View Full Version : New Year's resolutions?

The Dumb Gun Collector
12-29-08, 19:17
Every year I enjoy making resolutions. I am pretty decent about keeping them, so I am going to try these this year...

1. NO NEW GUNS. Good lord I buy way too many guns. I have already paid for two suppressors and want to SBR and SBS two firearms I already own, but that is IT!!!!

Ammo and repairs are not covered by this. I will still be shooting just as much. In fact, I plan on shooting even more, and to take more classes.

2. Be nicer to folks.

3. Agree to do less. You can't please everyone. I am going to try and agree to do less, but make sure I do what I promise.

All right, anybody else have any?

12-29-08, 19:39
1. Buy more ammo.

2. Get a set of hearing aids. I'm tired of reading lips and saying "Excuse me?" :(

3. Sell off some unused guns and holsters. Focus on what I shoot frequently. Make some room in the safe.

4. Sell off some knives, making more room in the safe.

5. Get more training. Take two pistol classes, and one AR class.

6. Make sure I tell my children I love them every single day.

12-29-08, 20:00
1) Get serious again dropping weight
2) Do not settle for B's in college when I know I can get A's
3) Finish the wife's and my ARs
4) Get my CCW
5) At the least take an appleseed class to relearn the basics, then take classes for the pistol and AR with the wife.
6) Remember to tell my wife I love her, and how lucky I am to have her.

12-29-08, 20:01
1. No more Guns.

2. Lose Weight, at least 100lbs.

3. Move to "out in the country" somewhere in west Texas.

4. Quit posting on internet forums.

12-29-08, 20:38
1. No more guns (fingers crossed). Ammo & Good night sites for the handguns. Maybe another upper to go on the LMT lower from Grant.

2. Pay off the credit card from all the gun stuff of this year.

3. More training.

4. Quit smoking.

5. Get back into martial arts (been back sliding the last half of 08)

12-29-08, 20:48
To get my DS Fal rifle before the ban gets passed.

12-29-08, 21:04
1. Redistibute 20 pounds that I am carrying around my waist.

2. Practice more

12-29-08, 21:09
1- stop smoking
2-go and take the LE test
3-try and not procrastinate about things
umm lets see how I do with these 3 then I will tackle my next list:D

12-29-08, 21:36
1. Shoot more. :cool:

12-29-08, 21:46
1. Only ONE more gun (uppers don't count) :D
2. Shoot better
3. Get to the gym more
4. 2 chicks at the same time man :p

The Dumb Gun Collector
12-29-08, 21:48

I am considering adding #4. Unfortunately I am married. Yeah right, who am I kidding. It is a miracle I have 1.

12-29-08, 21:53

I am considering adding #4. Unfortunately I am married. Yeah right, who am I kidding. It is a miracle I have 1.

Have you tried, "You think she's cute?" *points*???

Be ready with defensive ninjer blocking! :eek:

white spaniard
12-29-08, 22:02
1.lose weight and keep it off, this year I lost 40 pounds with a not so healthy diet (juice fasting) lost weight fast but gained it all back and then some.

2. No more guns as some have mentioned before wife said I can buy all the ammo I want but no more guns.

3. Try and pay off all of my credit card debt by the end of next year.

4. Go the gym more often, be more active.

12-29-08, 22:07
1. make abso****inlutely sure i make no resolutions.

12-30-08, 09:51
I resolve to slouch my way toward personal mediocrity. Being this stellar is absolutely exhausting, and I'm not getting any younger.

12-30-08, 11:14
Riverine, shoot me an email if you need any pointers. As a long time underachiever I've got it pretty well figured out. Downside is I probably won't write back because well, you know, I don't really care and it takes too much effort.

12-30-08, 16:08
1. more guns, Sig 232, FAL or PTR 91 (if another ban comes soon, not gonna happen)
2. lose another 20lbs on top of the 40 I lost this year, you guys can do it, I did, bum knee and all.
3. quit smoking

12-30-08, 16:23
5. Get back into martial arts (been back sliding the last half of 08)

same here. where do you go? ive taken a few classes at gracie tampa but well, thats just to much $$$$$

12-30-08, 16:42
1. Gain weight
2. Graduate with my degree
3. Enroll in the police academy
4. Get more training (all kinds)


12-30-08, 17:52
gain 10 pounds
100 pushups

12-30-08, 20:47
im gonna quit dipping its my normal resolution normally it last anywhere from 2-9 months but last year i didn't quit and my work year was horrible so this year its back to quitting the snuff

12-30-08, 21:07
1. Be nicer
2. One Handgun class (Signed up for Vickers in March)
3. Help educate new shooters
4. Save Money
5. Get in better shape

12-30-08, 21:42
1. Become more spiritual/Faithful
2. Read the bible
3. train more
4. Finish my education/get more training for more certs.

12-30-08, 23:21
more guns.............................................................................

Cold Zero
01-03-09, 05:44
To clean out my email inbox.

01-03-09, 14:58
Never ever made any in my life but am now a 'Breast Cancer' husband... so I have an extensive list which I must succeed at.
1. Pray that no one who hasn't experienced it ever does.
2. Help my wife to survive. Be there for her when I can.
3. Thank the Lord for every day I have with her.
4. Stop feeling sorry for myself her disease must be a lesson I am being taught for being a cold heartless bastard all of my life. It has sure humbled me.
5. Read the 'Practical Applications Bible'.
6. Open myself up to anyone in the same boat.
7. Appreciate people for what we are all trying to do ...get home.

I can do this...

01-05-09, 17:30
im gonna quit dipping its my normal resolution normally it last anywhere from 2-9 months but last year i didn't quit and my work year was horrible so this year its back to quitting the snuff

good luck. i don't know how many times i've quit copenhagen.. but i've come to realize that i don't, haven't ever "quit..." i just take breaks.