View Full Version : Paint stripper

01-03-09, 12:02
hey guys, my gun has changed signifigantly since its paint job a couple months ago. I ended up adding a bunch of mods really quickly that werent previously anticipated (b day and christmas presents) and i also found some other colors i would like to use on my rifle for another paint job . what is a safe paint stripper i can use to pull off all the krylon on their but not harm the original finish? I may just restore the rifle to its original balck finish for a while.

01-03-09, 12:31
aceton works good.

01-03-09, 12:32
acetone works good.

01-03-09, 12:38
sweet, thanks man

01-03-09, 14:45
As always, whatever you use, try a little in an inconspicuous area first. Especially on any thing plastic. The new stuff is supposed to be resistant to most chemicals, but I would just check first anyway. ;)

Good luck.

Maybe post some pics of what worked and/or what didn't. Ect.

01-03-09, 16:46
acetone works good.

FYI acetone turns Magpul Miad grip plastic whitish

works great on metal parts though

01-03-09, 17:00
i think what im gonna do is put some acetone into a spray bottle and then spray the rifle down, let it soak, and then hopefully rinse the paint off with a hose... thanks for the heads up doc. Fortunately (but unfortunately) i dont have a magpull grip yet, just the stock one.

01-03-09, 21:31
As everyone else here has said (:D) acetone will work for you.

I just got finished last week removing grey paint from a recently returned M-4 with it in the shop.

I "Thought" at first that it (The "Paint") was SFL that was applied in Iraq to cover finish wear but, whoever did it covered the ENTIRE weapon with it (Upper/Lower/Handguards/Stock/Pistol-Grip......) and it came off in big, greasy "Chunks" (SFL doesn't do that) AND, the finish underneath it was fine.

I think someone just got bored too close to a rattle can of paint lol.

Anyway, do it somewhere with decent ventilation and keep in mind that the stuff is VERY flamable.:cool:

01-03-09, 21:42
I used hoppes #9 cleaning solvent on my rifle after i regretted the camo job. May not work as good as other solutions, but I figured it would be safe to use.

01-04-09, 08:46
ATF - Automatic Transmission Fluid. It has been know to remove paint. You will have to let it soak in a while but I have found it is not as harsh as acetone.

01-04-09, 09:28
i can see this acetone thing working real well lol, i just put some of my girlfriends nail polish remover on a rag and rubbed it on my rifle, the paint started rubbing off.... now is nail polish remover watered down acetone? if so where can i get a big jug of pure un sissied down acetone?

01-04-09, 10:13
Mr. Goodtimes--- Go to your local auto parts store. They sell acetone in big cans. not to expensive. Ive purchased it from auto zone in the past.

Karl in NY
01-04-09, 21:39
Paint dept. at Home Depot or Lowe's, quarts and gallons.

01-05-09, 09:11
Aircraft paint striper, shit just falls off.