View Full Version : People Have Lost Their F-ing minds Thread

04-21-23, 11:29
Truly bizzar rash of dip chit idiots who have no biz owning firearms, making the rest of us look bad events recently. You could not add more ammo (pun intended) to the anti gun forces if you tried:

Kid goes to the wrong house, rings bell, and dude shoots him through the door:


Young women gets lost, goes into the wrong drive way, and the POS shoots her:


Parents retrieve a ball from a yard and are shot:


And the winner of them all may be, pretty cheer leaders get into the wrong car, and dude shoots both of them!


WTF is going on?

04-21-23, 11:47
WTF is going on?

Society has gone insane.

04-21-23, 11:53
Non-stop barrage of media insanity is driving weak brains to irrational behavior.

04-21-23, 11:54
Society has gone insane.

I long paper could be, perhaps will be, written on the factors that has people coming unglued. I was fully expecting it during covid, and perhaps it was just delayed a bit, almost national PTSD. I have noticed aggressive driving is way up, at least where I am and I have to assume not unique to my area in FL.

04-21-23, 11:57
Non-stop barrage of media insanity is driving weak brains to irrational behavior.

They got what they wanted, polarized, paranoid, reactive, sheep doing stupid things that will lead to yet more losses of Freedom and Const. Rights.

04-21-23, 12:04
It's the fall of an empire, brought to you in real time by the 24/7/365 firehose propaganda feed being beamed into everyone's brains by their various news and social media bubbles.

It's only going to continue to slowly get worse until one day in the future when it'll get a lot worse all at once.

Keep your heads down and turn off the news.

04-21-23, 12:26
I’ve also noticed an uptick in shootings lately, but I haven’t tried to see if statistics support that.

Will, there’s a very distinct pattern in the shootings you linked about. Were you looking for something specific, or? What’s up with that?

04-21-23, 12:34
Non-stop barrage of media insanity is driving weak brains to irrational behavior.

Yep and why I don’t watch the MSM propagandists any more.

My blood pressure thanks me.

04-21-23, 12:56
I’ve also noticed an uptick in shootings lately, but I haven’t tried to see if statistics support that.

Will, there’s a very distinct pattern in the shootings you linked about. Were you looking for something specific, or? What’s up with that?

I feel like that one is self evident. :meeting:

04-21-23, 13:08
I long paper could be, perhaps will be, written on the factors that has people coming unglued. I was fully expecting it during covid, and perhaps it was just delayed a bit, almost national PTSD. I have noticed aggressive driving is way up, at least where I am and I have to assume not unique to my area in FL.

I'm no expert but having a constant barrage of personalized content designed to enrage you and fed to you by an algorithm on apps that are designed to be as addictive as possible has made everybody go nuts. Once you get into the political shit, it just keeps feeding you more and more, it's a constant everyday force feed where every story is framed in a way to cause you to feel outrage against the other side. "now they're doing this, now they're doing this! now they're doing this!" People are watching their phone screens 5-7 hrs a day on average. Racial hatred is being pushed by the establishment media and has become normalized. Everybody thinks they're the victim of some oppressor. A lot of people don't bother reading books anymore, they're seen thousands of videos of violent attacks, fights, horrible car crashes, shootings, to the point where they've become completely desensitized, just read the comments on those types of videos, people cracking jokes, making fun of the victims etc.. It's pretty sick. Gen Z and younger Millenials never even knew a world where this technology didn't exist, they were given a smartphone as babies. I no longer recognize the country I grew up in.

04-21-23, 13:31
I'm no expert but having a constant barrage of personalized content designed to enrage you and fed to you by an algorithm on apps that are designed to be as addictive as possible has made everybody go nuts. Once you get into the political shit, it just keeps feeding you more and more, it's a constant everyday force feed where every story is framed in a way to cause you to feel outrage against the other side. "now they're doing this, now they're doing this! now they're doing this!" People are watching their phone screens 5-7 hrs a day on average. Racial hatred is being pushed by the establishment media and has become normalized. Everybody thinks they're the victim of some oppressor. A lot of people don't bother reading books anymore, they're seen thousands of videos of violent attacks, fights, horrible car crashes, shootings, to the point where they've become completely desensitized, just read the comments on those types of videos, people cracking jokes, making fun of the victims etc.. It's pretty sick. Gen Z and younger Millenials never even knew a world where this technology didn't exist, they were given a smartphone as babies. I no longer recognize the country I grew up in.

You’re not kidding, man. Social media is basically the end of civilization as we know it.

04-21-23, 13:49
Almost like it’s driving people to vote for giving up their feeedoms, don’t it? :suicide:

04-21-23, 14:12
It's the fall of an empire, brought to you in real time by the 24/7/365 firehose propaganda feed being beamed into everyone's brains by their various news and social media bubbles.

It's only going to continue to slowly get worse until one day in the future when it'll get a lot worse all at once.

Keep your heads down and turn off the news.

I just can't decide if Biden is Caracalla or Caligula.

04-21-23, 14:22
Yep and why I don’t watch the MSM propagandists any more.

My blood pressure thanks me.

When you turn the garbage off, and just go out and about. None of this crap is a problem. The real world is much better than the media portrays it.

04-21-23, 14:40
All the mass shooting in our Country's history would pale in comparison to all the U.S. citizens that have been killed by all the hard drugs coming across our open southern border. 100,000 + last year and crickets from brain dead Joe his Commie Party and the **fake** news. Like markm said in his post above, *** turn the garbage off ***. LOL !!!!!!!

04-21-23, 14:57
When you turn the garbage off, and just go out and about. None of this crap is a problem. The real world is much better than the media portrays it.

You’re right, but we do still have to account for the people that ARE being influenced. I actually got in some strange run-ins last year just going about life off-work after I got home from a trip, because people were so spun up about racism, and ironically, thought I looked like a racist. While wearing a PT shirt from an African nation’s .mil. It was super weird, and normally I assume that I am at the root of any altercation, obviously, but after the third unusual incident, I started asking around. Turns out, there was some shit going around in social media and beards are racist now. The irony is palpable.

Plus, 2020 happened, and that was wild. Most people should see that as a wake-up call for the dangers of social media, if they happened to forget that Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Syria, etc exist.

04-21-23, 14:58
Truly bizzar rash of dip chit idiots who have no biz owning firearms, making the rest of us look bad events recently. You could not add more ammo (pun intended) to the anti gun forces if you tried:

Kid goes to the wrong house, rings bell, and dude shoots him through the door:


Young women gets lost, goes into the wrong drive way, and the POS shoots her:


Parents retrieve a ball from a yard and are shot:


And the winner of them all may be, pretty cheer leaders get into the wrong car, and dude shoots both of them!


WTF is going on?Well you can figure it out by how long a story stays in the media.

Still waiting for the faggot trannies manifesto that is being written to make white people the bad guy again.

04-21-23, 15:03
I'm no expert but having a constant barrage of personalized content designed to enrage you and fed to you by an algorithm on apps that are designed to be as addictive as possible has made everybody go nuts. Once you get into the political shit, it just keeps feeding you more and more, it's a constant everyday force feed where every story is framed in a way to cause you to feel outrage against the other side. "now they're doing this, now they're doing this! now they're doing this!" People are watching their phone screens 5-7 hrs a day on average. Racial hatred is being pushed by the establishment media and has become normalized. Everybody thinks they're the victim of some oppressor. A lot of people don't bother reading books anymore, they're seen thousands of videos of violent attacks, fights, horrible car crashes, shootings, to the point where they've become completely desensitized, just read the comments on those types of videos, people cracking jokes, making fun of the victims etc.. It's pretty sick. Gen Z and younger Millenials never even knew a world where this technology didn't exist, they were given a smartphone as babies. I no longer recognize the country I grew up in.

I keep a word document. Anytime I’m online browsing websites or news articles or Internet forums and someone posts something that really resonates with me… I copy/paste it into that word document. Not to use as my own, not to repost elsewhere, but just to have as a sort of reference.

Many people on M4C have made it into that document. I don’t usually tell them or let them know. I don’t even attribute who said what within the document itself. It’s just there.

All that to say, welcome to my document.

04-21-23, 15:14
What we are seeing is the devolution of society.

When you add in the coming impact of AI on the next election, we are going to get the French Revolution on steroids.

04-21-23, 15:22
What we are seeing is the devolution of society.

When you add in the coming impact of AI on the next election, we are going to get the French Revolution on steroids.

My Great Gramps, born in 1881, used to say, "Keep ur whistle wet and ur powder dry, boy." Good advice in any era I'd think.

04-21-23, 15:46
I keep a word document. Anytime I’m online browsing websites or news articles or Internet forums and someone posts something that really resonates with me… I copy/paste it into that word document. Not to use as my own, not to repost elsewhere, but just to have as a sort of reference.

Many people on M4C have made it into that document. I don’t usually tell them or let them know. I don’t even attribute who said what within the document itself. It’s just there.

All that to say, welcome to my document.

Thank you.

04-21-23, 17:28
Once you get into the political shit, it just keeps feeding you more and more, it's a constant everyday force feed where every story is framed in a way to cause you to feel outrage against the other side. "now they're doing this, now they're doing this! now they're doing this!"

I see your point, but at the same time there sure is a lot to actually be outraged about and blissful ignorance won't help even one's own state of mind after collision with the real world. I think the problem is deeper than merely curated provocation.

04-21-23, 17:43
I see your point, but at the same time there sure is a lot to actually be outraged about and blissful ignorance won't help even one's own state of mind after collision with the real world. I think the problem is deeper than merely curated provocation.

Yes you're exactly right. The stuff I mentioned is only part of the complex problems that our society faces. And I agree that blissful ignorance is not the way to go, but spending every waking hour dwelling on that kind of stuff isn't good either. Personally I try to keep pretty well informed, but I find I need to back off sometimes just for my own mental health.

04-21-23, 18:53
People are tired and irritated with main stream media lying, the government lying and everyone knows it yet nothing is being done about it. USA is a boiling pot of frustration and this shit will continue and when it does both sides will believe their stance on guns is even more seated in evidence of their point of view.

We know the left does not give one fck about kids killing each other, adults killing each other and will perpetuate this propaganda untill the "Elephants" come home. Maybe one day, yet I will not hold my breath. Its fckn sad state of affairs in the grand ole US of A.


04-21-23, 19:00
A Connecticut court issued a second 55-year prison sentence to a man who attacked two people with a samurai sword, killing one and severely injuring the other.


Indiana man kills two, injures one in bloody sword rampage


A tenant decapitated his landlord with a sword over a rent dispute, Hartford police say


Florida man accused of bludgeoning co-worker to death with sledgehammer


Newlywed killed with machete at Ohio Dollar Tree


Five gang members are sentenced for chasing a 15-year-old and killing him with a machete


You don't want to search vehicular homicide. We could do 30 pages of links.

04-21-23, 20:29
Truly bizzar rash of dip chit idiots who have no biz owning firearms, making the rest of us look bad events recently. You could not add more ammo (pun intended) to the anti gun forces if you tried:

Kid goes to the wrong house, rings bell, and dude shoots him through the door:


Young women gets lost, goes into the wrong drive way, and the POS shoots her:


Parents retrieve a ball from a yard and are shot:


And the winner of them all may be, pretty cheer leaders get into the wrong car, and dude shoots both of them!


WTF is going on?

I hate to be like this, but are these things ACTUALLY happening? Or are they just reported as happening? I don’t believe a thing out of the media. None of that makes any sense and mostly seems made up to drive a narrative.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

04-21-23, 20:49
I hate to be like this, but are these things ACTUALLY happening? Or are they just reported as happening? I don’t believe a thing out of the media. None of that makes any sense and mostly seems made up to drive a narrative.

I've been saying that folks went crazy being locked down during COVID for about a year now. I don't think I was wrong.
You're seeing the ones in these examples that tripped way over the line, but trust me that's not all of them. There are plenty more crazy folks out there, just look for them.

I'm not sure if you've ever really looked for a nonviolent movie, there just aren't many around anymore. Between violent movies we have that never ending 24 hour News Cycle violence and the local violence you can tune in for, it's always there.
I'm feeling Charlton Heston and it's looking very much like "The Omega Man."

04-21-23, 21:05
I hate to be like this, but are these things ACTUALLY happening? Or are they just reported as happening? I don’t believe a thing out of the media. None of that makes any sense and mostly seems made up to drive a narrative.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I put up even more links of crazy people killing innocent people with samurai swords, etc. If you report EVERY murder, we can go 100 pages.

04-21-23, 21:33
Honestly, I don't know if there actually is an uptick in this crazy behavior, or if it's just getting more media attention in order to stoke the flames of rage. I do think people are WAY more on edge these days though, and our culture is much angrier, more hateful, and tragedies like mass shootings are, statistically, much higher than they were prior to the explosion of social media and the flood of extremist views that began rising at the beginning of last decade. But stories of nuts panicking and opening fire on innocent people who got too close have, sadly, been going on for years, even before everything started going crazy.

04-22-23, 08:35
I think a lot of folks spend a tremendous amount of time absorbing news media, including social media, and suffer from it. The 24/7 media drumbeat of negativity isn't healthy. I agree with others in this thread that pressing the OFF button to gain a more healthy perspective of reality is a good thing.

That said, simply ignoring something doesn't make it go away. To recognize trends in criminal behavior isn't wrong. There are peaks and valleys. Recent years show trending toward a peak. Still... taking Coondog for a walk in the woods is a worthy alternative to starring at YouTube vids or listening to Hannity railing.


04-22-23, 17:02
I think a lot of folks spend a tremendous amount of time absorbing news media, including social media, and suffer from it. The 24/7 media drumbeat of negativity isn't healthy. I agree with others in this thread that pressing the OFF button to gain a more healthy perspective of reality is a good thing.

That said, simply ignoring something doesn't make it go away. To recognize trends in criminal behavior isn't wrong. There are peaks and valleys. Recent years show trending toward a peak. Still... taking Coondog for a walk in the woods is a worthy alternative to starring at YouTube vids or listening to Hannity railing.


I don't get any news feeds from the net, the only time I turn on the news is if something local is happening that potentially effects me.

I can't watch YT channels for more than a few minutes and when I do it's educational like "Forgotten Weapons."