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View Full Version : News out of Provo, Utah—He Who Must Not Be Named?

08-10-23, 19:30
I find it curious that no one has brought up the news out of Utah regarding the man who recently lost his life at the hands of federal law enforcement for posting threats on social media.

I don’t know if it’s for a specific reason, or if there is just a lack of interest, so I’m being intentionally vague. I’m also not going to post any news articles or videos on the matter in case there is a reason it isn’t being talked about.

That is all.

08-10-23, 19:35
What’s to say? I’m sure you read the insane sh!t he posted online. It’s not much of a stretch to think he acted insane when the feds showed up.

08-10-23, 19:47
There needs to be a investigation but we know there wont be.

08-10-23, 19:57
How many of the thousands of threats made against Trump were met with deadly force? Anyone thinking the FBI is anything other than the Democrats Gestapo has their heads buried in the sand.

08-10-23, 20:30
He was a 75 year old man that sometimes walked with a cane. They hit his house with flashbangs at 0600 before killing him.

08-10-23, 20:58
…federal law enforcement ...

It was NOT the agency specifically tasked with investigating threats against the President. I think that needs to be explained.

08-10-23, 21:38
Was this person a member here, or otherwise someone I should have heard of?

Yes, it's easy to find in various news sources.

08-10-23, 22:01
He was a 75 year old man that sometimes walked with a cane. They hit his house with flashbangs at 0600 before killing him.

They tried 3 times unsucessfully to kick in his door befor ramming the front of his house with a armored vehicle. They killed the elder then drug his body to the street where there left him for hours.

08-11-23, 00:23
It was NOT the agency specifically tasked with investigating threats against the President. I think that needs to be explained.

Secret Service was told Provo is in a dry County without hookers, ATF heard he didn't have a dog, so it was the FBI by default.


08-11-23, 09:19
Secret Service was told Provo is in a dry County without hookers, ATF heard he didn't have a dog, so it was the FBI by default.


You win. That is funny!

08-26-23, 18:32
Top Men at it again, this time in Henderson, TN. Article doesn’t specify what the warrant was for to authorize such force and damage to the home.


08-26-23, 19:22
As I understand it, only the FBI investigates FBI involved shootings. They refuse to cooperate with any local law enforcement inquiries into said shootings. They rarely release information pertaining to their cover-ups. Er, I mean investigations

08-26-23, 20:47
Try that at my house. Mother frackers!

08-26-23, 23:13
Harden your homes not only against criminal break ins but also LE entry. Gives you time to wake up and orient yourself and also assume the position before they make entry.

08-27-23, 07:33
Harden your homes not only against criminal break ins but also LE entry. Gives you time to wake up and orient yourself and also assume the position before they make entry.


08-27-23, 19:02
Secret Service was told Provo is in a dry County without hookers, ATF heard he didn't have a dog, so it was the FBI by default.

(I realize this is a joke but) whoever told the S.S. this has never been there...

08-27-23, 20:58
(I realize this is a joke but) whoever told the S.S. this has never been there...

I have honestly never been there, have spent less than 6 hours in Utah in my life. 'Twas intended as a joke.


08-27-23, 23:27
(I realize this is a joke but) whoever told the S.S. this has never been there...

'Lighten up Francis"

I live in (rural) Utah County, where Provo is located. I thought AndyLate's joke was funny. I could go on ad nauseum about Utah Counties history of liquor and "blue" laws but I'm tired and it would be OT.

PM if ya wanna trade UT and Momo jokes.

BTW,: Yes I was LDS, but I got thrown out when I was 8.

B Cart
08-28-23, 11:10
Secret Service was told Provo is in a dry County without hookers, ATF heard he didn't have a dog, so it was the FBI by default.


dang funny right there!:lol:

Definitely some questions on this that don't add up, like why this was the FBI at all and not SS. Also, this absolutely highlights the hypocrisy between those making much worse threats against 45, with no raids. No doubt the left has been weaponizing Federal agencies against their opponents for many years now.

08-29-23, 08:45
'Lighten up Francis"

I live in (rural) Utah County, where Provo is located. I thought AndyLate's joke was funny. I could go on ad nauseum about Utah Counties history of liquor and "blue" laws but I'm tired and it would be OT.

My comment was supposed to be a (sort of ironic) joke. (Which is why I prefaced that I knew his was a joke)

08-30-23, 17:36

The family of a disabled veteran that FBI agents killed during a pre-dawn raid is demanding answers, saying law enforcement hasn't justified the raid or explained why Theodore "Teddy" Deschler was shot.
An FBI SWAT team descended on Deschler's Henderson, Tennessee, home on Aug. 16. About 15 minutes later, the 45-year-old veteran was shot dead, WBBJ reported.
"It was a senseless act," Deschler’s brother, Russell Deschler, told WBBJ. "Teddy was a 100% disabled veteran. He had problems. He had severe PTSD. He had depression but he was getting help for it but this was senseless."
Deschler’s mother Bonnie Deschler, who was in her son's house the morning of the raid, said she answered the door when she heard agents pounding. They pulled her from the home and put her in the back of a police vehicle, she told WBBJ. When she asked the agents why they were there, they responded, "It’s none of your business," she said.
The house was hit with flashbang explosives, tear gas and bullets, the family told WBBJ. The windows were shattered and SWAT trucks destroyed the yard, the outlet reported after visiting the scene. Russel said he believes his brother was unarmed, and that the agents were shooting into the house through the garage window, which would mean Deschler's position in the kitchen was obscured.
"He didn’t have a weapon on him. He was just trying to get out of the house because it was filled with tear gas," Russel told WBBJ.
"You couldn’t see. The height of the door and where Teddy was standing when they shot him and killed him, you couldn’t see if he was armed or not and you know he wasn’t," he added. "Because if you look at the door you could see where his hands were full of blood and went down the door. Well if he had a weapon in his hand…"

I dunno maybe he sent a threatening letter to Joey B ?

08-30-23, 18:46
Explain to me again how these Waffen-FBI jackboots are any different than Nazi stormtroopers or Gestapo?

A BUNCH of people should suckstart their sidearms over this one if they had even the slightest shred of Fidelity, Bravery OR Integrity.

08-30-23, 20:58
They are not on the side of freedom loving Americans. They are evil. What do we do?

08-31-23, 05:24
They are not on the side of freedom loving Americans. They are evil. What do we do?

DEMAND from Republicans in Congress that they defund the FBI