View Full Version : Not even CNN can spin the results of their own Joe Biden poll.

05-27-23, 14:15

Convincing the overall public that he deserves a second term could prove a challenge. Two-thirds (66%) of all Americans say a Biden victory would either be a setback or a disaster for the country.

Guess we’re getting a second term of trump, unless DeSantis can get the repub nomination. In that case we’re getting a second term of pudding pop cuz trump is gonna Ross Perot the shit out of it if he don’t win the nomination.

05-27-23, 14:36
Trump will do a mass firing of all government agencies. Hes pissed!

05-27-23, 14:48
Trump will do a mass firing of all government agencies. Hes pissed!

Oh yeah that we agree, if he’s somehow re-elected it’ll be some banana republic level retaliation against anyone he thinks had anything do do with any bad thing that’s ever happened to him... these guys and gals currently looking to indict him better move to a country with no extradition treaty with us and hope he’s not crazy enough to send Delta after them.

It’ll be a circus on steroids! :eek:

05-27-23, 15:10
Oh yeah that we agree, if he’s somehow re-elected it’ll be some banana republic level retaliation against anyone he thinks had anything do do with any bad thing that’s ever happened to him... these guys and gals currently looking to indict him better move to a country with no extradition treaty with us and hope he’s not crazy enough to send Delta after them.

It’ll be a circus on steroids! :eek:

And long overdue.

05-27-23, 15:46
And long overdue.

So you’re firmly in the burn it all down category?

05-27-23, 17:11
Wonder how many celebrities will threaten to leave again...

05-27-23, 17:20
Trump isn't my first choice, heck he isn't even in the top 100. But make no mistake, if Trump is the nominee and people can't hold their noses and vote against whoever the Dems put up, they're no better than the scum destroying this great nation.

05-27-23, 17:46
Don’t underestimate the ability of the ComDems to steal an election and get away with it.

05-27-23, 18:23
Oh yeah that we agree, if he’s somehow re-elected it’ll be some banana republic level retaliation against anyone he thinks had anything do do with any bad thing that’s ever happened to him... these guys and gals currently looking to indict him better move to a country with no extradition treaty with us and hope he’s not crazy enough to send Delta after them.

It’ll be a circus on steroids! :eek:

Oh bullshit. It'll be the same clown show it was the first time, with his incompetent choices of people to fill the ranks. "He's gonna do it different this time". :rolleyes: Suuuure he is. Give me a freaking break.

05-27-23, 18:25

Guess we’re getting a second term of trump, unless DeSantis can get the repub nomination. In that case we’re getting a second term of pudding pop cuz trump is gonna Ross Perot the shit out of it if he don’t win the nomination.

Please tell me you don't agree with that. Oh sure, he'll do it like a petulant child and his rabid sycophants will follow like lemmings. But if you even remotely think that is kosher then that is pants-on-head retarded.

05-27-23, 18:26
Trump will do a mass firing of all government agencies. Hes pissed!

Sure he will. :jester:

05-27-23, 18:27
Don’t underestimate the ability of the ComDems to steal an election and get away with it.

^^^ This to the umpteenth degree. The rest is a moot point.

05-27-23, 18:35
Wonder how many celebrities will threaten to leave again...

Wanna place bets on how many will talk a big talk then not walk the walk, AGAIN? lol

05-27-23, 18:36
So you’re firmly in the burn it all down category?To the ground, then piss on the ashes and bury them.

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05-27-23, 18:37
To the ground, then piss on the ashes and bury them.

Sent from my SM-A326U using Tapatalk

Make it Taco Hell Drizzling Liquishit on the ashes.

05-27-23, 18:39
Trump will do a mass firing of all government agencies. Hes pissed!

LOL. Is he gonna drain the swamp again?

05-27-23, 18:53
LOL. Is he gonna drain the swamp again?

Oh yeah, he's all set. Has a complete lineup of second-stringer Swamp creatures he calls friends. They won't screw him this time by damned!

05-27-23, 19:04
Trump will do a mass firing of all government agencies. Hes pissed!Still waiting for a cunt to be in prison.

05-27-23, 20:48
Oh yeah, he's all set. Has a complete lineup of second-stringer Swamp creatures he calls friends. They won't screw him this time by damned!

I'm at the stage where I am now mystified by any adult who believes any politician on any subject. I can understand how one might believe in UFOs, but people who actually believed Trump was going to "build a wall", "put her in jail", "deport everyone" not only didn't understand the logistic complications associated with even the attempt, but literally had a child like belief in things people say like a kid who really thinks santa brought him some toys.

05-27-23, 21:05
Orange man bad, MAGA threat to democracy.

05-27-23, 21:26
I'm at the stage where I am now mystified by any adult who believes any politician on any subject. I can understand how one might believe in UFOs, but people who actually believed Trump was going to "build a wall", "put her in jail", "deport everyone" not only didn't understand the logistic complications associated with even the attempt, but literally had a child like belief in things people say like a kid who really thinks santa brought him some toys.

OMG, you went there.......:cool:

Did it twice, will very reluctantly do it a third time if I have to. Would prefer to have a better choice.

05-28-23, 09:44
OMG, you went there.......:cool:

Did it twice, will very reluctantly do it a third time if I have to. Would prefer to have a better choice.

This is where I am but one less--I knew that even Lord Jesus Himself couldn't pry WA's electors out of Killary's evil tentacles so I protest-voted Johnson in '16. 2020 I voted Trump as the biggest middle-finger-in-the-face I could give Seattle and all the accursed America-haters trying to turn this place into Hellifornia North, piss be eternally upon them all.

05-28-23, 11:29
Please tell me you don't agree with that. Oh sure, he'll do it like a petulant child and his rabid sycophants will follow like lemmings. But if you even remotely think that is kosher then that is pants-on-head retarded.

Sure he’ll run as an independent or reform party candidate if he don’t get the nomination.

He’s ran before on the reform party ticket back in 2000. He don’t give a shit about political alliances in fact his party affiliation has changed numerous times. He’s been a Republican, a member of the Independence Party, the Reform Party, a Democrat in 2001 then back to a Republican....

I have no idea why so many republicans are so gullible to this guys bullshit...

05-28-23, 11:43
Politics makes strange bed fellows, and like the whores they are, they will sleep with anyone for a promise of a price .
I loath them all equally !

05-28-23, 11:52
Wonder how many celebrities will threaten to leave again...

NOT Enough......

05-28-23, 11:52
Sure he’ll run as an independent or reform party candidate if he don’t get the nomination.

He’s ran before on the reform party ticket back in 2000. He don’t give a shit about political alliances in fact his party affiliation has changed numerous times. He’s been a Republican, a member of the Independence Party, the Reform Party, a Democrat in 2001 then back to a Republican....

I have no idea why so many republicans are so gullible to this guys bullshit...

The other problem is... well, GOP historical example. Theodore Roosevelt was so salty toward Taft personally that he couldn't get past it to focus on what they DID agree on, split the country and was a direct proximal cause of Woodrow Wilson's election to become the Founding Father of Fascism and the Deep State as we know it today.

Trump is a lot like TR in many ways... some for better, some for worse--the latter, even frighteningly so.