View Full Version : Coffee Texas Police Department.

09-07-23, 06:23

I'm trying to understand the scam and don't quite see it.

09-07-23, 06:24
What's going on?
I don't get it.

09-07-23, 06:27
Any wrong they did was solely due to being short staffed and not being paid, trained, and equipped well enough.

09-07-23, 06:28
Any wrong they did was solely due to being short staffed and not being paid, trained, and equipped well enough.

And I thought they had an elaborate speed trap going.

09-07-23, 06:45
And I thought they had an elaborate speed trap going.

The city limits of Coffee City is captivating. Lol

09-21-23, 16:34
Some details on who/what they were hiring.


09-21-23, 17:24
That doesn't explain it all, there had to be some big money in it.

09-21-23, 19:38
That doesn't explain it all, there had to be some big money in it.

The city.gov was getting fine money.

The cops were getting active le creds which enabled them to work in other towns where that was required or a plus. One of their join the team ads indicated that it wasn't necessary to ever be in Coffee City to be a Coffee City cop.

When you look at that second part(exacerbated by the issues exhibited by people they were enabling) it really seems likely at least someone in the city was getting pay to play kickbacks.

09-23-23, 05:15
The Mayor sounds like he wasn’t doing his job either, he sure distanced himself from the controversy.

09-23-23, 06:25
The Mayor sounds like he wasn’t doing his job either, he sure distanced himself from the controversy.

Unless I grew up in the Town there is no way I would try it.
I worked in our water department system as a transitional job for a year. They did an audit and a Million in Heavy Equipment couldn't be accounted for.
There was one older lady who, I kid you not looked like Diane Feinstien and who knew where all the bodies were buried in the History of that Town since 1950 and they paid her very well.

09-23-23, 08:26
That's wild. I work in a town of 30k people and my agency has 37 officers.

09-23-23, 22:24
Unless I grew up in the Town there is no way I would try it...

My family moved to what is now DFW (from KY) in 1845 and I lived in the area for about ten years while growing up. I still have family in the area (some by marriage ironically) so we visit the area every few years but in no way would I knowingly drive through a small town that corrupt. It’s really a shame it takes a news organization to hold a corrupt governmental organization accountable (although that’s one of the reasons we have a First Amendment).

09-24-23, 11:56
I don't really find any of this all that surprising, honestly.

Incompetence, greed, and corruption are the Holy Trinity of small town government.

09-24-23, 20:38
I don't really find any of this all that surprising, honestly.

Incompetence, greed, and corruption are the Holy Trinity of small town government.

Yup, reminds me of those one horse towns that have a sliver of an Interstate Highway to poach on. Funny how they can make traffic stops and write tickets and make contraband seizures but wait for a Trooper to investigate the crashes.

09-24-23, 20:45
Yup, reminds me of those one horse towns that have a sliver of an Interstate Highway to poach on. Funny how they can make traffic stops and write tickets and make contraband seizures but wait for a Trooper to investigate the crashes.

We actually had policy in place to call GSP for most accidents. Plus we had a huge trooper post in town so we called them for accidents and DUI’s.

They didn’t mind working our TA’s and they loved us handing them 5 or 6 DUI’s most nights.

09-24-23, 20:54
Yup, reminds me of those one horse towns that have a sliver of an Interstate Highway to poach on. Funny how they can make traffic stops and write tickets and make contraband seizures but wait for a Trooper to investigate the crashes.

Been told by a couple of deputies years back that the city had annexed an area with a 4 lane highway and advised the county they would only be writing tickets on it, but not responding to emergency calls. I didn't think they had any reason to make that up, but hadn't heard a similar story till now.

09-25-23, 01:01
I would have felt like a revenuer if all I did was write tickets without responding to crashes. I liked being able to testify in Court that the Defendant’s conduct could have resulted in a crash because I had investigated crashes in the area. The irony is the areas that have the most crashes are the areas that are the hardest to work. Traffic LE isn’t supposed to be about revenue, it’s about modifying behavior.

09-25-23, 09:05
Traffic LE isn’t supposed to be about revenue, it’s about modifying behavior.

The three Es.... educate, engineer, and enforce. Enforce comes last. I have never looked at myself as a tax collector for the state, and I feel that citations generally do more to harm the public trust than they do good.

09-25-23, 16:24
The three Es.... educate, engineer, and enforce. Enforce comes last. I have never looked at myself as a tax collector for the state, and I feel that citations generally do more to harm the public trust than they do good.

Of the three, way too many places seem incapable of the middle one. They create more infractions and enforcement citations than they solve. We have a notorious intersection in my area that's been the cause of many deaths and serious injuries. Two jurisdictions fighting over who should pay for fixing the problem has resulted in YEARS of inaction. Neither one of them minds writing citations there though! :(

09-25-23, 19:31
The three Es.... educate, engineer, and enforce. Enforce comes last. I have never looked at myself as a tax collector for the state, and I feel that citations generally do more to harm the public trust than they do good.

I agree. There are times citations are warranted (and I wrote plenty of them) but not for the sake of generating revenue.

09-25-23, 19:45
There are several small Texas towns that are notorious for having police departments solely to write speeding tickets. Coffee City just happens to be the worst example.

09-26-23, 03:32
There are several small Texas towns that are notorious for having police departments solely to write speeding tickets. Coffee City just happens to be the worst example.

IMHO, public safety will never get out of the current “crisis” until issues like this are resolved. As Stickman said, writing tickets sometimes does more damage than good. The people we serve have to believe we have their best interest at heart (the law must be administered in love as it says in The Word).

After I retired I went to work for a smaller municipal police department The Sergeant told me he expected one ticket a shift. I replied “tougher people than you already tried that one with me”. If a ticket was warranted I wrote it (usually out of crashes). I’ll be damned if I’ll write someone a ticket just to please some idiot Sergeant.

09-26-23, 06:09
IMHO, public safety will never get out of the current “crisis” until issues like this are resolved. As Stickman said, writing tickets sometimes does more damage than good. The people we serve have to believe we have their best interest at heart (the law must be administered in love as it says in The Word).

After I retired I went to work for a smaller municipal police department The Sergeant told me he expected one ticket a shift. I replied “tougher people than you already tried that one with me”. If a ticket was warranted I wrote it (usually out of crashes). I’ll be damned if I’ll write someone a ticket just to please some idiot Sergeant.

Growing up it was rare to take a trip in to town without seeing local cops grossly exceeding speed limits, having someone pulled over writing speeding tickets, and/or tail gating others with the occasional violating a traffic control devices tossed in the mix as well. Oddly enough, running stop lights didn't seem to be that big of a deal based on seeing several violated right in front of cops.

Not a high crime area, but the few murders that occurred tended to go unsolved.

09-26-23, 06:45
... Oddly enough, running stop lights didn't seem to be that big of a deal based on seeing several violated right in front of cops...

Running red lights and stop signs was my pet peeve. The first fatal crash I ever investigated involved an adolescent male who ran a stop sign and was killed. He should have been pushing 60 now but he never even made it to adulthood. (I still remember his name, all these years later. R.I.P.)

01-12-24, 11:22
Recent news from Coffee City:


And how the TV station cracked the case is something the state of Virginia and other locales have tried to prevent:


01-12-24, 11:29
Running red lights and stop signs was my pet peeve. The first fatal crash I ever investigated involved an adolescent male who ran a stop sign and was killed. He should have been pushing 60 now but he never even made it to adulthood. (I still remember his name, all these years later. R.I.P.)

I hate that shit too. The city put up a new stop sign at the end of my street and it's now become a game to see who can run it at the highest speed. It's ****ing ridiculous. About a month ago some guy blew through there at like 50mph while I was crossing the street with my pup and came within arms length of us. ****ing savage. Cops are like "Meh..."

At least your dude killed himself before he could kill anyone else.

01-12-24, 11:40
Somehow I can't shake the feeling this sort of stuff is the direct result of the war being waged on cops across the country.

I'm not in the business, but if recruitment is an issue, this is the result.

The mayor is accountable for the actions of everyone under him and should resign as well. Clearly, he isn't doing his job either.

01-12-24, 15:55
Somehow I can't shake the feeling this sort of stuff is the direct result of the war being waged on cops across the country.

I'm not in the business, but if recruitment is an issue, this is the result.

The mayor is accountable for the actions of everyone under him and should resign as well. Clearly, he isn't doing his job either.

Speed trap towns are not new:


No doubt other Coffee City officials are corrupt. Also, Coffee City is located within Henderson County which has a sheriff and I assume that is the same for every county/parish in the country.

Why does the Coffee City corrupt mayor need a police force? Why is it necessary for Michelle Lujan Grisham and similar others to have a police force to carry out their wishes?

Here is the Sutter County sheriff ignoring the whims of Sacramento.


Sutter County might be a nice place sans troops from cities within it and various armed state agencies.

01-12-24, 19:18
... At least your dude killed himself before he could kill anyone else.

I always felt bad about it because he was only sixteen years old (inexperienced driver) and not from the area. I don’t know he could have missed the stop sign. It was a relatively rural area at the time. Still, as cold as it sounds it was still preferable that he pay the (ultimate) price than the occupants of the other vehicle. Still, it’s sad.

We used to work areas that had flagrant violations in an attempt to gain compliance. The irony is these are usually the most challenging areas to work but any revenuer can work the easy ones.

01-12-24, 19:27
Honestly, the most dangerous place to drive in my area is around the High School.
Between over confident adolescent drivers, Buses that feel the rules simply don't apply to them because they're the biggest thing on the road and hauling precious children and Mom's after a three Margarita lunch, it's precarious.
I go a totally different way home during school hours.
Ironically, there are no Cops patrolling the area, they only show up for the significant events where property loss and injury demand it.
I really wish a Cop was there to write tickets, about a week of it and people might wake up.

01-12-24, 19:34
Speed trap towns are not new:


No doubt other Coffee City officials are corrupt. Also, Coffee City is located within Henderson County which has a sheriff and I assume that is the same for every county/parish in the country.

Why does the Coffee City corrupt mayor need a police force? Why is it necessary for Michelle Lujan Grisham and similar others to have a police force to carry out their wishes?

Here is the Sutter County sheriff ignoring the whims of Sacramento.


Sutter County might be a nice place sans troops from cities within it and various armed state agencies.

I think you're speaking a bit too much cop for me to fully understand you. What I think you are saying is this is just like the movies. They're all corrupt and in on the game to generate and share the revenue. Right? I guess I've been blessed to live in towns without this kind of corruption.

01-12-24, 20:46
I think you're speaking a bit too much cop for me to fully understand you. What I think you are saying is this is just like the movies. They're all corrupt and in on the game to generate and share the revenue. Right? I guess I've been blessed to live in towns without this kind of corruption.

I was saying 2 things, the speed trap thing isn't new, although it sometimes comes and goes depending on location for whatever reason.

The other thing is my opinion that sheriff's need to be the only le that peons should have to deal with.

It is bizarre to me how many people will say a mayor, a governor, or the president are totally corrupt, but will simultaneously want more police with more tools and authority carrying out the whims of that aforementioned corrupt mayor, corrupt governor, and(although beginning to somewhat diminish with federal le) corrupt president.

01-12-24, 21:37
I was saying 2 things, the speed trap thing isn't new.

When I was a cop, we had a stretch of I-75 thru our jurisdiction, and we routinely ran radar on it.

Posted limit was 70 but you didn't have to wait long before some idiot was gonna come ripping thru running triple digits.

We had a shift bet to see who could get the highest clock and one night I remember there was three of us working the interstate and we all wrote well over 10 tickets each and not a single one was under 90 MPH. Several of mine were over 100 MPH which in Ga. could have been considered reckless driving and a trip to jail. But this was 2 AM and I wasn't feeling the ride to county and all the booking BS so I just wrote'em.

We also had a city road which was posted at 45 and literally no one ran below 55 on. You could write your salary each month in legit tickets that no one contested on without breaking a sweat.

Speed traps are for lazy or corrupt agencies.

01-13-24, 09:11
When I was a cop, we had a stretch of I-75 thru our jurisdiction, and we routinely ran radar on it.

Posted limit was 70 but you didn't have to wait long before some idiot was gonna come ripping thru running triple digits.

We had a shift bet to see who could get the highest clock and one night I remember there was three of us working the interstate and we all wrote well over 10 tickets each and not a single one was under 90 MPH. Several of mine were over 100 MPH which in Ga. could have been considered reckless driving and a trip to jail. But this was 2 AM and I wasn't feeling the ride to county and all the booking BS so I just wrote'em.

We also had a city road which was posted at 45 and literally no one ran below 55 on. You could write your salary each month in legit tickets that no one contested on without breaking a sweat.

Speed traps are for lazy or corrupt agencies.

Seems likely the 45 posted/55 actual section falls in to what could be considered a speed trap. Depending on what percentage of drivers were above posted lumit on the other sections, those may be as well.


01-13-24, 15:24
Generally speaking, Speed Limits should be based on the 85th Percentile.

01-14-24, 04:40
Good ol' gypsy cops. They get fired or run off from one agency and hired at the next. Why do they they get hired? The chief is a gypsy cop too.

Most of the officers at Coffee City hire on just to work side jobs. I saw quite a few working road jobs in Houston, which is 3 hrs south. They work a few hours a month as a reserve for the city and spend the rest of their time working side jobs all over the state making their real money.

Sent from my SM-S918U using Tapatalk

01-14-24, 08:19
I was saying 2 things, the speed trap thing isn't new, although it sometimes comes and goes depending on location for whatever reason.

The other thing is my opinion that sheriff's need to be the only le that peons should have to deal with.

It is bizarre to me how many people will say a mayor, a governor, or the president are totally corrupt, but will simultaneously want more police with more tools and authority carrying out the whims of that aforementioned corrupt mayor, corrupt governor, and(although beginning to somewhat diminish with federal le) corrupt president.

Thanks, agreed on all counts.

01-14-24, 19:00
Around the year 2000, WA started formerly certifying LEO’s to hopefully put a stop to “gypsy cops”. If anything I would strengthen the process even more.

01-19-24, 15:47
I agree. There are times citations are warranted (and I wrote plenty of them) but not for the sake of generating revenue.

Only ones I wrote consistently are "no child safety seat", "No insurance", or "smoking in car with minors". All else I warned on unless it was just stoooopid.