View Full Version : Hunter Biden gun case

06-03-23, 11:19
The best case of "guns for me not for thee" by the anti gun elites we have currently, even the NYT "gets" it. Nothing will come of it of course, but I do hope who ever wins the GOP nomination bashes Brandon constantly that he hates the very POTUS ruling his own kid is using the avoid the consequences we would not. Ultimately this case may actually help gun owners by exposing the entire 4473 form when they drop the charges on Hunter, and it may makes it's way to the highest court:

Hunter Biden’s Lawyers Cite Landmark Gun Ruling in Bid to Stave Off Charges

Hunter Biden’s legal team is invoking a Supreme Court decision his father has denounced as an affront to “common sense and the Constitution.”


06-03-23, 14:01
You are falling for the trap. It’s not really about who is prohibited, it’s mainly about signing a false statement.

If he wanted to overturn drug use making him prohibited, he should have checked “yes” and then sued when it was denied.

06-03-23, 14:19
You are falling for the trap. It’s not really about who is prohibited, it’s mainly about signing a false statement.

He was a prohibited person who lied on his 4473 and broke federal law in doing so. His legal team now using a case and SCOTUS ruling his own goofy father says was bad. So, when he's let off and charges are dropped, which they will be, that's gonna quite the optic and hopefully the GOP use it to good effect. I fail to see any trap.

If he wanted to overturn drug use making him prohibited, he should have checked “yes” and then sued when it was denied.

Doubt he or anyone he's related to is smart enough to look that far forward. He was just as it seems, a rich entitled dude with a drug problem who who hid dad would save him if he ran into any trouble.

06-03-23, 15:28
Gun owners and different factions on the right are going to fight about the prohibited person aspect.

That will become the focus rather than the false statement.

Just like they got people to focus on the affair aspect rather than the perjury with Bill Clinton.

06-03-23, 20:18
We always have been our own worst enemies, ADH-OHSQUIRREL! being a large part of it.

Conservatives in general, and gun owners in particular, with very rare limited and brief exceptions, couldn't focus and work together if the alternative was our loved ones being forced into a Bataan Death March or worse.

06-03-23, 20:48

07-27-23, 14:01
Judge calls BS on the case as the double standard continues:


07-27-23, 14:47
Thinking about it, I wonder why Hunter thought he "Needed" a pistol at that time?
Aparently the Secret Service seems to be at his beck and call, so he's had security.
So who put "The Scare" in him that made him go buy a pistol?

07-27-23, 15:38
Hunter is being charged with illegal possession of a gun. There is no charge relating to lying on a federal form.


Coal Dragger
07-27-23, 17:06
I’m sure since the plea deal fell through the next step is that the prosecution will just magically decide to withdraw all charges.

Anything to protect the totalitarian leftists in power.

07-27-23, 17:20
Thinking about it, I wonder why Hunter thought he "Needed" a pistol at that time?
Aparently the Secret Service seems to be at his beck and call, so he's had security.
So who put "The Scare" in him that made him go buy a pistol?

Cruising the hood for drugs and hookers...

07-27-23, 17:26
Cruising the hood for drugs and hookers...

That's exactly what I thought. He ditched the SS and was lone wolfing. Also probably worried about his former hookers pimps.