View Full Version : Air Force Question

01-02-09, 16:38
Hey guys, I'm leaving for BMT in february and had a question about AFSC's. I originally was going into combat control. I passed the PAST test and was all set to go but failed the eye exam at the MEPS. I got a new pair of glasses and meet the requirements for vision, but the doctor at MEPS will not update my eye profile, and my recruiter tells me that it has to go through the USAF Surgeon General. Well, it doesnt look likely that i'll get the CCT contract. So right now i'm thinking of how im going to go about getting into CCT. I know that retraining is the best bet and is only a 36 month wait ( i enlisted for 6 years so that may not be the correct time frame) and I am definitley getting on the PRK waiting list. But my question is, is there a way that during BMT I can voice my desire to be a combat control to TI's or someone that will help me get a waiver or exception to policy? Also if my CCT dream does not come true. How do i get into possibly Security Forces Pheonex Raven, or how do i become a CATM(combat arms training and maintenence)?
Thanks in advanced guys.

01-02-09, 16:52
If you're committed to combat-oriented MOSs, why the HELL are you joining the air force?

01-02-09, 17:03
If you're committed to combat-oriented MOSs, why the HELL are you joining the air force?

Because no matter where the conflict, Air force Combat Controller will be the first boots on the ground. They are the people that no one hears about because the nature of their mission is secret. They are the ones that often times save the asses of the green berets or SEAL's when shit goes nuts.

01-02-09, 17:22
You will be a low ranking new enlisted man. You will have no say and "they" won't want to be bothered with you changing your MOS. If that was your contract in my opinion you should hold them to it. CCT or no go. Your first enlistment does not give you any say in your career plans once you are in.

That being said if you can hook up with the CCT school, or a senior enlisted CCT, they will help you. If your vision does not meet the minimum requirement then the CCT guys will not help you.
CCT regulations may not allow eye surgery, have you checked on that?

Good luck.
PS Why didn''t you join the Marine Corps? Airforce? Stay home and play electronics games. Sheesh an Airdale, whats the world coming to.

01-02-09, 20:10
Please re-think your plan.

I did 21 years in the USAF Security Police, what is now called
Security Forces.

The USAF will put you where they need you, not where you want to
be. All branches of the service are the same way.

CCT Teams make up only a small fraction of the total jobs in the USAF
and it's very hard to get one of those (very few) jobs.

Security Forces is a lot easier because there are so many of them.
But, SFs are NOT a combat related career field in any way imaginable.

The Army/Marines offer a greater chance of getting the type of job you want,
simply because they are more combat oriented.

If you're joining the USAF for a specific job, then you're probably
going to be very disappionted.

01-02-09, 20:16
You will be a low ranking new enlisted man. You will have no say and "they" won't want to be bothered with you changing your MOS. If that was your contract in my opinion you should hold them to it. CCT or no go. Your first enlistment does not give you any say in your career plans once you are in.

That being said if you can hook up with the CCT school, or a senior enlisted CCT, they will help you. If your vision does not meet the minimum requirement then the CCT guys will not help you.
CCT regulations may not allow eye surgery, have you checked on that?

Good luck.
PS Why didn''t you join the Marine Corps? Airforce? Stay home and play electronics games. Sheesh an Airdale, whats the world coming to.

For the eye surgery, Lasik is not allowed but PRK is waiverable after 1 year

but my eyes do meet the requirements now. I have talked to a CCT recruiter but he said theres nothing more he can do at the moment than get the updated eye profile to the surgeon general (which im still hoping he gets in time)

But in the air force after 36 months you are able to apply to train into a different job. so if i dont get my cct contract now, after 36 months from the day i graduate tech school for another job i can apply for crosstraining.

And for the reasons i didnt join marines, I just personally dont like the idea of being a marine. No offense to you, but all the marines i have met... have been rather cocky and a bunch of assholes. The whole "im a marine and your not so ur a pussy" attitude kinda pisses me off. Im not saying all marines are like that but iv met far to many of those to ever want to be a marine.

01-02-09, 20:17

01-02-09, 20:22

01-02-09, 20:22
If they offered you CCT and it's on your contract already then do not sign the contract if they want to change it. Remember, recruiters are looking to meet quotas. I'm AD AF (7 1/2 yrs in) and at MEPS, they wanted to give me a different job besides the one already listed on my contract. They said that I didn't qualify for the job because my ASVAB scores weren't high enough. I told them no and that I will retake the ASVAB if I had too. The guy called the head recruiter and they told him to give it to me.

You need to call your recruiter and have him find the information for you and have it and the job written in your contract. Don't believe anything they tell you unless it's in the contract. Same goes if they offered you a bonus. If it doesn't work out and you want combat then I have to agree and I'd tell you to join the Army/Marines.

01-02-09, 20:22
.... But my question is, is there a way that during BMT I can voice my desire to be a combat control to TI's or someone that will help me get a waiver or exception to policy?....

You should have a job in writing before reporting to Basic training?
That will be your job in the USAF for the next six years.
Make sure it's what you want.

Are you in the Delayed Enlistment Program?
You do know you don't have to join, don't you?
The DEP Program is not legally binding.

Re-training at 36 months Time In Service is extremely hard to do.
There must be an overage in your present job and a shortage in
the new job you want. It's not automatic by any means.

CCT jobs are in great demand by people already in the USAF.
Who do you think the AF will send to CCT school? You or someone
who's been in 4 or 5 years.

The USAF has all the recruits it can handle, so the chance of getting
an exception or waiver is slim and none.

Nobody in BMT can help you, unless there is a severe shortage of
CCT members, which there's not.

As mentioned if you don't have it in writing, it doesn't exist.

01-02-09, 20:23
Please re-think your plan.

I did 21 years in the USAF Security Police, what is now called
Security Forces.

The USAF will put you where they need you, not where you want to
be. All branches of the service are the same way.

CCT Teams make up only a small fraction of the total jobs in the USAF
and it's very hard to get one of those (very few) jobs.

Security Forces is a lot easier because there are so many of them.
But, SFs are NOT a combat related career field in any way imaginable.

The Army/Marines offer a greater chance of getting the type of job you want,
simply because they are more combat oriented.

If you're joining the USAF for a specific job, then you're probably
going to be very disappionted.
Yeah I understand that, but currently the AF is starving for more Special tactics personnel. I have already past the required fitness test and the only thing holding me back is that I missed 1 letter at MEPS for the 20/20 with my 4 year old glasses prescription. Its all fixed now and the doctor at MEPS could have saved me the all the hassle and just replace my old eye profile with my new glasses but she did not. So its off to the surgeon general. If it does not make it through I will be going SF. And one of the factors in crosstraining are the number of ppl in the AFSC your in and the AFSC you want. That being said... there are THOUSANDS of SF and only a few hundred CCT's. So crosstraining into it should be do-able.

01-02-09, 20:26
I'm not in it for the combat, I'm in it for the job and nothing else. No other branch has a job like CCT so thats why I joined the AF.

I didnt get the contract for CCT because of my eyes at MEPS. I have to wait to see if the surgeon general gives me the ok or not. Iv talked to a few recruiters now and they all tell me the same thing.

01-02-09, 20:29
.... And one of the factors in crosstraining are the number of ppl in the AFSC your in and the AFSC you want. That being said... there are THOUSANDS of SF and only a few hundred CCT's. So crosstraining into it should be do-able.

You've got it backwards!

The fewer the jobs (CCT), the harder it is to get one of them because of supply
and demand.

The bigger the career field (SF), the easier it is to get in because more are

My experience in 21 years in SP's was that there was always a shortage
of SPs and not enough CCTs so crosstraining was out of the question.

Your recruiter should explain all this to you.

01-02-09, 20:32
Keep digging for the information. Call Randolph AFB (since they handle all personnel issues) and try calling Wilford Hall (Hospital) at Lackland AFB. Someone has to help you. Crosstraining is do-able but what you don't know is that you have to finish your training first for the job you signed up for. You will have to go to Technical School. Then you will have to learn your job (upgrade training), pass your Course Development Test (after you've read all volumes). It will take you at least 1 1/2 - 2 yrs to complete. Then you have to fill out all paperwork to crosstrain and hopefully get accepted. God forbid you get a shitty supervisor and he rates you anything less than a firewall 5 on your Enlisted Performance Report (EPR).

01-02-09, 20:36
Keep digging for the information. Call Randolph AFB (since they handle all personnel issues) and try calling Wilford Hall (Hospital) at Lackland AFB. Someone has to help you. Crosstraining is do-able but what you don't know is that you have to finish your training first for the job you signed up for. You will have to go to Technical School. Then you will have to learn your job (upgrade training), pass your Course Development Test (after you've read all volumes). It will take you at least 1 1/2 - 2 yrs to complete. Then you have to fill out all paperwork to crosstrain and hopefully get accepted. God forbid you get a shitty supervisor and he rates you anything less than a firewall 5 on your Enlisted Performance Report (EPR).

Well Said!!!

I hope he makes it.

01-02-09, 20:38
As a Supervisor myself, I want to make sure you don't get screwed. Just make sure that when you sign that contract, it has everything the recruiter promised you.

01-02-09, 20:39
Keep digging for the information. Call Randolph AFB (since they handle all personnel issues) and try calling Wilford Hall (Hospital) at Lackland AFB. Someone has to help you. Crosstraining is do-able but what you don't know is that you have to finish your training first for the job you signed up for. You will have to go to Technical School. Then you will have to learn your job (upgrade training), pass your Course Development Test (after you've read all volumes). It will take you at least 1 1/2 - 2 yrs to complete. Then you have to fill out all paperwork to crosstrain and hopefully get accepted. God forbid you get a shitty supervisor and he rates you anything less than a firewall 5 on your Enlisted Performance Report (EPR).

Thanks for the advice to call those places. I'll get on that monday.

01-02-09, 20:39
As a Supervisor myself, I want to make sure you don't get screwed. Just make sure that when you sign that contract, it has everything the recruiter promised you.


01-02-09, 20:41
Thanks for the advice to call those places. I'll get on that monday.

Please do that. I had hell of a time trying to get my PRP status back because someone at Lackland AFB screwed up. Got it back but it was a lot of running around. I was trying to apply for a pilot slot and ended up screwing up the AFOQT test. But hey, I got a 94 on pilot and still have a Class 1 medical. But I still can't apply because of my AFOQT score.

01-02-09, 20:44
Anywhere or anybody specific at Randolph AFB & Wilford Hall that need to be contacted?

01-02-09, 20:47
Anywhere or anybody specific at Randolph AFB & Wilford Hall that need to be contacted?

I would start with the customer service at Randolph AFB (you're going to have to google it to find a base phone book). Let them know your situation and see where they can refer you. As for Wilford Hall, I'm not sure but contact someone in the Optometry Dept. Keep bothering people, it'll get you somewhere.

01-02-09, 20:54
I would start with the customer service at Randolph AFB (you're going to have to google it to find a base phone book). Let them know your situation and see where they can refer you. As for Wilford Hall, I'm not sure but contact someone in the Optometry Dept. Keep bothering people, it'll get you somewhere.

alright, Thank you

Al U. 5811
01-02-09, 20:56
If you don't meet the requirement initially there is not much anyone will do for you without a waiver. CCT and TACP are full of applicants. These are not easy schools to get seats for, no matter if you are currently under contract, prior-service, or new-off-the-street. For instance, we have a kid that had a seat locked on for over a year. BOS is running short so the Commander isn't releasing him until they can fill his SF spot at home station. Recruiters will say what they want but once you are in it comes down to the needs of "Big AF".

On the other hand, going Security Forces can be a worthwhile thing if you put in the time and effort. CATM is short everywhere! At one time my shop was the most staffed CA shop in the entire AF (keep in mind it is a Reserve Squadron). Six months go by and we are short the same as everyone else. Add to that we (CA Instructors) are filling shortage slots in the Kirkuk rotation, falling in with QFEB2 for deployments.

I cannot speak for the rest of the AF as I came over as a 14 year prior Marine in 2005. My AF experiance spans 3 years, and as a reservist at that. I learn more about the Air Force everyday. I am also a Raven.

01-02-09, 21:04
If you don't meet the requirement initially there is not much anyone will do for you without a waiver. CCT and TACP are full of applicants. These are not easy schools to get seats for, no matter if you are currently under contract, prior-service, or new-off-the-street. For instance, we have a kid that had a seat locked on for over a year. BOS is running short so the Commander isn't releasing him until they can fill his SF spot at home station. Recruiters will say what they want but once you are in it comes down to the needs of "Big AF".

On the other hand, going Security Forces can be a worthwhile thing if you put in the time and effort. CATM is short everywhere! At one time my shop was the most staffed CA shop in the entire AF (keep in mind it is a Reserve Squadron). Six months go by and we are short the same as everyone else. Add to that we (CA Instructors) are filling shortage slots in the Kirkuk rotation, falling in with QFEB2 for deployments.

I cannot speak for the rest of the AF as I came over as a 14 year prior Marine in 2005. My AF experiance spans 3 years, and as a reservist at that. I learn more about the Air Force everyday. I am also a Raven.

What did you have to do to get Raven?

01-02-09, 21:27
Mr. Atwood,

-Please clarify the issue: Is the Doc at MEPS not willing to conduct the re-exam or if he does conduct the re-exam and you improve is it still in need of a waiver?

-Are you a GTEP for CCT?

-Was your PAST given to you by a CCT or PJ?

-Stay in the fight! Don't give up just yet.


01-03-09, 00:41
Mr. Atwood,

-Please clarify the issue: Is the Doc at MEPS not willing to conduct the re-exam or if he does conduct the re-exam and you improve is it still in need of a waiver?

-Are you a GTEP for CCT?

-Was your PAST given to you by a CCT or PJ?

-Stay in the fight! Don't give up just yet.


The exam was given once at MEPS and I could not read the 20/20. They put me on the auto refrac machine in the same room and got correctable to 20/20 in my right eye and 20/25 in the left. This was with a 4 year old prescription. I then got my local eye doc to check my eyes. He wrote me a new Rx which is different than the one MEPS auto refrac machine said. But now I have 20/20 in both eyes. So I dont think need a waiver but the surgeon general needs to verify. Thats what iv been told by my recruiter as well as a CCT recruiter that my recruiter suggested I call.

I honestly dont remember if I was because I started the processing for the AF back in September. I did sign some papers but not a contract that said i was gonna be a CCT

The PAST was not administered by a CCT or PJ, but by my recruiter and another recruiter from the same office, but I did pass it easily, and the scores were processed like they are for any CCT or PJ applicant.

01-03-09, 01:49
Are you tying to be funny or demonstrating gross ignorance? :confused:

i'm just gonna stay way the hell out of this one.

Army Chief
01-03-09, 02:56
Because no matter where the conflict, Air force Combat Controller will be the first boots on the ground. They are the people that no one hears about because the nature of their mission is secret. They are the ones that often times save the asses of the green berets or SEAL's when shit goes nuts ...

... No other branch has a job like CCT so thats why I joined the AF.

25 years in combat arms -- most of them at Bragg -- leave me wondering who on earth you've been listening to. I've worked with those that you seek to join (and a host of other assets from that community), and while I would gladly acknowledge the professionalism of the CCT's, your impression of the job sounds like it came right off of a recruiter's cue card. In any event, off-the-street accessions into any Special Operations capacity are usually frowned upon for a variety of reasons, and you stand to lose very little by doing a few years in another capacity. You can always seek later reclassification, provided that you have excelled up to that point.

Your purpose surely is honorable, and I wish you well as you enter the service. Just make sure that you ask your questions and seek your clarifications now, because once you ship out, the time for straightening out any lingering mysteries in your contract is over.


Al U. 5811
01-03-09, 06:09
The RPM(Raven Program Manager) likes me:p. I came to the unit as a prior Marine 5811(Military Police), with a couple of deployments and a bunch of military and civilian training on my resume'. As with any school, you gotta meet the basic requirements and the unit you belong to has to have a slot open. One of our Ravens retired. I was, according to the Commander, the guy to be offered it first. Obviously I jumped at the chance.

The school was no joke! It pushed me mentally and physically. I attended the most recent class, 08D. I was the class leader and distinguished grad.

The only downside is that our Raven program is non-funded as most Reserve units' Ravens are, AFRC. As an active duty Raven your missions are quite a bit more frequent as they are funded by AMC. See the world and get paid at the same time.

If you get a chance look into the CPE (Close Precision Engagement) program. Again another very tough short course if you can get a school slot and your SF unit supports it. I'll be working with a few of those guys real soon;).

Good luck. The opportunities are there but you have to do your part and get a little lucky sometimes.

01-03-09, 08:42
If you're committed to combat-oriented MOSs, why the HELL are you joining the air force?

USAF combat controllers are some of the VERY best, well rounded HSLD types in the business.

Read the book; Kill Bin Laden by an ex-Delta Commander. In it, he says that the most well rounds Special Forces types is the USAF CC's. ;)


01-03-09, 10:47
.... I did sign some papers but not a contract that said i was gonna be a CCT......

Do you have a job in writing?

If you don't, then refuse to join the USAF until you get a job in writing.

DO NOT join the USAF thinking you'll get CCT in basic training, get a waiver
or any other special treatment.

Calling Personnel at Randolph AFB and the hospital Wilford Hall will be a waste
of time. You are a civilian, they will not talk to you. They will refer you to your

You are a job shopper. The Air Force frowns on job shoppers, because the needs
of the Air Force come first.

Chances are you won't even join the USAF!

I hate to burst your bubble, but unless you have a signed job contract that
puts you in CCT BEFORE you join, it's probably not going to happen.

01-03-09, 11:36
I'm not in it for the combat, I'm in it for the job and nothing else. No other branch has a job like CCT so thats why I joined the AF.

This statement made my jaw drop.

01-03-09, 13:23
Do you have a job in writing?

If you don't, then refuse to join the USAF until you get a job in writing.

I hate to burst your bubble, but unless you have a signed job contract that
puts you in CCT BEFORE you join, it's probably not going to happen.

Heed these words!

Also, do you know anyone personally that is in CCT? Sounds like you have a romanticized view of the job. What you do in the Air Force or any other of the Armed Forces will absolutely change your life forever. Make sure you give the decisions you are making now the weight they deserve.

01-03-09, 13:49
What exactly do you have to offer the Air Force and why should you receive preference for joining an elite unit, "Airman"Atwood?

I am strongly cautioning you not to think of any position in the military as "just a job" and if you're not joining up to fight, you might want to wait until we're done with these 2 wars we're in.

01-03-09, 15:51
Every male who enlists in the USAF while in Basic Military Training receives a mandatory PJ/CCT recruiting brief and if you meet the requirements you can apply to take the Physical Ability Stamina Test (PAST). Once they successfully pass the PAST they undergo further screening and upon success with that they will receive a class date for their respective selection course. If this individual gets hurt, doesn't meet a standard or quits he will be reclassified to meet the needs of the AF.

I also know that volunteering for PJ/CCT when you have another guaranteed job voids that contract.

The USAF also has a program (GTEP?) for new enlistees that upon passing the PAST and the other requirements you are guaranteed a shot at the PJ/CCT program upon completion of basic training. If this individual gets hurt, doesn't qualify somehow or quits (but no one ever, ever quits :rolleyes:) they will have the opportunity to seperate from the USAF or get reclassified into another specialty.

My advice for Mr. Atwood:
-If you're aspiring to be a Silent Professional start acting like it now.
-You need to explain your situation to one of the Special Tactics LNOs supporting AF Recruiting.
-The fact that your recruiter gave you your PAST test makes my skin crawl.
-Have you searched the forums at www.specialtactics.com? I'm sure you're not the first guy to need a vision waiver.

I hope this helps!

01-03-09, 17:09
This statement made my jaw drop.

X2 wow....... I leave tuesday for BMT to serve my country, looking for TACP :D

01-03-09, 20:34
removed, changed

01-04-09, 16:58
me, the site keeps messing up for me and I can't IM you. I will help you out, wait email me, I can't even see my PM's ARRRRRGGGGGGGGG

samething is happening to me

01-05-09, 01:15
Let me throw my .003 cents in (change in the Euro-Dollar exchange rate). Regardless of whether you are joining the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps or the Coast Guard please do not forget that there is still a war going in Afghanistan and Iraq. You need to seriously ask yourself why you are joining. If it is just for the college money or "financial stability" that is your prerogative. Just remember that you will in all likelyhood get deployed and you may find yourself in combat (either direct or indirect).

Remember that other people will be counting on you and if you fail in the field you aren't the only one who will impacted. If you are serious about being a PJ/ CCT member then you need to understand the seriousness and dedication of that choice. For those serving in Spec Ops postions these are more than just jobs. It is a way of life and it requires 110% dedication. Something you may want to seriously consider.

01-05-09, 10:16
AirmanAtwood do yourself a favor and capitalize Marine. It's not marine it's Marine and they are arrogant because they can be just like with any other branch.

01-12-09, 10:28
Glad this isn't typical of the others I know that are joining up.

01-12-09, 12:55
Glad this isn't typical of the others I know that are joining up.
what do you mean by that?

01-12-09, 13:08
Let me clarify for the ppl who are commenting on my statement of "not in it for the combat" what i mean is, I am not looking to go CCT just to go shoot shit and blow stuff up. I understand that as a CCT the job is a combat related career field, but there is more to it than fighting. I have no problem with taking the fight to the enemy. I will do as told and I will not hesitate to fight. But I am not hoping to go kill and shoot for a living.

And to all the people who actually have given advice instead of trash talk I very much appreciate it.

01-12-09, 13:17

Assuming he is still there, contact this gentleman at 720 Special Tactics Group...

Special Tactics Recruiting
CMSgt (ret.) Wayne Norrad
Phone: 850-884-4246
E-mail: Wayne.Norrad@hurlburt.af.mil

He is the one POC within Special Tactics (maybe the Air Force) that can give you the info, and possibly the help, you need. FYI...I was Combat Control for 20 years (retired in 2006).

One last thing...to the best of my knowledge, if the PAST test wasn't given by a Combat Controller or PJ, it doesn't count. If you mention to Chief Norrad that you have already taken it, make sure you tell him who gave it to you.

01-12-09, 13:24

Assuming he is still there, contact this gentleman at 720 Special Tactics Group...

Special Tactics Recruiting
CMSgt (ret.) Wayne Norrad
Phone: 850-884-4246
E-mail: Wayne.Norrad@hurlburt.af.mil

He is the one POC within Special Tactics (maybe the Air Force) that can give you the info, and possibly the help, you need.

FYI so you don't think I am some knucklehead blowing smoke up your ass...I was Combat Control for 20 years (retired in 2006).

One last thing...to the best of my knowledge, if the PAST test wasn't given by a Combat Controller or PJ, it doesn't count. If you mention to Chief Norrad that you have already taken it, make sure you tell him who gave it to you.

Thank you for the contact. I'll be giving him a call.

01-12-09, 13:31
what do you mean by that?

Because you came off as wanting a job not to serve your country. And you seem to think the CCs run the whole show and save all of the other SF types "Because no matter where the conflict, Air force Combat Controller will be the first boots on the ground. They are the people that no one hears about because the nature of their mission is secret. They are the ones that often times save the asses of the green berets or SEAL's when shit goes nuts.'

In other words you're a typical recruit who doesn't know much about the military. Get off of this board and go PT. Hard PT. Boots and cammies, swimming in boots and cammies, throw a wet sandbag in your ruck and do a ruck run. Also try to avoid the "I'm a special, unique snowflake that CCs will want to recruit" thoughts and concentrate on PT, motivation, and thinking about why you want to serve.

01-12-09, 13:50
Because you came off as wanting a job not to serve your country. And you seem to think the CCs run the whole show and save all of the other SF types "Because no matter where the conflict, Air force Combat Controller will be the first boots on the ground. They are the people that no one hears about because the nature of their mission is secret. They are the ones that often times save the asses of the green berets or SEAL's when shit goes nuts.'

In other words you're a typical recruit who doesn't know much about the military. Get off of this board and go PT. Hard PT. Boots and cammies, swimming in boots and cammies, throw a wet sandbag in your ruck and do a ruck run. Also try to avoid the "I'm a special, unique snowflake that CCs will want to recruit" thoughts and concentrate on PT, motivation, and thinking about why you want to serve.

I am in it to serve my country. If I were not why the hell would I be joining the service in the first place? Or even better, why would I want to do something that could potentially get me killed unless I was willing to do so for my country? I did not say that CCT's run the show. I just stated that CCT's often help the other SOF with their jobs because CCT's are trained in things that other SOF cannot do. I do not look down upon any branch or any SOF. I was actually about to sign for the army right before I really looked into CCT. And I dont know everything about the military but I do know a little. I come from a long line of Military men and spend 80% of my time at the base here. As for your statment about PT, I PT very regularly. And I have no "special" ego. I just have a life goal of becoming a CCT, and want it badly. I never said anything about being special, that was your own take on what I said. I know that there are hundreds of others that want to be a CCT and I'm just another one.

05-10-10, 20:55
I don't even remember how the hell I stumbled on this thread, but I wanted to see how CCT is going for you. I'm guessing good judging by your avatar.

05-11-10, 19:26
Yeah its been going well. Loving what I do and I dont see there being any better job for me

05-11-10, 20:12
Yeah its been going well. Loving what I do and I dont see there being any better job for me

Rock on. Have you completed the training? If not, how much longer do you have?

05-12-10, 01:43
CCT and PJ have like 2 or 3 years of training. They have different schools to go. They call it the pipeline or something like that.

I work with PJ's and I wear the green feet cause I'm a HH-60 Flight Engineer. I'm a smart gunner for those who don't know. I get weird looks when I say I'm a FE.

Good luck to you Atwood and I will be seeing you if you make it through.

05-12-10, 05:24
Airman Atwood, how far along are you in the CCT pipeline?

05-12-10, 05:40
Retraining at 36 months is NOT hard to do. IF combat controller is a critically manned career field, which I am sure it is, then it's easy to get the cross training. Shit, half of the flying jobs in the AF is critically manned. Don't go to BMT unless they have guaranteed your job on contract. I wouldn't go Security Forces, they are changing too much. They've been contracting the cop job to offbase LEOs and SFs are pretty much glorified plane watchers.

05-12-10, 20:31
Im currently at STTS formerly AST. I start pre-scuba next week and go to USAFCDC after. I'v had my beret for a few months now just need to get my 5 level to truly earn it.

:eta i got another 10 months of training left before i get to my first team

05-13-10, 00:29
I have been sitting next to the AFCDC CC all week at a conference.

Good luck and congrats with making it this far along in the pipeline.

Do you have a follow-on assignment yet?

05-13-10, 15:39
Not to hijack the thread but PJ2RESQU2 where are you stationed at? You can pm if you want.

05-13-10, 16:22
PJ, Not as of yet. I filled out my dream sheet when I first got here and put down the 21st sts at Pope as my first with McChord and Meldinhal UK as second and third. should find out sometime within the next couple of months which sts i go to.

05-13-10, 19:40
So you were able to get CCT? If so, congrats! AF special forces!

05-13-10, 20:59
So you were able to get CCT? If so, congrats! AF special forces!

Yeah, I have my beret and am currently in upgrade training.