View Full Version : Cali removing dams to fight injustice

07-26-23, 07:56
Four less hydroelectric plants to charge all those electric cars good thing they have a surplus of power and water.....oh, wait....

Victor Davis Hanson
California is now spending a half-billion dollars to destroy 4 dams on Klamath River—as a record snowmelt goes out to sea due to insufficient reservoir storage. Another symptom of Decivilization—the systematic dismantling of all that brought us security and prosperity.


Removing dams from the Klamath River is a step toward justice for Native Americans in Northern California

07-26-23, 08:33
The final plans for closure started over 15 years ago. Just takes forever to weave through the state and federal system.

07-26-23, 10:48
You know I would guess the new brush that sprouted up since the record snow melt is about shoulder high now.
I would guess no one wants to trim that back a bit to avoid wild fires this summer?
California attracted every crackpot Forrestry Student and then went full on stupid.

07-26-23, 10:49
Don't worry about any chance for wildfires or drought. Or a dearth of potable water. They never happen in California.

07-26-23, 11:04
"Decivilization" is an accurate term for the Left's agenda.

07-26-23, 11:06
Just think what four years of hair-gel Gavin will be like in the White House. Choose carefully in the Republican primary folks, just sayin'......:rolleyes:

07-26-23, 12:06
Choose carefully in the Republican primary folks, just sayin'......:rolleyes:

No fears, I am committed to voting harder next time! Voting harder always fixes a rigged system!

07-26-23, 19:40
No fears, I am committed to voting harder next time! Voting harder always fixes a rigged system!

If you've ever read my past posts you'd see that I am certainly not oblivious to the cheating, as a matter of fact it is the major obstacle to be overcome.....can't do that then a Democheat will forever be in office.

07-26-23, 20:26
All part of the New Dark Ages in which we find ourselves.

07-27-23, 05:53
They're bitchin' about not having water and take water from other states. The state is constantly in legal disputes over water rights with other states.... so get rid of the water that you have so that you can what... WTF??? I can't believe how mind numbingly stupid those people are. Pretty soon there will be another idiot exodus from there into other states and those idiots will cause another idiot epidemic and further kill the culture of common sense.

07-28-23, 08:35
Stopping the flow of a River is Racist. Actually it’s White Privilege.
Destroy de Dams. :shout:

No doubt Hospitals are next.

07-29-23, 09:09
"Decivilization" is an accurate term for the Left's agenda.

Good 99 percent of them don’t have the skills required to survive their plan.

Should be fun to watch them all starve.

07-29-23, 17:51
Poking holes in damn is anti-racist, but punch a hole in a levee and that’s racist. Water sure is picky…

07-29-23, 19:09
This is sort of like Rhodesia- white colonists turning the land into the agricultural hub of Africa and feeding millions was racist. So, kick out whitey and turn the land over to the native tribes’ appointed dictator who turned the land back into a barren wasteland and starved everyone out.

07-29-23, 22:05
No fears, I am committed to voting harder next time! Voting harder always fixes a rigged system!

I'm glad to see there's at least one 120+ IQ, sober-minded, mature adult left in this forum. Most of them left this website completely, long ago.