View Full Version : New Mexico bans ALL CARRY in Albuquerque:

09-08-23, 19:19
Screw your constitution and legal precedent. It's 'muh children! It's going to be an interesting next few years. https://www.krqe.com/news/new-mexico/gov-lujan-grisham-suspends-open-concealed-carry-in-bernalillo-county/

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham said she will enact a temporary ban on carrying firearms in any public space across Bernalillo County. The governor made the announcement during a news conference Friday.

Sitting alongside the Albuquerque Police Chief and Bernalillo County Sheriff. The governor says part of this new order is a 30-day suspension on open and concealed carry on public property for anyone other than law enforcement or licensed security. “I’ve warned everyone that we expect a direct challenge, probably as you’re writing this we’re getting a challenge, and that’s the way it should work. But I have to take a tough direct stand, or basically I’m just ignoring the fact that we lost an 11-year-old, another child,” said Gov. Lujan Grisham.

09-08-23, 19:49
Guess the real question is just how many street cops will enforce this...

09-08-23, 20:10
Guess the real question is just how many street cops will enforce this...

I’ll bet you more will than the (blue line flag sticker-folks) care to realize… it’s all about that Order>Paycheck>Pension

09-08-23, 20:26
They will take to this like ducks to water.


09-08-23, 20:31
They will take to this like ducks to water.


Not directed at you, but that article is like 90% ads. I truly hate sites like that.

09-08-23, 20:31
Agreed...APD isn't gonna bother the bangers, but they'll absolutely hem the shit out of some guy just minding his business trying to protect his family. One call from a Tesla Karen and your ass is going downtown.

Grisham is a petty little witch of an authoritarian angling for a cabinet position. Her progressive catch and release policies got us here, but of course her answer is to punish everyone but the criminals. And the JBTs over at NMSP will enforce whatever unconstitutional, in-excess-of-authority bullshit she spews. They did during covid and they'll do it again.

And she still has a raging blue hard-on for her assault weapon and mag bans. Plans to try to cram them through this years short budgetary session.

I was greatly disappointed that she was elected again. But people here are fat and stupid and like free shit and she sent everybody checks right before the election, so...

At least she's term limited. But some other Lujan will probably just pop out of the woodwork in 2026 to run in her stead. They're like retarded Democrat rabbits.

09-08-23, 20:34
Sounds like time to file a lawsuit requesting an emergency injunction...

09-08-23, 22:39
I know it sucks but NM citizens need to get involved, take to the streets, go door to door, whatever it takes to get this UnAmerican POS out of office.

09-08-23, 22:45
Problem is ABQ's a Blue Hell, they shovel her shit down with serving spoons then lick the plate clean.

09-09-23, 00:20
I know it sucks but NM citizens need to get involved, take to the streets, go door to door, whatever it takes to get this UnAmerican POS out of office.

Absolutely, but is there any chance there’s enough brave men and women in ABQ to openly defy her tyranny?

09-09-23, 01:17
Might as well infringe on the First, Fourth, et al Amendments in addition to the Second. Any otherwise law-abiding citizen that supports this stupidity deserves to lose the rest of their God-given rights as well. You give these politicians an inch they’ll take a mile...

09-09-23, 04:23
Emergency orders do not require support. Neither do selected presidents.

The corruption will not be outvoted.

09-09-23, 07:38
Cynical take: this is MEANT to set up a court fight that either gives them the precedent they want or gives them a campaign issue to continue their attempted delegitimization of SCOTUS.

09-09-23, 08:41
Might as well infringe on the First, Fourth, et al Amendments in addition to the Second. Any otherwise law-abiding citizen that supports this stupidity deserves to lose the rest of their God-given rights as well. You give these politicians an inch they’ll take a mile...

They already do in case you haven’t noticed.

09-09-23, 08:54
They already do in case you haven’t noticed.

James Freeman does a lot of videos in New Mexico and that is almost invariably how they operate.


09-09-23, 09:19
James Freeman does a lot of videos in New Mexico and that is almost invariably how they operate.


It’s done nationwide- look at what has come out about the Feds pressuring social media companies to suppress info on the FJB crime syndicate, the warrantless seizures of money because it “might” have been obtained illegally or using dynamic entry/demolitions/etc… to kill a 75 year old disabled man because of shitty social media posts are just a few examples.

And this looks to be an interesting movie, if it get any air time: https://twitter.com/KyleSeraphin/status/1700204500013769005

09-09-23, 09:26
Screw your constitution and legal precedent. It's 'muh children! It's going to be an interesting next few years. https://www.krqe.com/news/new-mexico/gov-lujan-grisham-suspends-open-concealed-carry-in-bernalillo-county/

Classic disconnect of clueless dummies, what does OC have to do with the death of the kid? How will a ban on OC impact that? I'd expect 99% of OC in NM is by law abiding types. I don't see criminals types advertising they are armed.

09-09-23, 09:37
It’s done nationwide- look at what has come out about the Feds pressuring social media companies to suppress info on the FJB crime syndicate, the warrantless seizures of money because it “might” have been obtained illegally or using dynamic entry/demolitions/etc… to kill a 75 year old disabled man because of shitty social media posts are just a few examples.

And this looks to be an interesting movie, if it get any air time: https://twitter.com/KyleSeraphin/status/1700204500013769005

That does look interesting. Sadly that also looks like what many on firearms forums considers ideal.

On nationwide, here is a similar channel from Michael Taylor in Florida


09-09-23, 09:41
Classic disconnect of clueless dummies, what does OC have to do with the death of the kid? How will a ban on OC impact that? I'd expect 99% of OC in NM is by law abiding types. I don't see criminals types advertising they are armed.

Swap out any descriptions on lack of intelligence with "evil" and you have it.

A peon supporter whacked out on fear and Valium might believe it, but someone that high up the chain can't be assumed to have gotten where they are without being calculating.

09-09-23, 09:42
Classic disconnect of clueless dummies, what does OC have to do with the death of the kid? How will a ban on OC impact that? I'd expect 99% of OC in NM is by law abiding types. I don't see criminals types advertising they are armed.

Its a win for thugs.
With this in force, it suppresses the chances of citizens being equipped to fight back.

09-09-23, 09:47
Its a win for thugs.
With this in force, it suppresses the chances of citizens being equipped to fight back.

They are so stupid, even in the face of all the data that exists, they can't fathom only those who follow a law will pay attention to it, and if anything, will be a magnet for those looking to harm others.

09-09-23, 09:52
They are so stupid, even in the face of all the data that exists, they can't fathom only those who follow a law will pay attention to it, and if anything, will be a magnet for those looking to harm others.

I am past assuming the Leftists are “stupid” and now accept they are just evil and destructive and the consequences of their actions are intended.

09-09-23, 09:53
This has nothing to do with safety, and anyone with a pulse knows it. They make Albuquerque unsafe by not enforcing the law, then want to disarm law abiding people. Do not enforce nor comply, is the answer. The Sheriff seems to get it at least.

09-09-23, 10:20
lol...free shipping to NM customers. Just click the special offer code.


09-09-23, 11:01
Guess the real question is just how many street cops will enforce this...
I would venture to guess almost all. Overall, the police are not your friends, phuck your constitutional rights (do they even existed anymore?), LE doesn't care. Their only concern, follow orders, keep my paycheck. Period end of sentence. Whether city, county, federal, all the same chit. Do not get me wrong, I respect local cops for the most part, its just their job; and they will do it, just like gestapo and SS did their jobs.

09-09-23, 11:07
"The governor says she doesn’t expect criminals to follow the order. But she hopes it is “a resounding message,” to everyone else in the community to report gun crime. “The point here is, is that, if everyone did it, and I wasn’t legally challenged, you would have fewer risks on the street, and I could safely say, to every New Mexican, particularly those folks living in Albuquerque and Bernalillo County, I believe that you’re safer for the next 30 days, we have to wait and see,” said Lujan Grisham."

So they know it will only affect law-abiding citizens and she expects them to become snitches. This is a 30 day experiment. Other states will follow suit when that time period has elapsed.

09-09-23, 11:19
Classic disconnect of clueless dummies, what does OC have to do with the death of the kid? How will a ban on OC impact that? I'd expect 99% of OC in NM is by law abiding types. I don't see criminals types advertising they are armed.

It's not just OC... It's ALL CARRY. Concealed, you name it. Permits do not matter. Has to be unloaded in a lock box if you are traveling, then only to or from a gun store or range. This is a New Orleans hurricane Katrina illegal type move. Yes, that much of an over reach.

The ONLY good news here is that it looks like APD and the County Sheriff are keeping their distance on this one and letting the state police have it... Both have said te heir officers will not be enforcing it, but have NOT said they oppose the measure either. They know what an over reach it is.

Thank God I was never forced to make a decision like this when I was a LEO. There is no f-ing way I'd make an arrest and/or file paperwork on a citizen in this case. It's called an unlawful order.

Edited: You are going to hear me say over and over the next year. The 2024 election is ALL FOR THE SCOTUS. You see what's going on here. They are probing the limits and setting up all type of legal challenges. If they get the SCOTUS after 2024, all bets are off. You better be prepared to hold your nose and vote for whomever the (R) candidate is. That might be Trump, it might not be. Remember... You are voting for the SCOTUS. It's all we have left.

09-09-23, 11:35
It's not just OC... It's ALL CARRY. Concealed, you name it. Permits do not matter. Has to be unloaded in a lock box if you are traveling, then only to or from a gun store or range. This is a New Orleans hurricane Katrina illegal type move. Yes, that much of an over reach.

The ONLY good news here is that it looks like APD and the County Sheriff are keeping their distance on this one and letting the state police have it... Both have said te heir officers will not be enforcing it, but have NOT said they oppose the measure either. They know what an over reach it is.

Thank God I was never forced to make a decision like this when I was a LEO. There is no f-ing way I'd make an arrest and/or file paperwork on a citizen in this case. It's called an unlawful order.

Edited: You are going to hear me say over and over the next year. The 2024 election is ALL FOR THE SCOTUS. You see what's going on here. They are probing the limits and setting up all type of legal challenges. If they get the SCOTUS after 2024, all bets are off. You better be prepared to hold your nose and vote for whomever the (R) candidate is. That might be Trump, it might not be. Remember... You are voting for the SCOTUS. It's all we have left.

That makes mores sense at least. Not sure why OC seems to be getting the attention. According to this LEO, LE in NM think its idiotic and will not enforce it:


09-09-23, 11:48
Imagine the scotus today if hilary had been able to steal 2016...that's what I can't get about tds, as one cannot even see scotus results or the importance of it's future.

They will still stay home if he gets the nod & be proud of it.

09-09-23, 12:03
Concealed is concealed. How would they ever know

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09-09-23, 12:16
Guess the real question is just how many street cops will enforce this...Nearly all of them, I'm sure.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

09-09-23, 12:25
That makes mores sense at least. Not sure why OC seems to be getting the attention. According to this LEO, LE in NM think its idiotic and will not enforce it:


There are probably more liberal city attorneys/city council members and mayors who’ll agree to this… and force their appointed police chiefs to enforce this edict, under threat of suspension or removal (chiefs aren’t elected like their sheriff counter-parts)… this is a big litmus test… one that I think we are gonna see nationwide… very soon.

09-09-23, 13:04
Its a win for thugs.
With this in force, it suppresses the chances of citizens being equipped to fight back.

It’s like there being an outbreak of fires, and you outlaw fire extinguishers, or maybe making firebreaks more exactly.

This is nothing more than a test run for having the CDC declare a health emergency around guns and all kinds of anti-2A.

I am past assuming the Leftists are “stupid” and now accept they are just evil and destructive and the consequences of their actions are intended.

We have SCOTUS ‘wins’ and it seems to just set us back even further.

Remember, the best way to violate someone civil rights is to be IN the govt and use its power and purse against your political enemies.

Hell, the did it to the 1A in the last election and got away with it.

Who is the person on the right who can deliver the message to these people that they are going full despot on this, with out them just yelling some version of racism or crying about democracy? The left needs a sit down and serious intervention, with cookies, coffee and copies of the Constitution.

09-09-23, 14:43
There are probably more liberal city attorneys/city council members and mayors who’ll agree to this… and force their appointed police chiefs to enforce this edict, under threat of suspension or removal (chiefs aren’t elected like their sheriff counter-parts)… this is a big litmus test… one that I think we are gonna see nationwide… very soon.

I had no idea the NM State House was so liberal, I always thought that NM was slightly more conservative. So no hope of impeaching this cunt.

09-09-23, 15:05
It’s like there being an outbreak of fires, and you outlaw fire extinguishers, or maybe making firebreaks more exactly.

This is nothing more than a test run for having the CDC declare a health emergency around guns and all kinds of anti-2A.

We have SCOTUS ‘wins’ and it seems to just set us back even further.

Remember, the best way to violate someone civil rights is to be IN the govt and use its power and purse against your political enemies.

Hell, the did it to the 1A in the last election and got away with it.

Who is the person on the right who can deliver the message to these people that they are going full despot on this, with out them just yelling some version of racism or crying about democracy? The left needs a sit down and serious intervention, with cookies, coffee and copies of the Constitution.

No, what the Left needs is to be beaten repeatedly about the head and face with a baseball bat.

09-09-23, 15:36
There are probably more liberal city attorneys/city council members and mayors who’ll agree to this… and force their appointed police chiefs to enforce this edict, under threat of suspension or removal (chiefs aren’t elected like their sheriff counter-parts)… this is a big litmus test… one that I think we are gonna see nationwide… very soon.

While sheriffs are no panacea, the high percentage of firearms owners who express support for ever larger and better equipped city, state, and federal(beginning to wane) police forces while simultaneously making statements that they can take care of themselves and expressing disdain for anti gun mayors, governors, and presidents(who whistle the tune the police forces dance to) has always been something of a head scratcher.

09-09-23, 15:47
I had no idea the NM State House was so liberal, I always thought that NM was slightly more conservative. So no hope of impeaching this cunt.

I think it is due to rural/country for the area you and I live in being fairly densely populated and still able to act as a counter to larger(but not NYC Chicago size) cities versus NM rural being kinda sparse.

09-09-23, 17:58
While sheriffs are no panacea, the high percentage of firearms owners who express support for ever larger and better equipped city, state, and federal(beginning to wane) police forces while simultaneously making statements that they can take care of themselves and expressing disdain for anti gun mayors, governors, and presidents(who whistle the tune the police forces dance to) has always been something of a head scratcher.

Something akin to hoisting the “blue line flag” and Gadsden flag… simultaneously?

09-09-23, 18:07
No, what the Left needs is to be beaten repeatedly about the head and face with a baseball bat.

With some experience with “bullies” growing up, my experience was a sound Ass Whipping did wonders for their attitude.
At least for me and my pals.

09-09-23, 19:35
Absolutely, but is there any chance there’s enough brave men and women in ABQ to openly defy her tyranny?

This really should be a flashpoint.

09-09-23, 23:39
This really should be a flashpoint.I am hoping so. I would love to see mass protests in noncompliance .

Not holding my breath

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09-10-23, 04:13
I am hoping so. I would love to see mass protests in noncompliance .

Not holding my breath

Sent from my SM-G991U1 using Tapatalk

People are going to continue to CCW, then somebody is gonna need to pull it. Then what.

09-10-23, 07:19
People are going to continue to CCW, then somebody is gonna need to pull it. Then what.

Odds are they will learn the sheriff and police chief didn't really mean it.

Even if they do, the state police would then step in.

09-10-23, 07:29
In all of the mess of the many interviews I believe I heard or read only the NMSP will be enforcing this.
Now, I've had about a soup bowl full of data on this .
Can anyone confirm?

09-10-23, 07:45
A tour of the safe zone.


The segment where he films a store owner whose shop was broken in to reinforces one that has been stated for years.

09-10-23, 07:46
Anyone arrested under this will win in court, after exhausting their life savings. Anyone charged with this along with actual crimes will strike a plea deal that makes this irrelevant. How many actual criminals have been arrested with an AR pistol and sentenced for a SBR felony? None.


09-10-23, 07:51
In all of the mess of the many interviews I believe I heard or read only the NMSP will be enforcing this.
Now, I've had about a soup bowl full of data on this .
Can anyone confirm?

NMSP has the option of doing what she says and staying in power or obeying their oath and becoming a serf.

09-10-23, 08:21
Local politicians are not feeling it:


09-10-23, 08:25
And if Impeached she has only herself to blame.
Can't blame the gun this time honey.

09-10-23, 09:07
This may have already been covered, but I didn't see it. Even major libtards are coming out opposed to this, including everyone's favorite fake "survivor", David Hogg.

Hogg, who himself survived a mass shooting in 2017, agreed with Lieu’s take. “I support gun safety but there is no such thing as a state public health emergency exception to the U.S. Constitution,” he wrote.


09-10-23, 09:33
This may have already been covered, but I didn't see it. Even major libtards are coming out opposed to this, including everyone's favorite fake "survivor", David Hogg.

Same quotes, different article:


When Ted Lieu and Hogg say you've gone too far, it's a real "WTF?!?" moment. I can only guess they see the potential for an adverse court ruling that becomes broad precedent.

09-10-23, 12:20
Edited: You are going to hear me say over and over the next year. The 2024 election is ALL FOR THE SCOTUS. You see what's going on here. They are probing the limits and setting up all type of legal challenges. If they get the SCOTUS after 2024, all bets are off. You better be prepared to hold your nose and vote for whomever the (R) candidate is. That might be Trump, it might not be. Remember... You are voting for the SCOTUS. It's all we have left.

^^^^^ This 100%

Our rights are hanging on by a thread. Dem Governors continue to push clearly unconstitutional laws and we are forced to rely on the courts as our only hope.

09-10-23, 12:52
When Ted Lieu and Hogg say you've gone too far, it's a real "WTF?!?" moment. I can only guess they see the potential for an adverse court ruling that becomes broad precedent.

Correct. They are afraid enough people will wake up and see the true goal. The goal IS disarmament.

Our rights are hanging on by a thread. Dem Governors continue to push clearly unconstitutional laws and we are forced to rely on the courts as our only hope.

The Arizona (D) party AGREES with what NM did. Yes. AZ. One of the most gun friendly states there is. https://twitter.com/AZHouseDems/status/1700566724716974437?s=20

09-10-23, 14:41
I had no idea the NM State House was so liberal, I always thought that NM was slightly more conservative. So no hope of impeaching this cunt.



09-10-23, 15:11
And y'all WONDER why I say "scratch a Dem find a Fascist"... there's your living proof, right there.

09-11-23, 10:34
A good assessment and update:


09-11-23, 10:40
My Q is, according to articles "...Since July 28, gun violence in the state has led to the deaths of a 13-year-old girl, a 5-year-old girl, and a 10-year-old boy." Did any of those even involved a law legal gun owner? What where the circumstances ? I assume, per usual, it's another example of a clueless politician lashing out at the law abiding for what criminals did, but worth knowing the context at least. Also, biker gangs going at it:


And a psycho kid who decided to shoot up his neighborhood:


Neither of those events would be prevented by any dumb ban on legal carrying of firearms and if anything, would prevent them if some law abiding type was able to intervene with a weapon.

09-11-23, 18:02
Sheriff says "That's a no for me folks" Nice to see a Sheriff to say no to a Gov out of control and stand for the oath he took, protect the Const and the 2A specifically.


09-12-23, 00:56
Sheriff says "That's a no for me folks" Nice to see a Sheriff to say no to a Gov out of control and stand for the oath he took, protect the Const and the 2A specifically.


Looks like the ball os in NMSP’s court. Do they feel froggy enough to attack Americans exercising their God given rights on American soil? :confused:

09-12-23, 09:32
Deleted... Need more coffee. With Alphajoe.

09-12-23, 16:12
Title explains it. nmsp start out claiming they will obey their oath then crawfish.


09-12-23, 16:14
NM AG says "you're on your own" too:

09-12-23, 16:35
Title explains it. nmsp start out claiming they will obey their oath then crawfish.


The "I understand, my grandfather was a Nazi too." comment was BRUTAL! LOL

The proper response to Governor Tyrant would be for the NMSP Association to issue a Vote of No Confidence in her, but they're too cowardly to do that either. :(

NM AG says "you're on your own" too:


09-12-23, 16:40
Deleted... Need more coffee. With Alphajoe.

Don't see why, the post seemed completely legit... like I said, the J6 playbook By The Numbers, "ride it out, gather names/plates/faces, then pick 'em off individually after they disperse when they no longer have strength of concentrated numbers." And y'all thought I was paranoid because of raising red flags about this very thing back when Mass Surveillance Cams first went up... LOL

"Boy, do I hate being right all the time..."--Ian Malcolm

09-13-23, 17:04
BUmp, 30 day TRO granted!

09-13-23, 17:09
BUmp, 30 day TRO granted!

Shocking. This is nothing more than Grandstanding for the lemmings by an illiterate moron.

There ought to be a penalty applied for this crap that is obviously unconstitutional. Lose your case, lose your job should apply. They're just trying to burn up 2A defense $$. Why should they care, your tax dollars are funding their side of the case.

Until more people find this crap utterly intolerable, it will continue.

09-13-23, 17:18
BUmp, 30 day TRO granted!

Awesome news..... I'd imagine she's not done with her idiocy though. I'm sure the EV-driving Karens and Kens are wringing their hands in Albuquerque Starbucks. Maybe they'll move back to their Iron Curtain states.

09-13-23, 17:28
Shocking. This is nothing more than Grandstanding for the lemmings by an illiterate moron.

There ought to be a penalty applied for this crap that is obviously unconstitutional. Lose your case, lose your job should apply. They're just trying to burn up 2A defense $$. Why should they care, your tax dollars are funding their side of the case.

Until more people find this crap utterly intolerable, it will continue.

I've long thought that if you're sued in official capacity for this level of blatant misconduct the State should give YOU personally the tab for the damages rather than soaking the taxpayers. One would hope that they would govern more wisely if they had to face PERSONAL consequences for what they do. You put your name on it and it gets struck down, YOU get the lawyer bill.

09-13-23, 17:51
From The Armed Attorneys channel:


09-13-23, 21:09
I've long thought that if you're sued in official capacity for this level of blatant misconduct the State should give YOU personally the tab for the damages rather than soaking the taxpayers. One would hope that they would govern more wisely if they had to face PERSONAL consequences for what they do. You put your name on it and it gets struck down, YOU get the lawyer bill.

The standard for getting QI really isn't blatant, but ever so slightly novel.

Good news though(if shit works the way it should), New Mexico ended qualified immunity in 2021.


Bizarre, but it was signed in to law by michelle lujan grisham. :confused:

09-13-23, 21:27
TFB is saying that the AG is refusing to defend this bullshit.

09-14-23, 11:13
Good news though(if shit works the way it should), New Mexico ended qualified immunity in 2021.


Bizarre, but it was signed in to law by michelle lujan grisham. :confused:

Delicious, isn't it...

I'm surprised that AG Torrez made that statement. At first, I thought it was fake, but it's popping up on legit media. Good for him for having a spine.

09-14-23, 11:42
Delicious, isn't it...

I'm surprised that AG Torrez made that statement. At first, I thought it was fake, but it's popping up on legit media. Good for him for having a spine.

Two scenarios I see:
1. He's afraid of ripping the mask off and revealing the late-game or endgame strategy too soon, hurting either The Cause or his own stab at the governor's mansion or both.
2. Let her run to the end of the branch, saw it off behind her, then position himself to try to move up into the resulting void.

09-14-23, 12:40
"Albuquerque police officers Association board member talks to @2ACops about the governor's ban on the second amendment."


09-14-23, 12:49
Governor Grisham: “I don't need a lecture on constitutionality from Sheriff Allen"

Dear Governor,

Yes, you did. And now you're getting a chorus of lectures. Enjoy.

09-14-23, 14:52
Still waiting on a press release from the NMSP Association or better yet, a vote of no confidence in the governor. She threw them under the bus pretty hard so you’d think they’d find their spines? Their interactions with the armed populace I’ve seen so far are pretty weak sauce.

09-14-23, 15:21
Still waiting on a press release from the NMSP Association or better yet, a vote of no confidence in the governor. She threw them under the bus pretty hard so you’d think they’d find their spines? Their interactions with the armed populace I’ve seen so far are pretty weak sauce.

I would agree with all of the above. You can't lead with emotion, this is why Women should stay out of Politics.

09-14-23, 17:01
Still waiting on a press release from the NMSP Association or better yet, a vote of no confidence in the governor. She threw them under the bus pretty hard so you’d think they’d find their spines? Their interactions with the armed populace I’ve seen so far are pretty weak sauce.

I wonder if she called her own order back behind the scenes or nmsp were gun shy due to some chance of not getting rewarded with QI. The nmsp that Freeman talked to hemmed and hawed around about obeying their oath, but ultimately stated they would do anything they were ordered to do.

09-14-23, 18:22
I wonder if she called her own order back behind the scenes or nmsp were gun shy due to some chance of not getting rewarded with QI. The nmsp that Freeman talked to hemmed and hawed around about obeying their oath, but ultimately stated they would do anything they were ordered to do.

Exactly. You don’t get to have it both ways in this case. Either you follow orders and violate the Constitution, or you uphold your Oath and refuse to follow her order.

I think if Gov. Tyrant had withdrawn her order, we’d all know about it. You can’t keep something like this quiet. She backed herself into a corner and about the only way out of this one for her, is if she lets her absurd order “expire” unenforced before the TRO runs out next month. The leftstream media will run cover for her by refusing to cover her defeat.

09-15-23, 07:52
I saw this last night, but it looks like the NRA has finally joined the show.


NRA Files Lawsuit Challenging Lujan Grisham’s Unconstitutional Order Banning Public Carry

Today, NRA led a coalition of parties in a legal challenge against New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham and Department of Health Secretary Patrick Allen’s unconstitutional orders banning the carrying of firearms in Bernalillo County and on all state property under the guise of a public health emergency.

Nothing wrong with this, of course, but once again, the NRA is late to the party. Just like the brace-ban lawsuits, the NRA doesn't join in until the GOA already has won the initial victories and secured a restraining order (https://www.breitbart.com/2nd-amendment/2023/09/13/smacked-down-temporary-restraining-order-issued-against-nm-govs-concealed-carry-ban/) against the ban.

09-15-23, 09:12
The single most telling in all this is how the media did not cover...I made a point to watch abc nightly news this week & here you have a fed judge striking down a govn who willingly violated folks constitutional rights & the swamp gave the marching orders to bury.

The day the judge made the decision was the same day the cia whistle blower admitted they attempted to silence the fact covid came out of the wuhan lab...abc didn't touch either & instead spent the first half of the cycle covering the capture of the escaped convict we knew about for two weeks & the hurricane that was still days out. It's amazing to me how the masses are so uninformed & cannot see the propaganda machine at work.

09-15-23, 09:22
A friend came up with this theory:

"Narcissism and maybe political one-upmanship to gain some "Gun Control Cred'.

For some reason I have this image in my head of all the other Dem female governors getting together and deciding to **** with Grisham like it's high school and they don't like her even though she's in their catty little club.
I could see Gretch bragging about her red flag laws and Grish feeling all left out and pouty and one of them tells her "You should ban carrying anything". The rest of them are all "Oh yeah! you should totally do that!" as they roll their eyes and mutter "moron".
Then she goes and does it, and they're all "Holy shit, I didn't think she was dumb enough to actually do it" and they pretend it wasn't their idea and stop taking her calls."

09-15-23, 10:00
A friend came up with this theory:

"Narcissism and maybe political one-upmanship to gain some "Gun Control Cred'.

For some reason I have this image in my head of all the other Dem female governors getting together and deciding to **** with Grisham like it's high school and they don't like her even though she's in their catty little club.
I could see Gretch bragging about her red flag laws and Grish feeling all left out and pouty and one of them tells her "You should ban carrying anything". The rest of them are all "Oh yeah! you should totally do that!" as they roll their eyes and mutter "moron".
Then she goes and does it, and they're all "Holy shit, I didn't think she was dumb enough to actually do it" and they pretend it wasn't their idea and stop taking her calls."

Lol yeah that's sounds exactly like what happened.

09-15-23, 10:57
I bet She's updating her ressume AS WE POST.

09-15-23, 11:06
I bet She's updating her ressume AS WE POST.

You're assuming she's self aware enough to understand what she did. She will do what all narcissistic clueless progressive types always do, double down on it being sure they are right and everyone else is wrong, and blame all failures, loss of job and status, on others, the NRA, etc, etc. They don't learn because they are not capable of learning.

09-15-23, 11:12
You're assuming she's self aware enough to understand what she did. She will do what all narcissistic clueless progressive types always do, double down on it being sure they are right and everyone else is wrong, and blame all failures, loss of job and status, on others, the NRA, etc, etc. They don't learn because they are not capable of learning.

Thats why they need to impeach her.

09-15-23, 11:18
I saw this last night, but it looks like the NRA has finally joined the show.


Nothing wrong with this, of course, but once again, the NRA is late to the party. Just like the brace-ban lawsuits, the NRA doesn't join in until the GOA already has won the initial victories and secured a restraining order (https://www.breitbart.com/2nd-amendment/2023/09/13/smacked-down-temporary-restraining-order-issued-against-nm-govs-concealed-carry-ban/) against the ban.

Agreed. The NRA has become useless. At least they are still the holy grail of the gun grabbing groups. At least if the gun grabbers take down the NRA, they won't really be missed. GOA, FPA and SAF are doing all of the heavy lifting.

I'm an NRA life member too... How sad. https://www.indianagunowners.com/data/attachments/36/36338-e0f543c400269d3ba4e7dfc68c74d011.jpg

As for the NMSP making a statement... I'm pretty sure the commandant of the organization works at the will of the governor, much like a police chief works for the mayor. But, 'muh job...

09-15-23, 11:18
Thats why they need to impeach her.

Me personally, I don't see it happening. Voting her out, maybe. Depends on how many secretly agree with her there. I bet it's far more than we realize.

09-15-23, 11:20
Agreed. The NRA has become useless. At least they are still the holy grail of the gun grabbing groups. At least if the gun grabbers take down the NRA, they won't really be missed. GOA, FPA and SAF are doing all of the heavy lifting.

I'm an NRA life member too... How sad. .

So was JFK who was (supposedly) killed by an NAACP member. The irony.

09-15-23, 11:24
I don't think the NRA is completely useless. I liken them to most of the Republican Party, better than no alternative, however, don't expect principles or miracles.

I too am a life member and am not happy with their level of aggression against the grabbers. But I'm not going to toss them to the street.

09-15-23, 16:39
Me personally, I don't see it happening. Voting her out, maybe. Depends on how many secretly agree with her there. I bet it's far more than we realize.

Yeah, there's a snowball's chance in hell she'll be impeached. She is term limited, though, so she'd out in 2026 either way.

But NM is pretty deeply blue...At lease in the areas that count (Abq, Santa Fe, Las Cruces). Another Dem, likely stupider and even more dangerous than Grisham, will almost certainly be elected.

Best we can hope for for now is that her stupidity has scuttled her chances of accomplishing her AW ban master-plan.

09-15-23, 17:34
She won't give up...now it's city & playgrounds.


09-15-23, 18:26
Test case for the sensitive place rule from Bruen, if the new order is included in the case.

Actually ok with this as it has strong potential to generate what amounts to a bright line ruling v. the shit show that's going on in NY.

09-15-23, 21:31
To your point, this dwarf comes from a long line of inbred political dynasty trust fund money. She literally can do no wrong in the eyes of judges at the state level interpretation of law, a state constitution that her family co-opted, despite blatantly violating federal constitutional law. This is my POV of the actual voter mentality based upon direct observation & interaction with locals who are indoctrinated to generations of isolationist policies and general mindset of this state’s classist heritage and the legacy families who have defined what will and won’t be allowed to be discussed in this anochronistic, cultural vacuum. Those sheep bleeting loudest shall be silenced.

Why do I stay here? Because, despite the petty, despotic d bags wanting to dictate reality, the truth is, this state is filled with ‘shall not comply’ artists, musicians, and regular folk who won’t bend the knee to some Fanta Se c*nt. Just don’t tell the Californians- we are overpopulated already. This is a backwater..Spend your money in Denver, Phoenix, and Vegas. We don’t want you here.
Wish OH-58D were here to weigh in with his decades of local experience.

09-15-23, 21:39
Wish OH-58D were here to weigh in with his decades of local experience.
Yeah... wonder how he's doing and what he's up to.

09-15-23, 22:09
Yeah... wonder how he's doing and what he's up to.

I don't want to say whyI think our pilot buddy isn't here...

Anyhow, Colionoir has a great breakdown. Please read my above post as an analysis of how/why this tyrant thinks "they" can get away with this farce. Can't see to find published posts of this (thanks Big Tech censor nazis) but the day this c*nt took office everyday LEOs were denied entry to the state capitol because they were carrying GUNZ and GUNZ were banned from HER SPHERE OF INFLUENCE because HER OFFICE WUZ CLEAR NO GUNZ ALLOWED SO THERE.


And why is gun crime so bad here? Because judges here do not punish recidivists. And ALL CRIME here is from repeat offenders.

09-16-23, 10:13
Some questions came to mind while reading an article this morning concerning her new "rule" about carrying in parks and playgrounds.

Does this woman have any advisors?
If so, does she listen to them?
If so, what do they advise her?
Are they Obama or Soros plants?

09-16-23, 10:35
I don't want to say whyI think our pilot buddy isn't here...

Anyhow, Colionoir has a great breakdown. Please read my above post as an analysis of how/why this tyrant thinks "they" can get away with this farce. Can't see to find published posts of this (thanks Big Tech censor nazis) but the day this c*nt took office everyday LEOs were denied entry to the state capitol because they were carrying GUNZ and GUNZ were banned from HER SPHERE OF INFLUENCE because HER OFFICE WUZ CLEAR NO GUNZ ALLOWED SO THERE.


And why is gun crime so bad here? Because judges here do not punish recidivists. And ALL CRIME here is from repeat offenders.

I recall that story about her not allowing officers carrying icky guns in her presence. Funny, she has no qualms about her armed revenue collectors enforcing her unconstitutional diktats......

09-16-23, 14:59
The NRA’s main usefulness nowadays is as an arrow trap for all of the left wingers to shoot at instead of the people really doing work on Second Amendment rights. They are the lefts bogeyman, and the NRA is more than happy to fund raise based on that.

09-16-23, 17:03
The NRA’s main usefulness nowadays is as an arrow trap for all of the left wingers to shoot at instead of the people really doing work on Second Amendment rights. They are the lefts bogeyman, and the NRA is more than happy to fund raise based on that.

Yup, a classic stalking-horse situation. I'm giving my money "ammo" to the people firing for brainstem shots, though.