View Full Version : Irán seizes ship in route to Houston

04-28-23, 17:58
https://www.yahoo.com/news/iran-tv-airs-footage-commandos-131323630.html This link has video of them repelling from a helicopter to the deck of the ship.

Why would they want to stir trouble like this?

04-28-23, 18:06
Because we are now perceived as weak and have a spineless Democrap administration (which is par for the course) in charge. I have no doubt the ChiComs are encouraging such behavior. More "theaters" for us to possibly address when/if they go for Taiwan.

04-28-23, 18:24
You right, I keep forgetting we are clicked down a few notches…. We need a leader that remembers the Eagle is also holding arrows and not a leader that can hide his own Easter eggs.

04-28-23, 18:33
With Brandon in office the Saudi government stepped away from joining the Abraham accords and this time next week they will have an embassy in Iran and Iran will have one in Saudi Arabia. Some talk of other Arab governments leaving the Accords.

The USA forward positioned a lot of equipment in Israel, i the case we were faced with a multi-front war like 1973. They now have pretty much emptied the place and sent it to Ukraine. Problem is not one word has been spoken about replacements, and why not. It also has come out in public that Brandon has been funding the anti government demonstrations in Israel. Well EFFFFFFFFFFFF you to the 750,000 marxist in the streets of Israel and Brandon. 9 million have been watching the anti government demonstrations from home and cursing the marxist.

Iran views the USA and Israel as weak.

So why shouldn't they seize a tanker?

04-28-23, 19:06
With Brandon in office the Saudi government stepped away from joining the Abraham accords and this time next week they will have an embassy in Iran and Iran will have one in Saudi Arabia. Some talk of other Arab governments leaving the Accords.

The USA forward positioned a lot of equipment in Israel, i the case we were faced with a multi-front war like 1973. They now have pretty much emptied the place and sent it to Ukraine. Problem is not one word has been spoken about replacements, and why not. It also has come out in public that Brandon has been funding the anti government demonstrations in Israel. Well EFFFFFFFFFFFF you to the 750,000 marxist in the streets of Israel and Brandon. 9 million have been watching the anti government demonstrations from home and cursing the marxist.

Iran views the USA and Israel as weak.

So why shouldn't they seize a tanker?

A tanker this week...closing the Straits of Hormuz in a few..

04-28-23, 19:07
Sounds like a Chinese Turkish problem.

How many times do we have to sink the Iranian navy before they get the message- I guess one more.

We don't need middle eastern oil. F them.

We won't do it, but it would be really interesting to go hot on Iran at home and in Syria and show the world what a real 1st world military can do when going after something more substantial than a single goat-Fudgers in a cave. But we won't do that. At least not until closer to the election- or after we get teh resources back that we are using to get our people out of Sudan... I kid, I kid.

04-28-23, 19:07
This country has many levels of failed leadership and it gets worse...

04-28-23, 21:39
I mean, why wouldn’t they?

05-01-23, 14:43
This looks interesting, a Oil Tanker leaving China goes up in flames....

"Non-Sanctioned" oil being moved is full of hidden dangers?
Who would have guessed?

Great explanation of how oil is safely loaded and unloaded, the guy is saying a bild up of static electricty and unvented tanks could have caused this.
I like to think it happened as some sort of pay back.

05-01-23, 14:53
Meanwhile… fjb licks chocolate ice cream cone.

05-01-23, 19:15
I would be even happier to know it was some Philippinoes with hate deep in their heart for the Chinese.