View Full Version : Election Betting Odds: Trump Vs Desantis if nominated.

06-25-23, 18:27
Interesting page looking at odds of winning if elected. Trump Vs Desantis if nominated. I tend to trust that far more than polls produced by legacy media outlets etc for obvious reasons:


06-25-23, 18:37
Anyone that votes for trump in the primary is stupid.
If they had two brain cells they would know he is unelectable.

06-25-23, 18:56
Anyone that votes for trump in the primary is stupid.
If they had two brain cells they would know he is unelectable.

Dems are hoping most people don't figure that out. Check that out:


06-25-23, 21:50
I expect 90+ million votes counted for Biden, regardless of who he’s ultimately running against. :(

06-25-23, 22:12
If Trump was so unelectable then why is the left pursuing him so much?

06-25-23, 23:26
Yawn...no current candidate in the rep primary can win without the maga vote.

'They' will have to whack trump for desantis to win the primary if the steal doesn't work. Same with kennedy vs biden.

Banana republic...polls don't mean crap at this point in time.

2024 is gonna be fireworks.

06-26-23, 06:36
Considering DeSantis' poor campaign start and performance to date, including his campaign's latest screw-up with The New Hampshire Federation of Republican Women, it's no surprise that some DeSantis supporters are desperately looking outside of conventional measures to find anything to confirm their bias. In the case of the OP, a formula to misrepresent current betting odds for the 2024 presidential race. Currently, the betting odds show Biden as the favorite, followed by Trump and a trailing DeSantis (see June 25 2023 betting odds below)

It's a bit early in the race to be leaning on any type of polls or betting odds, but you'd think that these prophetic bettors would be a bit closer to getting it right as election day grows near. In the case of 2016, the day before the election...

Clinton - 81 percent
Trump - 20 percent

Iowa Electronic Markets
Clinton - 71 percent
Trump - 28 percent

Clinton - 83 percent
Trump - 18 percent

Clinton - 83 percent
Trump - 22 percent

Paddy Power
Clinton - 83 percent
Trump - 18 percent



Last Updated Jun 25, 2023

Incumbent President Joe Biden is the favorite at most sportsbooks to win the Presidency in 2024. Biden has around +150 election odds for US President. Former US President Donald Trump is now around +275 at most sportsbooks and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is +450. Each one of the trio have all held the 2024 Presidential Election Odds favorite tag over the past year and the board is in constant flux. Trump’s odds to win again have actually improved following two separate indictments. Trump had been around +350 to win at most books prior to the Manhattan indictment in March. In the weeks prior to the federal indictment in June the Presidential odds for Trump to win were around +300.

DeSantis has seen his Presidential odds lengthen in recent months, possibly due to his public fight with Disney – and Trump’s subsequent social media bashing of the Florida governor. DeSantis was +333 at most books back in early March but is now hovering around +450. One name that shot up Election odds 2024 boards recently is Robert Kennedy Jr., who is a vaccine skeptic and also touts other conspiracy theories. Kennedy now has shorter odds than current Vice President Kamala Harris.


Here is a look at odds to win US President in 2024. Election odds 2024 have Joe Biden at +150. Donald Trump is +275 and Ron DeSantis is +450. View Election betting odds for those candidates and more below.


More here: https://www.thelines.com/odds/election/


Since the link in the OP specifically lists betfair, here's their site for this morning.



06-26-23, 07:05
Yawn...no current candidate in the rep primary can win without the maga vote.

'They' will have to whack trump for desantis to win the primary if the steal doesn't work. Same with kennedy vs biden.

Banana republic...polls don't mean crap at this point in time.

2024 is gonna be fireworks.

An inconvenient truth.

06-26-23, 07:10
An inconvenient truth.

And they line up to vote for Desantis if that's their choice vs Brandon. I'm not concerned on that one. It's whether Desantis pulls in independents, etc I'd be concerned about.

06-26-23, 07:45
And they line up to vote for Desantis if that's their choice vs Brandon. I'm not concerned on that one. It's whether Desantis pulls in independents, etc I'd be concerned about.

I'm not so convinced. IF DeSantis should win the primary (long odds at this point) a significant percentage of MAGA voters may choose to stay home because they feel the election was rigged against Trump once again.

By the way, here's the current betting odds listed by the same folks linked in the OP.



06-26-23, 08:11
If Trump was so unelectable then why is the left pursuing him so much?

To keep attention on him, and keep his name in voters' minds before the primary. They want him to run because Brandon can plausibly beat him, and plausibility is all that is needed.

06-26-23, 08:41
Yawn...no current candidate in the rep primary can win without the maga vote.

It’s sad and terrifying to think that there is that many low information voters in the Republican Party.

06-26-23, 09:16
There are a couple of wildcards out there when you try and pick a winner this time.
We've got at least 18 months of legal political warfare to wade through before we can pick a front runner. This next year or so will make everything a bit easier, but dirty tricks will be played on both sides.
I have no doubt Biden is corrupt and Trump is knee deep in scandal and Court drama, but it will come down to who strikes first and how bad it looks for that team. Perception is Reality.
In defense of low information Voters, it takes a keen intrest in the News and Politics to remain informed, I try and have time to do so, others don't.
I've been following politics since Carter, which made me look at Johnson, which really made me a life long anti Democrat.
I'm not sure why so many Americans are so critical of America, but have no experiance out of the Tri-State area they grew up in? Someone say's "I hate America" and I say, "Compared to what?"
Most folks have a very limited understanding of the ideals we were founded on and just how Free you are actually supposed to be here in the Unites States.

06-26-23, 09:16
Have they factored in the Election Fraud with their percentages?

06-26-23, 09:29
Trump would beat the dems.
Desantis would beat the dems
A shaved spider monkey dressed in a rainbow colored suit would beat the dems.

IF we had secure elections...I wish the tds'rs would quit fixating & bloviating about how he alone is gonna give us another 4 years of biden vs the real problem & banana republic we have going on. Nauseating.

06-26-23, 09:52
If Trump was so unelectable then why is the left pursuing him so much?Tell me why republican voters that have never missed a vote are saying they will stay home if he gets the nomination.

Many of us held our nose and voted for him twice. Now that we are certain he is antigun and not a fan of the constitution there won't be a third vote for him. Oh and the waiting for him to nominate a third "Roberts" to the Supreme Court.

06-26-23, 10:07
It’s sad and terrifying to think that there is that many low information voters in the Republican Party.

Don't confuse pissed off with low information. Everyone but Trump is an establishment candidate, regardless of party.

06-26-23, 10:11
Tell me why republican voters that have never missed a vote are saying they will stay home if he gets the nomination.

Many of us held our nose and voted for him twice. Now that we are certain he is antigun and not a fan of the constitution there won't be a third vote for him. Oh and the waiting for him to nominate a third "Roberts" to the Supreme Court.

That doesn't make any sense at all, but good luck with your non-vote!

06-26-23, 10:13
Whoever gets the nomination, if R voters get stupid and stay home because they didn't get their way, allowing Biden to get another 4, then I am done voting. What's the point? Just f*cking let it burn to the ground and not give a sh*t. Why? Can't stop it anyway because people are too stupid to use basic logic.

06-26-23, 10:17
Everyone but Trump is an establishment candidate, regardless of party.

I've got to give Kennedy a little credit here & think the dem primary is gonna be as sketchy as the regular...don't think they will ever allow kennedy or trump in office because they cannot control them. THIS would be my election dream come 24.

Sorry, just don't trust desantis & his ability to not be controlled by the machine...had my fill of Bush's thank you.

06-26-23, 10:23
Can't stop it period--we're in a Fourth Turning, when things fall apart no matter what. The game is to focus on jockeying for position so it's OUR people leading the rebuilding in the First Turning that follows.

The fire has been set and grown to a point where it can't really be put out, only contained and left to burn itself out--then once it does clear the debris and build anew.

06-26-23, 10:54
That doesn't make any sense at all, but good luck with your non-vote!How does it not make sense?
If you think he is electable, good luck with your repete of 2020.

06-26-23, 11:14
I've got to give Kennedy a little credit here & think the dem primary is gonna be as sketchy as the regular...don't think they will ever allow kennedy or trump in office because they cannot control them. THIS would be my election dream come 24.

Sorry, just don't trust desantis & his ability to not be controlled by the machine...had my fill of Bush's thank you.

In some ways, and perhaps the ways it would count the most (not supporting foreign wars), Kennedy is anti-establishment. In a lot of other ways, he's very establishment and plenty of people in the free cash line would support him, especially NGO's.

How does it not make sense?
If you think he is electable, good luck with your repete of 2020.

You can vote for whomever you like in the primary, but if you don't vote for the ultimate GOP nominee because it's TRUMP, then count yourself in the cut off your nose to spite your face crowd, who will make what you're saying a self-fulfilling prophesy. Almost every day the GOP field grows yet another establishment GOPe RINO cuck candidate. You'll have plenty of those to choose from in the primary if that's what you really want, but your choice to get something else will be very small, perhaps even one.

The Dems are gonna cheat like a MF'er regardless, but you'd only be making it easier for them if you refuse to support Trump and his voters. Think about it.

06-26-23, 11:23
In some ways, and perhaps the ways it would count the most (not supporting foreign wars), Kennedy is anti-establishment. In a lot of other ways, he's very establishment and plenty of people in the free cash line would support him, especially NGO's.

You can vote for whomever you like in the primary, but if you don't vote for the ultimate GOP nominee because it's TRUMP, then count yourself in the cut off your nose to spite your face crowd, who will make what you're saying a self-fulfilling prophesy. Almost every day the GOP field grows yet another establishment GOPe RINO cuck candidate. You'll have plenty of those to choose from in the primary if that's what you really want, but your choice to get something else will be very small, perhaps even one.

The Dems are gonna cheat like a MF'er regardless, but you'd only be making it easier for them if you refuse to support Trump and his voters. Think about it.Look, you vote for trump and burden wins AGAIN. That is no different than what I said numerous people I know are saying they will do.

Trump is unelectable. Once folks get off tweeter or book face and take a look at the toilet this country has turned into, the better we will all be.

06-26-23, 11:50
That doesn't make any sense at all, but good luck with your non-vote!

My sentiments as well.

Unfortunately, tantrum and suicide non-voters among the Right is a factor on both ends of the spectrum. Some are so committed to Trump they may not vote in the general if he isn't the nominee, and there's those who won't vote for Trump regardless if he's the nominee. Of course they don't see themselves as the aforementioned, but rather high-minded principled non-voters or attempt to find solace in voting for a novelty candidate. Typically, they think everyone else is stupid and low-information voters. In any event, they serve to help the Left win.

The Left is more focused on winning.

06-26-23, 11:54
A shaved spider monkey dressed in a rainbow colored suit

Is that the plus in LGBTQIA+? :help:

06-26-23, 12:00
To keep attention on him, and keep his name in voters' minds before the primary. They want him to run because Brandon can plausibly beat him, and plausibility is all that is needed.

If the people vote in Xiden again (not convinced they did the first time) they deserve what they get.


06-26-23, 12:03
I'm guessing 60% of Americans do not support Biden enough to vote for him, half will stay home, a few will vote for a Republican. Roughly 30% approval rating at this point.

06-26-23, 12:14
Look, you vote for trump and burden wins AGAIN. That is no different than what I said numerous people I know are saying they will do.

Trump is unelectable. Once folks get off tweeter or book face and take a look at the toilet this country has turned into, the better we will all be.

I hope you enjoy your loss then! :rolleyes:

My sentiments as well.

Unfortunately, tantrum and suicide non-voters among the Right is a factor on both ends of the spectrum. Some are so committed to Trump they may not vote in the general if he isn't the nominee, and there's those who won't vote for Trump regardless if he's the nominee. Of course they don't see themselves as the aforementioned, but rather high-minded principled non-voters or attempt to find solace in voting for a novelty candidate. Typically, they think everyone else is stupid and low-information voters. In any event, they serve to help the Left win.

The Left is more focused on winning.

That should be plainly evident to everyone. I'd do anything to ensure a D loses no matter what. Some people refuse to do something as simple as that. Republicans are the masters of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. SMH :no:

I'm guessing 60% of Americans do not support Biden enough to vote for him, half will stay home, a few will vote for a Republican. Roughly 30% approval rating at this point.

Don't underestimate the Democrats ability to miraculously turn the economy around in the last few months before the election, raise a false flag attack on whoever is the GOP nominee and stoke the culture war fires up extra glowy. All to get Biden reelected on a populous wave he didn't earn. It's been the D playbook for a long time now. No need to change it when it works so well for them! :mad:

06-26-23, 12:20
You can vote for whomever you like in the primary, but if you don't vote for the ultimate GOP nominee because it's TRUMP, then count yourself in the cut off your nose to spite your face crowd, who will make what you're saying a self-fulfilling prophesy. Almost every day the GOP field grows yet another establishment GOPe RINO cuck candidate. You'll have plenty of those to choose from in the primary if that's what you really want, but your choice to get something else will be very small, perhaps even one.

The Dems are gonna cheat like a MF'er regardless, but you'd only be making it easier for them if you refuse to support Trump and his voters. Think about it.

Agreed. This is exactly what I am talking about. The lack of common sense is astounding. The fact that people actually think that "I'm taking my ball and going home" is a good idea when not playing ensures you lose is freaking astounding to me. Okay, sure, with them cheating, you MIGHT still lose. Not playing = guarantee 100% lose. How does that simple logic not register in their brain?

Do they think that because they didn't vote they didn't really lose? Morons.

06-26-23, 12:25
Don't underestimate the Democrats ability to miraculously turn the economy around in the last few months before the election, raise a false flag attack on whoever is the GOP nominee and stoke the culture war fires up extra glowy. All to get Biden reelected on a populous wave he didn't earn. It's been the D playbook for a long time now. No need to change it when it works so well for them! :mad:

Well, I'm guessing they have some confidence in their shenanigans working again, but
I'm guessing some of those loopholes will be plugged by then, hopefully mail in voting will be ironed out.
I'm thinking the Clinton trick of claiming the opponent is a Russian Agent is getting a bit old.
The Biden impeachment will be in full swing by then.

06-26-23, 12:55
Well, I'm guessing they have some confidence in their shenanigans working again, but
I'm guessing some of those loopholes will be plugged by then, hopefully mail in voting will be ironed out.
I'm thinking the Clinton trick of claiming the opponent is a Russian Agent is getting a bit old.
The Biden impeachment will be in full swing by then.

Will it? I have ZERO confidence in McCarthy going after Biden with the zeal the Dems did against Trump. I flat don't believe it will happen. Even if it does, it will be an utter failure by design.

06-26-23, 13:16
Will it? I have ZERO confidence in McCarthy going after Biden with the zeal the Dems did against Trump. I flat don't believe it will happen. Even if it does, it will be an utter failure by design.


I dunno it looks to me like he's doing it one step at a time.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on Sunday suggested the lower chamber might launch an impeachment inquiry into Attorney General Merrick Garland after an IRS whistleblower said he interfered with an investigation into President Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden.

"We need to get to the facts, and that includes reconciling these clear disparities. U.S. Attorney David Weiss must provide answers to the House Judiciary Committee," McCarthy tweeted.

"If the whistleblowers' allegations are true, this will be a significant part of a larger impeachment inquiry into Merrick Garland's weaponization of DOJ [the Department of Justice]."

06-26-23, 13:50
Given that the key "flipped" counties are in states which studiously REFUSE to tighten up their safeguards... expect The Steal to be run every election til Judgment Day. They had almost 25 years to perfect it... from Bush v Gore (fail) to Rossi v Gregoire (success) and building on that. Dean logan, the architect of WA stolen elections, is now running the LA election fraud system...

06-26-23, 13:57

I dunno it looks to me like he's doing it one step at a time.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on Sunday suggested the lower chamber might launch an impeachment inquiry into Attorney General Merrick Garland after an IRS whistleblower said he interfered with an investigation into President Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden.

"We need to get to the facts, and that includes reconciling these clear disparities. U.S. Attorney David Weiss must provide answers to the House Judiciary Committee," McCarthy tweeted.

"If the whistleblowers' allegations are true, this will be a significant part of a larger impeachment inquiry into Merrick Garland's weaponization of DOJ [the Department of Justice]."

You're free to have faith in that 'process". I'll refrain from any "I told you so" when it fails to produce anything of value.