View Full Version : We are alive again!!

01-02-09, 11:56
Wow, was beginning to think this site was gone for good.

What would I do at work???

01-02-09, 14:14
But, I couldn't write that on your "We Are Alive Again" thread for some reason.

But, dang, it looks like a lot of memory lost.

01-02-09, 14:17
No shit!! I couldn't even read the "We are alive again" thread. In fact, I can't read any threads. When I click on them, they are blank. I couldn't log on or even pull up the website for the last few days.

01-02-09, 14:26
What happened? That was a long couple of days.

ETA: Just started looking over the old threads and they've vanished. :confused:

01-02-09, 14:29
I don't know. At first I thought I had some type of virus, but I can access other forums I belong to. Site Maintenance perhaps? Surely the site owner would have listed it as such. This seems to be the only thread accessible.

01-02-09, 14:32
I'm pretty sure they were performing database maintenance, possibly transferring to a new server?

01-02-09, 15:18
i guess the database error was a clue - maintenance requires a maintence page with some warning - something went bubu bad.

Dan Goodwin
01-02-09, 15:26
I'm on vacation and was gnawing at my wrists!

01-02-09, 15:35
i guess the database error was a clue - maintenance requires a maintence page with some warning - something went bubu bad.

Perhaps an Obama supporter hacked the database? j/k :D :p :eek:

01-02-09, 15:35
Withdrawals, DT's, Nervous Convulsions! The last 48 hours at work without M4C :eek: !!! Glad your back! :D

01-02-09, 15:38
We are getting things back online so please be patient.

01-02-09, 15:38
Commo check over?

01-02-09, 15:45
Received over

01-02-09, 15:47
Received over


Batt 57
01-02-09, 15:49
I thought our government had been over-thrown. I was gearing-up for war.:D

01-02-09, 15:50
It is like Christmas all over again. What an agonizing week not having this forum up!

01-02-09, 15:56

de Nada

Batt 57
01-02-09, 15:57
I thought our government had been over-thrown. I was gearing-up for war.:D

01-02-09, 16:01

01-02-09, 16:02
Someone, please feed the interwebs gerbils.

Savior 6
01-02-09, 16:05
Awesome. I thought my computer had done something special again. Good to know we're Good To Go.

01-02-09, 16:12
Grant didn't pay the internet bill again....

01-02-09, 16:16
I was on paxil,xanex.. i was as calm as could be.:D

01-02-09, 16:41
Rumors that the M4C server is located in the Yellowstone caldera are not true ...

01-02-09, 20:10
The site came back then went away again for awhile tonight. What's the deal?

01-02-09, 20:21
Man, now I know how people become addictive to warcraft and such. :eek:

I was only able to log onto this site this afternoon since the afternoon of Wednesday, Dec 31st, 2008 (that was freaking last year!!). It sucked too because up until 2-hours ago I was quarantined from human contact so I spent the past 48-hours cooped up in my home.

Then it went away again until now. Whisket-Tango-Foxtrot, over? :(

01-02-09, 20:22
i have come to the realization that i am a crackhead for this site !!

01-02-09, 20:23
man, i know! i was in need bad!

01-02-09, 20:25
Thankfully, right about the time the site went down my Magpul Dynamics Art of the Tactical Carbine DVDs got here. I've had them to keep me busy (and they are awesome BTW!)

01-02-09, 20:27
Yeah I did get a few error msg's a couple of hours ago but it seems OK for now.

01-02-09, 20:47
Thank God the site is back up. I wasn't sure how much longer I could stay on TOS. Of course I found the retro rifle section and now I want to build retro ARs.

01-02-09, 20:54
That was quite scary,............... I felt a little lost.

01-02-09, 21:06
I'm pretty certain that Grant WILL DO the right thing and send those of us who suffered and even had to lurk on TOS PMAGS AND AMMO OUT OF HIS PERSONAL FREAKIN STASH! :mad:

01-03-09, 00:31
Since M4C going down is almost one of my trip-flares for SHTF, the world's been a little closer to anarchy than usual for the last few days. I was tempted to take the safeties off. :D

Hairy Clipper
01-03-09, 05:38
I have been getting the same error message on a number of different sites that I have tried to visit in the last couple of days...It is not just this one!


30 cal slut
01-03-09, 06:00
I'm pretty certain that Grant WILL DO the right thing and send those of us who suffered and even had to lurk on TOS PMAGS AND AMMO OUT OF HIS PERSONAL FREAKIN STASH! :mad:

nah, i just need a little help cleaning up the puddles of vomit and patching up some sheetrock from the withdrawl thrashing. :D

seriously, good to see the site's back up. heaven knows what Grant had to put up with to get the server upgrade done, in addition to feeding the panic-buying gerbils. :D

30 cal slut
01-03-09, 06:05
double tap

01-03-09, 06:51
I got the Magpul dvd's as a Christmas present. Lot's of good info there. Well worth the asking price.

01-03-09, 07:50
Odin has shined down on us!!

01-03-09, 09:16
The site is still crippled. But anything is better than nothing.

01-03-09, 09:30
i have come to the realization that i am a crackhead for this site !!

I am glad I'm not the only one!!!


01-03-09, 09:47
Some other sites I've been to have also been down. I wouldn't know if it's year end computer something or hackers but it's real.
I haven't been able to get into any pm's here either.

01-03-09, 09:49
PM's are inaccessible, it appears.

01-03-09, 10:06
I blame global warming.


01-03-09, 10:34
I just tried to reply to a thread and I got a database error? Hopefully this will go thru.

01-03-09, 10:50
Yep, I was beginning to wonder myself.

I thought, man I just joined the site and I'm loving it....now it's lost forever. Figures. :rolleyes:

Glad we're back!! :D

01-03-09, 11:06
Yea! Back in business!

01-03-09, 11:08
The site is still crippled. But anything is better than nothing.

There is a bad hard drive on the databse server and is what is causing all the issues.

01-03-09, 11:08
Yep, I was beginning to wonder myself.

I thought, man I just joined the site and I'm loving it....now it's lost forever. Figures. :rolleyes:

Glad we're back!! :D

01-03-09, 11:10
The site is still crippled. But anything is better than nothing.

There is a bad hard drive on the database server that is causing all the issues. We are getting a new one as we speak.

01-03-09, 11:16
Yeah, that was a tough few days. I was able to make this thread, but wasnt able to view it.....really weird.

I hope we are up for good.

01-03-09, 12:21
I'm still getting a Data Base Error prompt on some of the forums. I got the erroro message when trying to open this thread. I had to select "go to last message" option to get it to open.

01-03-09, 13:36
Yep, I was beginning to wonder myself.

I thought, man I just joined the site and I'm loving it....now it's lost forever. Figures. :rolleyes:

Glad we're back!! :D

01-03-09, 13:46
The site was down?

01-03-09, 16:11
I'm pretty certain that Grant WILL DO the right thing and send those of us who suffered and even had to lurk on TOS PMAGS AND AMMO OUT OF HIS PERSONAL FREAKIN STASH! :mad:

Motion seconded.

All in favor, say "aye." :D

01-03-09, 17:04
I still cannot access my PM's

01-03-09, 19:47
Ok has the site been down since 10am and just came back up?

01-03-09, 20:51
Test Post

01-03-09, 21:34
Yep, I was beginning to wonder myself.

I thought, man I just joined the site and I'm loving it....now it's lost forever. Figures. :rolleyes:

Glad we're back!! :D

01-04-09, 06:25
Wow...That was a long one. Nice to have the site back! Any chance PM's will be back online. I need to send a check out for a buy and the address is in my PM folder. Just get database error...Anyway, nice to have the site back!

01-04-09, 12:14

01-04-09, 12:52
Wow, was beginning to think this site was gone for good.

Me too. Good to see we are all still here.

01-04-09, 14:44
I thought you guys had all left and gone to Ar15. :p

01-04-09, 14:45
i thought you all left and went to ar15:p

01-04-09, 15:06
Glad to see it back up........I had just joined recently and was beginning to think it wasn't coming back.

01-04-09, 16:45
thought you all went to arfcom.

01-04-09, 17:09
Working pretty good except I'm getting data base errors trying to enter the user control panel.

01-04-09, 17:11
Can't enter control panel and difficulty posting. Getting database errors.

01-04-09, 20:16
trying to post w/ db error

this is a test...

01-04-09, 22:00
Nice to have the site back - tried to post earlier, but no dice. PM;s still down for the count. There's an address in there I need to send out a check...Oh well, good to see us running at half-power anyway...:cool:

01-05-09, 05:01
I run a couple sites, and if he's like me he rents a server from another company... and they may have had a criticle hardware failure. I have had it happen a couple times in the last 5 years. It sux, and your at the mercy of them getting the new servers online and loading gigs and gigs of backed up data... that you hope is a recent backup!

I too was climbing the walls at work. What am I supposed to do for 8.5 hours a day here if this site goes down? God.. I almost took a vacation day just so I could try to forget my addiction to the site. Itried to get on here about 400 times a day since it went down!

01-05-09, 05:44
I run a couple sites, and if he's like me he rents a server from another company... and they may have had a criticle hardware failure. I have had it happen a couple times in the last 5 years. It sux, and your at the mercy of them getting the new servers online and loading gigs and gigs of backed up data... that you hope is a recent backup!

I too was climbing the walls at work. What am I supposed to do for 8.5 hours a day here if this site goes down? God.. I almost took a vacation day just so I could try to forget my addiction to the site. Itried to get on here about 400 times a day since it went down!

01-05-09, 07:59
Anyone else not able to retrieve PM's?

01-05-09, 13:00
The site seems to be back. Hope it stays.

01-05-09, 13:01
The site seems to be back. Hope it stays.

(Just got an error message. Spoke too soon.)