View Full Version : Finally, some good country music

08-10-23, 22:41
Keep this guy singing in forests and out of Nashville.


08-11-23, 10:14
Keep this guy singing in forests and out of Nashville.


This is great, thanks for sharing.

08-11-23, 10:18
Keep this guy singing in forests and out of Nashville.

I watch that circle TV show sometimes. It blows me away how fake and manufactured the Nashville produced country music is. Song writing committees and all this nonsense... wow. They don't even hide this stuff.

08-11-23, 10:38
He’s really good. I feel like he’s kind of biting off of Logan Halstead though.


08-11-23, 16:14
I watch that circle TV show sometimes. It blows me away how fake and manufactured the Nashville produced country music is. Song writing committees and all this nonsense... wow. They don't even hide this stuff.

Country music is little more than frat boys in cowboy hats at this point. Shooter Jennings and Sturgill Simpson are about the only country left in any of my at work playlists, and this guy when he releases an album.

08-11-23, 19:41
Might try listening to some Jack Ball if you want "old" country . At least in this song , Oliver Anthony , to me , sounds a lot like Jack Ball ..... and thanks for sharing this guy !

08-12-23, 05:08
Thanks for the video!
Adding him to my list with Jamey, Whitey, and Sturgill.

08-12-23, 06:24
Grew up in Nashville. Practiced peewee football in side yard of what became Crystal Gayle's house. Studio musicians for neighbors. Brother's band practiced in the back of Mel Tillis' store down on Broadway. Paid 3 dollar cover charge to get in the bars to hear the guy you saw sleeping at the interstate offramp with his head on a rolled up sleeping bag, guitar case at his side. These new guys haven't lived it.... I'll check this guy out in a few while driving to the range......

08-12-23, 10:16
I grew up listening to Country Music in the 1960's and 70's. Morning till Night same station going on and on.
I guess it all changed, my Hero's have all passed and this new stuff sure isn't as good.\

To this day I make sure and listen at the door before stepping in, if George Jones is playing, I go in the back door.

08-12-23, 12:49
From unknown to 3 in the top ten in 48 hours, 1, 5 and 8. Rich Men, Aint got a Dollar and I've Got to Get Sober, culture is king.

Benny Johnson
��BREAKING: “Rich Men North Of Richmond” is the NUMBER ONE song in America

But wait, there’s more!

Oliver Anthony — a rural Farmer unknown just 48 hours ago — has THREE SONGS (!!!) in the Top 10.

The most famous musicians on earth often never achieve this.

Culture is Power:

08-12-23, 12:59
It's a damn shame what the world's come to.....

If I could just wake up,
And it not be true....

08-12-23, 15:50
All week I've been "listening" to playlists on youtube while I work, to Hank Sr. and Hank Jr.

08-12-23, 18:24

An intro by him a few days ago.

Addresses the obvious fact that the is a ginger with out a soul…

08-12-23, 18:44
Best players are playing alt country and bluegrass!

Billy Strings is the real deal!


08-13-23, 16:24

John Rich����
The man with the biggest song in the world, Oliver Anthony, doesn’t start his show with a song but rather Psalm 37. This passage details the destruction of the wicked and God’s protection for the righteous. Pray for this man to survive his fame and hold the independent position he’s been given����

08-13-23, 16:38
Yea,the days of Hank Jr and Merle are long gone! I like Sturgill. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNV16tz1NK0

08-13-23, 19:29
He upset them


08-13-23, 19:59
There's definitely still hope out there for country music.


08-15-23, 12:38
Gotta love the Bee:D

Country Music Industry Confused By Man Actually From Country Making Actual Music


NASHVILLE, TN — Sources at the major country music record labels confirmed Monday that they were "baffled" and "nonplussed" by a new country music artist who is "get this - from the actual country and making actual music."

Record executives said the "bizarre" style of country music, in which someone writes, performs, and records songs of actual quality about topics germane to people living in the actual country, "doesn't really speak to them" and is "pretty confusing."

08-15-23, 14:40
Gotta love the Bee:D

Country Music Industry Confused By Man Actually From Country Making Actual Music


NASHVILLE, TN — Sources at the major country music record labels confirmed Monday that they were "baffled" and "nonplussed" by a new country music artist who is "get this - from the actual country and making actual music."

Record executives said the "bizarre" style of country music, in which someone writes, performs, and records songs of actual quality about topics germane to people living in the actual country, "doesn't really speak to them" and is "pretty confusing."

The Bee is legit news IMO.

08-15-23, 19:22
That's not music . it's a cry of despair for this country !

08-30-23, 08:39
I see now that the singer is taking issue with the GOP using it in their debate. The Post says the singer "Blasts" the GOP candidates.

First, it's FOX that used the song, not the candidates or the GOP. Kind of a fine points, but a real distinction. The candidates were asked to comment on the song.

What I hear the singer saying is that all politicians in DC (and other places I assume) are the cause of the problems.

Lastly, he says that the song isn't about Biden, and he isn't left or right. I get why he says that, but has he read what he wrote in the song? If Trump could strum a guitar he would have written it. You could say that the line about BS pay is 'pro-union', but the Dems have pretty much given up on the working class.


I’ve been sellin’ my soul, workin’ all day
Overtime hours for bullsh– pay
So I can sit out here and waste my life away
Drag back home and drown my troubles away
It’s a damn shame what the world’s gotten to
For people like me and people like you
Wish I could just wake up and it not be true
But it is, oh, it is

Livin’ in the new world
With an old soul
These rich men north of Richmond
Lord knows they all just wanna have total control
Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do
And they don’t think you know, but I know that you do
‘Cause your dollar ain’t sh– and it’s taxed to no end
‘Cause of rich men north of Richmond

I wish politicians would look out for miners
And not just minors on an island somewhere
Lord, we got folks in the street, ain’t got nothin’ to eat
And the obese milkin’ welfare

God, if you’re 5 foot 3 and you’re 300 pounds
Taxes ought not to pay for your bags of fudge rounds
Young men are puttin’ themselves six feet in the ground
‘Cause all this damn country does is keep on kickin’ them down

Lord, it’s a damn shame what the world’s gotten to
For people like me and people like you
Wish I could just wake up and it not be true
But it is, oh, it is

Livin’ in the new world
With an old soul
These rich men north of Richmond
Lord knows they all just wanna have total control
Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do
And they don’t think you know, but I know that you do
‘Cause your dollar ain’t sh– and it’s taxed to no end
‘Cause of rich men north of Richmond

I’ve been sellin’ my soul, workin’ all day
Overtime hours for bullsh– pay

08-30-23, 11:05
If he wants to stay out of politics, that's fine. But then stay out of politics. I feel like he's trying real hard to distance himself from conservatism. Joe Biden supporter?

08-30-23, 12:04
If he wants to stay out of politics, that's fine. But then stay out of politics. I feel like he's trying real hard to distance himself from conservatism. Joe Biden supporter?

I think that he is so beaten down that he doesn't think anyone is on his side. It's also easier to just say everyone is corrupt and part of the problem. It isn't like the GOP cuts the crap out of stuff when they get in power. I get it.

But when you look at his specific complaints and his over all message about society- who's policies drove things this way? Not the GOP.

It's hard to write a song about polticians and then say you want to stay out of politics..

08-30-23, 12:36
Oliver Anthony is on JRE today. From the lyrics it's a pretty conservative song, but I agree that the Republican party isn't necessarily made up of people with 'American Values'

08-30-23, 13:47
I am not into country, but I am seeing this guy pop up everywhere. I would guess that in the country-music genre he is pretty good.

08-30-23, 14:55
REminds me of:


Just one of those things that seems to hit the time-frame perfectly and goes wide.

08-30-23, 18:00

Joe Rogan Interview, good stuff.

08-30-23, 23:06
I added his "channel" to my Pandora mix. I kind of like his first song, but the rest of his stuff just wreaks of whining and pessimism. His voice just grates on me. I just can't get behind it AND I really like a lot of his style of music done by other artists.

The right is just desperate for some sort of "hero"..

08-30-23, 23:58
I added his "channel" to my Pandora mix. I kind of like his first song, but the rest of his stuff just wreaks of whining and pessimism. His voice just grates on me. I just can't get behind it AND I really like a lot of his style of music done by other artists.

The right is just desperate for some sort of "hero"..

He is a highly damaged dude. Says he’s not a ‘good guy’. He’s a male Fiona Apple.

08-31-23, 08:38
I added his "channel" to my Pandora mix. I kind of like his first song, but the rest of his stuff just wreaks of whining and pessimism. His voice just grates on me. I just can't get behind it AND I really like a lot of his style of music done by other artists.

The right is just desperate for some sort of "hero"..

It's a type of Blue Grass / Blues mix.
Like Blues, there isn't a lot of "Happy Stuff" they sing about.
Very Much akin to the original "The House of the Rising Sun." before everyone went electric with it.