View Full Version : Vivek Ramaswamy: on Wokeness, Free Speech, destructive ESG & the C

05-18-23, 07:59
This first gen 'Murican "gets" it. On JS. He has no chance of winning, but he may help push topics that need addressing:


05-18-23, 09:39
This first gen 'Murican "gets" it. On JS. He has no chance of winning, but he may help push topics that need addressing

Outstanding! Thank you for the link. Absolutely worth the time to listen.

05-18-23, 09:46
Outstanding! Thank you for the link. Absolutely worth the time to listen.

They will label him a racist etc soon enough but the 'net allows him to reach people as the legacy media will do all it can to ignore him, if not actively suppress him if he starts get any real traction.

05-18-23, 09:57
Watched Jordan Peterson interview him. I love what the guy has to say. I'd love to see him actually get the Repub nomination, but I know his chances of getting anywhere are about as good as Ron Paul's were. He makes too much sense, unfortunately.

05-18-23, 10:03
Watched Jordan Peterson interview him. I love what the guy has to say. I'd love to see him actually get the Repub nomination, but I know his chances of getting anywhere are about as good as Ron Paul's were. He makes too much sense, unfortunately.

Obviously that will not happen, at least not this cycle, but I could see him being part of a Desantis admin if Desantis was to get nominated and win. I can also see him pushing Desantis, Trump, etc to address important issues during debates, and will be a real PITA for the Dems.

05-18-23, 10:11
Obviously that will not happen, at least not this cycle, but I could see him being part of a Desantis admin if Desantis was to get nominated and win. I can also see him pushing Desantis, Trump, etc to address important issues during debates, and will be a real PITA for the Dems.Yeah, good point. He would be a great VP candidate if they let him get that far

05-18-23, 10:33
Yeah, good point. He would be a great VP candidate if they let him get that far

Don't think he has the mojo to be offered a VP slot. I see him being offered some position post election. Best team I can think of would be Desantis/Paul. I suspect they'd win by a margin and may be the best team we have had in the WH in our life time.

05-18-23, 11:36
He will go nowhere. I can't link specific articles right now, but I've read several op-eds from prominent GOP people that are really negative against Ramaswamy. Between the Trumpsters and the main line entrenched GOP power controllers, he will be shoved off to the side. And finally, his name will sink him among moderately racist boomers and Gen X'ers that still vote Republican. Nikki Haley would have never been elected if she kept her Indian last name of Randhawa.

That said, he talks a good line and I enjoy listening to him. I'd have no issue with him as POTUS or VP; he wouldn't be any worse than others that have been elected.

05-18-23, 12:35
While I still lean towards Desantis, I would gladly support any of a number of other potential Republican hopefuls (a list that does NOT include Trump - I'd be willing to vote for him IF he got the nomination but I hope to God he does not get it and drops out of the race), I am very impressed with what I have heard and read of Vivek Ramaswamy.

He is so much more than Donald Trump with class. He is young, articulate and intelligent. He has a clear view of what's wrong with this country and a vision of how to fix it. I suspect he even knows how to make a manly fist and pronounce "vagina".

If he doesn't get the nomination he would make an excellent VP choice, but I would hate to see him settle for a spot in someone else's administration as a cabinet head. That is a path to nowhere. Anyone remember Ben Carson? What's he running for?

I agree he has little chance of getting the nomination, but not no chance. Unless he has a serious skeleton in his closet, I think his biggest threats are establishment Republicans. The Liz Chaney's, Mitt Romney's and Mitch McConnell's of the swamp (the complete list is far too long to place here).

If he can articulate his answers in the debates within the limited time frame allowed (and our presidential debates are a disgrace, but that's another thread topic), I think he can generate some momentum.

He doesn't have the stink of a politician, and lets face it, even the good ones stink.

Maybe it's time to rewatch Mr Smith Goes to Washington.

05-18-23, 13:17
While I still lean towards Desantis, I would gladly support any of a number of other potential Republican hopefuls (a list that does NOT include Trump - I'd be willing to vote for him IF he got the nomination but I hope to God he does not get it and drops out of the race), I am very impressed with what I have heard and read of Vivek Ramaswamy.

He is so much more than Donald Trump with class. He is young, articulate and intelligent. He has a clear view of what's wrong with this country and a vision of how to fix it. I suspect he even knows how to make a manly fist and pronounce "vagina".

If he doesn't get the nomination he would make an excellent VP choice, but I would hate to see him settle for a spot in someone else's administration as a cabinet head. That is a path to nowhere. Anyone remember Ben Carson? What's he running for?

I agree he has little chance of getting the nomination, but not no chance. Unless he has a serious skeleton in his closet, I think his biggest threats are establishment Republicans. The Liz Chaney's, Mitt Romney's and Mitch McConnell's of the swamp (the complete list is far too long to place here).

If he can articulate his answers in the debates within the limited time frame allowed (and our presidential debates are a disgrace, but that's another thread topic), I think he can generate some momentum.

He doesn't have the stink of a politician, and lets face it, even the good ones stink.

Maybe it's time to rewatch Mr Smith Goes to Washington.

Same here, but DeSantis is leaning too heavily into the culture wars IMO. Don't mistake what I'm saying, they're incredibly important. They're also divisive and not necessarily a crucial component of good, limited governance. I think it would be better for him to focus more on creating, implementing and carrying out sound policy measures that benefit the greatest swath of the citizenry, while remaining WELL within the bounds of the Constitution and good fiscal practices.

05-18-23, 13:41
Same here, but DeSantis is leaning too heavily into the culture wars IMO. Don't mistake what I'm saying, they're incredibly important. They're also divisive and not necessarily a crucial component of good, limited governance. I think it would be better for him to focus more on creating, implementing and carrying out sound policy measures that benefit the greatest swath of the citizenry, while remaining WELL within the bounds of the Constitution and good fiscal practices.

I agree with you, but we're talking about Governor DeSantis, not President DeSantas. He can't effect foreign policy with China, Ukraine, energy, the border crisis, or much of anything on the national level. His issues are the schools in FL pushing CRT, gender ideology and mask mandates and Disney's heavy handed woke agenda, all of which are FL issues.

If he does declare his candidacy for President, I suspect we'll hear more about his stand on the issues you bring up. Keep in mind, good Governor's have faltered after they declared their candidacy. Remember Scott Walker? He was a front runner at one point, and would have made an excellent President.

05-18-23, 13:51
I agree with you, but we're talking about Governor DeSantis, not President DeSantas. He can't effect foreign policy with China, Ukraine, energy, the border crisis, or much of anything on the national level. His issues are the schools in FL pushing CRT, gender ideology and mask mandates and Disney's heavy handed woke agenda, all of which are FL issues.

If he does declare his candidacy for President, I suspect we'll hear more about his stand on the issues you bring up. Keep in mind, good Governor's have faltered after they declared their candidacy. Remember Scott Walker? He was a front runner at one point, and would have made an excellent President.

He just added bills directed at China specifically and other national level topics such as illegals BTW, he's not waiting for national level policy either:




05-18-23, 15:58
He just added bills directed at China specifically and other national level topics such as illegals BTW, he's not waiting for national level policy either:




Awesome! Of course the leftstream media will continue to talk only about his Disney feud, because they thing they can turn the undecideds against him with that topic.

05-18-23, 16:22
Good start. Watching JBP's interview now.

05-18-23, 16:54
So far he's the best candidate IMO. He's intelligent, not a politician, and more people will at least consider what he's saying since he's not white and has an Indian name.

08-04-23, 09:24
He's actually getting real interest and traction similar to RFK jr on the Dem side. I wonder if someone like Trump or Desantis offers him a running mate slot. That might be a smart move. On being a gun owner at NRA convention. He's not a Fudd with the hunting and sports BS and either he's pandering or he "gets" it, but seems a bit of both:


08-04-23, 11:35

“While DeSantis’ support has slipped over the past month, Vivek Ramaswamy has been steadily trending upward. The entrepreneur turned presidential candidate is polling in third place at 9%, having seen his support increase 6 points since mid-June with the help of Black voters, millennials and moderates in the GOP’s coalition. By comparison, DeSantis’ backing declined 5 points during that period,” the polling memo asserts.

Ramaswamy is becoming an increasingly viable second choice also. While 33% of Trump voters still say they would pick the Florida Governor as their alternate, Ramaswamy’s share of that pie is now up to 20%. Pence is the pick of 13% of those Trump supporters, meanwhile."

More here: https://floridapolitics.com/archives...-consult-poll/

08-04-23, 13:13
So far he's the best candidate IMO. He's intelligent, not a politician, and more people will at least consider what he's saying since he's not white and has an Indian name.

I mostly agree with you, but I’d caution to avoid buying too much of the “not a politician” bit. When Trump was running and people said that, I was absolutely baffled by their gullibility.

I think this dude may deserve a hard look, though.

08-04-23, 14:08
Otoh, hhe's also having his ads financed by McCarthy and NRCC. Could be a nothingburger, could mean he's an Establishment spoiler.

I like what I hear, but before we can purge the Executive Branch we need to GET control of the Exec back from the Uniparty.

08-04-23, 14:36
Always do your due diligence.


08-04-23, 14:47
He sounds too good to be true but I am still pulling the lever for him in the primaries.

08-04-23, 15:48
Always do your due diligence.


Paul Soros is not George Soros and he's been dead since 2013. I hope to God I'm not judged by my far-left brother's politics. Do you think that everyone who has ever received a scholarship is beholden to the entity that gave them the money? Ramaswamy even talks about this...his teachers nominated him for the scholarship.

08-04-23, 16:10
Paul Soros is not George Soros and he's been dead since 2013. I hope to God I'm not judged by my far-left brother's politics. Do you think that everyone who has ever received a scholarship is beholden to the entity that gave them the money? Ramaswamy even talks about this...his teachers nominated him for the scholarship.


Vivek Ramaswamy Paid Wikipedia Editors to Erase His Soros Fellowship and Covid Work
He announced his 2024 bid after making sure his Wikipedia page was edited.

08-04-23, 16:20

Vivek Ramaswamy Paid Wikipedia Editors to Erase His Soros Fellowship and Covid Work
He announced his 2024 bid after making sure his Wikipedia page was edited.

So what? Doesn't refute anything I said.

This is why the right doesn't win. The left will line up behind whoever it is but the right looks sideways at of the one guy who says everything right. This is like pulling up a dumb tweet someone said once when they were young and then trying to get them fired for it, only he didn't actually say anything or even use Twitter, and still trying to fire him for it.

Guess I should pull the lever for the guy who was registered Democrat until he wasn't.

You do know the New Republic is far left?

08-04-23, 18:23
I've heard he is big on H1B visas. Not saying that I necessarily agree with this notion, but his being a Hindu won't help.

I'll still pull the lever for DeSantis in the primary but Vivek is on the radar of those seeking new blood to be sure.

08-04-23, 18:36
So what? Doesn't refute anything I said.

This is why the right doesn't win. The left will line up behind whoever it is but the right looks sideways at of the one guy who says everything right. This is like pulling up a dumb tweet someone said once when they were young and then trying to get them fired for it, only he didn't actually say anything or even use Twitter, and still trying to fire him for it.

Guess I should pull the lever for the guy who was registered Democrat until he wasn't.

Multiple times, but that's ignored for some reason. The orange guy seems to get a pass on just about anything, while everyone else is expected to be a perfect human.

08-04-23, 18:42
Multiple times, but that's ignored for some reason. The orange guy seems to get a pass on just about anything, while everyone else is expected to be a perfect human.

Remember that song by Living Colour? "Cult of Personality".

08-04-23, 18:48
Remember that song by Living Colour? "Cult of Personality".

Can you imagine if anyone else had switched political parties five times?

08-04-23, 20:24
How many had even heard of Ramaswamy before a few weeks ago? Fast forward a few media interviews and YouTube vids… Oh yeah, I’ll vote for him to be leader of the free world. Uh hu…

08-04-23, 20:41
How many had even heard of Ramaswamy before a few weeks ago? Fast forward a few media interviews and YouTube vids… Oh yeah, I’ll vote for him to be leader of the free world. Uh hu…

Maybe a VP slot.


08-04-23, 20:51
Blah, Blah, Blah, some like Kennedy and Ramaswamy talk the talk , but only Trump will walk the walk,
and you know it , cause he is pissed and looking for a reckoning !

08-04-23, 21:17
Blah, Blah, Blah, some like Kennedy and Ramaswamy talk the talk , but only Trump will walk the walk,
and you know it , cause he is pissed and looking for a reckoning !


08-04-23, 22:10
So far he's the best candidate IMO. He's intelligent, not a politician, and more people will at least consider what he's saying since he's not white and has an Indian name.

Sorta a shame that that has to actually be a thing. As he's new to the game he doesn't have a lot on the record but I can live with what I see so far.


08-04-23, 22:16
Blah, Blah, Blah, some like Kennedy and Ramaswamy talk the talk , but only Trump will walk the walk,
and you know it , cause he is pissed and looking for a reckoning !

He had 4 years.

08-04-23, 23:07
He had 4 years.

I’ll give him credit that he tried to go on offense several times, but he just didn’t comprehend where all his enemies were and to what lengths they were willing to go to.. They were literally everywhere, including his own WH team. Likewise, there was nothing they weren’t willing to do to stop him.

So if he somehow manages to overcome the biggest political conspiracy in the history of the United States and win 2024, he’d better go full nuclear scorched earth, or they will do him even dirtier than they did the first go round.

08-05-23, 03:50
I’ll give him credit that he tried to go on offense several times, but he just didn’t comprehend where all his enemies were and to what lengths they were willing to go to.. They were literally everywhere, including his own WH team. Likewise, there was nothing they weren’t willing to do to stop him.

So if he somehow manages to overcome the biggest political conspiracy in the history of the United States and win 2024, he’d better go full nuclear scorched earth, or they will do him even dirtier than they did the first go round.

He was inexperienced. Like Obama he really thought he could EO his entire political platform.

I voted for him, I liked him and he satisfied my minimum expectations. But he knew how do invest a ton of money and turn it into more money, he knew how to conduct real estate deals in NYC and he understood reality television. Some of that helped him, much of that got him elected. But when he was in the chair he didn't know how to accomplish actual goals. When the establishment GOP turned on him, it was literally him against the US government and while I respect the fight, you weren't gonna win it on twitter.

He failed to realize he'd need powerful allies, he failed to realize he needed to secure his position before attempting dramatic changes and he mostly failed to realize you need to share credit by helping those within your own party help you accomplish your goals. Instead he bitched on Twitter. We certainly don't need four more years of that.

08-05-23, 07:14
He was inexperienced. Like Obama he really thought he could EO his entire political platform.

I voted for him, I liked him and he satisfied my minimum expectations. But he knew how do invest a ton of money and turn it into more money, he knew how to conduct real estate deals in NYC and he understood reality television. Some of that helped him, much of that got him elected. But when he was in the chair he didn't know how to accomplish actual goals. When the establishment GOP turned on him, it was literally him against the US government and while I respect the fight, you weren't gonna win it on twitter.

He failed to realize he'd need powerful allies, he failed to realize he needed to secure his position before attempting dramatic changes and he mostly failed to realize you need to share credit by helping those within your own party help you accomplish your goals. Instead he bitched on Twitter. We certainly don't need four more years of that.

That's his biggest problem: He has a strongman, autocrat mentality. He likes everyone to be underlings, followers, and sycophants. I'm not saying he's been trying to set himself up as a dictator as the left alleges; but it sounds like he ran his cabinet like a dictatorship as, being a powerful, New York real estate tycoon, he was used to running his business. He doesn't like to share power, share credit for ideas, he doesn't like to cooperate, and he doesn't want to admit that he's not the undisputed boss. I get the feeling that he thought that once he got into the Oval Office, he would be untouchable, and he could just force out the establishment and anyone who would raise any objection to him. What he needed to be doing was trying to recruit members of the GOP establishment to share his ideas. Grassroots support will only get you so far. It was largely responsible for getting him to the White House, and obviously that's nothing to sneeze at, but obviously it couldn't keep him there. There are times to fight the system, and times to work within the system. Trump never seemed to get that, and the more that became apparent, the more he doubled down on fighting the system at the wrong times. He needed the Bushes, McConnells and Cheneys on his side. I don't buy the argument that no matter what Trump did, he was going to be opposed; the establishment would have supported him if they felt that, for the moment at least, it was in their best interests.

08-05-23, 08:21
I don't buy the argument that no matter what Trump did, he was going to be opposed; the establishment would have supported him if they felt that, for the moment at least, it was in their best interests.

And to do that they woulda had to get past the "Not One Of Our Inbred Little Club, Eww Icky Prole" factor. Plenty of blame to go around for all sides there.

08-05-23, 08:54
Same here, but DeSantis is leaning too heavily into the culture wars IMO. Don't mistake what I'm saying, they're incredibly important. They're also divisive and not necessarily a crucial component of good, limited governance. I think it would be better for him to focus more on creating, implementing and carrying out sound policy measures that benefit the greatest swath of the citizenry, while remaining WELL within the bounds of the Constitution and good fiscal practices.

On balance it probably helps him politically. That said, attempting to portray Trump as pro LGBT rights backfired on DeSantis. So much is of this kinda thing is attempting to create political perceptions and narratives. If you listen to the other side of Trump's detractors you'd think the Trump admin was fixing to march the entire LGBT community in to gas chambers.


January 20, 2017- Less than two hours after Trump and his virulently anti-LGBTQ+ activist Vice President Mike Pence were sworn into office, all mentions of LGBTQ+ issues were removed from the official White House webpage.

January 23, 2017- Trump's State Department removed from the website former Secretary of State John Kerry's apology for the infamous "Lavender Scare" witch hunt in the 1950s and 1960s, and other content LGBTQ+ content, like information on pride month observances and the State Department’s Special Envoy for the Human Rights of LGBT Persons.

January 31, 2017- Trump nominated Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court to fill the vacancy left following the passing of Justice Antonin Scalia. The next day, Gorsuch’s anti-equality record -- from opposing crucial media treatment for a transgender person to supporting a license to discriminate for private corporations -- led HRC to take the unprecedented step in opposing this nomination, a first for the organization.

February 15, 2017- In response to the U.S. Department of Justice’s (DOJ)announcement that it will no longer challenge a nationwide hold on protections for transgender students, hundreds of parents of transgender children sent a letter to Trump condemning the decision and calling on his administration to fully enforce federal civil rights laws.

February 22, 2017- Under the direction of Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, the U.S. Departments of Justice and Education revoked the Obama Administration’s guidance detailing school obligations to transgender students under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.

March 10, 2017- Trump’s Housing and Urban Development Department (HUD) -- led by anti-LGBTQ+ proponent Secretary Ben Carson -- withdrew two notices impacting LGBTQ+ people. The first notice withdrew a requirement for emergency shelters receiving HUD funding to post information about LGBTQ+ people’s rights to access shelter safely and in accordance with their gender identity. The second notice withdrew critical data collection and implementation guidelines for a homelessness prevention initiative targeting LGBTQ+ youth.

March 20, 2017- Trump administration’s HHS amended two surveys of the elderly to remove a question about sexual orientation. The department uses the National Survey of Older Americans Act Participants (NSOAAP) to decide how to allocate federal funding to groups that work with the elderly; removing the critical question was the only change made to the survey.

March 28, 2017- The Trump-Pence administration announced it will strike data collection regarding sexual orientation and gender identity from the 2020 census. Trump’s effort to remove the language served as a larger campaign to erase LGBTQ+ people from federal surveys and disrupt programs that provide direct assistance to the LGBTQ+ community.

May 04, 2017- Trump signed an executive order giving AG Sessions discretion to create a license-to-discriminate in agencies across the federal government against LGBTQ+ Americans and women. HRC joined other LGBTQ+ organizations rallied at the White House in protest.

May 24, 2017- In a shocking exchange during a hearing before a House Appropriations Subcommittee, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos refused to stand up or provide any reassurances to LGBTQ+ students that they would be protected by the federal government from discrimination -- once again, reinforcing the notion that the Trump administration is no ally to the LGBTQ+ community or its youth.

July 26, 2017- Trump made the dangerous and unpatriotic move to reinstate a ban on qualified transgender people serving in the military. His reprehensible action, announced in a series of tweets, could result in the discharge of more than 15,000 transgender Americans currently serving our country. The move, a blatant political maneuver to appeal to the most radical in Trump's base, will undermine military morale and readiness.

September 05, 2017- The Trump-Pence administration cruelly decided to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program that allowed hundreds of thousands of young people who were brought to the U.S. as minors to stay in the country, to continue their studies and to continue making positive contributions to our nation. It is estimated that approximately 75,000 of these “Dreamers” are LGBTQ+.

September 23, 2017- Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos officially rescinded critical 2011 Title IX guidance related to schools' obligations to address sexual harassment, including sexual violence. For the LGBTQ+ community, which faces disproportionate levels of sexual assault and violence, this decision sends a strong signal that the Department of Education will not use its full power to protect them from harm.

October 05, 2017- At the direction of AG Sessions, DOJ issued a memo to government lawyers rescinding Obama administration guidance that discrimination protections under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1965 apply to transgender people. The Trump-Pence DOJ instructed U.S. attorneys to adopt this dangerous position in all pending and future matters.

October 06, 2017- DOJ began the implementation of a sweeping “license to discriminate” that will put millions of LGBTQ+ Americans at risk of discrimination, as well as release a new regulation that could deny millions of Americans access to critical contraceptive care previously guaranteed under the ACA.

December 05, 2017- White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders made the startling admission that Trump agreed with the position articulated before the Supreme Court by his solicitor general, Noel Francisco, that businesses should be allowed to hang signs that say they won’t serve LGBTQ+ customers.

January 18, 2018- The Trump-Pence administration launched the “Division of Conscience and Religious Freedom” at HHS, which could enable discrimination against LGBTQ+ people, women, and others. The creation of the unnecessary new division will likely promote a license to discriminate and divert needed enforcement resources and encourages discrimination against LGBTQ+ people.

Hell... that was just a few from the first year.... it goes on and on and on in Trump's timeline of hate.

MUCH more here: https://www.hrc.org/resources/trumps-timeline-of-hate

08-05-23, 09:19
The Homosexuals of every stripe, be that LGBTQ are not happy being equal.
For some reason Homosexuals feel the need to be front an center for everything and feel that they have some weird insight that Hetrosexuals are privy to.

No Thanks, that's not what God or Nature intended.

08-05-23, 10:28
Same here, but DeSantis is leaning too heavily into the culture wars IMO. Don't mistake what I'm saying, they're incredibly important. They're also divisive and not necessarily a crucial component of good, limited governance.

Well when the "Woke" agenda is being crammed down out throats and is front and center of the opposition's game plan then I can see the need to get a little pro-active to shut it the hell off!

08-05-23, 12:16
YEP, nobody else will start this stinking dumpster on fire, this has to be done or we will end up shooting each other
at some point.

08-05-23, 20:16
Well when the "Woke" agenda is being crammed down out throats and is front and center of the opposition's game plan then I can see the need to get a little pro-active to shut it the hell off!

Yeah, there is a time for moderation but there is a time to call BS. If Reagan didn't define his agenda he would have never been president.

08-05-23, 20:24
The Homosexuals of every stripe, be that LGBTQ are not happy being equal.
For some reason Homosexuals feel the need to be front an center for everything and feel that they have some weird insight that Hetrosexuals are privy to.

No Thanks, that's not what God or Nature intended.

Honestly, some are perfectly fine with equal. But you don't hear about them much, they aren't burning anything down, aren't shooting up schools and really don't even attend the rallies. They go to work, pay their bills and everything else just like the rest of us. They are also frequently annoyed and embarrassed by those who claim to represent them. But when you lump them in with everyone else, they sometimes feel like they need those advocacy groups. Sound familiar?

If you ever met them, you'd never know unless you asked.

08-05-23, 20:42
Honestly, some are perfectly fine with equal. But you don't hear about them much, they aren't burning anything down, aren't shooting up schools and really don't even attend the rallies. They go to work, pay their bills and everything else just like the rest of us. They are also frequently annoyed and embarrassed by those who claim to represent them. But when you lump them in with everyone else, they sometimes feel like they need those advocacy groups. Sound familiar?

If you ever met them, you'd never know unless you asked.

Yes, for the homosexual folks (well, for some anyway). The trannies embarrass and piss them off.

08-07-23, 10:12
Yes, for the homosexual folks (well, for some anyway). The trannies embarrass and piss them off.

And there are even a lot of trannies that are embarassed and annoyed by the Freak Show--there seem to be two camps from what I've seen, the kind that while delusional just want to live their lives with no outward sign of who they used to be, and then the Narcissistic Attention Whores who get all the media attention.

It was a funny case around the range where I used to shoot in college... one of the regulars, I'll call Max, was the first of those two types, and when I took "her" under my wing to coach I was told somewhat embarassedly "um, you should probably know before things get too far that I'm, uh, 'outside plumbing,'" to which I quietly replied that we care about pistols in hand not in pants, and if that's the kinda shooting you wanna do you're on the wrong range. I joked that "she" could probably show up in heels and a French maid outfit and very few would even bat an eye... next match, Max showed up thusly and was one of the top three scores.

Max at least was trying to blend in, not like the blatant "beards, boobs, bulges and boots" crowd, so I'm inclined to extend the "going out of their way to fit the norms and not Freak Flagpole" a little courtesy even if they are a little off in the head... perhaps because in entirely different ways I'm half a bubble off plumb myself and it's what I ask of others for me.

Re Ramaswamy, he's saying all the right stuff but there's still a certain instinct about things that seemed too good to be true... look a how many snakes in the history of conservatism have similarly said all the right things only to turn around and bite us. So while I'm not gonna dunk the kid, a certain wary caution is only prudent.

08-07-23, 11:42
Re Ramaswamy, he's saying all the right stuff but there's still a certain instinct about things that seemed too good to be true... look a how many snakes in the history of conservatism have similarly said all the right things only to turn around and bite us. So while I'm not gonna dunk the kid, a certain wary caution is only prudent.

I think you are correct because why become a politician when you've already made it, either you are that selfless or you are that selfish.

08-07-23, 11:47
I think you are correct because why become a politician when you've already made it, either you are that selfless or you are that selfish.

I'd guess 98% of them are selfish, narcissist, sociopaths who always seek more power and $ as is their nature. I don't get that from him, but that fact is, the best of the sociopaths are masters of deception and very convincing. That's why they tend to be successful people.

08-07-23, 11:49
I think you are correct because why become a politician when you've already made it, either you are that selfless or you are that selfish.

On the other hand, the Founding Fathers had little to gain and everything to LOSE when they lit off the Revolution, and they did it anyway.

Generally, I trust someone who I disagree with on a few things and is open about those positions and stands by them more than someone who is a "perfect match." At least the former trusts me enough to put cards on the table and civilly disagree like rational adults.

08-07-23, 12:42
Yes, for the homosexual folks (well, for some anyway). The trannies embarrass and piss them off.

Yeah, the gays tend to lay pretty low for the most part. A handful of them make up a loud minority of them. Many now are open about being gay, but not in your face about it like that.

Trannies are different than gays, and it seems that a greater percentage are in your face about it compared to gays, and in a way that pisses off pretty much everyone. I think the gays screwed up by hitching their LPVO+ wagon to the trannies, and I also think most of them realize that, but they’re not really in enough control of the ship in a way to reverse course.

08-07-23, 15:04
Yeah, the gays tend to lay pretty low for the most part. A handful of them make up a loud minority of them. Many now are open about being gay, but not in your face about it like that.

Trannies are different than gays, and it seems that a greater percentage are in your face about it compared to gays, and in a way that pisses off pretty much everyone. I think the gays screwed up by hitching their LPVO+ wagon to the trannies, and I also think most of them realize that, but they’re not really in enough control of the ship in a way to reverse course.

The version I've heard some of them describe it as is "us L/G/B were having a nice peaceful ride until the T came in and carjacked us."

08-07-23, 15:05
The version I've heard some of them describe it as is "us L/G/B were having a nice peaceful ride until the T came in and carjacked us."

Dave Chapelle has a skit for this, with the car analogy.

08-07-23, 16:38
The version I've heard some of them describe it as is "us L/G/B were having a nice peaceful ride until the T came in and carjacked us."

L's and G's tend to discriminate pretty hard against the B's as well. There's always been a pecking order in every specialized grouping of mammals, and there always will be. Anyone who believes different is delusional.

08-07-23, 16:41
L's and G's tend to discriminate pretty hard against the B's as well. There's always been a pecking order in every specialized grouping of mammals, and there always will be. Anyone who believes different is delusional.

Yeah, it goes back to the inherent binary "yes/no, us/them" nature of the human mind and social systems back to the dawn of "packs" in animals.

08-08-23, 00:18
L's and G's tend to discriminate pretty hard against the B's as well. There's always been a pecking order in every specialized grouping of mammals, and there always will be. Anyone who believes different is delusional.

Sadly true. We also are the result of thousands of years of visually classifying everything we see.

Even if everyone had the same skin color and spoke the same language, we'd start classifying people by height and judging them according to our perceived beliefs about how height makes you a good or a bad person.

You want a glaring example, just go to Africa where they are literally doing crips n bloods village style, we are from this side of the river and you guys are from that side of the river and everyone knows east side is the only good side.

And with that I think we are fully off topic again. I wonder where Ramsey comes in on tribalism.

08-08-23, 11:15
Sadly true. We also are the result of thousands of years of visually classifying everything we see.

Even if everyone had the same skin color and spoke the same language, we'd start classifying people by height and judging them according to our perceived beliefs about how height makes you a good or a bad person.

You want a glaring example, just go to Africa where they are literally doing crips n bloods village style, we are from this side of the river and you guys are from that side of the river and everyone knows east side is the only good side.

And with that I think we are fully off topic again. I wonder where Ramsey comes in on tribalism.

Winner, winner, chicken dinner. Well, except you didn't mention soulless gingers. :)

Vivek originates from a place with the OG caste system. I'm sure he probably doesn't subscribe to that social stratification theory, but I doubt he has a plan to combat it that's more effective than any other over the course of human history. I'm often bemused by the amount of people who believe we've advanced as a species beyond all that. They have no clue just how thin the veneer of society is. Very thin indeed!

08-08-23, 13:43
Hunter Biden business dealings 'likely' tied to US posture toward Ukraine: Ramaswamy

“The purpose of the U.S. military [is] to advance American interests, to protect the homeland. Not to aimlessly fight some random war that’s arguably a repayment for a private bribe that a family member of the United States received, $5 million from Burisma,” Ramaswamy told a crowd of about 60 at a campaign event in Council Bluffs.

“Was the payment to Hunter Biden corrupt? Absolutely it was. Do I think that it has some relationship towards our posture toward Ukraine? I think it’s likely that it does,” Ramaswamy said.


08-08-23, 15:10
Winner, winner, chicken dinner. Well, except you didn't mention soulless gingers. :)

Vivek originates from a place with the OG caste system. I'm sure he probably doesn't subscribe to that social stratification theory, but I doubt he has a plan to combat it that's more effective than any other over the course of human history. I'm often bemused by the amount of people who believe we've advanced as a species beyond all that. They have no clue just how thin the veneer of society is. Very thin indeed!

Some have, many haven't. Enlightenment is only possible by accepting you were wrong. Most people aren't interested in that. And even if you live an enlightened life, the rest of the world isn't there yet so you are still subject to all those beliefs and assumptions. And if you continue with the belief that everyone else understands at some level, then you really aren't terribly enlightened.

Tribalism isn't just an easy and convenient thought process, it's been our default program since we learned to recognize patterns.

08-18-23, 09:13
Another good interview. I suspect he will do well in a debate and pull more supporters:


08-18-23, 09:25
Yeah, his 9-11 Truther take ain't gonna help. I'm not sold on him.

08-18-23, 09:31
Yeah, his 9-11 Truther take ain't gonna help. I'm not sold on him.

I didn't hear anything from him on the topic I didn't agree with, and felt a fleet of cruise missiles should have landed in Saudi lands 9/12.

08-18-23, 11:04
Yeah, his 9-11 Truther take ain't gonna help. I'm not sold on him.

9/11 truther? Only in the broadest sense of the term, maybe. Did you hear what he actually said on the subject? He was calling out the fact that we were lied to regarding a particular individual; information that came to light once it was declassified. Not exactly "tin foil."

08-18-23, 15:05
9/11 truther? Only in the broadest sense of the term, maybe. Did you hear what he actually said on the subject? He was calling out the fact that we were lied to regarding a particular individual; information that came to light once it was declassified. Not exactly "tin foil."

In that case his "truther" comments were in fact both true and highly relevant.

08-18-23, 15:16
In that case his "truther" comments were in fact both true and highly relevant.Precisely.

08-18-23, 16:15
Another good interview. I suspect he will do well in a debate and pull more supporters:

That was worth the 40+ minutes. Thank you.

If Ramaswamy is given more than 30 seconds to speak I believe he'll crush the GOP debate stage next week.

08-18-23, 17:03
That was worth the 40+ minutes. Thank you.

If Ramaswamy is given more than 30 seconds to speak I believe he'll crush the GOP debate stage next week.

Do we know who will attend the debate? I've never really cared about them knowing it was just blubbering swamp heads saying canned BS, but I will make sure to watch that one.

08-18-23, 18:20
So the attacks from the left are beginning. On JP responding to an attack article from NYT:


08-18-23, 19:01
9/11 truther? Only in the broadest sense of the term, maybe. That may be a more accurate description than an actual "Truther". Did you hear what he actually said on the subject? He was calling out the fact that we were lied to regarding a particular individual; information that came to light once it was declassified. Not exactly "tin foil."

No, I was at work and could only watch the initial prelude where he said the 9-11 commission lied and the FBI did too.

08-18-23, 20:22
No, I was at work and could only watch the initial prelude where he said the 9-11 commission lied and the FBI did too.If what he said regarding the man a few of the hijackers stayed with is true, and it seems to be. Then he is absolutely correct that the commission and FBI lied. Frankly, I'm not in the least surprised they lied.

The fact that the guy worked for Saudi intel, and it was covered up by our own government speaks volumes.

08-18-23, 20:33
Do we know who will attend the debate? I've never really cared about them knowing it was just blubbering swamp heads saying canned BS, but I will make sure to watch that one.

“DeSantis, Pence and Scott, entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum all appear to have reached the donor and polling thresholds to make the stage.”

I guess they’ll all show up?

08-18-23, 20:53
Sad commentary on our political system that we need to see a certain funding threshold in order to be invited to partake in the process. Yeah I know it's been this way since forever but I'll be damned if it doesn't reek of $$$ and a questionable motive for the participants.....are they really concerned about America or are they grifters and profiteers?

08-18-23, 22:11
Sad commentary on our political system that we need to see a certain funding threshold in order to be invited to partake in the process. Yeah I know it's been this way since forever but I'll be damned if it doesn't reek of $$$ and a questionable motive for the participants.....are they really concerned about America or are they grifters and profiteers?

Don't forget Gatekeeping--it's part designed as a barrier to make sure those who ain't IN the club don't GET in. Frankly, you have a better chance of being believable as a transsexual lesbian dominatrix than you do of getting anywhere that matters in the GOP... look how hard they fought Trump even WITH him being the longstanding GOP wet-dream of a "self-financing candidate."

08-19-23, 13:20
No, I was at work and could only watch the initial prelude where he said the 9-11 commission lied and the FBI did too.
Isn’t the FBI lying kind of a given? It’s kinda what they do you know.

08-19-23, 15:23
Sad commentary on our political system that we need to see a certain funding threshold in order to be invited to partake in the process. Yeah I know it's been this way since forever but I'll be damned if it doesn't reek of $$$ and a questionable motive for the participants.....are they really concerned about America or are they grifters and profiteers?

There is no $ amount required.

To meet the RNC debate criteria for participation...

A. "Candidate must reach 1 percent in at least three national polls, or 1 percent in two national polls and two polls from the first four states voting in the GOP primary, each coming from separate states, based on surveys that meet the RNC’s criteria for inclusion."

B. "Candidate must have at least 40,000 unique donors with at least 200 donors in at least 20 states and/or territories. Information released by campaigns is used to determine whether a candidate has hit the donor threshold. If a campaign reached 40,000 donors but did not say whether it had at least 200 donors in 20 states, we assumed that it had met the latter requirement as well."

C. "Candidates who meet the polling and donor standards sign a pledge promising to support the eventual Republican presidential nominee to participate in the debate.'


I think C is silly, but absent any criteria of measurable support for the candidate you'd have a debate stage the size of a Trump sports stadium rally.

08-19-23, 20:10
There is no $ amount required.

To meet the RNC debate criteria for participation...

A. "Candidate must reach 1 percent in at least three national polls, or 1 percent in two national polls and two polls from the first four states voting in the GOP primary, each coming from separate states, based on surveys that meet the RNC’s criteria for inclusion."

B. "Candidate must have at least 40,000 unique donors with at least 200 donors in at least 20 states and/or territories. Information released by campaigns is used to determine whether a candidate has hit the donor threshold. If a campaign reached 40,000 donors but did not say whether it had at least 200 donors in 20 states, we assumed that it had met the latter requirement as well."

C. "Candidates who meet the polling and donor standards sign a pledge promising to support the eventual Republican presidential nominee to participate in the debate.'


I think C is silly, but absent any criteria of measurable support for the candidate you'd have a debate stage the size of a Trump sports stadium rally.

WTF is a "unique donor"?

08-19-23, 20:43
WTF is a "unique donor"?

Can't be the same entity with 12 different sub corps.

08-20-23, 09:24
WTF is a "unique donor"?

It means that ABNAK can donate to DeSantis 10 times but it only counts as 1 donor for the purposes of RNC debate requirements.

08-21-23, 06:31
I think Ramaswamy is playing it smart to refrain from criticizing Trump (as he did back in May regarding not attending the debate) and focus on Milwaukee as an opportunity to introduce himself to America.

Trump not attending the debate would seem to benefit an impressive but lesser known candidate like Ramaswamy while at the same time denying a Trump-hating blowhard like Christie the opportunity to mindlessly bash Trump on stage.



"This is my chance to introduce myself to the country & so I have no issue with whatever decision he [Trump] wants to make," Ramaswamy said, according to a Semafor reporter. "If he’s on there, great. If not, I'm fine with that."

08-21-23, 15:14
I think Ramaswamy is playing it smart to refrain from criticizing Trump (as he did back in May regarding not attending the debate) and focus on Milwaukee as an opportunity to introduce himself to America.

Trump not attending the debate would seem to benefit an impressive but lesser known candidate like Ramaswamy while at the same time denying a Trump-hating blowhard like Christie the opportunity to mindlessly bash Trump on stage.



"This is my chance to introduce myself to the country & so I have no issue with whatever decision he [Trump] wants to make," Ramaswamy said, according to a Semafor reporter. "If he’s on there, great. If not, I'm fine with that."

Every minute Trump isn't onstage consuming oxygen like a Rolls-Royce RB211, is another minute for Ramaswamy to shine on eloquence and positions. He's more intellectually honed than the other participants and will be able to capitalize on any mistakes his counterparts make on the stage.

I think it also benefits Tim Scott, because he has good communication skills and solid policy positions of his own. I'd say it's a wash for DeSantis and Haley, and a detriment for the RINO's Christie, Pence and Hutchinson. No one knows or cares who Burgum is (might make a decent energy secretary), and if Perry Johnson is there, it's just for the LULZ.

08-21-23, 15:22
Every minute Trump isn't onstage consuming oxygen like a Rolls-Royce RB211

RB211? More like a GE9X being run to Triple-Red at 134,000lbs thrust output... and just as loud and windblowing.