View Full Version : Sound of Freedom

07-04-23, 15:41
Went to see this film today with my wife. I'd say it is worth seeing. Given the subject matter, I'm glad that those who were involved in the production were much more interested in telling the ugly story than graphically depicting it. What happens to these children is made clear and there is absolutely no need to depict it visually. Jim Caviezel performed as I expected which is to say impressively.

07-04-23, 15:42
I just got back from the theater and want to say I highly recommend seeing it. The first theater we went to was sold out so we drove across town to another and were able to get tickets. The movie is suspenseful, heart wrenching and moving- and the fact that it is a true story makes it even more so.


07-04-23, 15:49
I wasn’t able to get to it today, hoping some time this week

07-05-23, 01:54
Saw it today. While not an east or fun watch it was very well done. It is definitely a slow burn. I am glad I saw it and would encourage other to do so especially if you don’t know too much about the world of human trafficking. I would also recommend the book “Slave Stealers (https://www.amazon.com/Slave-Stealers-True-Accounts-Rescues-Then/dp/162972484X)” by Tim Burris.
I particularly liked Jim Caviezel’s message after the film. I am curious to hear more about the specific reasons why the film was delayed.
Go see it asap.