View Full Version : Biden Policy - Remain in Texas

09-08-23, 12:23
Sure this going to fly, looks like busing is getting to them.

Biden administration considering plan to force migrants to remain in Texas: report
Texas is in the midst of a feud with the administration over the state's migrant bussing program and floating barriers


The Biden administration is considering forcing migrants who cross into the United States illegally to remain in Texas while they wait out their asylum screening.

Administration officials cite the proposed plan as a way to curb the flow of illegal immigrants at the southern border, The Los Angeles Times reported, citing three U.S. officials not authorized to discuss the matter.

The plan would force migrants to remain in Texas, or possibly other border states by tracking their location through GPS monitoring devices, such as ankle bracelets, the officials told the Times.



Biden facing revolt from blue state Democrats over immigration crisis
Texas Gov Greg Abbott's migrant bussing program is stretching Democrats to their limit

09-08-23, 12:49
Well, from the perspective of one Texan, That shit aint gonna fly.

09-08-23, 12:54
Well, from the perspective of one Texan, That shit aint gonna fly.

Agreed. Greg Abbott says "Hold my beer!": https://www.foxnews.com/politics/abbott-promises-more-buses-biden-admin-pushes-reported-plan-keep-migrants-texas

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott late Thursday promised he would send "even more buses" of migrants to cities, including Washington, D.C., if the Biden administration moved forward with a reported plan to keep migrants in Texas -- just as the administration is facing pressure from left-wing officials in cities like New York City over migrant traffic.

09-08-23, 13:10
NYC Mayor Adam's rant about migrants destroying the city is apparently reverberating in DC.

Probably calling her Florida real estate agent.


09-08-23, 13:13
I'm glad to hear our side's moves are having an effect on those idiots. Good. Make them suffer.

09-08-23, 13:32
It's going to take about another 10K of the Migrants in New York, Chicago, LA and DC before they become illeagle again.

As a Guy who grew up in Arizona and Now resides in Texas, these Democrats Haven't understood our complaints for decades, they laughed us off and thought "These hayseen backwater inbreds can't govern their States. Well, suck it up buttercup.
You were warned, but you had to find out the hard way...

09-08-23, 14:26
I hear Delaware welcomes illegal aliens* :-)

* NOT migrants.

09-08-23, 15:02
"curb the flow of illegal immigrants at the southern border"

All you had to do was keep Trump's border policy in place. Coulda finished building the wall too instead of leaving the materials rot on the ground.

09-08-23, 17:38
I'm sure thousands of migrants per month will a) not completely overload any GPS tracking system currently in place and b) absolutely feel obligated to wear their devices like good little citizens for the duration of their screening...

As has already been seen in EU, it's nothing to do with "caring for people", it's all about migratory warfare.

09-08-23, 18:01
LOL, does Biden think neither migrants nor TX DPS can cut gps monitors off? For that matter I’d load them on the busses with the monitors in place! Nothing the Biden Administration does is gonna stop Texas from being Texas! LOL

Alex V
09-08-23, 18:12
I hope Abbot keeps his nerve and follows through. He needs to inundate NY, NJ, IL, CA and DC with illegals. Literally floods. Caravans of 100s of busses. Send a hundreds of thousands there.

If I were Trump I’d buy a small airline and start flying them from Texas to those states non stop. Then again if I were Trump I would have my own private army at this point and dare those c*nts in NY, and GA to come and get me. Not show up for a single arraignment. I would sell buildings to fund a small private army but that’s for another thread.

09-08-23, 18:15
LOL, does Biden think neither migrants nor TX DPS can cut gps monitors off? For that matter I’d load them on the busses with the monitors in place! Nothing the Biden Administration does is gonna stop Texas from being Texas! LOL

Take the monitors off, put the monitors on other Aliens so that the Chicago bunch has New Yorks leg monitors and the New York has Delawares leg monitors etc. etc. and they can figure out Who's Who in about 18 months.

09-08-23, 18:22
Take the monitors off, put the monitors on other Aliens so that the Chicago bunch has New Yorks leg monitors and the New York has Delawares leg monitors etc. etc. and they can figure out Who's Who in about 18 months.

They already can’t find the eight Uighurs they helped an ISIS supporter smuggle across the southern border, and there’s just eight of them! :mad:

09-08-23, 23:05
I hear Delaware welcomes illegal aliens* :-)

* NOT migrants.

Never were. Always have been illegal alien scum. Go back and do it the right way then we're GTG, otherwise FOAD. Really.

09-08-23, 23:09
I'm sure thousands of migrants per month will a) not completely overload any GPS tracking system currently in place and b) absolutely feel obligated to wear their devices like good little citizens for the duration of their screening...

As has already been seen in EU, it's nothing to do with "caring for people", it's all about migratory warfare.

And future VOTERS, the most important part. That is why, until my dying day, I will vehemently oppose ANY of these shitstains ever getting to vote in a national election. EVER. Their kids too. Go back and vote in Mexico/Honduras/Guatemala/El Salvador/Nigeria/Zimbabwe/Ukraine/China. Never here.

09-09-23, 08:21
So, Biden is using national policy against certain states for the benefit of others. At what point do we, as a nation, recognize this fact and realize the union is not sustainable anymore?

09-09-23, 08:35
The administration had no choice. Texas sent a couple busses (relatively speaking) of immigrants to the East coast and suddenly people started to realize just what the effect of unchecked immigration is. I am pretty cynical, but even I was surprised how quickly the marxists in the sanctuary states started crying about sharing space with immigrants.

Less than 100K people spread through New England is unsustainable but you expect a handful of states to house, feed, care for, and protect 1M+?

The c*nts on The View are calling for their dearly loved new neighbors to be shipped to the empty space in the Midwest. The intent for that is pretty thinly veiled, given the effects of voting blocs of strategically placed Somali "refugees".


09-09-23, 09:16
While I do see the humor in it, dropping illegal aliens off alive in NY, NJ, IL, CA and DC(sans forming a perimeter around the area no one gets out of) is still adding to the problem and isn't affecting the elites who want it in the slightest.

09-09-23, 09:58
While I do see the humor in it, dropping illegal aliens off alive in NY, NJ, IL, CA and DC(sans forming a perimeter around the area no one gets out of) is still adding to the problem and isn't affecting the elites who want it in the slightest.

It affects them when the tents and human waste can be seen and smelled from their ivory towers. You have to shove those problems right up under their noses, and have cameras rolling on their open disdain, while they’re busy having them shipped off to unseen lower class locales.

They all love to parade their “sanctuary” policies, but they’re really just a bunch of preening NIMBYs who don’t want to see, hear or smell the unwashed masses. They’re the biggest hypocrites on the planet.

09-09-23, 10:14
While I do see the humor in it, dropping illegal aliens off alive in NY, NJ, IL, CA and DC(sans forming a perimeter around the area no one gets out of) is still adding to the problem and isn't affecting the elites who want it in the slightest.

It isn't 'adding' to the problem but rather shifting it to where it belongs... on the doorstep of sanctuary nitwits. It puts pressure on state and local politicians with the aim of influencing policy in Washington.

09-09-23, 10:39
Look guys, I know it's trendy and all but can we please stop referring to these vermin as "migrants"? That plays right into the hands of those who would change the narrative by changing the terminology. They are ILLEGAL ALIENS. Just use "IA" if you don't feel like typing out ILLEGAL ALIENS each time, but by damned they are not "migrants"; too clean of a term for them.

Johnny Rico
09-09-23, 10:42
Umm...CA is a border state. They are well aware of the impact of illegal immigration, those in charge simply choose to ignore it. You're not going to scare or dissuade Newsom and his ilk with a few more busloads.

09-09-23, 10:50
It isn't 'adding' to the problem but rather shifting it to where it belongs... on the doorstep of sanctuary nitwits. It puts pressure on state and local politicians with the aim of influencing policy in Washington.

If they dropped them off as corpses or cordoned off the cities, sure. There is nothing keeping them there and the elites aren't having to deal with any that do stay.

09-09-23, 10:57
It affects them when the tents and human waste can be seen and smelled from their ivory towers. You have to shove those problems right up under their noses, and have cameras rolling on their open disdain, while they’re busy having them shipped off to unseen lower class locales.

They all love to parade their “sanctuary” policies, but they’re really just a bunch of preening NIMBYs who don’t want to see, hear or smell the unwashed masses. They’re the biggest hypocrites on the planet.

Not disputing the elites being the cause.

The issue is nothing is keeping illegals where they get dropped off.

If illegals do stay, elites can make their fortress wall taller or set it further out to block the fruit of their efforts. Elites aren't going to the store to buy a carton of eggs and having to wade through human shit to get there and in the event they feel the urge to go in to one of the decorated areas they will have their servants clean the shit up so they don't have to be exposed to it.

09-09-23, 11:02
It isn't 'adding' to the problem but rather shifting it to where it belongs... on the doorstep of sanctuary nitwits. It puts pressure on state and local politicians with the aim of influencing policy in Washington.

The way I see it is this: I’m pretty sure it’s illegal for local or state governments to deport illegals against their will. So the next best thing is dropping them off smack dab in the center of the enclaves that support them being allowed into the country illegally.

If I were doing it, I’d drop off a busload every week in front of Sidwell Friends School. And Georgetown University. And Chevy Chase, MD. And Harvard University. And Trinity School in NYC. And Wall St. And Nantucket. And Rehoboth Beach. And northern Westchester.

You get the picture. Make them SEE what they’re foisting on the rest of us. Wherever Mayorkas’ grandkids go to school, there’d be busloads of migrants dropped off every week, particularly the adult, military aged males.

Whenever they complain how inhumane that is because there are no “services” there for illegals, flip it back on them. Why won’t you provide services and housing for them there? Why are you so shortsighted that you didn’t bother to provide food and housing and medical care for illegal immigrants in your own neighborhoods and cities? Do you not care about them at all?

These are very evil people we’re dealing with. They live in the richest zip codes in the world. If you want to combat these evil people, then you need to take their policies and shove them right up under their noses. Make them smell it, deeply.

09-09-23, 11:10
The way I see it is this: I’m pretty sure it’s illegal for local or state governments to deport illegals against their will. So the next best thing is dropping them off smack dab in the center of the enclaves that support them being allowed into the country illegally.

If I were doing it, I’d drop off a busload every week in front of Sidwell Friends School. And Georgetown University. And Chevy Chase, MD. And Harvard University. And Trinity School in NYC. And Wall St. And Nantucket. And Rehoboth Beach. And northern Westchester.

You get the picture. Make them SEE what they’re foisting on the rest of us. Wherever Mayorkas’ grandkids go to school, there’d be busloads of migrants dropped off every week, particularly the adult, military aged males.

Whenever they complain how inhumane that is because there are no “services” there for illegals, flip it back on them. Why won’t you provide services and housing for them there? Why are you so shortsighted that you didn’t bother to provide food and housing and medical care for illegal immigrants in your own neighborhoods and cities? Do you not care about them at all?

These are very evil people we’re dealing with. They live in the richest zip codes in the world. If you want to combat these evil people, then you need to take their policies and shove them right up under their noses.
I can think of a better place to shove it! ;) Make them smell it, deeply.

Boy I wished they'd ask me that question!

09-09-23, 11:19
The way I see it is this: I’m pretty sure it’s illegal for local or state governments to deport illegals against their will. So the next best thing is dropping them off smack dab in the center of the enclaves that support them being allowed into the country illegally.

If I were doing it, I’d drop off a busload every week in front of Sidwell Friends School. And Georgetown University. And Chevy Chase, MD. And Harvard University. And Trinity School in NYC. And Wall St. And Nantucket. And Rehoboth Beach. And northern Westchester.

You get the picture. Make them SEE what they’re foisting on the rest of us. Wherever Mayorkas’ grandkids go to school, there’d be busloads of migrants dropped off every week, particularly the adult, military aged males.

Whenever they complain how inhumane that is because there are no “services” there for illegals, flip it back on them. Why won’t you provide services and housing for them there? Why are you so shortsighted that you didn’t bother to provide food and housing and medical care for illegal immigrants in your own neighborhoods and cities? Do you not care about them at all?

These are very evil people we’re dealing with. They live in the richest zip codes in the world. If you want to combat these evil people, then you need to take their policies and shove them right up under their noses. Make them smell it, deeply.

Dropping them off at their kids' schools might work, at least eventually.

09-09-23, 12:11
If they dropped them off as corpses or cordoned off the cities, sure. There is nothing keeping them there and the elites aren't having to deal with any that do stay.

Where are they going to get more and better stuff than in the sanctuary of New York City? They're put up in hotels, fed, clothed, medical services... prey good deal. I'm sure a number leave but the mayor isn't talking as if the issue is abating with departures.

"Never in my life have I had a problem that I didn't see an ending to, I don't see an ending to this," Adams said. "This issue will destroy New York City."

As more buses arrive at Port Authority, the mayor says the city is severely impacted by the influx of migrants and the city is not getting support from the federal government.

Keep those buses rolling in to NYC.

09-10-23, 06:37
While I do see the humor in it, dropping illegal aliens off alive in NY, NJ, IL, CA and DC(sans forming a perimeter around the area no one gets out of) is still adding to the problem and isn't affecting the elites who want it in the slightest.

I think this proposed ruling proves it affects them.


09-10-23, 08:21
Look guys, I know it's trendy and all but can we please stop referring to these vermin as "migrants"? That plays right into the hands of those who would change the narrative by changing the terminology. They are ILLEGAL ALIENS. Just use "IA" if you don't feel like typing out ILLEGAL ALIENS each time, but by damned they are not "migrants"; too clean of a term for them.


They are criminals. We have a legal migration system. They ignore it.


09-10-23, 08:27

They are criminals. We have a legal migration system. They ignore it.


Not only that, but these guy's have F'ed the whole system right now, go about it the right way and you'll wait years.

09-10-23, 08:42
I think this proposed ruling proves it affects them.


We can hope, but the same people(or at least their predecessors) used to rant and rave about the NRA negatively affecting them and that was all a Brer Rabbit act.

09-11-23, 01:11
Umm...CA is a border state. They are well aware of the impact of illegal immigration, those in charge simply choose to ignore it. You're not going to scare or dissuade Newsom and his ilk with a few more busloads.

California is too big. The border area is too small of an area in relation the rest of the state- almost on par with the US as a whole.

Does anyone else find it interesting that while the admin says that they can’t control the border with fences and other advanced equipment, or control people after they get here- all of a sudden they have a way to do that with all kinds of advanced equipment?

Maybe they should apply some of those resources to keep people from getting here in teh first place.

09-11-23, 22:31
California is too big. The border area is too small of an area in relation the rest of the state- almost on par with the US as a whole.

Does anyone else find it interesting that while the admin says that they can’t control the border with fences and other advanced equipment, or control people after they get here- all of a sudden they have a way to do that with all kinds of advanced equipment?

Maybe they should apply some of those resources to keep people from getting here in teh first place.

Right? Like there is no possible way to secure our international border, but the interstate border with Texas, " Oh sure, we can lock THAT up tight!"

09-11-23, 22:47
They don't need to lock up the TX border, just make it illegal for the governor to ship illegals to another state.


09-12-23, 00:44
They don't need to lock up the TX border, just make it illegal for the governor to ship illegals to another state.


That would be even more illegal. 10th Amendment, FTW.