View Full Version : Chinamart may have lost a nuke sub in the Taiwan Strait

08-21-23, 18:35
Very preliminary and unconfirmed at this point but... Reports suggest all crew died.


Reports that a #Chinese Navy (PLAN) submarine, apparently a nuclear powered Type-093 Shang Class boat, has suffered a serious accident in the vicinity of the Taiwan Strait

This is currently *unconfirmed*, treat with great caution. Been hearing it for a few hours

08-21-23, 18:42
And to think they're a people known for their driving skills ...

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08-21-23, 18:54

- It was in an accident off the coast of Lianyungang… on the way to the Taiwan Strait.

- All members of the boat passed away, including 7 trainees.

-Xi Jinping is asking the military to quickly investigate


To clarify, the accident that occurred to a nuclear powered submarine, type-093 occurred off the coast of Lianyungang, in the Yellow Sea.

It was on a military mission towards the Taiwan Strait.

All crew members died.

Military investigating


08-21-23, 19:24
Aw, shucks.

08-21-23, 19:38
Still very much unconfirmed at this point but the folks on flightradar24 are showing two Taiwanese P-3 Orions headed north into the area between the straits and the Yellow Sea.

08-21-23, 19:45
Specs on the relevant POS Commie sewerpipe:

Too bad it wasn't one of their boomers.

08-21-23, 19:51
Any plans to send a few US subs as aid?

08-21-23, 20:17
That's a pretty large sub by SSN standards (6096 tons). Not some rinky-dink third world sub. Maybe it is in quality, but not in size.

So... accident or "accident"?? J/k, betting on the former, but there were one or two alleged secret sub wars in the Cold War.

Even if just an ordinary accident - will CCP falsely blame it on US or Taiwan to exploit for the coming war?

08-21-23, 21:06
That's a pretty large sub by SSN standards (6096 tons). Not some rinky-dink third world sub. Maybe it is in quality, but not in size.

So... accident or "accident"?? J/k, betting on the former, but there were one or two alleged secret sub wars in the Cold War.

Even if just an ordinary accident - will CCP falsely blame it on US or Taiwan to exploit for the coming war?

That was my first thought too..

08-21-23, 21:10
That's a pretty large sub by SSN standards (6096 tons). Not some rinky-dink third world sub. Maybe it is in quality, but not in size.

So... accident or "accident"?? J/k, betting on the former, but there were one or two alleged secret sub wars in the Cold War.

Even if just an ordinary accident - will CCP falsely blame it on US or Taiwan to exploit for the coming war?

IIR it's their attempt at somethin equivalent to a Flight I Los Angeles class. (RIP USS Dallas...)

08-21-23, 22:40
China's economy is in total collapse. There young unemployment rate has skyrocketed and their primary economic market, real estate is in its death throes.

What does a country in dire economic conditions do to get out of it? War.

08-22-23, 00:04
On a side note, State just ordered all US citizens to evacuate Belarus.


Could this be connected?

08-22-23, 03:27
On a side note, State just ordered all US citizens to evacuate Belarus.


Could this be connected?

We are currently at Defcon 3.

Russia, China, Japan, Korea and Belarus are all contributing factors. We've been at 3 a few times in the last couple decades.

The specific thing with Belarus follows a travel advisory issued Aug, 21.

MOSCOW - Russia issued a warning that any attack on Belarus will be treated as an attack on Russia, after which the United States issued a Do Not Travel alert for Belarus, citing Belarusian authorities' continued facilitation of Russia's war on Ukraine.

Russian ambassador to Belarus said that if Belarus is attacked, Russia will respond "with all our weaponry," leading Russian state media to report that the comment hints "at the option of a nuclear strike" as a possible response.

The Do Not Travel alert added that the travel alert was issued "due to the buildup of Russian military forces in Belarus, the arbitrary enforcement of local laws, the potential of civil unrest, the risk of detention, and the Embassy’s limited ability to assist U.S. citizens residing in or traveling to Belarus".

"U.S. citizens in Belarus should depart immediately. Consider departing via the remaining border crossings with Lithuania and Latvia, or by plane. U.S. citizens are not permitted to enter Poland overland from Belarus. Do not travel to Russia or to Ukraine," the State Department travel alert added.

08-22-23, 06:43
Looks like it might of been a false alarm.


08-22-23, 08:26
Looks like it might of been a false alarm.


Darn. News of one more enemy boat on the bottom is always welcome.

08-22-23, 08:32
Looks like it might of been a false alarm.


Which means it's true....wonder when the prop will be built to cover this up...

08-22-23, 09:05
I am always split on something like this. I think of all the grieving families. But then I think of one less threat to us. So.....happy for the families, but disappointed for us?

08-22-23, 11:59
Which Tom Clancy novel is this?

08-22-23, 12:36
That commie turd-tube doesn't deserve to rest in the same waters as USS Tang.

08-22-23, 14:43
I think about the submariners lost who trusted their gov to send them to sea in a well built boat.

08-22-23, 15:41
Unfortunate red china didn’t actually lose a nuke sub…. But if it did; it was made in china after all:-)

08-22-23, 15:42
I am always split on something like this. I think of all the grieving families. But then I think of one less threat to us. So.....happy for the families, but disappointed for us?

Yeah, I even think of the guys trapped on a crushed can. Would be different if they were headed to Taiwan to rain hate on an innocent population, but other than that I know most people born in China don't have much say about what happens to them as an adult.

08-22-23, 16:27
Let me ask you guys something: would you have lamented the loss of a German or Japanese sub in 1939? 'Cause that's kind of how I view China now.....we're in a "pre-war" phase. They're not our friends.

08-22-23, 19:08
Let me ask you guys something: would you have lamented the loss of a German or Japanese sub in 1939? 'Cause that's kind of how I view China now.....we're in a "pre-war" phase. They're not our friends.

I don't think I'm lamenting the loss of the sub, just understanding that in communist / police states lots of people don't get a choice.

So the guys on the sub who are "Hooray communism, I hope we take Taiwan some day", yeah F them. I wish them all dead.

But I know there are people who were born into that system, have difficulty even trying to think contrary to the BS shoved down their throats all day long and are serving because it's expected and they see it as duty. Same as Germans and Japs in 1939. There are always innocents, there are always victims of circumstances and there will always be people who deserved better.

One of my teachers had a father who was US occupation forces immediately following the surrender of Japan and married a Japanese girl. Her brother, my teachers uncle was killed fighting on Okinawa. Her father was proud of his son who died in battle and was grateful to the American who married and saved his daughter at a time when people were starving to death. Life can be complicated and not everyone fits into convenient definitions.

08-22-23, 19:39
Let me ask you guys something: would you have lamented the loss of a German or Japanese sub in 1939? 'Cause that's kind of how I view China now.....we're in a "pre-war" phase. They're not our friends.

I have respect for them, like I did for most of my enemy.

08-22-23, 19:59
I have respect for them, like I did for most of my enemy.

You know I respect Warriors on the whole, it's a shitty miserable Life if you become a professional.
I gotta say though, going hundreds of meters under the Ocean and comming to the realization that we might not be able to come back up is a nightmare for me.

08-22-23, 20:31
I gotta say though, going hundreds of meters under the Ocean and comming to the realization that we might not be able to come back up is a nightmare for me.

At least you didn't pay $250,000 for the privilege!

08-23-23, 08:26
Stuff happens... back in 2021 the USS Connecticut (similar displacement as the China sub) reportedly smacked into a seamount in the South China sea. It wasn't lost but I read it won't be returning to service till 2026.

08-23-23, 08:40
You know I respect Warriors on the whole, it's a shitty miserable Life if you become a professional.
I gotta say though, going hundreds of meters under the Ocean and comming to the realization that we might not be able to come back up is a nightmare for me.

We did sub ops/lock-in/lock-out dives, and that was enough for me, and we weren't deep... 60 feet maybe? No, the sub adventure is not for me.

My bro-in-law was in the navy, his roommate in college is the CO of the USS Louisville. I have wanted to talk with him, pick his brain. I can't imagine being in charge of all of that.

08-23-23, 20:37
We did sub ops/lock-in/lock-out dives, and that was enough for me, and we weren't deep... 60 feet maybe? No, the sub adventure is not for me.

My bro-in-law was in the navy, his roommate in college is the CO of the USS Louisville. I have wanted to talk with him, pick his brain. I can't imagine being in charge of all of that.

Much as I might have indulged "seal fantasies" in my youth, I knew there were two places I didn't want to die. One was "at sea" and the other was "underwater" so no Navy for me.

08-24-23, 07:48
Much as I might have indulged "seal fantasies" in my youth, I knew there were two places I didn't want to die. One was "at sea" and the other was "underwater" so no Navy for me.

I do not consider myself claustrophobic, but that did it for me. Once I was actually in the water I was good; the sub and associated TTPs of getting in and out got me though.

08-24-23, 08:52
Let me ask you guys something: would you have lamented the loss of a German or Japanese sub in 1939? 'Cause that's kind of how I view China now.....we're in a "pre-war" phase. They're not our friends.

We live in a era where people have an over abundance of empathy. People need to stop feeling for our enemies.

08-24-23, 08:58
I do not consider myself claustrophobic, but that did it for me. Once I was actually in the water I was good; the sub and associated TTPs of getting in and out got me though.
There is a surprising frequency of injuries when people are boarding/unboarding subs.

08-24-23, 10:17
That's a pretty large sub by SSN standards (6096 tons). Not some rinky-dink third world sub. Maybe it is in quality, but not in size.

So... accident or "accident"?? J/k, betting on the former, but there were one or two alleged secret sub wars in the Cold War.

Even if just an ordinary accident - will CCP falsely blame it on US or Taiwan to exploit for the coming war?

They know they own joe, why would they need to go to war or blame it on us?

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08-24-23, 14:28
We live in a era where people have an over abundance of empathy. People need to stop feeling for our enemies.

Yep, that's me. Mr. Empathy. My wife complains about it all the time. LOL.

Coal Dragger
08-24-23, 20:38
Very preliminary and unconfirmed at this point but... Reports suggest all crew died.


Hopefully true, and with any luck they’ll have a lot more accidents.

Screw the Chinese.

08-25-23, 00:01
We live in a era where people have an over abundance of empathy.

Really? Speaking generally I have the opposite impression. There's a lot of hollow virtue signaling but actual empathy?

08-25-23, 08:15
Really? Speaking generally I have the opposite impression. There's a lot of hollow virtue signaling but actual empathy?

I've seen both. Folks feel, or claim to feel, for criminals of all sorts, and believe the most bizarre readings of a situation. People allowed January 6th to be used as a weapon against the right because they empathized with the other side, and were worried about how it made them feel. When it comes to international relations, way too many people want to play nice with enemy powers. Over the last couple years I've seen "how would you feel if..." so many times in relation to any American action. Personally, I don't give a f@^k. We have so much misguided empathy, or virtue signals masquerading as empathy, that we can barely act any more. Every action has to be guessed and second guessed. As a country, we need to stop caring as well, and do what's best for our interests, guided only by our own morals. If that means dancing on the graves of a Chinese sub crew, or pushing NATO right to the gates of Moscow, they can deal with it.

08-25-23, 09:06
I've seen both. Folks feel, or claim to feel, for criminals of all sorts, and believe the most bizarre readings of a situation. People allowed January 6th to be used as a weapon against the right because they empathized with the other side, and were worried about how it made them feel. When it comes to international relations, way too many people want to play nice with enemy powers. Over the last couple years I've seen "how would you feel if..." so many times in relation to any American action. Personally, I don't give a f@^k. We have so much misguided empathy, or virtue signals masquerading as empathy, that we can barely act any more. Every action has to be guessed and second guessed. As a country, we need to stop caring as well, and do what's best for our interests, guided only by our own morals. If that means dancing on the graves of a Chinese sub crew, or pushing NATO right to the gates of Moscow, they can deal with it.

A couple things. First, I agree that as a nation we need to stop caring about what others think and do what we need to do, by putting our needs first. You know, like Make America Great Again and America First.

Second, the 'feels' are not binary. There are legit evil booger-eaters who would just as soon shoot me as have their breakfast. These people need a dirt nap, no questions, no qualms. But as much as China is a near-peer adversary, I feel for the poor schleps who are constricted into their military. I feel for their families, I would think that's pretty universal. That said, in uniform and bad things happen and I can shrug at the same time....one less submarine for us to worry about, one less AC, one less....

10-03-23, 15:21
China sub may have got caught in Chinese anti sub trap intended for US and British subs
They got caught in their own trap

“Our understanding is death caused by hypoxia due to a system fault on the submarine. The submarine hit a chain and anchor obstacle used by the Chinese Navy to trap US and allied submarines.“


10-03-23, 15:32
Chinese trap? Stop pulling, push in and it will release.

Sent from my SM-A326U using Tapatalk

10-03-23, 16:25
So is the UK report about the August sub, or a new crash?

10-03-23, 16:30
So is the UK report about the August sub, or a new crash?

“The UK report into the fatal mission reads: 'Intelligence reports that on 21st of August there was an onboard accident whilst carrying out a mission in the Yellow Sea.“

10-03-23, 23:11
When I saw that article, I wondered if the 'sub trap' is the cover story for a significant problem with the sub they lost.

If they don't want foreigners poking around, tell the world the area is boobytrapped.

10-04-23, 10:42
When I saw that article, I wondered if the 'sub trap' is the cover story for a significant problem with the sub they lost.

If they don't want foreigners poking around, tell the world the area is boobytrapped.

In the day of drones I’m sure we’d just send and unmanned submersible to investigate. I’d image the USA and UK and some pretty good pictures of what ever this debacle is.

10-05-23, 11:21
I hope the ChiComs are smart enough not to put these in ‘territorial waters’ that everyone else considers international. If one of our subs gets caught up and we are in a time crunch to save them- and the ChiComs try to area-denial us access…. Spicy…

10-05-23, 12:05
I hope the ChiComs are smart enough not to put these in ‘territorial waters’ that everyone else considers international. If one of our subs gets caught up and we are in a time crunch to save them- and the ChiComs try to area-denial us access…. Spicy…

My understanding is we are standing up in the Phillipines.

10-05-23, 13:12
My understanding is we are standing up in the Phillipines.

We have a lot of people in the WestPac. A lot. The Marines have all but made official policy saying that you WILL have at least one tour in the Pacific.