View Full Version : What's your opinion of Christopher Wray?

07-12-23, 16:55
I'm watching Jim Jordan and the House take him apart limb by limb.
I'm not sure if he was in on everything, I do believe he had the oppertunity to do the right thing and chose to go along in an attempt to try and keep the FBI out of this mess.
I am however sure he had a good idea of what was up and chose to try and save the institution rather than keep his integrity.
He could have done the right thing.
I now believe he has to go.


07-12-23, 17:04
He is a smug part of the swamp, he should be drawn and quartered or hung, but I would settle for prison. Either way he needs to go. And now!

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07-12-23, 17:35
He seems lackadaisical to me. Like this testifying stuff is a bummer and inconvenient for him. .He was the wrong guy for the job of cleaning up. Do you think any FBI senior people are afraid of him???

Just saw that he doesn’t know for sure if there were FBI people at 1/6??? Are you fricking nuts.

I hate it when people like this give BS answers like this to obvious questions. It makes it look like you are hiding something. Go ahead and say what everyone knows, “Yes”. But you aren’t going to identify them for security reasons.

Let’s just say that there were FBI there. They would have had to file reports on their actions, right? If they didn’t report their actions, those wouldn’t be FBI sanctioned activities and would open themselves to legal liability. If there weren’t any reports… or there weren’t FBI people there? That seems highly unlikely- and a failure of another kind.

Wray comes across as a cocky frat boy who didn’t study for the test and is totally bummed that he is being called out about it…

07-12-23, 18:16
Fark the FBI, Wray is obviously included in this. Sack it, every last one of 'em.

07-12-23, 18:19
The institution is rotten to the core. Parcel out the investigative and laboratory tech, fold up the rest and fire everyone.

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07-12-23, 18:24
Bout as trustworthy as the Clintons.

07-12-23, 21:28
Anyone at that level of Bureaucracy is and has been a political hack. This includes the Pentagon, any cabinet level organization etc... If you get rid of one you have 20 more trained followers ready to take the position.

I had a good friend that was on a PSD for Petraus back in the day, tell me all kinds of nepotism went on. These guys go up through the chain and they ride up on someones coat tails ( in the case of Wray it was Comey). They all then in turn have all kinds of leaches riding up the same way they came up right under them. Then it will be there turn one day.

The only way to get it changed is to promote completely out of the norms, like promote some Battalion commander for the Army to Chairman of the JCS. Or, promote some SAIC from some off the beaten path posting. They would be smart enough to fix the problem but not completely corrupted by the nepotism of Washington.

Just saying you are going to fire Wray will not fix the problem. Because there are 20 SAICs that he has trained and are in DC rubbing cock on their face waiting for their turn.

The only way to fix it is to permanently fire them all and hire nobody's to take their place.

07-12-23, 21:41
My opinion of Christopher Wray and all his leghumpers? Well... let me get back to you, my bladder and bowels are gonna need a few days to charge.

07-13-23, 01:45

07-13-23, 04:46
He and the whole FBI are enemies of the Constitution, he and others need to go to prison and the FBI disbanded.

07-13-23, 06:50
He has nice hair.

07-13-23, 07:12
Wray is a poster child for what I consider legitimate criticism of the Trump presidency.

Trump's Achilles heal from day-one is that he arrived in Washington absent an experienced loyal political machine surrounding him, relying on the advice of others and wanting to 'get along' in filling key positions requiring Senate approval... that would ultimately prove disastrous. It's not discussed much, but I believe Trump picked Wray on the advice of Chris Christie (at the time Christie was portraying himself as a Trump supporter) because Wray helped Christie navigate through the the so-called Bridgegate mess. The pork-bellied swine is now a never-trumper, and just the other day was defending Wray while he was being grilled by Jim Jordan and others on the House Judiciary Committee. Pig.

When Trump arrives in the Washington for his second term (hopefully) I think we'll see a more experienced Trump with a more sophisticated and loyal political team around him.

07-13-23, 07:24
Jeff Sessions was the first back stabbing Brutus, and there were many more. I believe that Trump believed that once he won the election, people would rally together and support him in the interest of the country. Instead he was undermined at every turn. He needed established people he could trust. I hope this time he goes scorched earth, full dictator, night of the long knives. This is a chance to right some wrongs that have been festering for decades.

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07-13-23, 08:31
It's pretty clear he has to go and if he want to keep the FBI intact he better become very cooperative very quickly because I'm not seeing a lot of reason at this point to pay the FBI to continue to spy on Catholic Church's and Parent Teacher Assosiation meetings.
And yes the FBI did go after Parents and Church Members and no amount of "I can't answer about an ongoing investigation" answers are going to cover for that.

I think we really have to answer the fundamentle question,
"Has the FBI outlived it's usefullness to us and is now working against us."
Then take actions to remove Wray and all of his ilk or just close their doors forever.

07-13-23, 09:22
It's pretty clear he has to go and if he want to keep the FBI intact he better become very cooperative very quickly because I'm not seeing a lot of reason at this point to pay the FBI to continue to spy on Catholic Church's and Parent Teacher Assosiation meetings.
And yes the FBI did go after Parents and Church Members and no amount of "I can't answer about an ongoing investigation" answers are going to cover for that.

I think we really have to answer the fundamentle question,
"Has the FBI outlived it's usefullness to us and is now working against us."
Then take actions to remove Wray and all of his ilk or just close their doors forever.

This iss what needs to happen to the Hoover Building:

07-13-23, 18:54
It's pretty clear he has to go and if he want to keep the FBI intact he better become very cooperative very quickly because I'm not seeing a lot of reason at this point to pay the FBI to continue to spy on Catholic Church's and Parent Teacher Assosiation meetings.
And yes the FBI did go after Parents and Church Members and no amount of "I can't answer about an ongoing investigation" answers are going to cover for that.

I think we really have to answer the fundamentle question,
"Has the FBI outlived it's usefullness to us and is now working against us."
Then take actions to remove Wray and all of his ilk or just close their doors forever.

I think we very clearly need the FBI or something like it. Just not the blatantly corrupt FBI that we have now. It is abundantly clear that the leadership of the FBI has decided to act as a political police force. They are brazen in their active support of the left. They actively persecute citizens for "wrong think".

At this point even "good agents" are tainted by association, I don't know that it can be redeemed. I think razing it to the ground and rebuilding may very well be necessary. All new from the ground up.

How to keep it from being as corrupt as the current FBI? That is the challenge. I have no idea how, or if it is even possible.

07-13-23, 19:01
I think we very clearly need the FBI or something like it. Just not the blatantly corrupt FBI that we have now. It is abundantly clear that the leadership of the FBI has decided to act as a political police force. They are brazen in their active support of the left. They actively persecute citizens for "wrong think".

At this point even "good agents" are tainted by association, I don't know that it can be redeemed. I think razing it to the ground and rebuilding may very well be necessary. All new from the ground up.

How to keep it from being as corrupt as the current FBI? That is the challenge. I have no idea how, or if it is even possible.

Well, that brings up an idea I've long advocated... each agency should be set up in a governance structure akin to a corporation, in that its appointed officers are the executives but it has dedicated legislative oversight committees acting as a Board of Directors who can exercise comparable powers, including board-ordered dismissal of executives sua-sponte, rejecting executive policy proposals or calling shreholder (rest of House/Senate) meetings for Shareholder Proposals and other policy actions.

Ya know, put some *immediate* teeth into Oversight since "power of the purse" no longer applies thanks to House Leadership wheeling-and-dealing.

07-14-23, 12:55
Total POS. I'd take a sickle bar mower to him and the next 100 bureaucrats behind him. The rest I'd line up on Pennsylvania Avenue and make them watch as the Hoover building was demolished. After that they'd all be transferred to their new "Patrick Henry" headquarters building in Lebanon Kansas, where their greatly reduced charter and scope would be implemented.

07-14-23, 20:31
Total POS. I'd take a sickle bar mower to him and the next 100 bureaucrats behind him. The rest I'd line up on Pennsylvania Avenue and make them watch as the Hoover building was demolished. After that they'd all be transferred to their new "Patrick Henry" headquarters building in Lebanon Kansas, where their greatly reduced charter and scope would be implemented.

No, after that they'd be FIRED and the organization dismantled. ALL employees, down to the friggin' janitor, would have to reapply for a job in a new organization. The catch would be that if you previously worked for the FBI you could never be hired again as a Federal LEO. Go find a county sheriff job somewhere (no offense to county sheriffs) with your bachelor degree and indoctrination at Quantico. Piss off.

Think about it like this: if you needed a jar of sauce for a recipe and found one in your fridge but part of it was moldy-----would you just go ahead and use the [visually] unmoldy part? I sure as hell wouldn't take the chance. I'd throw the rest of the jar away and open a new one.

07-14-23, 22:51
I say this as an honorably retired LEO. State, county and municipal law enforcement agencies, in general, are no less corrupt, albeit on a smaller scale within a smaller sphere. The entire organization should be scrapped.