View Full Version : The mystery of Vivek Ramaswamy’s rapid rise in the polls

08-12-23, 14:33

Two new polls of Republican primary voters released on Thursday showed former President Donald Trump in first place by a wide margin. But what was startling was who came in second.

The first shows Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in his usual spot far behind Trump. The other shows 38-year-old first-time political candidate Vivek Ramaswamy edging out DeSantis for second place.

There’s no question that Ramaswamy has come out of nowhere to become a surprisingly interesting candidate to the GOP electorate. But there are some methodological curiosities that raise questions about just where Ramaswamy fits within the tiers of Republican hopefuls below the dominant frontrunner.

Ramaswamy’s strength comes almost entirely from polls conducted over the internet, according to a POLITICO analysis. In internet surveys over the past month — the vast majority of which are conducted among panels of people who sign up ahead of time to complete polls, often for financial incentives — Ramaswamy earns an average of 7.8 percent, a clear third behind Trump and DeSantis.

In polls conducted mostly or partially over the telephone, in which people are contacted randomly, not only does Ramaswamy lag his average score — he’s way back in seventh place, at just 2.6 percent.

There’s no singular, obvious explanation for the disparity, but there are some leading theories for it, namely the demographic characteristics and internet literacy of Ramaswamy’s supporters, along with the complications of an overly white audience trying to pronounce the name of a son of immigrants from India over the phone.

There’s no doubt Ramaswamy is rising. The only question is how much. While he’s at 6.1 percent in the RealClearPolitics average now, he was at 3.1 percent a month ago and 2.2 percent the month prior.

08-12-23, 14:38
Lol, there's no 'mystery'. The man makes sense.

08-12-23, 15:26
Every interview Ive seen him do have been impressive. I think he's going to be a big name going forward.

08-12-23, 15:28
I like everything he's said so far.

08-12-23, 15:47
He uses alternative media. Very smart

08-12-23, 16:06
Ramaswamy talks the talk. Doesn’t criticize Trump. Trump doesn’t criticize him. Apparently that’s an attractive combination among the novelty candidates.

Read a couple weeks ago that 20% of Trump supporters consider Ramaswamy their 2nd choice.

In related campaign news… DeSantis replaced his campaign manager as his so-called campaign reset continues amid sagging poll numbers.

08-12-23, 16:38
Ramaswamy talks the talk. Doesn’t criticize Trump. Trump doesn’t criticize him. Apparently that’s an attractive combination among the novelty candidates.

Read a couple weeks ago that 20% of Trump supporters consider Ramaswamy their 2nd choice.

In related campaign news… DeSantis replaced his campaign manager as his so-called campaign reset continues amid sagging poll numbers.

He doesn't have a lot on the record, but I can live with what I see so far.


08-12-23, 20:09
He has flip-flopped on some questions, like was 2020 a "stolen" election (initially he said no, but he has changed that now), should the vaccine be mandatory (initially he said yes, but that too has changed), and one or two others. It has been thrown out there that he and Trump have an agreement that if the former POTUS is prevented from running due to legal issues he will ask his followers to support Ramaswamy in return for a pardon. Pure speculation of course, but some of these issues make me wonder who/what he really is. His support for essentially unlimited H1B visas definitely raises an eyebrow. Sorry, I'm not sold on him at this point.

08-13-23, 02:49
He has flip-flopped on some questions, like was 2020 a "stolen" election (initially he said no, but he has changed that now), should the vaccine be mandatory (initially he said yes, but that too has changed), and one or two others. It has been thrown out there that he and Trump have an agreement that if the former POTUS is prevented from running due to legal issues he will ask his followers to support Ramaswamy in return for a pardon. Pure speculation of course, but some of these issues make me wonder who/what he really is. His support for essentially unlimited H1B visas definitely raises an eyebrow. Sorry, I'm not sold on him at this point.

Trump did a LOT of flip flopping over the years as he moved from NY Democrat to "savior" of the Republican party.

But Trump was still the right move in 2016 and it may turn out Ramsey is the right move in 2024. Like Trump, at this point he is largely an unknown quantity that we will have to take at his word. I'm not sure there is a single GOP candidate who hasn't f'ed us at least once on some issue so it's really gonna come down to "who can win" and of that group "who is the best one to send in."

08-13-23, 07:56
He doesn't have a lot on the record, but I can live with what I see so far.


He's certainly not bashful about slamming Biden and questioning policy on Ukraine.

Aug 6

“The purpose of the U.S. military [is] to advance American interests, to protect the homeland. Not to aimlessly fight some random war that’s arguably a repayment for a private bribe that a family member of the United States received, $5 million from Burisma,” Ramaswamy told a crowd of about 60 at a campaign event in Council Bluffs.

“Was the payment to Hunter Biden corrupt? Absolutely it was. Do I think that it has some relationship towards our posture toward Ukraine? I think it’s likely that it does,” Ramaswamy said.

08-13-23, 08:25
Can't say I've ever heard of the guy. Can't say I like anything people have posted about him either, though the "On the Issues" link is more positive.

08-13-23, 15:11
Lol, there's no 'mystery'. The man makes sense.


08-13-23, 23:25
Can't say I've ever heard of the guy. Can't say I like anything people have posted about him either, though the "On the Issues" link is more positive.

I'm wary about posted opinions, best thing about "On the Issues" is that it is their voting record, "their" statements to the press and their stated political positions. That's all, nothing more, no interpretation done so you can understand what they really meant.

It's one of the last "non editorial" sources left on the net.

08-14-23, 01:36
Can't say I've ever heard of the guy. Can't say I like anything people have posted about him either, though the "On the Issues" link is more positive.

That’s where I’m at. He shows up and tells people what they want to hear and they like it (which I guess is what all politicians do) but I really don’t know anything about the man. At least DJT was a known quantity, in this case a successful businessman instead of a career politician.

08-14-23, 10:32
Lol, there's no 'mystery'. The man makes sense.

Damn right. I'd love to have the chance to put him in the whitehouse.

08-15-23, 20:03
No elected official will be allowed to do what needs to be done.
We all know what needs to be done but very , very few are reckless enough to state it publicly .
It's been done before by those with nothing left to lose,but as a material society Americans won't risk
losing their comfortable lives for something as lofty as freedom until we too have nothing left to lose.
Our masters won't take our treasures initially, because through our moral cowardice we have already
surrendered our greatest treasures .

08-15-23, 21:15
No elected official will be allowed to do what needs to be done.
We all know what needs to be done but very , very few are reckless enough to state it publicly .
It's been done before by those with nothing left to lose,but as a material society Americans won't risk
losing their comfortable lives for something as lofty as freedom until we too have nothing left to lose.
Our masters won't take our treasures initially, because through our moral cowardice we have already
surrendered our greatest treasures .

There is something to that, especially when it comes to national debt and similar issues.

The first guy who puts corrective measures in place is going to be blamed for CAUSING EXTREME HARDSHIP. Last guy who did it was Reagan and those first few years were rough. Massive unemployment and hard times while we waited for the "fix to take effect." Things eventually did get better...but it hurt.

But a good president can fix many things without making other things worse. Gas prices make everything high because somebody needs to drive all that crap to Walmart from someplace else. If gas prices are twice the norm, almost everything else is twice as high, that's just how it works.

You could also get inflation under control, without it outpacing typical income levels without tipping over the economy.

For starters, we can't afford all of these "energy efficient" solutions (which are all courtesy of Bush 43 btw), let us buy cars and appliances that don't require computers unless we want smart devices. Want to save even more money? Let us make them in THIS country and we can sell those appliances at a place called Sears. It was still working LONG after the internet came along.

08-15-23, 21:17
That’s where I’m at. He shows up and tells people what they want to hear and they like it (which I guess is what all politicians do) but I really don’t know anything about the man. At least DJT was a known quantity, in this case a successful businessman instead of a career politician.

LOL, what do you think Ramsey is? He's a successful businessman instead of a career politician, he just doesn't have a reality tv show.

08-16-23, 04:35
LOL, what do you think Ramsey is? He's a successful businessman instead of a career politician, he just doesn't have a reality tv show.

FWIW, I never watched any reality TV shows with DJT in them (in fact I don’t really care for most reality TV shows). I did see him in “Home Alone 2” though.

08-16-23, 08:35
There is something to that, especially when it comes to national debt and similar issues.

The first guy who puts corrective measures in place is going to be blamed for CAUSING EXTREME HARDSHIP. Last guy who did it was Reagan and those first few years were rough. Massive unemployment and hard times while we waited for the "fix to take effect." Things eventually did get better...but it hurt.

But a good president can fix many things without making other things worse. Gas prices make everything high because somebody needs to drive all that crap to Walmart from someplace else. If gas prices are twice the norm, almost everything else is twice as high, that's just how it works.

You could also get inflation under control, without it outpacing typical income levels without tipping over the economy.

For starters, we can't afford all of these "energy efficient" solutions (which are all courtesy of Bush 43 btw), let us buy cars and appliances that don't require computers unless we want smart devices. Want to save even more money? Let us make them in THIS country and we can sell those appliances at a place called Sears. It was still working LONG after the internet came along.

Yup...the "idiots" all love the politicians who party with the credit card and give them free sh*t, but then hate the guy who has to be the adult and pay off the debt, clean sh*t up and bring things back to reality. They can't figure out that the party days is what put them there in the first place.

08-16-23, 13:38
FWIW, I never watched any reality TV shows with DJT in them (in fact I don’t really care for most reality TV shows). I did see him in “Home Alone 2” though.

I could never watch any of that stuff, but I knew he had one. Part of me thought it might help, the way Reagan was able to use his background to deliver a message but part of me worried that the Trump "you're fired" persona might carry over and harm his credibility, which it did.

08-16-23, 13:45
Trump's problem was he didn't use his tagline ENOUGH.

Re Ramaswamy, it's that he says TOO MUCH of the right things that worries me.

From the Gibbs Rules: "If you feel like you're being played, you probably are." Fred Thompson said all the right things in 2008 too, only to have his only effect be a spoiler for McCain. Whether by design or just unintended effect is an open question.

08-16-23, 13:45
Yup...the "idiots" all love the politicians who party with the credit card and give them free sh*t, but then hate the guy who has to be the adult and pay off the debt, clean sh*t up and bring things back to reality. They can't figure out that the party days is what put them there in the first place.

And they never will. So many really aren't even Americans with an attachment to the country at all. So many people these days have a stronger bond with the place where they buy coffee. They see the country as little more than a shopping mall with jobs, houses and cars available depending where you shop.

They see, and elect presidents based upon "what will they do for me" and can't even conceptualize thoughts like "what might he do for the country." They pretend to care about those other issues but they only say "thank you for your service" because it became trendy.

08-16-23, 13:53
Trump's problem was he didn't use his tagline ENOUGH.

Re Ramaswamy, it's that he says TOO MUCH of the right things that worries me.

From the Gibbs Rules: "If you feel like you're being played, you probably are." Fred Thompson said all the right things in 2008 too, only to have his only effect be a spoiler for McCain. Whether by design or just unintended effect is an open question.

Fred Thompson realized at some point it wasn't going to be worth what he'd have to go through. He "thought" he wanted to be president. McCain happened when everyone refused to gather around GOP favorites like Giuliani and Romney.

08-16-23, 19:25
Bear in mind, I say that AS a Fredhead, someone who actually read and understood his white-papers that the Average F---ing Mouthbreathing Retards churned out from our Publik Skrools by the job-lot couldn't.

08-16-23, 22:36
Bear in mind, I say that AS a Fredhead, someone who actually read and understood his white-papers that the Average F---ing Mouthbreathing Retards churned out from our Publik Skrools by the job-lot couldn't.

Fred was the only one I was excited about in 2008. Wanted Ron Paul but even as a libertarian some of his views had gotten a little too wackadoo. There was some libertarian platform crap that was definitely not in the best interest of the country. When McCain got the nomination, I knew it was over. In addition to being one of the Keating 5, he felt he got burned in the 2000 primaries and had been on a payback campaign against the GOP ever since.

If McCain had won the election, we'd have still been in a lot of f'ing trouble.

08-17-23, 05:16
Fred was the only one I was excited about in 2008. Wanted Ron Paul but even as a libertarian some of his views had gotten a little too wackadoo. There was some libertarian platform crap that was definitely not in the best interest of the country. When McCain got the nomination, I knew it was over. In addition to being one of the Keating 5, he felt he got burned in the 2000 primaries and had been on a payback campaign against the GOP ever since.

If McCain had won the election, we'd have still been in a lot of f'ing trouble.

I wanted Fred in 2008 also. It pissed me off that the first couple of "speshul" states get to dictate what gets left for the rest of us and by the time I could have cast my vote for him in the primary (which is Super Tuesday for TN) he had dropped out. That has since soured me on our primary system. Have it all in one day and let the chips fall where they may.

08-17-23, 09:18
Fox News Poll: Ramaswamy rising, as DeSantis loses ground in GOP primary


More here: https://www.foxnews.com/official-polls/fox-news-poll-ramaswamy-rising-desantis-loses-ground-gop-primary

08-18-23, 09:02
That's why his popularity is rising:


08-18-23, 09:27
Like I said in the other thread, that 9-11 Truther crap isn't going to play well (and shouldn't).

I'll still vote for DeSantis in the primary, count on it.

08-18-23, 09:35
Like I said in the other thread, that 9-11 Truther crap isn't going to play well (and shouldn't).

I'll still vote for DeSantis in the primary, count on it.

I will likely vote Desantis too as much for the reasons he's much more likely to carry it all the way and would be a solid POTUS. I didn't hear anything from him on the topic I didn't agree with on 9/11, and felt a fleet of cruise missiles should have landed in Saudi lands 9/12. I have no doubts we were not supplied all the info about 9/11, mostly to protect the spice and $ that Saudi supplies.

08-18-23, 17:39
Like I said in the other thread, that 9-11 Truther crap isn't going to play well (and shouldn't).

I'll still vote for DeSantis in the primary, count on it.

Specifically, what did Ramaswamy say about 9-11 that was ‘crap’?

08-18-23, 18:29
An actual decent human being is running for POTUS in 2024. And he's the best choice for America.


08-18-23, 18:58
Specifically, what did Ramaswamy say about 9-11 that was ‘crap’?

I just watched the prelude/highlights of his interview with Tucker (I was at work and couldn't watch all 45 minutes) but he said "...the 9-11 commission lied, the FBI lied...."

My choice is still DeSantis but I could come around more to Vivek than Trump to be sure. He strikes me as kind of Rand Paul-ish. Seems kind of isolationist, but I also have zero qualms about not getting dragged into foreign wars to support the MIC. That said, there are times we need to smoke people.

The Taiwan issue I don't agree with him on though.....if we were viewed as stronger (like under Trump to be fair) it would be a non-issue. However, China needs to be stopped. Not conquered or the regime overthrown (a big Neo-Con objective) but stopped from expansion.

08-18-23, 20:01
This is the shortcoming that I see in him that he might have. His foreign policy, although good as far as our economy goes would make us look weak to the hostile countries, because they know he would rather have us just sit on the sideline. On a worlwide public stage of swinging d1cks, you sometimes have to be willing to punch someone in the face to let the rest of the swinging d1cks know that homie don't play that.

08-18-23, 20:37
This is the shortcoming that I see in him that he might have. His foreign policy, although good as far as our economy goes would make us look weak to the hostile countries, because they know he would rather have us just sit on the sideline. On a worldwide public stage of swinging d1cks, you sometimes have to be willing to punch someone in the face to let the rest of the swinging dicks know that homie don't play that.

Love the wording, classic!

You're right though.....other than Pearl Harbor if an isolationist POTUS had been in charge do you think we would have ever gotten involved in WWII? Maybe, but waaayyy too late. Either way, in hindsight, it was better for us and the entire world that we fought WWII. There are times that call for an ass-whippin'!

08-18-23, 20:51
I just watched the prelude/highlights of his interview with Tucker (I was at work and couldn't watch all 45 minutes) but he said "...the 9-11 commission lied, the FBI lied...."

My choice is still DeSantis but I could come around more to Vivek than Trump to be sure. He strikes me as kind of Rand Paul-ish. Seems kind of isolationist, but I also have zero qualms about not getting dragged into foreign wars to support the MIC. That said, there are times we need to smoke people.

The Taiwan issue I don't agree with him on though.....if we were viewed as stronger (like under Trump to be fair) it would be a non-issue. However, China needs to be stopped. Not conquered or the regime overthrown (a big Neo-Con objective) but stopped from expansion.

In the video... Ramaswamy's position is that the US is too reliant on Taiwan for semiconductors. This serves as an incentive for China to take control of Taiwan to have greater leverage over the US. Ramaswamy believes that the US needs to increase manufacturing of semiconductors to avoid this.

What is it that you disagreed with?

08-18-23, 21:26
In the video... Ramaswamy's position is that the US is too reliant on Taiwan for semiconductors. This serves as an incentive for China to take control of Taiwan to have greater leverage over the US. Ramaswamy believes that the US needs to increase manufacturing of semiconductors to avoid this.

What is it that you disagreed with?

I would be the first to say we should definitely increase production of that stuff....like yesterday. Medications too.

He did say he would not send Americans to die for a little island off the coast of China and that it was basically an internal dispute. I'm not eager to get into a war with anyone, especially a well-armed near-peer like China. But where do we draw the line? The ChiComs respect a strong leader, and we don't have one. Not even close. They were at least taken aback by Trump, I think they thought he was cray-cray; whatever, it seemed to work. But now?

So chip/tech/meds manufacturing starts happening here. Fvck Taiwan? What about when the commies want the Philippines? Good with that? Maybe Guam? Where does it stop and who makes it stop?

I also am not a fan of expanding H-1B visas.

08-18-23, 21:37
In the video... Ramaswamy's position is that the US is too reliant on Taiwan for semiconductors. This serves as an incentive for China to take control of Taiwan to have greater leverage over the US. Ramaswamy believes that the US needs to increase manufacturing of semiconductors to avoid this.

What is it that you disagreed with?

For starters we shouldn't let "what China might do" dictate our foreign policy with other nations, especially with Taiwan who we have pledged to support. We have a greater obligation to Taiwan than we ever did to Ukraine. Switching production of anything from Taiwan to the US, to somehow appease or satisfy China isn't really good policy.

And so far about my only gripe (albeit a small one) with Ramsey. I'd be good with him getting the nomination, we might need to keep DeSantis in Florida, they are trying hard to flip that state blue. Florida and Texas are serious battle ground states, they are basically our block against CA and NY.

08-19-23, 06:44
First paragraph, spot on truth

08-19-23, 07:05
For starters we shouldn't let "what China might do" dictate our foreign policy with other nations, especially with Taiwan who we have pledged to support. We have a greater obligation to Taiwan than we ever did to Ukraine. Switching production of anything from Taiwan to the US, to somehow appease or satisfy China isn't really good policy.

And so far about my only gripe (albeit a small one) with Ramsey. I'd be good with him getting the nomination, we might need to keep DeSantis in Florida, they are trying hard to flip that state blue. Florida and Texas are serious battle ground states, they are basically our block against CA and NY.

The US has zero commitment to Ukraine. Zero. The only reason for US intervention is to weaken Russia. And the political elites are in fact sacrificing Ukraine and Ukrainians for that political objective.

08-19-23, 08:14
I would be the first to say we should definitely increase production of that stuff....like yesterday. Medications too.

He did say he would not send Americans to die for a little island off the coast of China and that it was basically an internal dispute. I'm not eager to get into a war with anyone, especially a well-armed near-peer like China. But where do we draw the line? The ChiComs respect a strong leader, and we don't have one. Not even close. They were at least taken aback by Trump, I think they thought he was cray-cray; whatever, it seemed to work. But now?

So chip/tech/meds manufacturing starts happening here. Fvck Taiwan? What about when the commies want the Philippines? Good with that? Maybe Guam? Where does it stop and who makes it stop?

I also am not a fan of expanding H-1B visas.

Right. Making the US less reliant on Taiwan for advanced semiconductors is a good thing. While at the same time it provides less of an incentive for China to invade Taiwan in an effort to gain more leverage over the US. Win/win/win. It's this type of thinking that the US needs more of in Washington. More and bigger bombs is good to have but isn't a substitute for intelligent forward-looking policy.

Sure, perceived weakness serves to encourage our enemies but I don't see that in Ramaswamy's remarks. Avoiding sending Americans or US tax dollars to fight wars around the globe which can be avoided via smart policy that also benefits America isn't weakness.

Where does it stop? Good question. I think a lot of Americans look at Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine... and ask where does it stop? Ultimately it never entirely stops because there's always going to be bad actors. However, avoiding war while serving America's interests is where I believe Ramaswamy is coming from. Running around singing... bomb bomb bomb...bomb bomb Iran like that war monger McCain isn't the answer, nor is releasing $billions to Iran as Obama and Biden are fond of doing.

08-19-23, 09:22

08-19-23, 15:40

That is among the best 2A speeches I've seen from a political candidate in any election. Neither Trump nor DeSantis have 2A rhetoric to compete with that, at least none that I've heard.

If Ramaswamy keeps it up he's got the potential to do a LOT more than pull support from DeSantis.

08-19-23, 16:44

I posted that a while back. Everyone should watch that.

08-21-23, 07:39
An outlier poll but interesting.

Also, an appropriate response from Ramaswamy to DeSantis's super PAC.



An Emerson College poll showed DeSantis and Ramaswamy tied at 10 percent support each, trailing former President Trump, who leads with 56 percent support.

The poll’s release comes as a leaked memo from the super PAC supporting DeSantis’s candidacy, Never Back Down, urged DeSantis to “take a sledgehammer” to Ramaswamy.

“Another boring, establishment attack from Super PAC-creation ‘Robot Ron’ who is literally taking lame, pre-programmed attack lines against me for next week’s debate. ‘Hammer Ramaswamy,'” Ramaswamy responded to the memo on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter.

More here: https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4159394-emerson-poll-desantis-ramaswamy-tied/

08-21-23, 10:21
An outlier poll but interesting.

Also, an appropriate response from Ramaswamy to DeSantis's super PAC.



An Emerson College poll showed DeSantis and Ramaswamy tied at 10 percent support each, trailing former President Trump, who leads with 56 percent support.

The poll’s release comes as a leaked memo from the super PAC supporting DeSantis’s candidacy, Never Back Down, urged DeSantis to “take a sledgehammer” to Ramaswamy.

“Another boring, establishment attack from Super PAC-creation ‘Robot Ron’ who is literally taking lame, pre-programmed attack lines against me for next week’s debate. ‘Hammer Ramaswamy,'” Ramaswamy responded to the memo on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter.

More here: https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4159394-emerson-poll-desantis-ramaswamy-tied/

The Ramaswamy Hammer, awesome. It fits our WWE-style culture these days.

08-21-23, 10:55
GOP likely voters telling debate candidates that they need to focus on themselves, not attack Trump. Ramaswamy has apparently already figured that out, but I'm guessing some of the no-chance candidates might want to get in the spotlight by attacking Trump. If so, live audience reactions might be interesting.


08-21-23, 10:59
Nobody needs to attack trump, his tantrums are all the proof anyone needs to know he has no chance of winning. Voting for trump has the same odds of picking the winner as voting for a libertarian.

08-21-23, 12:27
GOP likely voters telling debate candidates that they need to focus on themselves, not attack Trump. Ramaswamy has apparently already figured that out, but I'm guessing some of the no-chance candidates might want to get in the spotlight by attacking Trump. If so, live audience reactions might be interesting.


There's really no benefits to attacking trump this point. If/when it becomes obvious it's between Trump and X running in the GOP, then it will make sense to at least point out why they should choose X over Trump and the mistakes and short comings of Trump. Trump on the other hands has already gone on the attack, and using dumb names for people you'd expect in Jr High and such. I think Vivek is in the best position to not need to attack Trump at all and just convince people why he's the better choice, while Desantis is in something of a difficult spot there as he was a supporter of Trump at one time and been in the mix for a while. His will be a tough balance act there as it pertains to Trump.

I do think Desantis should also stick to his vision and record - especially during Covid - and let Trump look like the petulant narcissist he he, and not get into the mud with Trump. He will not out mud sling Trump, so don't even try. If Trump implodes over time and people see who it sticking the facts vs sling mud, great. If not, then we will end up with Trump as front runner, which I personally feel hands Brandon another term for reasons covered already.

Vivek, at least for now, has it much easier than Desantis and if he brings his A game to this debate, will surge in popularity. Only because I think Desantis has the best actual chances overall against Brandon, do I hope he performs well and holds his own.

08-21-23, 14:00
There's really no benefits to attacking trump this point. If/when it becomes obvious it's between Trump and X running in the GOP, then it will make sense to at least point out why they should choose X over Trump and the mistakes and short comings of Trump. Trump on the other hands has already gone on the attack, and using dumb names for people you'd expect in Jr High and such. I think Vivek is in the best position to not need to attack Trump at all and just convince people why he's the better choice, while Desantis is in something of a difficult spot there as he was a supporter of Trump at one time and been in the mix for a while. His will be a tough balance act there as it pertains to Trump.

I do think Desantis should also stick to his vision and record - especially during Covid - and let Trump look like the petulant narcissist he he, and not get into the mud with Trump. He will not out mud sling Trump, so don't even try. If Trump implodes over time and people see who it sticking the facts vs sling mud, great. If not, then we will end up with Trump as front runner, which I personally feel hands Brandon another term for reasons covered already.

Vivek, at least for now, has it much easier than Desantis and if he brings his A game to this debate, will surge in popularity. Only because I think Desantis has the best actual chances overall against Brandon, do I hope he performs well and holds his own.

I think so. DeSantis has a record to sell. Ramaswamy has rhetoric and momentum which is a strong combination in politics.

08-21-23, 14:31
I think so. DeSantis has a record to sell. Ramaswamy has rhetoric and momentum which is a strong combination in politics.

The problem for DeSantis is that he's spent too much time selling anti-woke rhetoric, and not enough selling his actual record. What he needs most right now till Super-Tuesday, is a whole bunch of legislative wins regarding good governance, not how much he's rolling back on societal wokeism.

08-21-23, 15:20
Follow the money. Kevin McCarthy's NRCC is paying for pro-Ramaswamy ads, and McCuckthy is far from any friend of ours.

08-21-23, 15:33
Follow the money. Kevin McCarthy's NRCC is paying for pro-Ramaswamy ads, and McCuckthy is far from any friend of ours.

Could it be because he was the first to qualify for the debate by signing the pledge? Sounds like we need more transparency on that, just like DeSantis getting some unsettling RINO endorsements.

08-21-23, 16:18
Follow the money. Kevin McCarthy's NRCC is paying for pro-Ramaswamy ads, and McCuckthy is far from any friend of ours.

Which candidate is supported by one of our friends? Power brokers always buy political influence whenever possible. Last two guys in recent memory who weren't beholden to somebody were Trump and Ross Perot.

08-21-23, 16:29
So when does DeSantis pull the plug on running?

08-21-23, 17:27
So when does DeSantis pull the plug on running?

I hope never. He's still my primary vote. If he's gone I won't vote in the primary. I'll be damned if I cast an "Oh well, nothing to lose" vote for Trump in the primary. That way I can honestly start the early November 2024 (or whenever they stop finding "D" votes) call-out thread. ;) You know, the "Thanks Trumpers, just HAD to fvcking have him didn't you, now we get Gavin for four years" thread. As sure as I type this I will be the one who starts that thread. Someone book-mark this. And until 2028 I will continue to remind folks of it.

Hell, who am I kidding.....the Cult will be all-in for him to run again in 2028, 84yo and all. :rolleyes:

08-21-23, 18:32
Which candidate is supported by one of our friends? Power brokers always buy political influence whenever possible. Last two guys in recent memory who weren't beholden to somebody were Trump and Ross Perot.

I'm not looking for somebody 100% with us, just significantly more with us than with the enemy. McCarthy IS a part of the Uniparty, and everyone he touches bears some degree of his taint. So far I haven't seen ANYBODY I'm particularly enthusiastic about for one reason or another, and some of this lot other than being underage we could probably plop my lizardkid Junior down at the Resolute Desk and have better leadership... from a freaking stuffed tyrannosaur. LOL

EDIT to add: Looks like VR has been in with the intent of scuttling RDS as his primary objective from the beginning.

ABC News via The Right Scoop:
In early 2023, biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy summoned a small group of conservative operatives to discuss “exciting plans” he had for the coming months.

“I’m going to run for president,” Ramaswamy said on the call.

Multiple sources who were on the call tell ABC News that they were baffled by the news. They had figured that maybe Ramaswamy, then a little-known biotech millionaire, had been working on a new business venture, or was writing a book, or was even contemplating a run for Senate in his home state of Ohio — but launching a long-shot bid for the White House was the last thing they expected.

Ramaswamy pitched himself as a candidate who could make serious waves in the Republican primary at the meeting. When met with some skepticism, Ramaswamy argued that his candidacy could also dissuade Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis from entering the race, according to a source who was on the call. In the lead-up to his announcement, Ramaswamy would tell several other conservative activists that he believed that if he ran, it could stop DeSantis from running or impact his viability as a candidate if he did enter the race, sources said.

08-21-23, 20:05
EDIT to add: Looks like VR has been in with the intent of scuttling RDS as his primary objective from the beginning.


You do know that the objective of every candidate is to defeat all the other candidates right?

Nobody is trying to win so they can pass their nomination to the person who truly deserves it.

When candidates decide not to trash Trump, they aren't doing it because they hope Trump wins, they are doing it because they think it will help them defeat.

Now, we can get an insight into the person by watching HOW they try and win the nomination, for example when Ted Cruz told voters Ben Carson was dropping out of the race.


But short of outright fraud and lies, people are trying to win. Nobody spends all that money and effort because they "just want to be a part of it."

08-22-23, 06:43
People are easy to deceive. If you figure out what they're most upset about, pander to it by telling them what they want to hear, they'll quickly get behind you. Americans are so desperate for someone to "save" them and "save" the United States, all you have to do is say the right thing, and "hurr durr he's got muh vote!"


08-22-23, 07:38
I hope never. He's still my primary vote. If he's gone I won't vote in the primary. I'll be damned if I cast an "Oh well, nothing to lose" vote for Trump in the primary. That way I can honestly start the early November 2024 (or whenever they stop finding "D" votes) call-out thread. ;) You know, the "Thanks Trumpers, just HAD to fvcking have him didn't you, now we get Gavin for four years" thread. As sure as I type this I will be the one who starts that thread. Someone book-mark this. And until 2028 I will continue to remind folks of it.

Hell, who am I kidding.....the Cult will be all-in for him to run again in 2028, 84yo and all. :rolleyes:


08-22-23, 10:40
EDIT to add: Looks like VR has been in with the intent of scuttling RDS as his primary objective from the beginning.

Don't know about Ramaswamy but I think many candidates for president have no intention of actually reaching the Oval Office. Resume enhancement, greater name recognition and public profile are of significant value to any career or business. The media exposure from running for president is like no other, even for no-chance candidates.

08-22-23, 10:50
So when does DeSantis pull the plug on running?


To add insult to injury.... even that no-chance donut-inhaling pig is polling ahead of DeSantis in New Hampshire.

DeSantis best hit a home run in Milwaukee else the perception (above) could begin to take hold.



Chris Christie pulls ahead of Ron DeSantis in New Hampshire, ranking second place for GOP: Poll


08-22-23, 11:23

To add insult to injury.... even that no-chance donut-inhaling pig is polling ahead of DeSantis in New Hampshire.

DeSantis best hit a home run in Milwaukee else the perception (above) could begin to take hold.



Chris Christie pulls ahead of Ron DeSantis in New Hampshire, ranking second place for GOP: Poll


It's too early for that too matter. They know tub of RINO being a NE politician, they don't know much about Desantis. If Desantis does not make real traction once debates, ads, etc, get going, then he will not make it obviously. Desantis has not done the killer job of utalizing the 'net as Vivek and RFK jr has, which one major reason both are doing so well this early. Desantis is making the mistake of following more traditional routes of marketing himself to the masses, and that's controlled by the media. He should be on all the same shows Vivek and RFK jr are doing, and then some. But, unlike those two, Desantis is a state to run and viewed as more of the traditional candidate, where as Vivek and RFK are "outsiders" who are enjoying the early interest outsiders usually do.

I think, I hope, Vivek and or Desantis will make that useless RINO from NJ look like he's out his league, but as always, it depends mostly one who attracts the big $ ultimately.

The only thing I agreed with on, was the need for election reform to counter the "who ever has the most $ wins" system we have today. As expected, Bernie got no support that one. Even a commie can be right occasionally...

08-22-23, 12:01
Ramaswamy is just another Liberal Socialist Fraud. He tells you what you want to hear.

Dana Loesch is building a nice database of his flip-flops, ideals, etc.. https://danaloesch.substack.com/p/part-one-will-the-real-vivek-please

08-22-23, 12:19

08-22-23, 13:20
Ramaswamy is just another Liberal Socialist Fraud. He tells you what you want to hear.

My opinion as well.

08-22-23, 13:59
Don't know about Ramaswamy but I think many candidates for president have no intention of actually reaching the Oval Office. Resume enhancement, greater name recognition and public profile are of significant value to any career or business. The media exposure from running for president is like no other, even for no-chance candidates.

Not to mention many are essentially interviewing for cabinet positions, should their party frontrunner win. For those that fund and support them, even when their horse loses the race, they may reap dividends on the back end through lucrative deals.

It's too early for that too matter. They know tub of RINO being a NE politician, they don't know much about Desantis. If Desantis does not make real traction once debates, ads, etc, get going, then he will not make it obviously. Desantis has not done the killer job of utalizing the 'net as Vivek and RFK jr has, which one major reason both are doing so well this early. Desantis is making the mistake of following more traditional routes of marketing himself to the masses, and that's controlled by the media. He should be on all the same shows Vivek and RFK jr are doing, and then some. But, unlike those two, Desantis is a state to run and viewed as more of the traditional candidate, where as Vivek and RFK are "outsiders" who are enjoying the early interest outsiders usually do.

I think, I hope, Vivek and or Desantis will make that useless RINO from NJ look like he's out his league, but as always, it depends mostly one who attracts the big $ ultimately.

The only thing I agreed with on, was the need for election reform to counter the "who ever has the most $ wins" system we have today. As expected, Bernie got no support that one. Even a commie can be right occasionally...

Agreed. If Sununu were in the race, he'd be polling ahead of everyone else in NH but have no chance of winning the nomination. They have zero appeal outside the NE corridor.

08-22-23, 14:09
Ramaswamy = Soros Fellow https://www.pdsoros.org/meet-the-fellows/vivek-ramaswamy

08-22-23, 14:15
It's too early for that too matter. They know tub of RINO being a NE politician, they don't know much about Desantis. If Desantis does not make real traction once debates, ads, etc, get going, then he will not make it obviously. Desantis has not done the killer job of utalizing the 'net as Vivek and RFK jr has, which one major reason both are doing so well this early. Desantis is making the mistake of following more traditional routes of marketing himself to the masses, and that's controlled by the media. He should be on all the same shows Vivek and RFK jr are doing, and then some. But, unlike those two, Desantis is a state to run and viewed as more of the traditional candidate, where as Vivek and RFK are "outsiders" who are enjoying the early interest outsiders usually do.

I think, I hope, Vivek and or Desantis will make that useless RINO from NJ look like he's out his league, but as always, it depends mostly one who attracts the big $ ultimately.

The only thing I agreed with on, was the need for election reform to counter the "who ever has the most $ wins" system we have today. As expected, Bernie got no support that one. Even a commie can be right occasionally...

Of course we agree it's very early. Anything could happen between now and then.

However... before DeSantis officially announced his candidacy he was 17 points ahead of Christie in New Hampshire. DeSantis has visited New Hampshire four times, twice since announcing. He's now about tied with Christie. DeSantis also lead Trump here in Tennessee, 54 to 41, before he announced his candidacy. However, during his recent visit to Tennessee at the end of July (when his motorcade crashed in Chattanooga) his polling had also crashed to 12 compared to Trump at 62. This trend is nationwide. DeSantis was doing MUCH better before campaigning and voters began to know him.

Of course there are other factors such as Trump telling voters who DeSantis is. No doubt that's had an effect, but the fact of the matter is that the more DeSantis has campaigned the further his polls have dropped.

DeSantis really needs to shine in Milwaukee.

08-23-23, 11:59
DeSantis isn't doing so bad when looking at favorability. It's not about objecting to DeSantis, it's more about the MAGA base preferring Trump to be back in the Oval Office. This is why DeSantis needs to be cautious about criticizing Trump and the MAGA base as he recently riled them with his comments: "If all we are is listless vessels that are just supposed to follow, you know, whatever happens to come down the pike on Truth Social every morning, that's not going to be a durable movement."


Poll: DeSantis’s support collapses ahead of 1st GOP debate

The survey of 1,665 U.S. adults, which was conducted from Aug. 17 to 21, shows that DeSantis’s support among potential GOP primary voters has fallen farther — and faster — over the last few weeks than ever before, plummeting from his previous low of 23% in mid-July to just 12% today.

Vivek Ramaswamy surges

To put the governor’s 11-point collapse in perspective, DeSantis was actually leading former President Donald Trump in a head-to-head matchup, by 45% to 41%, as recently as February. And while the governor's standing has steadily declined since then — a glitchy campaign announcement and a series of unforced errors haven’t helped matters — he has nonetheless tended to place a clear second in soundings of the full GOP field for much of the year.

Not anymore, however. According to the new Yahoo News/YouGov poll, DeSantis is now just 4 points ahead of the tech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy (at 8%, up from 3% previously). For the first time, more Republican and Republican-leaning voters say they’re “not sure” whom they would support if their state’s primary were held today (14%) than say they would support DeSantis.

More headwinds for DeSantis

Ultimately, it’s changing perceptions of DeSantis that account for this shift — not changing perceptions of Trump. Among potential Republican primary voters, the former president’s overall personal rating is now 75% favorable to 23% unfavorable, essentially matching last month’s result (76% favorable to 22% unfavorable). But over the same period, DeSantis’s favorable rating has fallen by 4 points (from 71% to 67%) while his unfavorable rating has jumped by five (from 17% to 22%).

More here: https://news.yahoo.com/poll-desantiss-support-collapses-ahead-of-1st-gop-debate-214353402.html

08-23-23, 12:29
DeSantis isn't doing so bad when looking at favorability. It's not about objecting to DeSantis, it's more about the MAGA base preferring Trump to be back in the Oval Office. This is why DeSantis needs to be cautious about criticizing Trump and the MAGA base as he recently riled them with his comments: "If all we are is listless vessels that are just supposed to follow, you know, whatever happens to come down the pike on Truth Social every morning, that's not going to be a durable movement."


That would be my interpretation also. Desantis also has to be careful as he was a Trump supporter and can't do a 180 there making him look hypocritical and or, alienating MAGA heads, or both. If Trump was not able to run, I do think they'd default to Desantis and vote for him (if for no other reason due to their well earned dislike of Brandon), as would many others who will not vote for DJT. I conflicted about the various legal proceedings: while I think Desantis would beat Brandon and DJT will not, thus DJT not being able to run may benefit GOP in the WH, the politicized hypocritical BS TDS disgusts me to my core.

There's a % who support DJT because they like him, but there's a sizable % who support him for no other reason than how disgusted they are by how DJT has been treated by the left/media/Dems/etc. I'm more in the latter group. Are there enough to vote him into office again as an F U to the left?

08-23-23, 13:54
Ramaswamy on the Shaw Ryan Show. Haven't got through it yet.


08-23-23, 15:31

08-23-23, 15:32
DeSantis’s falling polls seems like it’s getting in their head. His PAC guy was just on Fox News defining DeSantis as the “come back kid”. Seems a bit early to be telling America your guy is already in a position requiring to come back from. Who knows… it worked for Bill Clinton.

08-23-23, 18:53
DeSantis isn't doing so bad when looking at favorability. It's not about objecting to DeSantis, it's more about the MAGA base preferring Trump to be back in the Oval Office.

I don't know no, when I see him on TV on the campaign trail he lacks charisma, makes misstatements, was pretty unimpressive.

Personally I expected much more giving the job he's done as governor, etc.

I'd rather have a solid guy than a good campaigner, but you've got to be a good campaigner to get the job

08-23-23, 19:50
I don't know no, when I see him on TV on the campaign trail he lacks charisma, makes misstatements, was pretty unimpressive.

Personally I expected much more giving the job he's done as governor, etc.

I'd rather have a solid guy than a good campaigner, but you've got to be a good campaigner to get the job

You notice that before the campaign everybody loved the Guy. Campaign begins and suddenly nobody's got the "Love" anymore?
So who do you blame that on?

Also what do Desantis and Trump have in common when it comes to getting advice or help?

08-23-23, 20:01

nobody is even watching??

08-23-23, 20:01
I will vote for DeSantis in the primary. I will very reluctantly vote for Lord Cheeto in the general if I have to. I will not attempt to talk others into it; my vote should be sufficient enough. And then, when 2020 happens all over again we can go to the unavoidable blame war. I will help lead the charge. :D

08-23-23, 20:59
74.4mm (the irony) views in a 46 minute interview...biden will slaughter him in the general with all of these people who hate trump & just had to hear what he had to say to confirm their disdain.

I'm certain biden will get the same 81mm votes in his next prime time interview just like all the votes he received in 2020...ya know, the most secure election in history.

08-24-23, 10:21

Colion Noir’s interview with Vivek that was posted yesterday. First time I’ve ever heard a presidential candidate from the GOP say that civilians should be able to own fully automatic firearms.

08-24-23, 12:36
You notice that before the campaign everybody loved the Guy. Campaign begins and suddenly nobody's got the "Love" anymore?
So who do you blame that on?

If I was just making reference to how the news reported him there might be a point there.

But I personally have watched him speak and handle q&a/town hall type stuff months ago and at best he lacked charisma and at worse he came off as insular/disengaged.

You just didn't see that much visibility of longer speeches/q&a before he announced he was running.

A good example of this is him referring to Trump supporters as "empty vessels". Condescending/disdainful disparaging comments is not the way to win over people who are supporting your number one competitor.

As others have pointed out, he seems to be heavily influenced by Jeb Bush/Carl Rove lately and I think it's showing.

08-24-23, 12:52
Dana Loesch has an interesting theory today. She thinks VR is a stalking horse for Trump. Test the waters. What can and can not be said. Also apparently Christie and maybe Pence had a meeting with Kemp, both of whom went after VR. All the while RD gets to coast. I also read elsewhere that VR brought up a subject that RD had intended to speak on but somehow that fact might have been leaked from the RD camp. This suggests RD had knowledge of VRs purpose.

Its' not a bad theory / conspiracy. I do think VR has more desire to grow his businesses than become POTUS. If it really has played out that way it's a pretty slick move. Possibly to the point of a Trump/Ramaswamy ticket. With the Indian vote it would be an easy win. Plus VR would only have to put in 4 years for all the after VP perks.

I didn't even watch the debate and I can tell you, the only candidates left are DeSantis, Haley, and Ramaswamy. You could throw in Pence and Scott on next debate just to fill up the stage a bit and have a black guy present.

08-24-23, 16:45
Dana Loesch has an interesting theory today. She thinks VR is a stalking horse for Trump. Test the waters. What can and can not be said. Also apparently Christie and maybe Pence had a meeting with Kemp, both of whom went after VR. All the while RD gets to coast. I also read elsewhere that VR brought up a subject that RD had intended to speak on but somehow that fact might have been leaked from the RD camp. This suggests RD had knowledge of VRs purpose.

Its' not a bad theory / conspiracy. I do think VR has more desire to grow his businesses than become POTUS. If it really has played out that way it's a pretty slick move. Possibly to the point of a Trump/Ramaswamy ticket. With the Indian vote it would be an easy win. Plus VR would only have to put in 4 years for all the after VP perks.

I didn't even watch the debate and I can tell you, the only candidates left are DeSantis, Haley, and Ramaswamy. You could throw in Pence and Scott on next debate just to fill up the stage a bit and have a black guy present.

Pence, Christie and Hutchinson just need to go away. They’re dinosaurs pretending it’s still the Bush era and that has to stop. I would like to see more on Bergum. Scott just didn’t impress me. He might be a great VP pick, if just for his inside knowledge and pull in the Senate.

Vivek is interesting, but ultimately I think he doesn’t have the established history necessary to gain trust. He’d make a very formidable WH Chief of Staff, if he could be trusted enough to go deep for the team and not leak.

08-24-23, 17:05
Vivek is a smart, exciting and the candidate for dumb people. He's taken the Trump formula of say outrageous things and then move on to the next outrageous thing and never look back. He, like Trump, is a candidate for our times. The contrast is with DeSantis. He looked at Trump and took the good parts of not backing down, of standing up for basic traditional values with out seeming to apolagize for it like Bush and Romney and McCain. Vivek speaks to the younger crowd that favors splash over substance. He's the perfect VP candidate for someone like DEsantis- let V take the hits and energize the base.

I like him a lot less after the debate. Smart people don't have to use stupid political tricks to win. Sure, you meme over Pence, Hailey gave it back to him.

Viv is a snarky little political bitch. Dan Quayle with a tan and on speed.

08-24-23, 17:53

What about this view of him?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-24-23, 20:03

What about this view of him?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I just saw that earlier. Had me rethinking my initial good feeling about him...

08-24-23, 20:04
I just saw that earlier. Had me rethinking my initial good feeling about him...

Yeah I haven’t been watching all of it too much but it sure is interesting

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The Dumb Gun Collector
08-24-23, 20:31
I watched him during the debate and he screamed snake oil salesman to me. A lot of slogans and telling you what you want to hear and not a lot of substance

08-24-23, 20:46
Jesus has a Vivek Complex….

08-24-23, 21:02
LOL, yep the TikTok guy had the word... That's his schtick.

08-25-23, 00:55
I watched him during the debate and he screamed snake oil salesman to me. A lot of slogans and telling you what you want to hear and not a lot of substance

You nailed it.

08-25-23, 01:47
You nailed it.


08-25-23, 08:43
I watched him during the debate and he screamed snake oil salesman to me. A lot of slogans and telling you what you want to hear and not a lot of substance

You know, as much as I HATE the idea of agreeing with fat bastard Crisco Christie about ANYTHING, he had VR's number pretty well last night about the guy running the Obama 2008 playbook By The Numbers but on the opposite team.

Insulting every other candidate on the stage is not exactly a good way to endear yourself to their voters who you're gonna need at RNC and in the general...

08-25-23, 09:02
You know, as much as I HATE the idea of agreeing with fat bastard Crisco Christie about ANYTHING, he had VR's number pretty well last night about the guy running the Obama 2008 playbook By The Numbers but on the opposite team.

Insulting every other candidate on the stage is not exactly a good way to endear yourself to their voters who you're gonna need at RNC and in the general...

Depends on the candidate and time. It worked for Trump in 2016. One of Trump's main arguments on the debate stage was that Washington's political class were a bunch of idiots owned by the donor class. R voters loved it. Similar argument didn't work for Ramaswamy the other night.

Unlike Ramaswamy, Trump went even further to personally insult about everyone on the debate stage with nicknames. Jeb Bush famously scolded Trump on stage that he couldn't insult his way to the presidency. To the contrary, the nicknames stuck. Low Energy Jeb soon went bye bye.

Not sure that same tactic will work for Trump in 2024, at least not at the extreme level he was hurling insults in 2016. We'll see.

08-25-23, 09:08
That's the other thing... he's also trying to be "Trump Without Trump" and knockoffs never work as well as the original. The insulting, blustering hardnose works for Trump... from Vivek, it just comes off as a Harvard fratboy too full of himself.

08-25-23, 09:15
I don’t mind taking a piece out of people, but it has to be true. Whenever I see a politician attack someone and do it with incorrect or slanted stuff, I see it almost as an endorsement. If you can’t find something that is true and damning, so you go for just damning, what have you really accomplished. Vik is a smart and vicious guy, for a vegetarian. He’s a sniper that hits pretty hard sometimes, and sometimes he shoots the hostage. Put him in a debate with Christie alone? Christie would eat him like raw cookie dough. Actually, for the party, I’d like to see that. Vik is the closest we’ll come to Trump debating, and Christie is the leader of “Please not more Trump”. Haley and Vik would be good for some smack downs too.

08-25-23, 09:16
That's the other thing... he's also trying to be "Trump Without Trump" and knockoffs never work as well as the original. The insulting, blustering hardnose works for Trump... from Vivek, it just comes off as a Harvard fratboy too full of himself.

Look at me, look at me! I can refer to the former Gov and VP Mike Pence by his first name! I’m a big boy…

08-25-23, 09:21
That's the other thing... he's also trying to be "Trump Without Trump" and knockoffs never work as well as the original. The insulting, blustering hardnose works for Trump... from Vivek, it just comes off as a Harvard fratboy too full of himself.

^^^^ this

08-25-23, 09:59
That's the other thing... he's also trying to be "Trump Without Trump" and knockoffs never work as well as the original. The insulting, blustering hardnose works for Trump... from Vivek, it just comes off as a Harvard fratboy too full of himself.

While I think you're right, I would settle for Vivek in a heartbeat rather than old Joe. I think Vivek understands something that a lot of the other candidates don't, Trump was elected in 2016 because Americans hated the current system and BS of said swamp so much that the same people who voted for Obama moved over to Trump. People like Christie and Hutchinson, still cannot grasp the concept that the Bush era Republican party seemed to be Democrats just going the speed limit (credit to Michael Malice) and too many people caught on to that.

08-25-23, 10:03
Ramaswamy = Soros Fellow https://www.pdsoros.org/meet-the-fellows/vivek-ramaswamy

Beat me to it. https://news.yahoo.com/vivek-ramaswamy-paid-soros-connection-195037897.html

08-25-23, 10:36
Yep, that's the other thing.

Basically just a grifter with a shady past. He made his money by telling lies people want to hear: the whole Alzheimers drug fiasco.

AND he's taken money from the enemy. So what does that make HIM?

08-25-23, 10:38
So what does that make HIM?

A typical politician?

08-25-23, 10:56
Ok... so if DeSantis is a Rove/Bush puppet, Ramasawamy is Soros puppet, and all the others are polling near zero...


08-25-23, 13:47
I saw a pole saw you today that said that Vic had increased his favorables by 10% but is unfavorable by 20%, so it was a net loss for him in that measurement, but I think he actually got what he wanted, everyone talking about him. The typical Trump strategy.

08-25-23, 14:55
You know, as much as I HATE the idea of agreeing with fat bastard Crisco Christie about ANYTHING, he had VR's number pretty well last night about the guy running the Obama 2008 playbook By The Numbers but on the opposite team.

Insulting every other candidate on the stage is not exactly a good way to endear yourself to their voters who you're gonna need at RNC and in the general...

More than a few on that stage violated Reagan's XIth Commandment. Most of them did in fact.

While I think you're right, I would settle for Vivek in a heartbeat rather than old Joe. I think Vivek understands something that a lot of the other candidates don't, Trump was elected in 2016 because Americans hated the current system and BS of said swamp so much that the same people who voted for Obama moved over to Trump. People like Christie and Hutchinson, still cannot grasp the concept that the Bush era Republican party seemed to be Democrats just going the speed limit (credit to Michael Malice) and too many people caught on to that.

The one thing Vivek might do that I don't see any of the other 8 Non Dons doing, is going after the Deep State. Unlike Trump, he might actually be smart enough to hit his targets.

Beat me to it. https://news.yahoo.com/vivek-ramaswamy-paid-soros-connection-195037897.html

Ramaswamy was awarded a $93,000 dollar college scholarship from the Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans. That doesn't make him a "Soros Fellow". It doesn't infer any connection to George Soros, Alex Soros or any of their progressive political activities. By all outward appearances, they're related in last name only. Considering how current era "reporting" is designed to infer negative connotations not in evidence, I can't blame the guy for wanting his Wiki page scrubbed for anything that could be misused and weaponized against his current goals.

That doesn't mean he isn't a wolf in sheep's clothing, it just means it doesn't mean he is. Same thing for the Covid angle. Maybe he's bad and maybe he's not, but merely inferring he's bad isn't good enough. It just means you're falling for links targeting the low-information voter.

08-25-23, 16:07
Ramaswamy was awarded a $93,000 dollar college scholarship from the Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans. That doesn't make him a "Soros Fellow".

According to them it does. He is referred to as such all over their web site to include... "Fellowship awarded to support work towards a JD in Law at Yale University".

It doesn't infer any connection to George Soros, Alex Soros or any of their progressive political activities.

Well we know it's the same family. We know George and Alex want to buy legal appointments. VR was awarded the fellowship for a Yale law degree. He lied and said he took the money because he was broke. Daisy Soros is --heavily-- tied to the arts. It is very well known fact that the arts community is heavily Liberal in nature. Paul Soros is dead. Daisy is probably not running the show alone. It would not be a stretch to think she receives Liberal leaning input as to where the money goes.

You're right though no direct ties to George and Alex. No direct political contributions. Sweet setup. Wolf in sheep's clothing. Maybe not. He could just be a snake in the tall grass.

08-25-23, 16:56
According to them it does. He is referred to as such all over their web site to include... "Fellowship awarded to support work towards a JD in Law at Yale University".

Well we know it's the same family. We know George and Alex want to buy legal appointments. VR was awarded the fellowship for a Yale law degree. He lied and said he took the money because he was broke. Daisy Soros is --heavily-- tied to the arts. It is very well known fact that the arts community is heavily Liberal in nature. Paul Soros is dead. Daisy is probably not running the show alone. It would not be a stretch to think she receives Liberal leaning input as to where the money goes.

You're right though no direct ties to George and Alex. No direct political contributions. Sweet setup. Wolf in sheep's clothing. Maybe not. He could just be a snake in the tall grass.

So, extending the metaphor he started, another brown guy with a funny name that has some weird stuff in his past...

I know a lot of smart people, none of them talk like him.

08-25-23, 18:44
According to them it does. He is referred to as such all over their web site to include... "Fellowship awarded to support work towards a JD in Law at Yale University".

Well we know it's the same family. We know George and Alex want to buy legal appointments. VR was awarded the fellowship for a Yale law degree. He lied and said he took the money because he was broke. Daisy Soros is --heavily-- tied to the arts. It is very well known fact that the arts community is heavily Liberal in nature. Paul Soros is dead. Daisy is probably not running the show alone. It would not be a stretch to think she receives Liberal leaning input as to where the money goes.

You're right though no direct ties to George and Alex. No direct political contributions. Sweet setup. Wolf in sheep's clothing. Maybe not. He could just be a snake in the tall grass.

Then do the work instead of falling for the low information voter gambit. I’d do it myself, but I can barely handle what’s on m plate right now. :(

08-25-23, 19:13
Ok... so if DeSantis is a Rove/Bush puppet, Ramasawamy is Soros puppet, and all the others are polling near zero...

Bet ya a PMAG that Trump will not be sitting in the Oval Office on the morning of January 21st, 2025. I'll even go a Gen III PMAG! :eek:

I won't vote for him in the primary but will very reluctantly do so if he wins the nomination....but it ain't happenin'. Just don't see it. By hook or by crook they won't let it happen. If he did win I'd gladly give ya two Gen III PMAGS! :thank_you2: Maybe Trump could make them all have strokes since he gets their blood pressure up! Apparently Donnie didn't make enough stroke out the first time around but I'm always up for a second try! :sarcastic:

08-25-23, 22:10
Bet ya a PMAG that Trump will not be sitting in the Oval Office on the morning of January 21st, 2025. I'll even go a Gen III PMAG! :eek:

A part of me will be REAL surprised if the Deep State doesn't decide to Party Like It's L.A. 1968, even with the knowledge that he's FAR more dangerous to them as a martyr.

08-28-23, 05:30
Found this article on him in the Jerusalem Post. He is tied to a Gorge Soros fellowship...??? I have some doubts now about him.

"Before he became a presidential candidate, he was involved in a Jewish society at Yale University and benefited from a fellowship named after the brother of George Soros, the progressive Jewish megadonor. "

"In 2011, Ramaswamy, the son of Indian immigrants, received a Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans — funding to help immigrants and first-generation Americans earn college degrees. The fellowship is named for the brother of progressive Jewish megadonor George Soros, a frequent target of leading Republicans who features in a range of antisemitic conspiracy theories."

"Shortly before he announced his presidential campaign, Ramaswamy reportedly paid a Wikipedia editor to scrub his fellowship from his entry on the site. He has since gone on to criticize Soros and his family from the campaign trail."


Putting on tin foil hat now... another "deep state" actor saying things that people on the "right" want to hear?

08-28-23, 06:20
From this thread I've learned that I'm responsible for the sins of my family members. How far does that extend? If my cousin is a member of Weather Underground and he sends me a birthday present, am I beholden to him? If I received a $250 scholarship from my church 15 years ago, do I answer to its every whim?

08-28-23, 11:21
Found this article on him in the Jerusalem Post. He is tied to a Gorge Soros fellowship...??? I have some doubts now about him.

"Before he became a presidential candidate, he was involved in a Jewish society at Yale University and benefited from a fellowship named after the brother of George Soros, the progressive Jewish megadonor. "

"In 2011, Ramaswamy, the son of Indian immigrants, received a Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans — funding to help immigrants and first-generation Americans earn college degrees. The fellowship is named for the brother of progressive Jewish megadonor George Soros, a frequent target of leading Republicans who features in a range of antisemitic conspiracy theories."

"Shortly before he announced his presidential campaign, Ramaswamy reportedly paid a Wikipedia editor to scrub his fellowship from his entry on the site. He has since gone on to criticize Soros and his family from the campaign trail."


Putting on tin foil hat now... another "deep state" actor saying things that people on the "right" want to hear?

He received a $93,000 college scholarship from the Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans. There are no known ties to George or Alex Soros, or their many progressive organizations. Politically motivated attempts to infer that the PDSFNA scholarship links him to George Soros and the progressive front are probably why he tried to get his Wiki page scrubbed. The same goes for his work during the Covid plandemic.

It doesn't mean he's not compromised in some way. It just means that this is low information voter bait and doesn't mean he's compromised.

08-28-23, 20:02
Found this article on him in the Jerusalem Post. He is tied to a Gorge Soros fellowship...??? I have some doubts now about him.

"Before he became a presidential candidate, he was involved in a Jewish society at Yale University and benefited from a fellowship named after the brother of George Soros, the progressive Jewish megadonor. "

"In 2011, Ramaswamy, the son of Indian immigrants, received a Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans — funding to help immigrants and first-generation Americans earn college degrees. The fellowship is named for the brother of progressive Jewish megadonor George Soros, a frequent target of leading Republicans who features in a range of antisemitic conspiracy theories."

"Shortly before he announced his presidential campaign, Ramaswamy reportedly paid a Wikipedia editor to scrub his fellowship from his entry on the site. He has since gone on to criticize Soros and his family from the campaign trail."


Putting on tin foil hat now... another "deep state" actor saying things that people on the "right" want to hear?

Paul Soros is not George Soros. Did this one to death on another thread.


As someone noted "this is why we don't win."

08-29-23, 05:34
Paul Soros is not George Soros. Did this one to death on another thread.


As someone noted "this is why we don't win."

Politics and politicians is nothing but a big sh!^show of manipulation and lies. They all get caught up in it. I'm not a "low information" voter. Bells and whistles start going off for me when here to now someone just appears out of nowhere saying the things everyone wants to hear, etc. They say all the things voters want to hear, but when they get up into the swamp, they get amnesia for the most part. I get especially suspicious when they are tied in any way to Soros, brother or Georgie boy. George and his groups are master manipulators as I'm sure alot of folks here know. Look what they have done with all of the DAs and Prosecuting Attorneys in the states not to mention all the other NGO groups he supports along with all the other political influence he has. If he was embarrassed about getting a scholarship from a Soros foundation, then explain it instead of trying to scrub it. Everyone is falling over themselves thinking he is the next savior of conservatism and the country. There is still over a year left before elections. Judging from past elections, by the time it rolls around, the rockstar glam will more than likely have rubbed off and nobody may even remember him. After all, if it appears too good to be true... well...

And yes, to a point, you aren't going to find someone who you will be in agreement with 110%. You have to find the common ground on the important issues and go from there. People do and have forgotten that.

08-29-23, 10:44
More detailed background on Swamy. He reminds me of Marco Rubio and Trey Gowdy selling the sizzle.


08-29-23, 15:38
Then do the work instead of falling for the low information voter gambit. I’d do it myself, but I can barely handle what’s on m plate right now. :(

Not exactly sure what you mean. But all candidates are going for the low information voter. They sway the elections in concert with single issue voters.

08-29-23, 16:02
More detailed background on Swamy. He reminds me of Marco Rubio and Trey Gowdy selling the sizzle.

Reminds me of Beto ORourke. Get rich quick with the P. T. Barnum adage.

08-29-23, 18:00
Reminds me of Beto ORourke. Get rich quick with the P. T. Barnum adage.

And Bad Check Barry.

08-30-23, 19:29
Scott Adams makes some fair points:

When discussing @VivekGRamaswamy, I'm hearing smart people say they want a president with past government experience. I have some questions.

1. How's that working out so far?

2. Which major changes in our world were created by people with prior experience? Apple? SpaceX? Google?

3. Why does collecting a paycheck for one government job make you qualified for a government job with different duties?

4. Who is more likely corrupt, an outsider or a career politician?

5. Who is more likely to drive BIG changes we need, an entrepreneur or a career politician?

6. Who is more bribable, a career politician or a wealthy outsider?

7. Who is more likely to feed the military/industrial beast, an outsider or a career politician?

8. How long does it take someone like Vivek to learn everything a president needs to know about a complicated topic? A day?

Check your assumptions.

I'd still prefer RDS, just not sure he can win.

08-31-23, 05:11
And Bad Check Barry.

I think more of the Sham-WoW guy...

08-31-23, 15:07
Scott Adams makes some fair points:

When discussing @VivekGRamaswamy, I'm hearing smart people say they want a president with past government experience. I have some questions.

1. How's that working out so far?

2. Which major changes in our world were created by people with prior experience? Apple? SpaceX? Google?

3. Why does collecting a paycheck for one government job make you qualified for a government job with different duties?

4. Who is more likely corrupt, an outsider or a career politician?

5. Who is more likely to drive BIG changes we need, an entrepreneur or a career politician?

6. Who is more bribable, a career politician or a wealthy outsider?

7. Who is more likely to feed the military/industrial beast, an outsider or a career politician?

8. How long does it take someone like Vivek to learn everything a president needs to know about a complicated topic? A day?

Check your assumptions.

I'd still prefer RDS, just not sure he can win.

If he's been paying attention, then he knows that he needs to fire EVERYONE in the WH on Day one, along with everyone in the top 3-5 layers of every department and every agency in the Administrative Branch. That goes quadruple for the Intelligence Community and NARA. As proven by DJT, it's a lot easier to run the country when you're not being actively sabotaged from within. :big_boss:

09-01-23, 11:20
I think more of the Sham-WoW guy...

The Bamster always did kinda remind me of that guy for some reason, too...

Glocktogo, I think RDS needs to at minimum after that's done bring back the Roma practice of decimation... ad that's just as a START. (Okay, with firings instead of stoning to death by squadmates, but you get the point. Make them punish and be punished by their own and it sends a clear message.)

10-25-23, 10:05
Agree with his positions?


10-25-23, 11:07
Agree with his positions?

I guess I'll be the first to agree with him. I'm Pro-Israel and have a good friend that went over there to serve some years ago, but we need to stop handing out money to countries and really start focusing on our own problems as a country, the southern border, and bidenomics have crippled us and the constant eroding of our constitution and the threat of China has more impact on me then Ukraine or Israeli problems. Israel has continuously defended itself and always has been attacked since its inception in 1948, I wish Europe and the other Nato allies would show more strength to Russia, but us continuously throwing money at a problem hasn't worked in the past on any solution and nor will it work here.

10-25-23, 11:24
It doesn't infer any connection to George Soros...........

IMPLY. Not Infer.

10-25-23, 12:10
Ramaswamy has the right idea. Should not be bundled. Each should be reviewed separately, revised, adjusted up or down, then ultimately put each to a vote on their own merit. The notion that it must be bundled to pass quickly due to the critical nature... blah blah blah... no thanks.

Considering Biden is in the Oval Office, will more border spending accomplish anything other than to process illegals into the US more quickly? If not, I wouldn't want my congressman voting for a penny of it. As far as Ukraine... EU countries have a collective economy 10 times the size of Russia, not including the UK with an economy almost twice the size of Russia. They can handle the cost of defending their own backyard absent the American taxpayer being bilked for another $60b. Israel is capable of fighting a smaller and far less sophisticated Hamas. Israel can purchase additional arms, missile defense or whatever else they need. Taiwan has a strong economy, 20th largest on planet Earth. They can pay. Sending more money to Gaza?

$61.4 billion Ukraine
$14.3 billion Israel
$10 billion Gaza, Ukraine, Israel
$7.4 billion Taiwan, Indo-Pacific region
$13.6 billion US-Mexico border

10-25-23, 14:18
Ramaswamy has the right idea. Should not be bundled. Each should be reviewed separately, revised, adjusted up or down, then ultimately put each to a vote on their own merit. The notion that it must be bundled to pass quickly due to the critical nature... blah blah blah... no thanks.

Considering Biden is in the Oval Office, will more border spending accomplish anything other than to process illegals into the US more quickly? If not, I wouldn't want my congressman voting for a penny of it. As far as Ukraine... EU countries have a collective economy 10 times the size of Russia, not including the UK with an economy almost twice the size of Russia. They can handle the cost of defending their own backyard absent the American taxpayer being bilked for another $60b. Israel is capable of fighting a smaller and far less sophisticated Hamas. Israel can purchase additional arms, missile defense or whatever else they need. Taiwan has a strong economy, 20th largest on planet Earth. They can pay. Sending more money to Gaza?

$61.4 billion Ukraine
$14.3 billion Israel
$10 billion Gaza, Ukraine, Israel
$7.4 billion Taiwan, Indo-Pacific region
$13.6 billion US-Mexico border

I wouldn't vote for this as a bundle. Each one should be voted on separately and the devil's definitely in the details on that border funding. I'm pretty sure 99.8% of it would be used to cram more illegals into the country as quickly as possible, so they can tighten things up right after the primary elections and pretend they're strong on border security. Yeah... Right... :rolleyes:

10-25-23, 14:40
Ramaswamy has the right idea. Should not be bundled. Each should be reviewed separately, revised, adjusted up or down, then ultimately put each to a vote on their own merit. The notion that it must be bundled to pass quickly due to the critical nature... blah blah blah... no thanks.

Considering Biden is in the Oval Office, will more border spending accomplish anything other than to process illegals into the US more quickly? If not, I wouldn't want my congressman voting for a penny of it. As far as Ukraine... EU countries have a collective economy 10 times the size of Russia, not including the UK with an economy almost twice the size of Russia. They can handle the cost of defending their own backyard absent the American taxpayer being bilked for another $60b. Israel is capable of fighting a smaller and far less sophisticated Hamas. Israel can purchase additional arms, missile defense or whatever else they need. Taiwan has a strong economy, 20th largest on planet Earth. They can pay. Sending more money to Gaza?

$61.4 billion Ukraine
$14.3 billion Israel
$10 billion Gaza, Ukraine, Israel
$7.4 billion Taiwan, Indo-Pacific region
$13.6 billion US-Mexico border

I'm tired of footin the bill in ukraine. it's been too long, let em either sink or swim, now.

10-26-23, 11:10
I'm tired of footin the bill in ukraine. it's been too long, let em either sink or swim, now.

Polling suggests a majority of Americans are too.

Europe, with a combined economy many times larger than Russia, can afford to pay to defend their own backyard absent the American taxpayer. They supported Putin's war machine buying his energy, and NATO members refused to fund their own military as obligated. Europe plays America for suckers.

10-26-23, 12:12
Polling suggests a majority of Americans are too.

Europe, with a combined economy many times larger than Russia, can afford to pay to defend their own backyard absent the American taxpayer. They supported Putin's war machine buying his energy, and NATO members refused to fund their own military as obligated. Europe plays America for suckers.

Because they needed the $ for funding all their social programs while complaining about the evils of the US.

10-26-23, 17:08
I'm tired of footin the bill in ukraine. it's been too long, let em either sink or swim, now.

We have to support all countries so they are free to develop their true self instead having to be on the hook for mundane shit like feeding themselves.


10-27-23, 12:35
Talks about the event in ME (spot on there), and other major topics such as Israel, etc:


10-27-23, 14:59
I agree with Ramaswamy on family and faith, prioritizing OUR borders, and asking the ‘then what’ questions about an Israeli ground invasion into Gaza which I’ve heard no answers other than to remove Hamas.

In some ways I am reminded of removing the Taliban from power. Another nation building adventure? Blow up and democratize the ME take#2?

I heard someone jest that it would be easier and permanently solve more problems by giving Israelis part of Montana to relocate.

10-27-23, 17:42
I agree with Ramaswamy on family and faith, prioritizing OUR borders, and asking the ‘then what’ questions about an Israeli ground invasion into Gaza which I’ve heard no answers other than to remove Hamas.

In some ways I am reminded of removing the Taliban from power. Another nation building adventure? Blow up and democratize the ME take#2?

I heard someone jest that it would be easier and permanently solve more problems by giving Israelis part of Montana to relocate.

Well the "then what?" question for Gaza is (and should be, but yeah I know how that goes) an Israeli question to answer, not ours. My take is they are gonna raze the northern part of Gaza, hence the warning to move south of the Wadi Gaza. I think they'll eventually pull back and leave the ruins to the Arab-trash Pali's.