A question I never got an answer to was what if someone under a vax mandate was willing to get the jab, but was unwilling to sign the documents they required you to sign which waived all liability for negative impacts? Obviously they wouldn't give you the jab if you didn't sign the waiver, but technically you didn't refuse the vax and I don't see how they can force you to sign away your rights? What if you signed the waiver, but then wrote that it was signed under duress? Would they have given you the jab then? It's an open fact that many people signed those waivers under duress, and legal canon has always held that if you can prove duress the contract is unenforceable.

That's the legal case I'd like to see pressed, because anyone who suffered serious health issues due to side effects of the jab should be able to sue the vax manufacturers and providers. The legal exemptions passed into law and all those waivers, shouldn't be worth the paper they're printed on. :(

Interesting. I didn’t have to sign a waiver, and I’m not sure I’ve seen one. If you’re looking for legal precedent, there’s probably some surrounding the DoD anthrax debacle. Extremely similar circumstances, IIRC.

04-17-23, 13:18
I'd love to see the Hospital administrators who scammed the govt by falsifying Death certificates prosecuted. But that won't happen because they were advancing the scam.

04-17-23, 13:21
Interesting. I didn’t have to sign a waiver, and I’m not sure I’ve seen one. If you’re looking for legal precedent, there’s probably some surrounding the DoD anthrax debacle. Extremely similar circumstances, IIRC.

The first time I got the double jab, it was by uniformed military members working in a civilian vax site. On the 6 month refresher jab, it was by a civvie at the county health dept. I had to sign the waiver for all three jabs.

FWIW, I had bad side effects from the booster and decided I wasn't getting any more. If they'd maintained the mandate and forced the issue on a 2nd booster, I decided I was going to say I'd take the jab but refuse to sign the paperwork. If they forced the signature issue I'd sign, then document that it was signed under duress. Not sure how that would've played out. :(

04-17-23, 13:39
Yeah this same hospital had tractor trailers parked outside forever meant to house the piles of bodies they were going to be swamped with over covid deaths. They never got to use them.

A coworker almost died from the shot when he had an allergic reaction to it that was closing up his airways. Was in a medically induced coma for a few days. The doctors would never come and and say that the cause was the shot. He had a mild reaction to the first shot and way worse the second time. Lucky our dept was not pushing the shot and we picked up a few experienced guys who left depts that were pushing it.

04-17-23, 13:45
The first time I got the double jab, it was by uniformed military members working in a civilian vax site. On the 6 month refresher jab, it was by a civvie at the county health dept. I had to sign the waiver for all three jabs.

FWIW, I had bad side effects from the booster and decided I wasn't getting any more. If they'd maintained the mandate and forced the issue on a 2nd booster, I decided I was going to say I'd take the jab but refuse to sign the paperwork. If they forced the signature issue I'd sign, then document that it was signed under duress. Not sure how that would've played out. :(

That’s lame. I think you’re right that such waivers won’t hold water if you have long-term problems. Waivers like that don’t really work in healthcare.

04-17-23, 13:46
Yeah this same hospital had tractor trailers parked outside forever meant to house the piles of bodies they were going to be swamped with over covid deaths. They never got to use them.

A coworker almost died from the shot when he had an allergic reaction to it that was closing up his airways. Was in a medically induced coma for a few days. The doctors would never come and and say that the cause was the shot. He had a mild reaction to the first shot and way worse the second time. Lucky our dept was not pushing the shot and we picked up a few experienced guys who left depts that were pushing it.

Frankly, that’s shocking.

04-17-23, 13:54
I have a question here, especially if any SMEs are in the thread: what options do people have who got the damned jab under threat of termination and got severe side effects? I happen to know a couple. I know it's near impossible to go after pharma due the Emergency Use thing, but I'd hope there's some recourse for folks like these? From what I can tell, there are many such. Such a shitshow .....

I am a lawyer who works with various liability issues, although not a trial lawyer.

The EUA and its liability shield complicates things, and is outside my expertise. However, in general, if the employer says X medical shot is a condition of employment, and the employee gets X for that reason, and suffers harm, that would normally be an open-and-shut workers compensation claim. The bad news is that generally precludes any punitive damages, but the good news is it potentially provides for indefinite compensation for lost wages, health insurance and other benefits, and all medical treatment required as a direct result of X, even if it wouldn't be part of their health benefit for non-work diseases/injuries.

Workers comp is state specific, and often a complicated little world of its own. If this is a specific instance, the injured person should start talking to the best WC lawyer they can find practicing in the state where they were employed at the time of the injury.

Incidentally, the liability protection that is advertised to apply to these "vaccines" would be void if there were fraud in their testing or manufacture. There is a lot of evidence that one of the makers committed multiple blatant frauds in its trials. There is reason to believe that the others did also, although I'm not sure if there's direct evidence against the others just yet. I mention this because a lot of people were injured without being forced to take the shot, and they likely don't have a workers comp claim, but may eventually have a direct product liability and/or med mal claim if things go the way I expect. It's likely to take years before much happens, so preserve all possible evidence and don't give up hope for a long term resolution.

04-17-23, 14:08
I've lost a great deal of faith in our medical system and professionals. I have a buddy I went to high school with, and his mom was dying. They essentially had released her to hospice, and the dirty mother fukkers poked the old lady with the vax on the way out. This guy was the type to get all the shots recommended and wasn't nearly as pissed as I was about it.

HOW... do you get so many people to toe the line on such a massive crock of crap??? Are our medical professionals that dumb? Corrupted?? WTF??

04-17-23, 14:54
I've lost a great deal of faith in our medical system and professionals. I have a buddy I went to high school with, and his mom was dying. They essentially had released her to hospice, and the dirty mother fukkers poked the old lady with the vax on the way out. This guy was the type to get all the shots recommended and wasn't nearly as pissed as I was about it.

Up through 2019 I took pretty much any vaccine that was offered and seemed useful. I believed the claims of safety and importance, although I was aware of possible issues with the HPV (Gardasil) and the anthrax vaccine, neither of which were relevant for me. The fact that Gardasil was being pushed onto young minors by state legislators - Republicans in Texas, among others - was a pretty big warning sign of profit motive over health.

Then "project warp speed" and all the political BS that went with it, and the Dems doing the world's fastest and most total 180 on the importance and safety of a covid-19 vax after Trump was deemed to have lost the election. Wow, head spinning. There was no serious testing and a lot of absurd claims, claims that are obviously wrong - you don't need medical expertise, just the ability to logically calculate "untested new technology, how can they GUARANTEE it's 100% SAFE?"

So I held back from Covid jabs, and the evidence went from iffy to overwhelmingly against. This experience opened a can of worms and, for those who care, there's lots to read now, including newsletters from Children's Health Defense, and the book "Turtles, Turtles all the way down." (The basis of the title is that safety of new vaccines is "tested" only against side effects from other vaccines, not against a placebo or absence of side effects.) It appears that pretty much all vaccines offered have lower benefits and more safety issues than they have been claimed to have for my entire life. Although the Covid-19 vax is by far the worst, with anthrax probably 2nd.

Oh, and as for this:

his mom was dying. They essentially had released her to hospice, and the dirty mother fukkers poked the old lady with the vax on the way out.

This sort of thing, which was extremely common in 2021-22 and probably still is, was one of the biggest warning signs. No possible medical benefit for someone who's going to be dead in a week or two anyway. But profit.

04-17-23, 14:57
HPV (Gardasil) and the anthrax vaccine, neither of which were relevant for me. .

The HPV vaccine is only irrelevant to you if you don’t eat pussy. Its a disease/virus that is essentially invisible until you get throat cancer, and its extremely common in the community.

Edit to add, if you’re against that one, then I think that you are a faggot. HPV is a significant cancer risk regardless of sexual technique, unless you only **** dudes, and your avoidance of that vaccine could affect straight males proximate to your partner, who is unlikely to be monogamous, because humans don’t actually do that.

Honestly, I’m just mad because I don’t want cancer, and I know that I will have it, because human females are what they are. Bonobos.

04-17-23, 14:58
My cousin was a medic in the military, so he has had many different vaccinations over the years. He went to work at a fire department as a medic after leaving the military and was forced to get the shot he didn't want or lose his career.

He had the original shot without much issue but the next "booster" shot caused blood clots a few weeks later, he spent two weeks in the VA hospital where one of the docs (that he knew personally) told him the shot has caused this with multiple people.

He told the city that the shot caused the issues and he wouldn't be getting anymore shots. They fired him.

He now teaches students to be paramedics but has had multiple lawyers tell him he is SOL. It is an at will state so he can be fired for any reason and that he couldn't go after the drug company, the city (his employer that forced the shot) or the federal government.

He had to pay all the medical bills/prescriptions and is just SOL at this point.
I feel bad for him.

04-17-23, 15:21
I've lost a great deal of faith in our medical system and professionals. I have a buddy I went to high school with, and his mom was dying. They essentially had released her to hospice, and the dirty mother fukkers poked the old lady with the vax on the way out. This guy was the type to get all the shots recommended and wasn't nearly as pissed as I was about it.

HOW... do you get so many people to toe the line on such a massive crock of crap??? Are our medical professionals that dumb? Corrupted?? WTF??

Medical orthodoxy is a powerful thing. It can be seen as either really good or really bad, depending on the outcomes.

My cousin was a medic in the military, so he has had many different vaccinations over the years. He went to work at a fire department as a medic after leaving the military and was forced to get the shot he didn't want or lose his career.

He had the original shot without much issue but the next "booster" shot caused blood clots a few weeks later, he spent two weeks in the VA hospital where one of the docs (that he knew personally) told him the shot has caused this with multiple people.

He told the city that the shot caused the issues and he wouldn't be getting anymore shots. They fired him.

He now teaches students to be paramedics but has had multiple lawyers tell him he is SOL. It is an at will state so he can be fired for any reason and that he couldn't go after the drug company, the city (his employer that forced the shot) or the federal government.

He had to pay all the medical bills/prescriptions and is just SOL at this point.
I feel bad for him.

It's a real problem that's borne by individuals, not the system. My problem is even more cloudy. I got the virus in January 2020, before anyone was talking about it. Every sign and symptom indicates I had Covid, but of course I have no medical documentation that says I was diagnosed with Covid. I have reams of tests and diagnoses for the remainder of the calendar year that eventually fizzled to nothing. I got the vax in February, 2021 and did so voluntarily, but I wasn't at all happy signing the papers they required. I thought that was complete BS. After the 2nd shot I got a bit sick, but then went back to my generally crappy post-Covid condition.

I got the booster 6 months later and wasn't keen to do it, but work was hot about doing it, so I did. That one screwed me up good and everyone I work with knew it. Now after Covid and three jabs, I fit all the criteria for what they call POTS. That shit is bloody awful and it makes me miserable quite frequently. Yet the medical orthodoxy is loathe to do anything about it. One doctor said and I quote "Yeah you may have it, but there's no treatment for it so do you want to go through all that testing and money for no benefit?" Well of course not but I'd like to have it in my medical records that I'm not some malingering hypochondriac goddamnit!

So if they made it hard af to sue anyone for making your health generally worse, imagine how hard it would be to win if you can't even get anyone to put on your medical records what the hell is wrong with you? :mad:


04-17-23, 17:06
It's a real problem that's borne by individuals, not the system. My problem is even more cloudy. I got the virus in January 2020, before anyone was talking about it. Every sign and symptom indicates I had Covid, but of course I have no medical documentation that says I was diagnosed with Covid. I have reams of tests and diagnoses for the remainder of the calendar year that eventually fizzled to nothing. I got the vax in February, 2021 and did so voluntarily, but I wasn't at all happy signing the papers they required. I thought that was complete BS. After the 2nd shot I got a bit sick, but then went back to my generally crappy post-Covid condition.

I got the booster 6 months later and wasn't keen to do it, but work was hot about doing it, so I did. That one screwed me up good and everyone I work with knew it. Now after Covid and three jabs, I fit all the criteria for what they call POTS. That shit is bloody awful and it makes me miserable quite frequently. Yet the medical orthodoxy is loathe to do anything about it. One doctor said and I quote "Yeah you may have it, but there's no treatment for it so do you want to go through all that testing and money for no benefit?" Well of course not but I'd like to have it in my medical records that I'm not some malingering hypochondriac goddamnit!

So if they made it hard af to sue anyone for making your health generally worse, imagine how hard it would be to win if you can't even get anyone to put on your medical records what the hell is wrong with you? :mad:


I feel bad for you guys having these issues.
I've been lucky to not have Covid, I didn't get the shots because my gut told me not to.
I have no issues with most vaccines but this one I just didn't want any part of.
Fortunately we own our businesses so I don't have anyone forcing it on me (our employees make their own decisions on the jab, dome got it others didn't.) I can't force someone to do what I won't, so they are grown ups and can do what they need to do.

04-17-23, 19:12
I am a lawyer who works with various liability issues, although not a trial lawyer.

The EUA and its liability shield complicates things, and is outside my expertise. However, in general, if the employer says X medical shot is a condition of employment, and the employee gets X for that reason, and suffers harm, that would normally be an open-and-shut workers compensation claim. The bad news is that generally precludes any punitive damages, but the good news is it potentially provides for indefinite compensation for lost wages, health insurance and other benefits, and all medical treatment required as a direct result of X, even if it wouldn't be part of their health benefit for non-work diseases/injuries.

Workers comp is state specific, and often a complicated little world of its own. If this is a specific instance, the injured person should start talking to the best WC lawyer they can find practicing in the state where they were employed at the time of the injury.

Incidentally, the liability protection that is advertised to apply to these "vaccines" would be void if there were fraud in their testing or manufacture. There is a lot of evidence that one of the makers committed multiple blatant frauds in its trials. There is reason to believe that the others did also, although I'm not sure if there's direct evidence against the others just yet. I mention this because a lot of people were injured without being forced to take the shot, and they likely don't have a workers comp claim, but may eventually have a direct product liability and/or med mal claim if things go the way I expect. It's likely to take years before much happens, so preserve all possible evidence and don't give up hope for a long term resolution.

Thank you Sir.

04-17-23, 19:12
If “I prayed on it, and decided not to do it” is an acceptable answer in the workplace, then that’s not very “mandatory”, is it? Still, if that adequately protects your autonomy from your employer, then that’s a win-win, since I assume they’d rather keep you if they accept something that thinly veiled.

As far as “a distinct effort to offend Christians”, I think that’s way too much effort to get that outcome. I’d call that ludicrous, but who knows, maybe offending someone is worth the effort that leads down a path of bad morale, lawsuits, and lost employees, all in the name of decreasing employee absences.

Look as far as prayer being my answer, if you don't like that, or feel that it is thinly veiled in your opinion, sorry...
We were being pressured to take an RNA vaccination, I can assure you that is significantly different than your average measles shot. Apples and Oranges, so if I prayed on something that significant and I'm your employee, well I guess the next move is yours.
Yes, I do believe BLM, Antifa and the entire Democratic Party offends Christians and they take these actions knowing it will offend Christians.
That Guy who shot the kids at the Church School proved all of that and that is not the only instance of Transvestites attacking Christians.

04-17-23, 19:13

04-18-23, 07:47
I feel bad for you guys having these issues.
I've been lucky to not have Covid, I didn't get the shots because my gut told me not to.
I have no issues with most vaccines but this one I just didn't want any part of.
Fortunately we own our businesses so I don't have anyone forcing it on me (our employees make their own decisions on the jab, dome got it others didn't.) I can't force someone to do what I won't, so they are grown ups and can do what they need to do.

Thanks. Your approach to this mess is really the best policy to have. People's medical decisions should be between them and their medical providers. The government and employers should absolutely not be in the decision matrix. :(

04-18-23, 13:35
They filed it as a descrimination suit and the judge that is handling it first has done nothing but juvenile abuse and neglect cases. Should be interesting to see how she handles a big business case.

04-18-23, 14:13
Look as far as prayer being my answer, if you don't like that, or feel that it is thinly veiled in your opinion, sorry...
We were being pressured to take an RNA vaccination, I can assure you that is significantly different than your average measles shot. Apples and Oranges, so if I prayed on something that significant and I'm your employee, well I guess the next move is yours.
Yes, I do believe BLM, Antifa and the entire Democratic Party offends Christians and they take these actions knowing it will offend Christians.
That Guy who shot the kids at the Church School proved all of that and that is not the only instance of Transvestites attacking Christians.

You do you, man, and I’m sincerely glad that its working for you. I respect your decision I just don’t relate to your rationale because I don't experience feelings of persecution, “I prayed on it” is a ticket to legal action in my work, and I’ve never used EEO to keep my job. But that stuff exists for a reason, so if it applies beneficially to the LPVO crowd, then Christians should pursue it also.

None of the above is intended to be snarky or antitheist, I just don’t have a lawyer’s tact for explaining my point, and I don’t feel that subtlety has been well interpreted, either.

04-21-23, 15:23
Noted journalist reports that Moderna:

Moderna hid serious side effects suffered by its Covid vaccine recipients when it reported clinical trial results for the shot
Moderna scientists said in a 2021 paper no mRNA jab recipients in the trial had "serious adverse effects." In fact, 14 ultimately did, including three miscarriages. No placebo recipients did.


As I said just a few days ago:

the liability protection that is advertised to apply to these "vaccines" would be void if there were fraud in their testing or manufacture. There is a lot of evidence that one of the makers committed multiple blatant frauds in its trials. There is reason to believe that the others did also, although I'm not sure if there's direct evidence against the others just yet. I mention this because a lot of people were injured without being forced to take the shot, and they likely don't have a workers comp claim, but may eventually have a direct product liability and/or med mal claim if things go the way I expect.

Liability spicy-time is coming, possibly sooner than I had thought. Once the dam breaks you will see EVERY politician screaming to get the evil vax makers; 99% of them will be the same politicians who were trying to force-jab everyone, while taking tons of campaign money from the same vax makers. It is probably still years away, but be patient, and preserve all possible evidence if you or a loved one might have a vax injury.