View Full Version : RFK Jr defines the problem with our country succinctly

07-20-23, 11:05

Not a fan of his at all. Anyone with Dennis Kuccinich as his big supporter probably doesn’t have the right answer to the problems facing us- but that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t understand that there is a problem and what drives the problem.

I can’t believe that the Dems tried to silence him. Unbelievable.

Maybe I don’t like him as a politician, but he is a first person historian with politics as his native language with unique experiences and insights. And old enough to throw throw the BS card with out crapping himself.

Can you imagine him debating Biden..

COme’on man…

07-20-23, 11:32

Not a fan of his at all. Anyone with Dennis Kuccinich as his big supporter probably doesn’t have the right answer to the problems facing us- but that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t understand that there is a problem and what drives the problem.

I can’t believe that the Dems tried to silence him. Unbelievable.

Maybe I don’t like him as a politician, but he is a first person historian with politics as his native language with unique experiences and insights. And old enough to throw throw the BS card with out crapping himself.

Can you imagine him debating Biden..

COme’on man…

I loved how she misquoted and misattributed him, then alluded to other issues completely unrelated to him. Then when he cut through the BS and called her out on her false statements and inferences, she got her knickers in a twist because he gave her a dose of her own medicine! :lol:

07-20-23, 11:48
I watched part of the hearing, RFK Jr could fix what ailes the democrat party but he wont be allowed. While i like RFK we need to remember he is a progressive liberal.

07-20-23, 12:01
While RFK is defending himself from being accused of antisemitism... other democrats are busy smearing Israel. Recent examples in just the last few days: Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) speaking at a conference in Chicago on Saturday said, “Israel is a racist state.” Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) speaking on the House floor Tuesday said “Israel is an apartheid state."

07-20-23, 12:35
I watched part of the hearing, RFK Jr could fix what ailes the democrat party but he wont be allowed. While i like RFK we need to remember he is a progressive liberal.

Bolded for emphasis. The Clinton's started the 'progressive' movement in that they took the sensabilities of the hippies and decided that they needed to actual take the controlling heights in govt, media, academia, finance and business to make their changes. And like good little piggies, when they got all of that they didn't stop, now it is power for powers sake- and why a progressive liberal like RFK JR not only doesn't have a place in their party, he is vilified for hs views.

The dems are so highon their own supply that they thought that they could shut down a hearing on censorship - by censoring it.... you can't make that stuff up.

Imagine what this guys knows about the sausage recipe for America...

07-20-23, 12:48
As I watch the Democrat's Bullies all try and pile on RFK Jr, I notice that there game is a bit off today, RFK Jr. seems to be able to block or dodge most of this.
The irony to me is that as they do this, they are only making RFK Jr. stronger and at this point there is damn little reason for him to not go third Party.
They are creating their own demise and right here on camera for us.

I remember as a kid if you went over to a Catholic Famlies house they always had a Cross, The Maddonna and a Picture of the Kennedy Brothers.
They are pissing off a hell of a lot of people going after him.

Edit to Add;
This Gem is why the Democrats suck.


07-20-23, 13:41
He's definitely got some fire in his belly! He may yet cause Biden and the DNC machine some troubles. I wish him luck in that endeavor!

07-20-23, 22:14
Sadly I think his spasmodic dysphonia will prevent him from being anything more than he is. I don't see him being a threat to Biden or anyone else. It's telling to watch what we call the Democratic party as they attack a Kennedy (John Kennedy would have been viewed as a conservative today in most areas of policy) and try and accuse him of being anti semetic, especially when the DNC has been more anti semetic than I've ever seen them before. They even had to trot out a has been like Deb Wasserman because she's the "we're still jewish" card even though Pelosi put her out to pasture years ago.

07-20-23, 23:33
Sadly I think his spasmodic dysphonia will prevent him from being anything more than he is. I don't see him being a threat to Biden or anyone else. It's telling to watch what we call the Democratic party as they attack a Kennedy (John Kennedy would have been viewed as a conservative today in most areas of policy) and try and accuse him of being anti semetic, especially when the DNC has been more anti semetic than I've ever seen them before. They even had to trot out a has been like Deb Wasserman because she's the "we're still jewish" card even though Pelosi put her out to pasture years ago.

It's odd to me that, he can come out and say, "It looks like this Virus was put together in a way that the Caucasian and African Americans are more suseptable and Jewish and Asians are less suseptable." and suddenly you're an anti semite.
It's like people have to stick thing under a microscope and investigate from all angles before they know if they can somehow squeeze something offensive out of thin air.
It's almost like there isn't enough White folks saying stupid stuff to go around, now they have to search for it.

07-21-23, 00:35
A ranking member of a House Oversight Committee on censorship attempting to walk on free speech, how ****ing typical.

07-21-23, 00:46
. They even had to trot out a has been like Deb Wasserman because she's the "we're still jewish" card even though Pelosi put her out to pasture years ago.

Debbie wassermn schultz was just a bored little houswife from Weston, Fl, a rather well to do, upscale suburb, in South Florida, who decided to run for congress several years ago. Weston, is a liberal enclave composed mostly of ex patriate NY'ers, Jersey-ites and others from the NE. I believe she has a rather wealthy husband who supported her candidacy and given the demographics, the liberal cunts just keep voting little Debbie into office, she has never had any real opposition. She isn't even an attorney, just a poli-sci major from U of Fla.

07-21-23, 01:32
Debbie wassermn schultz was just a bored little houswife from Weston, Fl, a rather well to do, upscale suburb, in South Florida, who decided to run for congress several years ago. Weston, is a liberal enclave composed mostly of ex patriate NY'ers, Jersey-ites and others from the NE. I believe she has a rather wealthy husband who supported her candidacy and given the demographics, the liberal cunts just keep voting little Debbie into office, she has never had any real opposition. She isn't even an attorney, just a poli-sci major from U of Fla.

I'm aware. I was there when she submitted a Broward county assault weapon ban based upon the Clinton ban. I was at the City Hall when HOLEE SHIT it passed. Easily 95% of those there in person were there to protest it, but they went ahead and did it anyway. Thankfully Jeb Bush was governor and refused to sign it. Wasserman has been a class A POS for as long as I can remember.

07-21-23, 05:24
America has fundamentally changed period.

Over several decades of indoctrination throughout schools, colleges, corruption, lowering standards, a huge government, mass illegal immigration, all have contributed to a massive transformation of America.

You will not vote it out.

Elections are a sham. Presidents are selected while other major positions are bought and paid for.

07-22-23, 18:44
Sadly I think his spasmodic dysphonia will prevent him from being anything more than he is. I don't see him being a threat to Biden or anyone else. It's telling to watch what we call the Democratic party as they attack a Kennedy (John Kennedy would have been viewed as a conservative today in most areas of policy) and try and accuse him of being anti semetic, especially when the DNC has been more anti semetic than I've ever seen them before. They even had to trot out a has been like Deb Wasserman because she's the "we're still jewish" card even though Pelosi put her out to pasture years ago.

He would never get his party's nomination for POTUS if he were alive today (and not 106 years old mind you). In fact I think JFK would look at the modern Democrat Party and be like "WTF?"

07-23-23, 01:00
He would never get his party's nomination for POTUS if he were alive today (and not 106 years old mind you). In fact I think JFK would look at the modern Democrat Party and be like "WTF?"

Do you think? Here's his thank you letter to the NRA where he accepted his Lifetime Membership and recognizes NRA members for their important role in National Defense in the tradition of the minute men.
