View Full Version : Xi’s Tight Control Hampers Stronger Response to China’s Slowdown

09-10-23, 10:22

Chinese leader Xi Jinping has emphasized the Communist Party’s leadership over all aspects of governance. PHOTO: TINGSHU WANG/REUTERS
Xi Jinping has placed the Communist Party—and himself—in greater command of China’s economy over the past decade. Now his centralization of power is delaying the country’s response to its worst economic slowdown in years.

Officials in charge of day-to-day economic affairs have been holding increasingly urgent meetings in recent months to discuss ways to address the deteriorating outlook, people familiar with the matter said.

Yet despite advice from leading Chinese economists to take bolder action, the people said, senior Chinese officials have been unable to roll out major stimulus or make significant policy changes because they don’t have sufficient authority to do so, with economic decision-making increasingly controlled by Xi himself.

The top leader has shown few signs of worry over the outlook despite the gathering gloom and hasn’t seemed interested in backing more stimulus, according to the people and publicized remarks by Xi.

Oh well... here’s hoping he’s really this stupid.

09-10-23, 13:29
I hope they implode (before we do). I wish China the worst.

09-10-23, 13:35
Their brand of central planning with a sniff of market economy was doomed to fail. When are people going to realize everytime you screw with the market forces, you pay the price. And market forces are just another name for free choice at an aggregate level. You can’t have a market economy and not political and economic freedom and choice. And if you don’t have a market economy, you are going to loose. It’s the invisible hand bitch slapping you.

I drove 2000 miles through the midwest last month and I thought about central planning and the crops that I saw. Field after field, all different- and I can’t imagine how someone could think that they could centrally plan that scale of something and have it turn out.

09-10-23, 18:46
I hope they implode (before we do). I wish China the worst.

This x 10000000

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09-11-23, 02:21
We don’t send people over there anymore. Not worth the risk. We have natives there that take care of business.

I used to like it over there. Japan meets Chicago with food poisoning at Jack in the Box levels of purging…. Always took a copy of “The Fountianhead” just to be a prick.

ETA: Business Rules in China
1. No foreign company has ever made money in China
2. If you build a plant over there, they make a copy of your plant at the same time, and then hire the people away after you train them. Refer to Rule #1. (I’ve talked to people that this has happened to at the $5m and $500m level of investment. One guy got lost one day in a business park and walked into his ‘clone’ plant by mistake. Took a second for him the realize it because of the old employees working there….)

09-11-23, 09:46
I hope they implode (before we do). I wish China the worst.

Indeed, but we know that the response will be the same as the last time they had a major problem, export it worldwide to "level the playing field".\

The PRC regime is a malignant carcinoma in the rectum of humanity.