View Full Version : WalMart leaving Chicago...

04-19-23, 23:09

He said, "They're trying to starve the Black Neighborhood.

04-19-23, 23:43
Pearles before swine...beyond sad.


04-19-23, 23:46
Really feel bad for guys like the guy running that LFR ministry who still try and accept the consequences and responsibilities of the "black community."

I understand that because of "targeted racism" some black people have to come together on some level, but it has to be hard to be the guy who says "no we did this" and include yourself in that statement even though he (and thousands of other black folks) didn't do any of those things.

I could never survive a "community" mindset that put me automatically in the same group as Hillary Clinton. I'd much rather hang out with the dude from LFR ministries.

I only wish more people could emancipate themselves from that "community" mindset.

04-20-23, 00:33
Really feel bad for guys like the guy running that LFR ministry who still try and accept the consequences and responsibilities of the "black community."

I understand that because of "targeted racism" some black people have to come together on some level, but it has to be hard to be the guy who says "no we did this" and include yourself in that statement even though he (and thousands of other black folks) didn't do any of those things.

I could never survive a "community" mindset that put me automatically in the same group as Hillary Clinton. I'd much rather hang out with the dude from LFR ministries.

I only wish more people could emancipate themselves from that "community" mindset.

As a member of two minority groups, I could not agree with you more. That mindset holds people back, and gives others the ability to feel entitled to special treatment. If we really are all equal, then we don't need special categories.
I am Hispanic and Disabled, I regard myself as everyone else, and expect no special treatment. I would however like a tax break.

04-20-23, 03:13
As a member of two minority groups, I could not agree with you more. That mindset holds people back, and gives others the ability to feel entitled to special treatment. If we really are all equal, then we don't need special categories.
I am Hispanic and Disabled, I regard myself as everyone else, and expect no special treatment. I would however like a tax break.

Disabled I understand. That can happen to anyone, but nobody wakes up one day and goes "OMG I'm suddenly Pacific Islander." That is something arbitrary and a consequence of birth that nobody had any control over.

So the idea that we'd form communities due to skin pigment and how efficiently we absorb Vitamin D is just odd. Now if people want to come together and form cultural lines that is fine. Despite being as Anglo / European as they come, I fit well in selected asian and black cultures who both provided me with some wonderful role models.

Then at least we have a choice about how we can pick out teams and I don't have to worry about ending up on Team Hillary or Team Crips n Bloods. That is how we should form communities if we are gonna.

The part that kills me most, is for everyone that was stealing from that Walmart or otherwise contributing to it's downfall, there were hundreds of people who were trying to support it, trying to make it work, trying to offset all of the dumb shit and yet according to some they are ALL members of the same community. But approximately one half of the community will always be the victim of the other half in terms of quality of life in the exact same place.

04-20-23, 05:41
And Portland. Cracker Barrel has also left Portland.
Also Tech Companies are leaving Austin.

Gee, what do Austin, Chicago and Portland have in common?

04-20-23, 05:43
^^^ Exactly This ^^^

I can have very good relationships with the majority of black, asian, (insert other minority here) folks. It's not them who are F'ing things up in their communities. It's a subset that are the problem, just like in the "white community". There is another subset making excuses for the bad actors and/or blaming racism for all of the problems. The coddling makes the problem grow.

When I say "crack down hard on the criminals in bad neighborhoods" it ain't cause I'm racist. It's because I don't want good people to have to live in those conditions, no matter what race they happen to be. Unfortunately the enablers of the criminals have a different agenda. They don't give two shits about the good decent folks in those neighborhoods. They just wanna drive the wedge deeper for their own nefarious purposes.

ETA: Dammit Averageman, you messed up my pointy arrow thing to Steyr's post. Couldn't have anything to do with my slow typing. ;)

04-20-23, 08:23
And Portland. Cracker Barrel has also left Portland.
Also Tech Companies are leaving Austin.

Gee, what do Austin, Chicago and Portland have in common?

REI is closing their flagship store in Portland.


04-20-23, 08:26
https://i.postimg.cc/G23ChKq6/IMG-20230420-082455.jpg (https://postimg.cc/hJYw2LF0)

04-20-23, 08:54
They'll have to steal from each other now.

04-20-23, 09:18
REI is closing their flagship store in Portland.

Was surprised to see this. Unlike the other stores mentioned, REI is a member-owned cooperative, and sadly but not surprisingly, it has pretty far left internal politics.

I bet there was a strong internal political debate over closing the Portland store. Apparently, some combination of Portland-store employees who didn't want to die there plus others who couldn't defend its operation to the broader REI membership must have won out.

04-20-23, 09:54
These are band aids for those businesses but it does not even begin to solve the societal problem. Wolves need to eat and they will continue to do what they do to survive. Wolves expand their territory when food becomes scarce in their normal areas.

04-20-23, 09:57
Unlike the other stores mentioned, REI is a member-owned cooperative, and sadly but not surprisingly, it has pretty far left internal politics.

Which is the glorious irony of it all. Shit head leftist ideology fails and the leftist have to evacuate it! I guarantee the REI store here in AZ is running strong, and no fentynal zombies break into it on a weekly basis.

04-20-23, 10:22
I mean, Jesus left Chicago in 1973, why would Walmart stick around https://youtu.be/L2UTjoVVVb4


04-20-23, 11:06
Was surprised to see this. Unlike the other stores mentioned, REI is a member-owned cooperative, and sadly but not surprisingly, it has pretty far left internal politics.

I bet there was a strong internal political debate over closing the Portland store. Apparently, some combination of Portland-store employees who didn't want to die there plus others who couldn't defend its operation to the broader REI membership must have won out.

I think you are spot on on this.

04-20-23, 11:15
Whole Foods leaves San Fran.

Stating, it's just not safe, several times in the video.

Edit to add;
The Techie's are leaving Austin. Exactly why I'm not sure, but I'm guessing that it is
The cost of living in Austin. 50 miles away real estate is 50% less expensive, the tax burden on property is much less also.
All the Tax bennies offered to the tech companies to come to Austin are expiring.
The homeless problem downtown isn't getting better.
Crime is rising in Austin.

04-20-23, 16:00
Walmart left Portland too, and is slowly starting to close stores in the Seattle-Puget Sound area. Everett and Kent are what I heard so far...

04-21-23, 20:58
I was in Portland for work about a month ago. Even the “nice” area downtown was a dump. Homeless doing drugs right outside the Whole Foods near the REI. People just walk around ignoring the problem. It’s like they think as long as they ignore the problem it won’t ever impact them.

REI closing the downtown location is a big deal. I keep waiting for some druggy to burn down Powell Books. I wonder just how bad it will need to be before they decide to do something.

04-21-23, 21:03
I was in Portland for work about a month ago. Even the “nice” area downtown was a dump. Homeless doing drugs right outside the Whole Foods near the REI. People just walk around ignoring the problem. It’s like they think as long as they ignore the problem it won’t ever impact them.

REI closing the downtown location is a big deal. I keep waiting for some druggy to burn down Powell Books. I wonder just how bad it will need to be before they decide to do something.

How many homeless people, muggings and OD's had to happen in Times Square before they fixed it?

04-27-23, 21:41
They closed all of their 'underperforming due to shrinkage' locations here in Albuquerque, broadly the same reasons.
If my wife was in her old job, I'd already know the new minimum radius for the food deserts created, but it's absolutely ridiculous now because only a company as large as sprawl-mart can sustain the bad years...

I outright quit a security job after they asked me to take a single shift at the bus stop closest to one of the locations. Hard pass, I drive by that intersection sometimes on the way to work, and the only business that seems to thrive nearby is the unPlanned parenthood a couple blocks away. Honestly hard not to be numbed by that situation, but that's because I notice and actually care; the net result is that the $7-8Million the city has spent trying to renovate that entire corridor has basically just been an indirect way of shuttering every small business that had a hope of surviving if they left it alone. You know it's bad when the three convenience stores have to shut down in short order... but at least the homeless camp has an awesome mural now.

04-27-23, 21:45
They closed all of their 'underperforming due to shrinkage' locations here in Albuquerque, broadly the same reasons.
If my wife was in her old job, I'd already know the new minimum radius for the food deserts created, but it's absolutely ridiculous now because only a company as large as sprawl-mart can sustain the bad years...

I outright quit a security job after they asked me to take a single shift at the bus stop closest to one of the locations. Hard pass, I drive by that intersection sometimes on the way to work, and the only business that seems to thrive nearby is the unPlanned parenthood a couple blocks away. Honestly hard not to be numbed by that situation, but that's because I notice and actually care; the net result is that the $7-8Million the city has spent trying to renovate that entire corridor has basically just been an indirect way of shuttering every small business that had a hope of surviving if they left it alone. You know it's bad when the three convenience stores have to shut down in short order... but at least the homeless camp has an awesome mural now.

04-27-23, 21:55
They closed all of their 'underperforming due to shrinkage' locations here in Albuquerque, broadly the same reasons.
If my wife was in her old job, I'd already know the new minimum radius for the food deserts created, but it's absolutely ridiculous now because only a company as large as sprawl-mart can sustain the bad years...

I outright quit a security job after they asked me to take a single shift at the bus stop closest to one of the locations. Hard pass, I drive by that intersection sometimes on the way to work, and the only business that seems to thrive nearby is the unPlanned parenthood a couple blocks away. Honestly hard not to be numbed by that situation, but that's because I notice and actually care; the net result is that the $7-8Million the city has spent trying to renovate that entire corridor has basically just been an indirect way of shuttering every small business that had a hope of surviving if they left it alone. You know it's bad when the three convenience stores have to shut down in short order... but at least the homeless camp has an awesome mural now.

04-27-23, 23:20
I'll always love Chicago, but sadly it's no longer the same city I grew up in.

04-28-23, 11:48
And Portland. Cracker Barrel has also left Portland.
Also Tech Companies are leaving Austin.

Gee, what do Austin, Chicago and Portland have in common?

REI is closing their flagship store in Portland.


Portland has been losing businesses all over the place. Some had been around for decades, others haven't even opened yet and have already been vandalized. Cracks me up, the whole "They're trying to starve black folks." ESAD you stupid ****s, maybe if you weren't constantly ripping them off, vandalizing them, setting up homeless camps in their doorways and mugging theirs paying customers maybe they would stick around.

Here is a thread on NWFA documenting it...
Yet another businesses leaves Portland (https://www.northwestfirearms.com/threads/yet-another-businesses-leaves-portland.389131/)

04-28-23, 13:00
In other news, Oregon wants to double down on the stupid.

Proposed bill grants homeless the right to camp indefinitely and they can sue if harassed or asked to move. Tell the bum to get off the public easement in front of your house or business, that'll cost you a grand. Call the city on them? The city won't do anything, and the complaint will cost you a grand.


04-28-23, 13:15
In other news, Oregon wants to double down on the stupid.

Proposed bill grants homeless the right to camp indefinitely and they can sue if harassed or asked to move. Tell the bum to get off the public easement in front of your house or business, that'll cost you a grand. Call the city on them? The city won't do anything, and the complaint will cost you a grand.


Even worse they can barricade your driveway completely denying you entry to/exit from your own home and there's not a damn thing you can do about it... and these people WONDERED why Killdozer happened.

04-28-23, 16:46
In other news, Oregon wants to double down on the stupid.

Proposed bill grants homeless the right to camp indefinitely and they can sue if harassed or asked to move. Tell the bum to get off the public easement in front of your house or business, that'll cost you a grand. Call the city on them? The city won't do anything, and the complaint will cost you a grand.


Looks like a good time to start up a collection for bus fare to Portland for your local homeless population. Win for all parties involved especially the ones who keep voting for this crap.

05-01-23, 08:40
This Lady is local and she's calling out the locals because of their behavior. They ran the people out of business, live with it.

05-01-23, 08:44

05-03-23, 17:40
Pretty Bold to demand WalMart stay open in Chicago and continue to lose money.

05-03-23, 18:45
Look in the mirror bitches. YOU DO NOT "DESERVE" SHIT.

05-03-23, 18:48
In my job I spend a lot of time bringing data to prove or refute claims like this. Walmart should respond with a press conference in front of one of these stores and show pictures of the looting and shoplifting, and tell everyone how bad the “shrinkage” actually was at each of these stores.

05-03-23, 19:50
Looks like a good time to start up a collection for bus fare to Portland for your local homeless population. Win for all parties involved especially the ones who keep voting for this crap.

People could takes trips there and finance some of the costs by camping out in front of the homes of the mayor/city council/judges/prosecutors/their benefactors.

Or did they grant themselves exemptions again?