View Full Version : Feds inform Trump he is target likely to be indicted

06-07-23, 17:06
Trump’s lawyers told he is target in Mar-a-Lago documents investigation


Feds inform Trump he is target likely to be indicted as DOJ rebuffs prosecutorial misconduct claim


Well this should get all the Magadonians good and spooled up!

06-07-23, 17:15
It should get everybody spooled up because it's completely bullshit. If we're supposed to be okay with weaponizing the legal justice system, then we better get some use out of it our way and start locking up people on the other side too.

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06-07-23, 18:32
It should get everybody spooled up because it's completely bullshit. If we're supposed to be okay with weaponizing the legal justice system, then we better get some use out of it our way and start locking up people on the other side too.

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Just like everything else they do, the ComDems do it because they know the Repubes are gutless and want to fight Queenesberry rules.

06-07-23, 18:33
It should get everybody spooled up because it's completely bullshit. If we're supposed to be okay with weaponizing the legal justice system, then we better get some use out of it our way and start locking up people on the other side too.

I agree. I am not an at-heart Trump fan, but I did vote for him twice in the general election and will (reluctantly) do so again should he get the nomination. I also think he should be in the White House now as there was much cheating in 2020. That said, Trump is not in the White House now, however wrongly, and there is a primary where I will vote for Ron DeSantis. I hope any diehard Trump fans will vote for the nominee even if it is not Trump.

06-07-23, 22:53
The "FEDS"? You meant Biden administration right?

06-08-23, 10:36
Straight from the "No Shit Sherlock" files. It's a big club, and Trump ain't in it!

06-08-23, 13:03
Just as a sidebar, this is as good a place for any for it. The idiots that say that there was an insurrection, and that Trump is going to become a dictator, don’t understand history, coups, the nature of power, and how to successfully overthrow a government. Trump has himself and half the population, but none of the points of power. The upper reaches of the military, the social media/news apparatus, the financial, and the international chuckleheads, not to mention academia, and all the big city mayors.

Trump could announce that he is the new American Emperor Caesar, have some Maga people bust some stuff up, and then the real powers to that be kill him instantly. Trump has zero chance of becoming an extra legal dictator or ruler. It is a complete false flag Idea that Trump could come close to doing it. Trump isn’t a threat to our democracy.

ETA: and always remember that the worst it’s going to look for Trump is before they even release the charges. And after they announce in release them, you realize how much bullshit it is, notice how we’re not talking about the New York City crap anymore.

06-08-23, 13:06
Trump is not, and has never at any point been, a threat to democracy. In fact he embraces everything about democracy that we value. What he is a threat to, is the establishment, and the way things are done with shady backroom deals, and that is why he absolutely terrified people on both sides of the aisle, as well as the dumb mouth breathing public who believe what they hear on the news. That alone makes him an interesting character to pay attention to, and I would like to see him run amok in the complete disaster that our government currently sits in.

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06-08-23, 17:04
I would think that if they claim something is missing at this point, they've already lost the case.
Those documents have changed hands so often that now the point is moot.They were so busy with Malania's panty drawer so who was watching the documents at that very moment. Did everyone get frisked who went in or out of the building during the search,..you see where I'm going.
At this point Trump needs to claim Election Interferance and name Joe Biden as the asshole in charge of that.

06-08-23, 17:20
Just as a sidebar, this is as good a place for any for it. The idiots that say that there was an insurrection, and that Trump is going to become a dictator, don’t understand history, coups, the nature of power, and how to successfully overthrow a government. Trump has himself and half the population, but none of the points of power. The upper reaches of the military, the social media/news apparatus, the financial, and the international chuckleheads, not to mention academia, and all the big city mayors.

Trump could announce that he is the new American Emperor Caesar, have some Maga people bust some stuff up, and then the real powers to that be kill him instantly. Trump has zero chance of becoming an extra legal dictator or ruler. It is a complete false flag Idea that Trump could come close to doing it. Trump isn’t a threat to our democracy.

ETA: and always remember that the worst it’s going to look for Trump is before they even release the charges. And after they announce in release them, you realize how much bullshit it is, notice how we’re not talking about the New York City crap anymore.

Like many other accusations from the progressives, they will accus the right of what they themselves are attempting to do.

06-08-23, 19:32
So now he is officially indicted, or will be next Tuesday. The cat's out of the bag. I must say though that I hope his legal team fights to keep any trial in Florida, not have it moved to the Libtard D.C. area. The "crime" took place in Florida, that's where the case should be tried if it gets that far. We are officially a Banana Republic.....

The Dumb Gun Collector
06-08-23, 19:34
He better stop kneecapping Desantis. He might be begging for a pardon soon. But yeah, this is next-level banana republic stuff.

06-08-23, 20:45
My little Brother was in Haiti with an "A Team" and those guys sole purpose was to attempt to restore Law and Order during a Political Coup.
He told me there were just in his township three murders and hour for the first eight hours and the next day it had slowed down to two murders an hour.
Now in America if you get attacked, your most likely to be shot, in Haiti, your much more likely to be hacked to death with a Machete. Let me explain to you how being hacked to death with a Machete isn't something you want to experiance.
Even the Machete's down there are some Third World trash, that's more akin to a lawnmower blade than than Cutlery.

But the really neat part was that all of the Politicans were the first to go and the killing was accross party lines, didn't matter if you were the Mayor or Dog Catcher, if someone had a real beef, they were going to settle a score on you.
And I've read enough about the Russian Revolution to know once they get the iron in their hands and the killing starts, it's often difficult to stop and mistakes are made.

So I watch the News and read a bit of History and take comfort in the fact that if we are ever really taken over by Facists they will come from the Left and if they can achieve their goals folks like AOC are going to be lined up against a wall and shot. Politicans lined up and shot, Homosexuals lined up and shot, Corrupt Reporters lined up and shot.
Homey don't like no disodents.

06-08-23, 21:14
Bring it.

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06-09-23, 01:17
Bring it.

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SOunds like it has been brought, charges at least.

Espionage Act…. After the use of whole Dossier debacle, they choose to use Espionage? F them.

06-09-23, 05:04
More mainstream commie media majic to delude the American people and distract them from a real issue. Notice that the headlines today are about Trump and the made up charges designed to try to keep him from running for President, while what should be a real story isn't even mentioned... Biden's corruption and treason by taking a $5 million dollar bribe for political influence proven by the documents that the corrupt and politicized FBI is trying to hide from lawmakers. That is what should be the headline of every news agency today.

06-09-23, 05:25
We have crossed the Rubican .

I really have to think about this and the ramifications of America becoming a one party rule.

What I do know is the Republican party isn't worth a tinkers damn. So it will be up to the people to restore the Republic, or watch the world descend into a new dark age with the marxist take over of the USA.

06-09-23, 06:07
Why even pay any attention anymore? The government and the global elites are criminal syndicate. Including the national media, the NY Times, and WAPO. Are we surprised when the Sinaloa Cartel deep sixes someone? It's no different for the DOJ.

06-09-23, 06:34
Endless investigations, multiple impeachments, multiple indictments... just another day in Trump against Washington corruption. Sad thing is... some on the right think Trump is the problem.

06-09-23, 07:05
We have crossed the Rubican .

I really have to think about this and the ramifications of America becoming a one party rule.

What I do know is the Republican party isn't worth a tinkers damn. So it will be up to the people to restore the Republic, or watch the world descend into a new dark age with the marxist take over of the USA.

After what they did with the recent spending bill as one example, it should be obvious that they are all on one side... which isn't the American side of things. McCarthy is the one who put the funding in the bill for the 80,000 armed IRS agents for crying out loud!!! This country isn't on the down slide. It is sounding it's death knell. It's just a matter of what will be in place afterwards.

Alex V
06-09-23, 07:31
We knew they would, Communists always persecute their political opposition.

They have nothing and no one stopping them, why should they?

Just wait until Biden gets 120M votes in 2024.

06-09-23, 07:41
I don't think anyone really truly anticipates any conviction. Just throwing indictment after indictment after indictment at him and having him spend his resources, time, and energy fighting in court and distracting the people is 'win' enough.

06-09-23, 08:47
I don't think anyone really truly anticipates any conviction. Just throwing indictment after indictment after indictment at him and having him spend his resources, time, and energy fighting in court and distracting the people is 'win' enough.

And at what point does that interfere with "Free and Fair" Elections?
Obviously at some point, when you're spending more time in court than on the election tour, it does interfere.

And all this while the Biden Crime Family is being exposed?

06-09-23, 08:48
We knew they would, Communists always persecute their political opposition.

They have nothing and no one stopping them, why should they?

Just wait until Biden gets 120M votes in 2024.

The ONLY reason they can get away with this crap is that they control the organs of the state, the investigative and enforcement arms specifically. That is only because they are FRAUDULENTLY in power. Unless we can get a grip on the cheating this will never end.

I can hear the MSM in mid-November of 2024: "Despite being very unpopular in the polls, the American public has once again seen fit to entrust Joe Biden with the reigns of power with a record-setting 100 million vote mandate."

06-09-23, 09:05
And at what point does that interfere with "Free and Fair" Elections?
Obviously at some point, when you're spending more time in court than on the election tour, it does interfere.

And all this while the Biden Crime Family is being exposed?

My take on the reason the FJB crime syndicate being exposed at the same time DJT is being being indicted is just to give another middle finger to the American people. It sends a message that the ComDems and deep state are in charge and can do whatever they want.

06-09-23, 09:23
My take on the reason the FJB crime syndicate being exposed at the same time DJT is being being indicted is just to give another middle finger to the American people. It sends a message that the ComDems and deep state are in charge and can do whatever they want.

We're coming into a Presidential Election cycle, isn't that a rather negative message to be throwing out there at this point?
I mean Hunter is the prime example of those being born with a Silver Spoon in their mouths are above the Law.
There are a lot of poor, honest, hardworking people out there who would be very happy to see that little MF"er go down. I mean like grab your lunchbox and skip out to the Truck after work kind of happy.
If Adam Sandler made a movie about a corrupt political family it couldn't be as hilarious as the Biden's.
You're running a International scheme to screw entire countries out of millions and millions of dollars, by selling your influence, but the only person you can trust with the money laundering is your crack head, whore mongering Son?
That's Comedy Genius right there.

06-09-23, 09:29
We're coming into a Presidential Election cycle, isn't that a rather negative message to be throwing out there at this point?
I mean Hunter is the prime example of those being born with a Silver Spoon in their mouths are above the Law.
There are a lot of poor, honest, hardworking people out there who would be very happy to see that little MF"er go down. I mean like grab your lunchbox and skip out to the Truck after work kind of happy.
If Adam Sandler made a movie about a corrupt political family it couldn't be as hilarious as the Biden's.
You're running a International scheme to screw entire countries out of millions and millions of dollars, by selling your influence, but the only person you can trust with the money laundering is your crack head, whore mongering Son?
That's Comedy Genius right there.

If elections can be stolen, what difference does sending a negative message make? And there are still 50% of voters who would vote for FJB again if the election was held tomorrow.

06-09-23, 10:23
And at what point does that interfere with "Free and Fair" Elections?
Obviously at some point, when you're spending more time in court than on the election tour, it does interfere.

And all this while the Biden Crime Family is being exposed?

That ship has sailed. Interfering in free and fair elections is as old as our nation. Of course it interferes, that's the plan. As is the dogged style with which it's going down parallel to the exposure of Biden's syndicate, on purpose, in order to take the heat off Biden, et al.

06-09-23, 10:56
And at what point does that interfere with "Free and Fair" Elections?
Obviously at some point, when you're spending more time in court than on the election tour, it does interfere.

And all this while the Biden Crime Family is being exposed?

It already has, and is.

06-09-23, 11:41
It already has, and is.

Then how is all of this not another crime the Biden's are guilty of?
I'm old enough to remember when Joe Biden was as Southern Democrat as Jim Crow. The funny thing is all of that is a historic fact and Black Democrats continue to vote for him.

06-09-23, 11:54
Then how is all of this not another crime the Biden's are guilty of?
I'm old enough to remember when Joe Biden was as Southern Democrat as Jim Crow. The funny thing is all of that is a historic fact and Black Democrats continue to vote for him.

The real irony is he really was, is, racist. And blacks still vote(d) for him.

The reason this is not "a crime" is because he is HMFIC of his syndicate, and right now his people hold the power.

06-09-23, 13:47
And at what point does that interfere with "Free and Fair" Elections?
Obviously at some point, when you're spending more time in court than on the election tour, it does interfere.

And all this while the Biden Crime Family is being exposed?

Free and fair elections? That’s funny

06-09-23, 15:21
One of the charges is he shared classified info with someone not cleared, in a public venue. If this is true and there are witnesses, that's no bueno. That's a big felony.

06-09-23, 16:42
Trumps only crime is winning an election. The American Nazi party thought it was in the bag for Hilly in 2016. They have been after him ever since. Some of the stuff that Trump is indicted for are the same things Hillary did and she’s walking around free. I get it, 2 wrongs don’t make a right but still. The state of New York changed a law specifically so they could use it against Trump.

The Nazis need to be very careful the doors they open because soon it will be open season on them and then you will see a shit storm. But as others have already noted, assuming the republicans have the cobbles.

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06-09-23, 17:13
assuming the republicans have the cobbles.

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Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Good one!
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06-09-23, 17:27
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Good one!
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I know right? Good one GR.

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06-09-23, 17:43
The real irony is he really was, is, racist. And blacks still vote(d) for him.

The reason this is not "a crime" is because he is HMFIC of his syndicate, and right now his people hold the power.

That's because people don't know their damn history. When I told people he was the actual racist in that election, they looked at me like I was crazy. Most people think the KKK was started by Republicans, and on it goes, the disaster that is our typical citizen of the US who can't find the US on a world map!

"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter" - Winston Churchill

The press, before their TDS, used to call him on the chronic lying which made the orange guy look honest:


06-10-23, 05:40
So he kept stuff and maybe a Chinese Ninja could have broken in and gotten the secret sauce formula….

06-10-23, 06:51
So he kept stuff and maybe a Chinese Ninja could have broken in and gotten the secret sauce formula….

Unlike Brandon who kept his TS documents secure in his garage or Hitlery on a server in her bathroom.

06-10-23, 08:19
Anything political is a scam and a con job.

06-10-23, 09:18
Trump to speak Saturday as he and allies escalate attacks on law enforcement


COLUMBUS, Georgia — Donald Trump, the only former president to ever face criminal charges, will make his first public remarks Saturday since the release of a federal indictment accusing him of mishandling classified information, as he and his allies issue inflammatory calls to action and escalating attacks on law enforcement.

06-10-23, 09:30
The FBI and DOJ are no longer considered Law Enforcement. They are partisan political organizations that have criminally weaponized the legal system against political opponents and they should be treated as such. The hostile domestic enemies the Constitution and founding fathers warned us about.

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06-10-23, 09:53
Then how is all of this not another crime the Biden's are guilty of?
I'm old enough to remember when Joe Biden was as Southern Democrat as Jim Crow. The funny thing is all of that is a historic fact and Black Democrats continue to vote for him.

I understand the double standard and hypocrisy argument, as well as pointing out blatant in-your-face lies from the Left. But... if that was politically successful against the Left there wouldn't have been any democrats elected the past 20 years.

The measuring stick used by the Left to guide their behavior isn't right or wrong, far or unfair, moral or immoral, truth or lie, justice or injustice... none of that matters. The only thing that matters is what Harry Reid succinctly explained while smirking when confronted with his blatant lies claiming Mitt Romney didn't pay his taxes: "Call it what you want. Romney didn’t win, did he.”

06-10-23, 10:15
The FBI and DOJ are no longer considered Law Enforcement. They are partisan political organizations that have criminally weaponized the legal system against political opponents and they should be treated as such. The hostile domestic enemies the Constitution and founding fathers warned us about.

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Well, I get it but they still have the full authority to toss you in jail and if you resist them forcefully enough, to kill you and no one will do anything about it.

06-10-23, 11:08
Well, I get it but they still have the full authority to toss you in jail and if you resist them forcefully enough, to kill you and no one will do anything about it.
Just like they do in other third world countries.

06-10-23, 13:25
Trump to speak Saturday as he and allies escalate attacks on law enforcement


They are setting the stage if I didn't know better. They are getting ballsey, but should watch how much they bite off in overconfidence. Could end up being too much to chew on. Apparently the "slow-roll" is being cast aside.

06-10-23, 14:08
Well, I get it but they still have the full authority to toss you in jail and if you resist them forcefully enough, to kill you and no one will do anything about it.

Further evidence the US is a third world .gov shithole, only with good roads and nicer grocery stores.

06-10-23, 17:30
‘I will never be detained’: Trump defiant in first speech since federal indictment


An arraignment is a detainment. Trump has been ordered to appear before the court on Tuesday. He was also detained last month when he was arraigned in New York. He will be arrested and processed before the hearing.

06-11-23, 06:57
Sums what we all know, but good summary:


06-11-23, 11:56
Further evidence the US is a third world .gov shithole, only with good roads and nicer grocery stores.

We have a ways to go, only one side in the USA takes to the streets.


06-11-23, 12:08
We have a ways to go, only one side in the USA takes to the streets.


Granted, we do have a ways to go.... 6-12 months maybe ?

06-11-23, 13:58
Dan Bongino sums this up accurately...

06-11-23, 18:43
Trump’s disdain for intelligence rules foretold his indictment


During his four years in the White House, Donald Trump routinely flouted the laws, rules and conventions that govern the handling of classified information.

He tweeted a photo of an Iranian missile launch site, which revealed the capabilities of U.S. spy satellites. He tipped off the Russians to a foreign ally’s source inside a terrorist organization, potentially putting the life of an agent at risk. He took transcripts of his calls with foreign leaders as well as photos and charts used in his intelligence briefings to his private residence with no explanation, and aides sometimes lost track of the sensitive documents.

The way President Donald Trump handled classified information, which some of his own advisers considered reckless, was his official prerogative. Now, as a private citizen, it’s allegedly a crime.

This guys an idiot, a NY Democrat who coned a bunch of low information republican voters into voting for him. He should never of been president.

Y’all elected a moron who thought it was a great idea to show classified military intelligence to the likes of Kid Rock well after he was no longer president and allowed to poses much less reveal such information.

Jesus Christ....

06-11-23, 21:35
Trump’s disdain for intelligence rules foretold his indictment


This guys an idiot, a NY Democrat who coned a bunch of low information republican voters into voting for him. He should never of been president.

Y’all elected a moron who thought it was a great idea to show classified military intelligence to the likes of Kid Rock well after he was no longer president and allowed to poses much less reveal such information.

Jesus Christ....

Yet a better Republican president than the 2 who preceded him... I guess "Y'all" means you voted for Hillary or Brandon - wise choices.


PS, Conned not comedy, maybe?

06-12-23, 06:32
Rush characterized them as "seminar callers". Seminar posters... same thing.

06-12-23, 07:19
Rush characterized them as "seminar callers". Seminar posters... same thing.

Rush was the ring leader of that circus

06-12-23, 13:19
So for background, my first job out of college (1991) was as an intel analyst with a 3-letter agency, and it was brief. I saw all sorts of information classified at various levels, and knew what we could carry and show and to whom. In my little corner of the world, nothing left the building. It's been a minute since I was around that, so I read up on classified docs and presidential authority.

The president can declassify some stuff, but not all stuff; some stuff he declassifies needs to be vetted prior to declassification, some stuff it looks like he can say the magic words "I declassify this document." I can't find anything that supports showing or having information, then retroactively applying the "it's declassified" after the fact.

Some information has statutory classification requirement, the info I have found was specific to anything nuclear, so a president cannot declassify anything that has a statutory classification.

06-12-23, 19:51
In reading and watching reviews of the indictment, Trump is again his own worst enemy and screwed on some of the charges. HRC got away because of the Comey Rule kept charges from being charged- which she was obviously guilty by the letter of the law.

So once again we have a double standard of “For my friends, everything; for my enemies, the law.”

And the rolling Greek Tragedy of Trump keeps on rolling…. His only real hope is that he has a pretty friendly judge and all he needs is one juror to jack things up in his favor.

The Dumb Gun Collector
06-12-23, 20:04
If this indictment is even close to accurate Trump is a moron. He hid the files from his own lawyers and then had them sign off that he had returned them? He was showing an author, on tape, classified documents and basically admitted he had missed his chance to declassify them? Just supremely stupid behavior. Again, if true. I have read thousands of indictments and they are rarely fair, and are usually exaggerated. But the specific facts alleged make trump look unbelievably stupid.

06-12-23, 21:40
"If even half of it's true, he's toast." Bill Barr on the indictment.

06-13-23, 05:34
Trump Advisers Quietly Worry Courthouse Protest Could Be a ‘Disaster’


Those closest to the ex-president pointed to a rally organized by the Trump-adoring activist Laura Loomer—and promoted by longtime Trump ally Roger Stone—as an event that could go very wrong.

“Inside of this event, there is going to be a disaster,” a Trump confidant told The Daily Beast. “There are going to be people that come out that don’t want to be peaceful.”

“All the things that are wrong with MAGA are going to show up,” the confidant added. “You get the fanatics coming out.”

A close Trump adviser also expressed reservations about the gathering.

Worth watching, they are anticipating upwards of 50,000 trumpets at the courthouse.... Antifa and Proud Boys are going.... should be a real circus!

06-13-23, 06:14
Good, let it get ugly, and let it be just the beginning.

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06-13-23, 06:20
2016 if what they say is true... 2017 if what they say is true... and on and on and on.... now 2023 if what they say is true. Sounds like UFO sightings.

Listened to Ted Cruz Podcast last evening. Good explanation and take on it. Says 31 charges are document related. The others are various obstruction related charges. Trial, if there is one, might be years from now before conclusion. On a level of seriousness 1-10 he gives it a 4.5. He gave Bragg a 1.5.

Seems likely to me that either Trump or DeSantis will be in the Oval office before a trial ends. So no matter what happens, even if Trump is convicted of any charges, he'll be pardoned anyway.

All of this is designed as a political distraction and cudgel for the Left and those suffering from TDS to beat Trump over the head with during the 2024 election cycle.

06-13-23, 06:50
Seems likely to me that either Trump or DeSantis will be in the Oval office before a trial ends. So no matter what happens, even if Trump is convicted of any charges, he'll be pardoned anyway.

If trump was smart he’d stop attacking DeSantis.

06-13-23, 06:51
It's all theater anyways. Like when camel toe called dementia Joe a racist, before pretending she never said it.

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06-13-23, 07:22
From the Politico daily newsletter today:

INSIDE THE TRUMP DEFENSE — Good morning from Miami, where DONALD J. TRUMP will be arraigned at 3 p.m. today inside the Wilkie D. Ferguson Jr. Courthouse on a 37-count federal criminal indictment. The former president is scheduled to travel this afternoon from Trump National Doral Golf Club, where he arrived Monday, to downtown Miami, where police are preparing for large scale protests, and then fly to Bedminster, N.J., tonight to deliver a speech at his club there.

First off, here’s what to expect inside the courtroom: Don’t expect to see much. U.S. Magistrate Judge JONATHAN GOODMAN, who will preside over today’s hearing, ruled against allowing media cameras inside, citing in part “the massive security arrangements put in place.” A closed-circuit video feed will be available in a spillover room for members of the media and public who won’t fit inside the courtroom, but it won’t be broadcast to the outside world. He did arrange for “an expedited transcript” of the event.

As to who will be representing Trump before Goodman, it’s unclear. Per Josh Gerstein, Trump aide BORIS EPSHTEYN spent much of yesterday holding a cattle call at Doral to find potential lawyers to defend Trump. WaPo reported last night that Trump has been “scrambling” to identify a seasoned Florida trial lawyer willing to take the case, and that Trump attorneys TODD BLANCHE and CHRIS KISE, who are leading that search, are likely to appear today.

Eventually Trump will find representation, and the legal assault on special counsel JACK SMITH’s case will begin. While much of the reaction the past few days has focused on the strength of the indictment and the evidence Smith has amassed, a skilled defense will inevitably unearth new facts and new interpretations of the narrative described by the government. Overseeing it all is likely to be AILEEN CANNON, the Trump-appointed judge who garnered scrutiny last year over rulings friendly to the former president.

To understand how to mount a defense of Trump, we turned to the man who until recently was charged with that task: TIMOTHY PARLATORE, who left the Trump team last month after he determined that Epshteyn was making it impossible for him to do his job.

We spoke to Parlatore at length last night, and two things were very clear: (1) He is no MAGA diehard. Like a lot of criminal defense attorneys he seems more driven by a jaundiced view of the government and a desire to check its enormous powers to accuse citizens of crimes and deprive them of liberty. His hero is JOHN ADAMS, who famously defended the British soldiers accused of murder in the Boston Massacre. (2) He is sincere in his belief that Trump has some eminently viable pre-trial strategies that could blow some holes in Smith’s case.

Here’s how he would handle the first stages of the case:

— Pursue aggressive discovery. Indictments usually mark the high point of the strength of the government’s case. Prosecutors decide what information is released and, just as important, what’s not released. But that will soon change as Trump’s legal team gains access to the full record and has a better understanding of any alternative explanations they can craft in response to what now reads like damning evidence.

“So that’s the first big motion,” Parlatore said. “There will be a dispute. The government won’t give them as much as they want. But what’s in an indictment and what discovery shows don’t always match up.”

— Probe potential prosecutorial misconduct. A central — and serious — allegation from team Trump is that JAY BRATT, the Justice Department’s counterintelligence chief, pressured Trump co-defendant WALT NAUTA during an interview by inappropriately mentioning that Nauta’s attorney, STANLEY WOODWARD, is currently applying for a presidentially nominated D.C. Superior Court judgeship.

Trump’s lawyers “may seek additional discovery related to the issue of prosecutorial misconduct — the attempted extortion or witness tampering of one of the attorneys,” Parlatore said. “What communications are there between DOJ and anyone who oversees the judicial process? You would want to try to find any corroboration of that.”

— Attack the search warrant. Parlatore said he would next go after the legitimacy of the search warrant in an effort to suppress the evidence obtained from the raid of Mar-a-Lago last August. The Trump team will no doubt finally have access to the fully unredacted version of the search warrant, which could offer lawyers new avenues to pursue. (They will no doubt hype this dispute between DOJ and FBI detailed by a former FBI official over the execution of the raid.)

— Get the lawyer’s notes excluded. One of the biggest pretrial fights will be over Trump lawyer EVAN CORCORAN’s notes. D.C.-based federal judge AMY BERMAN JACKSON allowed Smith to pierce attorney-client privilege based on the so-called “crime-fraud exception,” and the indictment relies on the Corcoran notes to establish key elements of the obstruction case against him.

When they fought the issue previously, Trump’s lawyers were not privy to every part of the government’s motion or the government’s oral argument or even the entire order from the judge, Parlatore said: “They essentially have to redo that motion, now with the benefit of seeing all of the evidence.”

The defense argument for excluding the notes is straightforward: How can someone be charged with criminal counts for simply asking questions of their lawyer during what they believed was a privileged conversation? “It should have never been a crime-fraud exception, and once it was, it should never have been the evidence for a charge,” Parlatore said. “It’s insane.”

— Undermine the process that produced the indictment. Parlatore also alleges a pattern of misconduct that he says he witnessed inside the grand jury, where prosecutors repeatedly asked about privileged attorney-client communications then argued to jurors that invoking that privilege was evidence of guilt.

That, Parlatore said, would justify a motion “that the entire grand jury process was flawed,” he said — part of a strategy to discredit the case based on legal issues while Trump’s lawyers unearth factual issues that are likely to emerge later in the case.

“Attack the conduct of the entire investigation and show through death by a thousand cuts why this entire investigation is irreparably tainted by government misconduct,” he continued. “The case therefore should be dismissed or, at a minimum, the prosecutor should be disqualified.”

Pretty interesting. I definately could see the judge throwing out a lot of evidence and maybe even the charges based on some of these charges.

If she does throw out the charges- what is the recourse on re-filing them? Isn’t there with and with out prejudice? If you are going to go to trial over this, I’d much rather do it in FL with this judge than in DC with some other swamp judge and swamp jury.

06-13-23, 07:24
If trump was smart he’d stop attacking DeSantis.

One thing you and I agree on - Trump is not gonna do the smart thing. I thought he should "pass the torch" to a strong R candidate but his ego demanded he run again. He would not be on trial if he was not running for president, which is reason enough to celebrate when this case fails.


06-13-23, 08:04
It this another self inflicted wound by Trump? Yes. Is a highly politically motivated case by the DOJ? 100% yes. It's that optic alone, and the double standard applied to him (and GOP in general) compared to any Dem, is why/how people have lost all faith in the various three letter fed orgs, and that's more problematic than anything Trump has done.

The goal is to prevent Trump from being able to run again at all and any costs, legal or not. Other than those with TDS, no one can't see that.

06-13-23, 09:28
Trump Advisers Quietly Worry Courthouse Protest Could Be a ‘Disaster’


Worth watching, they are anticipating upwards of 50,000 trumpets at the courthouse.... Antifa and Proud Boys are going.... should be a real circus!

After Billions and damages in cities all around the country and dozens dead, let’s talk. That is the bar for ‘mostly peaceful’ protests against out of control legal systems…

06-13-23, 09:33
If trump was smart he’d stop attacking DeSantis.

Why? Regardless of political bomb throwing between DeSantis and Trump, if DeSantis wins and Trump is convicted, DeSantis would pardon Trump as an olive branch to his supporters in an effort to unify the party, and as part of correcting a wrong perpetrated by a corrupt DOJ.

Hours after Trump indictment announced... DeSantis: 'The weaponization of federal law enforcement represents a mortal threat to a free society.'

06-13-23, 09:35
If this indictment is even close to accurate Trump is a moron. He hid the files from his own lawyers and then had them sign off that he had returned them? He was showing an author, on tape, classified documents and basically admitted he had missed his chance to declassify them? Just supremely stupid behavior. Again, if true. I have read thousands of indictments and they are rarely fair, and are usually exaggerated. But the specific facts alleged make trump look unbelievably stupid.

The fact is, however politically motivated these charges may be, and however unfair it is that Republicans get charged with things the Democrats get away with, if he’s guilty he’s guilty, and if he’s guilty, he was really stupid. It’s like when people say “I only got arrested because I’m [insert race/ethnicity/identity] and white, straight people always get away with it when they do the same thing!” If that’s true, you shouldn’t have committed the crime! If they pick on you for no reason, don’t make it easy and give them an actual reason!

06-13-23, 09:37
Why? Regardless of political bomb throwing between DeSantis and Trump, if DeSantis wins and Trump is convicted, DeSantis would pardon Trump as an olive branch to his supporters in an effort of unity, and as part of correcting a wrong perpetrated by a corrupt DOJ.

Hours after Trump indictment announced... DeSantis: 'The weaponization of federal law enforcement represents a mortal threat to a free society.'

Does POTUS have that authority under those conditions and the nature of the crime and all that? I know on leaving office they often issue pardons. Does that apply from day one as POTUS? I have to admit, that seems like too much power in the hands of one person.

06-13-23, 09:40
Does POTUS have that authority under those conditions and the nature of the crime and all that? I know on leaving office they often issue pardons. Does that apply from day one as POTUS? I have to admit, that seems like too much power in the hands of one person.

Yes, for federal crimes. Trump pardoned over 100 beginning in 2017.

06-13-23, 09:45
D's have done Pardon Jackpots on the way out the door for decades, it's time we started investigating which convictions on their watch have been legit and which Politically Motivated and pardon the latter wholesale.

And while we're at it, appoint a Special Counsel to investigate Lon Horiuchi and all his ilk.

06-13-23, 09:46
The fact is, however politically motivated these charges may be, and however unfair it is that Republicans get charged with things the Democrats get away with, if he’s guilty he’s guilty, and if he’s guilty, he was really stupid. It’s like when people say “I only got arrested because I’m [insert race/ethnicity/identity] and white, straight people always get away with it when they do the same thing!” If that’s true, you shouldn’t have committed the crime! If they pick on you for no reason, don’t make it easy and give them an actual reason!

Trump is in the awkward position that the informant and witness against him that he needs to whack is... himself.

I think the communications to his lawyers will be thrown out.

06-13-23, 10:11
"If even half of it's true, he's toast." Bill Barr on the indictment.

2016 if what they say is true... 2017 if what they say is true... and on and on and on.... now 2023 if what they say is true. Sounds like UFO sightings.

Listened to Ted Cruz Podcast last evening. Good explanation and take on it. Says 31 charges are document related. The others are various obstruction related charges. Trial, if there is one, might be years from now before conclusion. On a level of seriousness 1-10 he gives it a 4.5. He gave Bragg a 1.5.

Seems likely to me that either Trump or DeSantis will be in the Oval office before a trial ends. So no matter what happens, even if Trump is convicted of any charges, he'll be pardoned anyway.

All of this is designed as a political distraction and cudgel for the Left and those suffering from TDS to beat Trump over the head with during the 2024 election cycle.

I wonder if Barr would say the same of the Biden Burisma documents and tapes? Something tells me the answer is no.

Wray sandbagged the Committee so they could time the release of the Burisma documents with the indictment, thereby sucking all the oxygen out of the room. Wray should be impeached for that. Hell I was calling the Burisma corruption deal way back in 2019. What happened then? The went with the Trump impeachment to distract from the Comey/Strozk/Fusion GPS/FISA scandal that was dropping. This is a COMMON tactic by the FBI/DOJ and they need to get their pp's whacked over it! :mad:


My breakdown starts on Post #44. Four years later, it still holds water VERY well. So if someone with nothing but OSINT can see what happened back in 2019, why is Congress having to pull the FBI's teeth in order to get the Biden Criminal Conspiracy investigation moving after FOUR YEARS? Because the FBI/DoJ is politically compromised.

My investigative theory is this: Select members of the Obama Administration colluded with the Clinton Campaign (which had taken over the DNC and was running their finances due to near insolvency) and ran a "Parallel Construction" op on known Trump Associates. Utilizing the full might of the U.S. intelligence system, they were able to identify any and all potential weak points of Trump's associates, which they proceeded to exploit to any extent possible. That's why the 302's are so crucial to the investigation into the investigators. They should give starting points and allow Horowitz and Durham to focus in on the activities of people like Strozk and Ohr. EDIT: This has a lot to do with Adm. Mike Rogers defying his superiors and blowing the whistle on domestic spy ops against US persons. It's also why Clapper wanted Adm. Rogers fired. I truly believe Obama wasn't involved in this BS, because he refused to fire Adm. Rogers and has never spent time on the PR circuit spewing the same talking points Brennan, Clapper, Hillary and others were on this topic. I don't believe he wanted anything to do with their mess.

At the same time, it's also evident that we now know why Biden kept dipping a toe into the campaign waters in 2016, but never committed. Through people like Brennan, Clapper, Rice, Lynch, and so on, Hillary had Kompromat on Biden, in the form of his involvement in getting his cokehead son Hunter a sweet Ukrainian gig, then subsequently getting any investigation into his dealings shut down.

You will not read or hear this information from any mainstream media outlet. Their reporting on these matters is superficial at best. Some outlets are intentionally obfuscating and downplaying much of Biden's involvement. The plot of this story is so convoluted that it takes real determination to even follow half of it.

It's a Big Club and Trump ain't in it!

06-13-23, 10:39
Does POTUS have that authority under those conditions and the nature of the crime and all that? I know on leaving office they often issue pardons. Does that apply from day one as POTUS? I have to admit, that seems like too much power in the hands of one person.

Yes it does, from Day One.

06-13-23, 12:05
Barr is a deep state coward snake who stabbed all of us in the back.

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06-13-23, 12:51
Trump now claims classified documents were ‘planted’ in Mar-a-Lago boxes in wild arraignment morning rant


It's always a great sign that you're telling the truth when your story keeps changing.

06-13-23, 13:06
Trump now claims classified documents were ‘planted’ in Mar-a-Lago boxes in wild arraignment morning rant


It's always a great sign that you're telling the truth when your story keeps changing.

Well, in his defense who was doing what with the boxes while they were going through Milania's panty drawer?
There is a chain of custody issue here because I dont believe all those boxes were properly sealed inside Miralago.
I would guess as evidence is released to you, your story will change as you put your facts together.

06-13-23, 13:19
Trump now claims classified documents were ‘planted’ in Mar-a-Lago boxes in wild arraignment morning rant


It's always a great sign that you're telling the truth when your story keeps changing.

I wonder if Trump wants to mount some type of malicious prosecution defense? If they felt he needed a different strategy it might explain why those two defense attorneys bailed.

06-13-23, 14:43
Meanwhile, while everyone is talking about Trump, real news is being pretty much ignored...


I think this prosecution of Trump is just going to end up some how being a big CYA for Sleepy Joe and Hunter's real crimes of treason and corruption.

06-13-23, 14:44
Planted documents...

Seems to me I remember at the time of the raid that Trump and or his attorneys complaining that they were not allowed to observe what the raiding agents were doing.

06-13-23, 14:56
I wonder if Trump wants to mount some type of malicious prosecution defense? If they felt he needed a different strategy it might explain why those two defense attorneys bailed.

This is the very definition of a malicious prosecution. They've obliterated every limit ever placed on them for 7 years and counting. This isn't even the last act.

06-13-23, 17:29

August 10 2022:


Trump says his attorneys weren’t allowed ‘anywhere near’ FBI raid

“Everyone was asked to leave the premises, they wanted to be left alone, without any witnesses to see what they were doing, taking or, hopefully not, ‘planting,'” the former president wrote. “Why did they STRONGLY insist on having nobody watching them, everybody out?”

An FBI spokesperson declined to respond Wednesday to Trump’s post.

Trump’s comments come after FBI agents spent nine hours scouring his private office on Monday, as well as breaking into his safe and even digging into Melania Trump’s wardrobe.

FBI searched Melania’s wardrobe, spent hours in Trump’s private office during Mar-a-Lago raid

Trump has expressed concerns that FBI agents or Department of Justice attorneys had “planted stuff” because they would not allow his lawyers inside the 128-room estate during the operation involving 30 agents from the Southern District of Florida and the FBI’s Washington field office.


06-13-23, 17:37

August 10 2022:


Trump says his attorneys weren’t allowed ‘anywhere near’ FBI raid

“Everyone was asked to leave the premises, they wanted to be left alone, without any witnesses to see what they were doing, taking or, hopefully not, ‘planting,'” the former president wrote. “Why did they STRONGLY insist on having nobody watching them, everybody out?”

An FBI spokesperson declined to respond Wednesday to Trump’s post.

Trump’s comments come after FBI agents spent nine hours scouring his private office on Monday, as well as breaking into his safe and even digging into Melania Trump’s wardrobe.

FBI searched Melania’s wardrobe, spent hours in Trump’s private office during Mar-a-Lago raid

Trump has expressed concerns that FBI agents or Department of Justice attorneys had “planted stuff” because they would not allow his lawyers inside the 128-room estate during the operation involving 30 agents from the Southern District of Florida and the FBI’s Washington field office.


And that right there should be enough to nullify everything found in the search.

06-13-23, 17:38
I trust CNN more than I do the FBI.

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06-13-23, 17:39
And that right there should be enough to nullify everything found in the search.

"Fruit of the Poisonous Tree" will be trumped by "OrangeManBad"... just confirming what us Blackpills already know.

06-13-23, 18:41
I think the Dems and the main stream media will be fine if the charges got thrown out. Granted, I think they’d like to have Trump in prison and convicted, but even if the charges get thrown out, they’ll say forever that he was guilty of everything, and got off on a technicality.

06-13-23, 18:43
I think the Dems and the main stream media will be fine if the charges got thrown out. Granted, I think they’d like to have Trump in prison and convicted, but even if the charges get thrown out, they’ll say forever that he was guilty of everything, and got off on a technicality.

My Blackpill expectation is if the courts won't give the Regime the result they want they go extralegal/extrajudicial/Targeted Kinetic. The Deep State's done it before... and making Trump a martyr for our side would give them the flashpoint for that Civil War II they seem hellbent on having.

06-13-23, 18:44
I'm ok with those terms.

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06-14-23, 00:42
I can't understand how the rules on Presdential Documents seems to be shifting as we look at them.
I assumed Trump could classify or declassify documents pretty easily, I actually thought his posession alone meant they were declassified by him.
There have been issues with documents before, I believe Clinton had some issues with this.

No one has ever showed up at an Ex Presidents home before and "Raided" it to retrive documents, I believe there were actual negotiations with the archives that were ongoing as the FBI entered Maralargo.
Telling his Attorneys that they could not be present for the search for and of the documents?
No, all of that smells like the DOJ has beeen weaponized against Trump.
Lord Knows what is in those boxes now, but I would submit to you that the chain of custody was broken the minute they excluded Trumps Attorneys from being present.

The only thing I'm sure of is that the House will not allow much more of this Monkey Business.

06-14-23, 07:20
Tucker on the situation:


06-14-23, 07:20
Tucker on the situation:


06-14-23, 09:33
The only (ex) Dem I like, and spot on:


06-14-23, 09:33
Tuckers on point.
I'm no longer a Republican.

06-14-23, 09:49
Tuckers on point.
I'm no longer a Republican.

That fastest growing political "party" in the US is Independents, which I have always been. The media ignores that for obvious reasons as they don't want to put ideas in people's heads, but more and more realizing both are F'ed. Right now, the GOP less F'ed than Dems to be sure, but that they are losing people who don't want to be associated with either is telling and the only way to send the message. Maybe in the not to distant future, and Independent candidate will have a legit shot at winning.

06-14-23, 10:03
That fastest growing political "party" in the US is Independents, which I have always been. The media ignores that for obvious reasons as they don't want to put ideas in people's heads, but more and more realizing both are F'ed. Right now, the GOP less F'ed than Dems to be sure, but that they are losing people who don't want to be associated with either is telling and the only way to send the message. Maybe in the not to distant future, and Independent candidate will have a legit shot at winning.The BIGGEST problem with being independent is there still isn't enough to even qualify for government money.

There must be 5% to qualify and in the fifty year history of the libertarian group they have NEVER qualified.
Since there has never been a mere 5% of the total, nobody (including the media) takes them seriously.

The last election the libertarian VP candidate said something to the effect of illegal aliens should be allowed to posses firearms.
Ignorant comments like that is why they stay with such small numbers.

Are Republican candidates any better, usually no, but they get higher numbers and at the end of the day, that is all that matters.

06-14-23, 10:22
Majority of so-called Independent voters reportedly voted for Biden in 2020. Everything Biden has screwed America, from the southern border to energy policy and everything else... they got what they voted for.

06-14-23, 10:28
The BIGGEST problem with being independent is there still isn't enough to even qualify for government money.

There must be 5% to qualify and in the fifty year history of the libertarian group they have NEVER qualified.
Since there has never been a mere 5% of the total, nobody (including the media) takes them seriously.

The last election the libertarian VP candidate said something to the effect of illegal aliens should be allowed to posses firearms.
Ignorant comments like that is why they stay with such small numbers.

Are Republican candidates any better, usually no, but they get higher numbers and at the end of the day, that is all that matters.

The biggest issue is, and will be, getting those growing % of independent listed voters to actually vote for an Independent or third party candidate. Most still vote for one of the two parties because they don't want to "waste" their vote and have someone they really hate get into office, self fulfilling their own fears.

The two parties with their media puppets do an excellent job of convincing people to vote for them. The point being, perhaps when/if there's enough Independent voters, there may be a candidate they're willing to vote for not of the two parties.

Whether it happens in my life time I have no idea. I do know while the GOP/Dems don't like each other, they will team up in a heart beat to eliminate anyone who tries to take a piece of their power sharing cabal. When Gary Johnson started to make some traction, and I hoped he might get that 5%, they took him out hard and fast.

06-14-23, 10:29
Here is what I see;
If we get Trump, Trump will go on a tirade of revenge, as he is justified in doing. I really don't care about his revenge, I just want a functioning Federal government. My fear is Trump will be all about some retribution.
If we get Desantis, we will get a replay of Trumps first two years in office where everyone is out to get him. Desantis will be "swamped".

06-14-23, 10:31
Tuckers on point.
I'm no longer a Republican.

We're basically down to traitors & a few patriots in DC.

06-14-23, 10:32
A functioning federal government is EXACTLY what has been screwing us for decades.

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06-14-23, 10:34
Majority of so-called Independent voters reportedly voted for Biden in 2020. Everything Biden has screwed America, from the southern border to energy policy and everything else... they got what they voted for.

If that's accurate, it was due to their dislike for the orange guy, not due to any interest in Brandon. For most Dems, it was a hold their nose and vote situation, it was for many who voted for Trump due HC. While our system is a "lesser of two evils" system by nature, it's been to the max and extreme in the last few cycles.

I said this many times, I'd like to see the poll where they ask what % of people voted for Trump because he was not HC and what % voted for HC because she was not Trump.

Same for recent Trump/Brandon.

I think the numbers would surprise many.

I don't think those % have ever been that high, at least not in my life time.

06-14-23, 10:36
The biggest issue is, and will be, getting those growing % of independent listed voters to actually vote for an Independent or third party candidate. Most still vote for one of the two parties because they don't want to "waste" their vote and have someone they really hate get into office, self fulfilling their own fears.

The two parties with their media puppets do an excellent job of convincing people to vote for them. The point being, perhaps when/if there's enough Independent voters, there may be a candidate they're willing to vote for not of the two parties.

Whether it happens in my life time I have no idea. I do know while the GOP/Dems don't like each other, they will team up in a heart beat to eliminate anyone who tries to take a piece of their power sharing cabal. When Gary Johnson started to make some traction, and I hoped he might get that 5%, they took him out hard and fast.Very well said.

I voted for Ross Perot many years ago and that got us bill Clinton, so I've been in the vote for the least damaging person ever since.

06-14-23, 10:36
Here is what I see;
If we get Trump, Trump will go on a tirade of revenge, as he is justified in doing. I really don't care about his revenge, I just want a functioning Federal government. My fear is Trump will be all about some retribution.
If we get Desantis, we will get a replay of Trumps first two years in office where everyone is out to get him. Desantis will be "swamped".

To an extent I agree, but he's way smarter, way more qualified, way slicker, and way harder pull into a ego driven twitter fight, and will be way more productive and effective.

06-14-23, 10:41
Very well said.

I voted for Ross Perot many years ago and that got us bill Clinton, so I've been in the vote for the least damaging person ever since.

And some will say "bro, you wasted your vote!" I say that's BS. Not voting is a wasted vote. Voting your conscience is never a wasted vote. The "I'm going to vote for this POS because the alternative is an even bigger POS" is not how change will ever happen and they depend on us sticking to that approach.

06-14-23, 10:43
And some will say "bro, you wasted your vote!" I say that's BS. Not voting is a wasted vote. Voting your conscience is never a wasted vote. The "I'm going to vote for this POS because the alternative is an even bigger POS" is not how change will ever happen and they depend on us sticking to that approach.Again, well said. You are NOT wrong.

06-14-23, 10:47
I'm not waiting in line to cast a vote again until we stop "finding truckloads of ballots" for the other side with no investigation or accountability. We need to play just as dirty. Show up with a million found votes for our side. Be ridiculous. It's all pointless anyway, we will never vote our way out of this mess. At best it's a 4 year bandaid of a neutered president. The system needs to fail or be broken in order to be fixed. Term limits. REAL Anti corruption policies. Without that why bother, control what you can in your 3 foot sphere or influence and let the rest of the world figure out their own shit.

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06-14-23, 11:07
That's exactly how the Dems won the Senate, in the Run off elections in Georgia, a bunch of Republican voters said "I'm pissed about the 2020 election, I'm not voting" and they just handed the senate to the Dems. That's ****ing stupid. We all need to vote. It's easy to do. I don’t care how corrupt you think the system is, just go vote.

06-14-23, 11:15
Good assessment from Alan Dershowitz. Summary more or less as I said, self inflicted wound by Trump (yet again...) and probably legit, but a totally politically motivated action and not applied to others such as HC:


06-14-23, 11:22
I'm not waiting in line to cast a vote again until we stop "finding truckloads of ballots" for the other side with no investigation or accountability. We need to play just as dirty. Show up with a million found votes for our side. Be ridiculous. It's all pointless anyway, we will never vote our way out of this mess. At best it's a 4 year bandaid of a neutered president. The system needs to fail or be broken in order to be fixed. Term limits. REAL Anti corruption policies. Without that why bother, control what you can in your 3 foot sphere or influence and let the rest of the world figure out their own shit.

Sent from my SM-A326U using Tapatalk

Term limits are just electoral masturbation unless you get rid of the perpetual Staff Mafia on Capitol Hill too. Elected members come and go, but the staffs hired and provided by the Uniparty Machine that pull the members' puppetstrings (or TRY to) are there forever.

06-14-23, 12:00
Term limits are just electoral masturbation unless you get rid of the perpetual Staff Mafia on Capitol Hill too. Elected members come and go, but the staffs hired and provided by the Uniparty Machine that pull the members' puppetstrings (or TRY to) are there forever.

No, term limits are just electoral masturbation until and unless half this country pulls it's head of it's ass.....remember that the Pelosi's, Bawney Fwank's, Schumer's, AOC's, Maxine Waters', Hank Johnson's, etc. have all been ELECTED. Their moronic constituencies aren't going away.

That's why I laugh when I hear how the "cabal" is trying to divide us, to drive a wedge. Got new for ya folks, there is a divide in this country. Ignore it at your own peril, but I'm not seeing a national joining of hands and singing kumbaya anytime soon. Better pick a side, 'cause those in the "mushy middle" will get drowned when the waves collide.

06-14-23, 13:32
The BIGGEST problem with being independent is there still isn't enough to even qualify for government money.

There must be 5% to qualify and in the fifty year history of the libertarian group they have NEVER qualified.
Since there has never been a mere 5% of the total, nobody (including the media) takes them seriously.

The last election the libertarian VP candidate said something to the effect of illegal aliens should be allowed to posses firearms.
Ignorant comments like that is why they stay with such small numbers.

Are Republican candidates any better, usually no, but they get higher numbers and at the end of the day, that is all that matters.

That's because (l)ibertarian ideals are laudable and sensible. The (L)ibertarian Party is bat crap crazy. :(

Here is what I see;
If we get Trump, Trump will go on a tirade of revenge, as he is justified in doing. I really don't care about his revenge, I just want a functioning Federal government. My fear is Trump will be all about some retribution.
If we get Desantis, we will get a replay of Trumps first two years in office where everyone is out to get him. Desantis will be "swamped".

You're forgetting that nothing short of total open warfare against the swamp cabal will keep them from destroying the next non-Democrat Administration from within. Regardless of whether it's Trump, DeSanits or any of the candidates currently polling at 5%, if they don't nuke the Democrats and 3-5 layers deep in every department and administration of the executive branch on Day One, they'll be completely ****ed. :(

I'm not waiting in line to cast a vote again until we stop "finding truckloads of ballots" for the other side with no investigation or accountability. We need to play just as dirty. Show up with a million found votes for our side. Be ridiculous. It's all pointless anyway, we will never vote our way out of this mess. At best it's a 4 year bandaid of a neutered president. The system needs to fail or be broken in order to be fixed. Term limits. REAL Anti corruption policies. Without that why bother, control what you can in your 3 foot sphere or influence and let the rest of the world figure out their own shit.

Sent from my SM-A326U using Tapatalk

This is the way. The GOP needs to be analyzing voting maps and mobilizing voter registration drives right NOW. Then they need to do MASSIVE ballot harvesting operations the second early voting opens, precinct by precinct. They also need to be recruiting poll workers to pose as Democrats in Democrat strongholds, so they can sabotage the Dems when they invariably begin the late-night election day shenanigans. Simultaneously, you have to have a phalanx of commenters and PR flaks prepared to deliver the universal message: "There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever of any voter irregularities in GOP led precincts. These baseless allegations have been investigated and debunked as false. Anyone saying otherwise is attempting to suppress voter turnout and undermine our free and fair elections."

This needs to happen because we're in nothing short of a war for the survival of this nation. Sadly, the GOP won't do any of this because at the end of the day, they're still the GOP. There's no defeat they won't snatch from the jaws of victory. :mad:

06-14-23, 14:06
That's exactly how the Dems won the Senate, in the Run off elections in Georgia, a bunch of Republican voters said "I'm pissed about the 2020 election, I'm not voting" and they just handed the senate to the Dems. That's ****ing stupid. We all need to vote. It's easy to do. I don’t care how corrupt you think the system is, just go vote.

90% of the GOP has just been a softer, well-lubricated suppository of corruption for decades now anyway, not making any real attempt to do the things that most of their voters want.

I'm with the preceding couple of posts. The system is totally corrupt on a national level, in multiple ways. Voting harder isn't going to fix anything, and tends to just legitimize the phony and rigged system.

Make plans for NON-kinetic ways of undermining the system, and start working on them. If you need ideas, study the various religious sects that wanted to be left alone (whether for good or bad reasons) and chose nonviolence, whether out of belief or just practicality. As the memes say "become ungovernable." Anticipate the eventual collapse of the system and be ready with an alternative. This is one area where our side actually can win - the left is great at corrupting and demoralizing, but completely useless at managing or governing.

06-14-23, 23:37
Tuckers on point.
I'm no longer a Republican.

Yeah he is
I've been meaning to switch to (I) and I'm going to start voting that way **** it.

06-15-23, 03:46
Term limits are just electoral masturbation unless you get rid of the perpetual Staff Mafia on Capitol Hill too. Elected members come and go, but the staffs hired and provided by the Uniparty Machine that pull the members' puppetstrings (or TRY to) are there forever.


06-15-23, 06:30
If that's accurate, it was due to their dislike for the orange guy, not due to any interest in Brandon. For most Dems, it was a hold their nose and vote situation, it was for many who voted for Trump due HC. While our system is a "lesser of two evils" system by nature, it's been to the max and extreme in the last few cycles.

I said this many times, I'd like to see the poll where they ask what % of people voted for Trump because he was not HC and what % voted for HC because she was not Trump.

Same for recent Trump/Brandon.

I think the numbers would surprise many.

I don't think those % have ever been that high, at least not in my life time.

According to exit polling Ive seen, reportedly somewhere between 52% and 54% of Independents voted for Biden in 2020. Example: https://ropercenter.cornell.edu/how-groups-voted-2020 They got what they voted for.

In 2016, Bernie Sanders, the self declared socialist, did much better among independents than Hillary in the primaries. In the general, Independents were evenly spilt between Trump and Hillary.

You can assign whatever reasoning to explain why Independents voters vote the way they do. That you say they voted for Biden because they didn't like Trump... well... Biden promised to reverse many Trump policies, and has. They got what they voted for.

06-15-23, 07:50
This is the way. The GOP needs to be analyzing voting maps and mobilizing voter registration drives right NOW. Then they need to do MASSIVE ballot harvesting operations the second early voting opens, precinct by precinct. They also need to be recruiting poll workers to pose as Democrats in Democrat strongholds, so they can sabotage the Dems when they invariably begin the late-night election day shenanigans. Simultaneously, you have to have a phalanx of commenters and PR flaks prepared to deliver the universal message: "There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever of any voter irregularities in GOP led precincts. These baseless allegations have been investigated and debunked as false. Anyone saying otherwise is attempting to suppress voter turnout and undermine our free and fair elections."

This needs to happen because we're in nothing short of a war for the survival of this nation. Sadly, the GOP won't do any of this because at the end of the day, they're still the GOP. There's no defeat they won't snatch from the jaws of victory. :mad:

So much this. The Right Head of the Two-Headed Bird of Prey's job is to preserve the ILLUSION that we have a say, a Kabuki puppet-show of "managed opposition."

06-15-23, 08:00
According to exit polling Ive seen, reportedly somewhere between 52% and 54% of Independents voted for Biden in 2020. Example: https://ropercenter.cornell.edu/how-groups-voted-2020 They got what they voted for.

In 2016, Bernie Sanders, the self declared socialist, did much better among independents than Hillary in the primaries. In the general, Independents were evenly spilt between Trump and Hillary.

You can assign whatever reasoning to explain why Independents voters vote the way they do. That you say they voted for Biden because they didn't like Trump... well... Biden promised to reverse many Trump policies, and has. They got what they voted for.

And I suspect a large % of that was due to his not being Trump, similar to why many (most?) Dems voted for Brandon. I did not speak to any independents about that, but the Dems I know all said they didn't like Brandon (nor HC BTW) held their nose and voted for him because he was not Trump.

Do we know what % of independents were Dem vs GOP? It would not surprise me more of them were Dems considered what a total chit show is the Dem party, which would lead to more leaving.

06-15-23, 15:47
Totally free and fair, not banana-republic behavior:


Why Donald Trump Cannot Get a Top-Tier Lawyer

by Alan M. Dershowitz
June 15, 2023 at 5:00 am

There are disturbing suggestions that among the reasons lawyers are declining the case is because they fear legal and career reprisals.

There is a nefarious group that calls itself The 65 Project that has as its goal to intimidate lawyers into not representing Trump or anyone associated with him. They have threatened to file bar charges against any such lawyers.

06-15-23, 16:04
Totally free and fair, not banana-republic behavior:


Hmm, and the managing director of the 65 project worked for Perkins Coie law firm. Ring a bell anyone?

In a world where the US “Justice” system remotely resembled its name, there would be a permanent injunction against this activist group. :mad:

06-15-23, 17:18
Totally free and fair, not banana-republic behavior:


Yeah, anyone who makes that threat should face Bar charges himself. History shows that what you let a regime do to any ONE no matter how grotesque and repulsive, once you open the door they will walk thorugh it and apply that precedent to ANYONE and ultimately EVERYONE.

Remember Niemoller's Lament? I stand up for Trump because as odious and vile as I find him weaponizing the entire regime against ANYONE is wrong and if I don't stand against it EVERY time soon there'll be nobody left to stand for ME when it's MY turn in the jackbooted shitstains' crosshairs.

06-15-23, 19:29
Going to be an interesting election season.


Fox News took CNN-style liberties with the chyron under a split-screen of President Trump and Joe Biden speaking at the same time Tuesday night. This was after Joe Biden had his top political rival arrested and arraigned earlier in the day.

Fox captioned the image, “Wannabe dictator speaks at the White House after having his political rival arrested.”


06-15-23, 20:21
Going to be an interesting election season.


Dude got canned for it...


06-15-23, 21:23
Dude got canned for it...


‘In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.’

06-15-23, 21:43
‘In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.’

And few things so dangerous as to be right when a Regime is wrong.

06-15-23, 22:11
Stay tuned next week. Biden poisens the opposition candidate!

06-16-23, 05:46